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Topic: New plugin (05/18/07): Stereo Convolver 1.0.1 (Read 24124 times) previous topic - next topic
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New plugin (05/18/07): Stereo Convolver 1.0.1

I made a new plugin so that you can do stereo convolution. This performs the same task as the convolve plugin, but allows the left signal to be sent to the left and right outputs, and the right signal to be sent to the left and right outputs. This allows the computation of head related transfer functions (HRTFs), which are approximated by features like bs2b and crossfeed.

More information and download at:

Let me know what you think. Also, where else should I post or submit this?


New plugin (05/18/07): Stereo Convolver 1.0.1

Reply #1
your plugin is interesting, but how make personalized impulse HRIR?
Music is my first love.

New plugin (05/18/07): Stereo Convolver 1.0.1

Reply #2
your plugin is interesting, but how make personalized impulse HRIR?

You need a binaural recording setup. Basically, you need to stick tiny microphones in your ears, play particular sounds at them (e.g. sweeps, impulses, gaussian white noise, or maximum length sequences) while recording, and derive the HRIRs from the recordings.

That said, it's impractical for most people. Fortunately, there are databases of HRTFs measured for real people, e.g. IRCAM's site ( and BU's site ( I prefer IRCAM over BU because their equalization method sounds better to me. I found several subjects that gave me somewhat realistic soundstage presentations. If you're a tweaker, you can mess with these HRIRs to suit your needs. There is also room modeling software to generate virtual HRIRs.

New plugin (05/18/07): Stereo Convolver 1.0.1

Reply #3
I've just tried your plugin with IRCAM's HRTF's and I'am amaised with the results. For me it sounds best when the sources for left and right wav are spaced 30 degrees off the center and 15 degrees above. Although other combinations sound interesting, this one is like I'm sitting in a small hall and Musica Antiqua Köln is playing Telemann's Flötenquartette just for me! 

Great work!
If age or weaknes doe prohibyte bloudletting you must use boxing


New plugin (05/18/07): Stereo Convolver 1.0.1

Reply #4
How to use this plugin? What files should I download from IRCAM?

EDIT: Ok nevermind I just found some wav from the convolver plugin and tried out with those. Sounds good.

New plugin (05/18/07): Stereo Convolver 1.0.1

Reply #5
Great plugin!
Maybe this will help some people:

1. Go to IRCAM site, to their DEMO SOUND page
2. Listen to examples. You may hear movements like circular or elliptic, find one where the noise seems to move on a straight horizontal plane.
3. Download the subjects data
4. From the compensated wav folder, choose the file with 0 azimuth (P000). This should be the right one since you don't need to compensate for sound stage height, you've done that listening to the samples.
5. If your hearing is perfect on both ears use T000, otherwise compensate with moving the sound stage to the left (T015+) or to the right (T180+). For my head the near perfect file was IRC_1053_C_R0195_T015_P000.wav.
6. Use the file you just found for both left and right channel in convolver plugin.

New plugin (05/18/07): Stereo Convolver 1.0.1

Reply #6
 Thanks for clarifying, that's what I was needing.

And yes nice plugin.
I am not using headphones, I understood that it needs to be used with headphone for better results, but it is sounding good in my Creative Soundworks Desktop Speakers with kxdrives and 24bit sound.

Sounds better then the usual Convolver plugin.

Now playing: Amy Winehouse - Frank (2008 Deluxe Edition) (Bonus Disc) - Stronger than me (Later with Jools Holland) - foobar2000 v0.9.5.4 beta 3
via FoxyTunes

New plugin (05/18/07): Stereo Convolver 1.0.1

Reply #7
A question for the author:
I need to use resampler because I have on those Creative cards... now, the convolver files are in 44khz, I'm guessing I should resample after the Convolver?
Also, I have the impression that while the sound is internalised, the sound quality is degraded, especially in high frequencies.

New plugin (05/18/07): Stereo Convolver 1.0.1

Reply #8
Maybe this will help some people:

4. From the compensated wav folder, choose the file with 0 azimuth (P000). This should be the right one since you don't need to compensate for sound stage height, you've done that listening to the samples.
5. If your hearing is perfect on both ears use T000, otherwise compensate with moving the sound stage to the left (T015+) or to the right (T180+). For my head the near perfect file was IRC_1053_C_R0195_T015_P000.wav.
6. Use the file you just found for both left and right channel in convolver plugin.

It seems to me that step 6 is wrong. If you use the same file for both channels, you end up with mono sound, as if you had put both the left and right speakers right in front of you. (Or, in the case of a T015 file, both speakers 15° to your left. )

I use the T015 file for the left channel and the T345 file for the right channel, so it sounds as if the left speaker is 15° to my front left, and the right speaker 15° to my front right. Sounds excellent to my ears. (I'm using data from subject 1038.)

Thank you Eric for this great plugin!

New plugin (05/18/07): Stereo Convolver 1.0.1

Reply #9
How should the one with the same hrtf as mine sounds like? Should it start from behind then move in a counterclockwise direction?

PS: Sorry for the necro post.

Re: New plugin (05/18/07): Stereo Convolver 1.0.1

Reply #10
The same result can be achieved using foo_dsp_convolver, Matrix mixer and 4-channel impulse. Channels order in impulse must be: left channel of left impulse, right channel of left impulse, left channel of right impulse, right channel of right impulse.
DSP chain:

"Auto level adjust" in Convolver must be disabled.

First (upper) instance of Matrix mixer:

Second (lower) instance of Matrix mixer: