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Topic: Audio clips that stress test resamplers (Read 561 times) previous topic - next topic
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Audio clips that stress test resamplers

Please share audio clips that have a high chance of making resampling artifacts audible. I remember there was an audio clip of dial tones plus a modulating 18KHz sine wave that was good for this. I've also wondered if using dirac pulses repeating at varying rates can be useful.

Once I experimented with a 1000Hz sine wave that muted with 5 sec intervals. An IIR min-phase notch filter at 1000Hz next in the signal chain and it produced some post ringing as expected, but FIR and linear-phase notch filters produced crazy pre- and post-ringing. But this was in the middle of the audible band. I wonder if something like 18kHz and a faster muting-rate than 5 seconds would make resampling artifacts audible, or at least crate audibly different output between different resamples.

Re: Audio clips that stress test resamplers

Reply #1
The file should be udial.wav I suppose.

But even a decent resampler can screw up this file due to intersample over, so I don't think it is a very useful test signal. I commented about this file many years ago.:

Looks like the images are blocked when using Google Translate, but you can see them in the original website.

Re: Audio clips that stress test resamplers

Reply #2
The file should be udial.wav I suppose.

But even a decent resampler can screw up this file due to intersample over, so I don't think it is a very useful test signal. I commented about this file many years ago.:

Looks like the images are blocked when using Google Translate, but you can see them in the original website.

Thanks! I understand the issue with udial.wav is conflating resampler performance with ISP issues. That's why want to proposing some alternate audio signals. Using some VSTi synth I think I could generate some of my ideas. Probably not ABX-able in the end, unless there are some edge cases to be discovered which will make things interesting.

EDIT: Izotope RX has a nice pulse wave generator. The sine wave section would be usuful too, if not the amplitude modulatuion function being strictly sine wave. But this can be found in other signal generators I'm sure.