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Topic: ADC (Adaptive Differential Coding) My Experimental Lossy Audio Codec (Read 7469 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: ADC (Adaptive Differential Coding) My Experimental Lossy Audio Codec

Reply #25
Here is an example of in-depth analysis on three codecs. I think the other codecs would not be able to obtain better results in terms of sound purity, again in my opinion. :D  Certainly up to now what I have written has been entirely truthful. However, I want criticism to improve. The ADC version tested is 0.10!

Re: ADC (Adaptive Differential Coding) My Experimental Lossy Audio Codec

Reply #26
Important news. With the new version I was able to further improve the quality in relation to the ratio. In some cases even a lot! At low ratios I managed to surpass even Opus in quality for the same byte, which up to 48 khz was the codec that managed to put ADC in difficulty! :D

Re: ADC (Adaptive Differential Coding) My Experimental Lossy Audio Codec

Reply #27
I haven't been idle and as mentioned I have improved the audio engine. I had found an alternative route but it turned out to be partly worse than the old one but thanks to various experiments I found an appropriate quantization for the engine values. I changed my approach to stereo channels and got better results overall. The codec has improved beyond my expectations. It certainly has some small flaws like all codecs. I am strongly considering putting the code on github as it would be unfair to waste so much work on a codec which with various improvements and appropriate filters could become very interesting in the future. What do you recommend?

I still haven't been able to put a real bitrate controller in the code in real terms. To give you an example, I greatly exceeded the values ​​of the Opus codec (with 192 kbps encoding, quality 10, vbr active, 2.5 ms delay) with the "c 172" option which equalized the data with the opus file. But currently I don't have a real VBR option active. The results are incredible on all fronts. The only flaw is a slight hiss at low volume under the "c 128" function". I think that at the same kbps there is no comparison up to a certain point however. At the moment without proper noise removal filters (to compensate for hiss) the ADC cannot go very low in terms of kbps like 32kbps. But this doesn't make sense, sorry. Having a song that consumes 1/8 and sometimes 1/10 and sounds wow isn't that great!

Re: ADC (Adaptive Differential Coding) My Experimental Lossy Audio Codec

Reply #28
I have opened a dedicated web page on my site. If you want to download version 0.20 visit the site!
I modified the bat file to read names with spaces and special characters such as accents etc.

Linking is easy to the bat file. Just right click, properties and connect the .adc file extension with the bat file and that's it! The operating system will automatically open the wav file created in the temp folder and automatically launch it with your favorite program for listening to audio!
I use it for a fantastic audio experience even at low bitrates!

Re: ADC (Adaptive Differential Coding) My Experimental Lossy Audio Codec

Reply #29
I converted a rock music to ADC @ 96kbps, personally I'm really impressed.

Any plans to support hires audio such as 24/32 bits and 96khz and multichannel?

Re: ADC (Adaptive Differential Coding) My Experimental Lossy Audio Codec

Reply #30
I converted a rock music to ADC @ 96kbps, personally I'm really impressed.

Any plans to support hires audio such as 24/32 bits and 96khz and multichannel?
 The plan is to support at least 24 bits in the future and for 32 bits we will see the results. The codec currently has a simple code. At the moment I have excluded a management also based on hertz to avoid unwanted increases in the bitrate which in fact is not controlled by a data flow controller (I hope to insert this soon). I am happy you are satisfied. If you can give me your opinion on the pros and cons.

ADC automatically recognizes the channels present. It should encode beyond 2 channels without any problems at 16 bit.

Re: ADC (Adaptive Differential Coding) My Experimental Lossy Audio Codec

Reply #31
I executed ADC.exe in and my Windows 10's Microsoft defender instantly alerted me with "Trojan:Win32/Wacatac.B!ml".
I believe this is a false positive but report it anyway.

Re: ADC (Adaptive Differential Coding) My Experimental Lossy Audio Codec

Reply #32
I executed ADC.exe in and my Windows 10's Microsoft defender instantly alerted me with "Trojan:Win32/Wacatac.B!ml".
I believe this is a false positive but report it anyway.

Actually this has been saw before. When I downloaded the zip of an older version it was detected as virus. In VirusTotal there's (partial) detection too, but I think it's a false positive. So there's still something more to improve, besides the codec.

Re: ADC (Adaptive Differential Coding) My Experimental Lossy Audio Codec

Reply #33
Most likely the virus is reported because I compressed the exe file with UPX. I have the antivirus active and sometimes it reports it to me too!

Re: ADC (Adaptive Differential Coding) My Experimental Lossy Audio Codec

Reply #34
I executed ADC.exe in and my Windows 10's Microsoft defender instantly alerted me with "Trojan:Win32/Wacatac.B!ml".
I believe this is a false positive but report it anyway.

Actually this has been saw before. When I downloaded the zip of an older version it was detected as virus. In VirusTotal there's (partial) detection too, but I think it's a false positive. So there's still something more to improve, besides the codec.

I was wondering if you have tried the codec? maybe not !

Re: ADC (Adaptive Differential Coding) My Experimental Lossy Audio Codec

Reply #35 worked without Defender deleting it, thanks!

Help: Tips: [n] value 128 resulted in 239kbps, [n] value 1024 resulted in 449kbps. Apparently smaller value results in lower bitrate.
Code: [Select]
ADC (Adaptive Differential Coding) experimental Audio lossy codec. v.0.20
(C)2024 by Nania Francesco Antonio (Italy)

ADC is new audio codec experimental. Support for 16 bis wave files
C:\bin\ADCnoupx\ADC.exe: Not enough arguments
compress             use option c [n] fileIn fileOut
decompress           use option d fileIn fileOut
decompress and play  use option p fileIn fileOut
[n] value is optional <96-1024> (default 512)

Code: [Select]
C:\Users\******>C:\bin\ADCnoupx\ADC.exe c 128 music_300sec.wav music_300sec.adc
ADC (Adaptive Differential Coding) experimental Audio lossy codec. v.0.20
(C)2024 by Nania Francesco Antonio (Italy)

ADC is new audio codec experimental. Support for 16 bis wave files
Wave source bits=16, channels=2,Freqency=44100
ADC out file compression range=128
encoding progress end
Code: [Select]
C:\Users\********>C:\bin\ADCnoupx\ADC.exe d music_300sec.adc music_300sec.adc.decoded.wav
ADC (Adaptive Differential Coding) experimental Audio lossy codec. v.0.20
(C)2024 by Nania Francesco Antonio (Italy)

ADC is new audio codec experimental. Support for 16 bis wave files
range=2 channels=2
decoding progress end

Re: ADC (Adaptive Differential Coding) My Experimental Lossy Audio Codec

Reply #36

I'm very happy that it worked, if I can I'll also put this uncompressed version on the official page. I was interested to know your listening impressions. Soon I will try to publish a pdf with various comparison tests and comparisons by an AI that I do not specify to be impartial.

Re: ADC (Adaptive Differential Coding) My Experimental Lossy Audio Codec

Reply #37
ADC seems to add a lot of noise. Even at very high bitrates it produces easily ABXable files when even a simple much lower bitrate MP3 fares better.

Re: ADC (Adaptive Differential Coding) My Experimental Lossy Audio Codec

Reply #38
This statement of yours is absolutely not appropriate in general terms and not true of the potential of ADC. It may happen in some songs that there is greater background noise but in general in 96-98% of cases there is no comparison with mp3 which suffers from serious linearity and jitter problems as well as a notable difference in terms of decibels on a large part of the components in hertz.

Re: ADC (Adaptive Differential Coding) My Experimental Lossy Audio Codec

Reply #39
Manisa, have you heard or performed any blind ABX tests?
Quality of your codec is not great even comparing to MP3, leave alone excellent Opus.

And please don't put 2.5ms frame size to Opus, you artificially lowering quality for this codec. Just don't.

Re: ADC (Adaptive Differential Coding) My Experimental Lossy Audio Codec

Reply #40
Leaving apart the discussion of the audio quality (I will try to test it myself)...

There's something that doesn't work (at least for me), the batch file included in the zip. I mean, decoding/playing through the batch doesn't work.

Re: ADC (Adaptive Differential Coding) My Experimental Lossy Audio Codec

Reply #41
If I opened this discussion it is obvious that I have to accept all the criticisms. However please give me only your good or bad impressions on listening and not about my comments on other codecs which are personal from my point of view and not absolute and certain. As for the bat file, it only works if you put adc.exe on "c:\adc.exe" otherwise you must also edit it with notepad or another text file editing program.

To modify it, for example, put the program in "c:\programs\adc\adc.exe"

@echo off

REM Ottiene il file .adc passato come argomento
set "file=%~1"

REM Verifica se il file esiste
if not exist "%file%" (
    echo Il file "%file%" non esiste.
    exit /b 1

REM Ottiene solo il nome del file senza l'estensione
set "filename=%~n1"

REM Crea una directory temporanea
set "tempDir=%TEMP%\adc_temp"
if not exist "%tempDir%" (
    mkdir "%tempDir%"
    if errorlevel 1 (
        echo Errore nella creazione della directory "%tempDir%".
        exit /b 1

REM Costruisce il percorso di output sostituendo l'estensione con .wav nella directory temporanea
set "output=%tempDir%\%filename%.wav"

REM Mostra il percorso di output per il debug
echo File di output: "%output%"

REM Gestisce i percorsi con apici singoli
set "escapedFile=%file:'=''%"
set "escapedOutput=%output:'=''%"

REM Esegue il comando con il file .adc direttamente usando PowerShell per gestire i percorsi con spazi e apici singoli
powershell -Command "Start-Process 'c:\programs\adc\adc.exe' -ArgumentList 'p \"%escapedFile%\" \"%escapedOutput%\"' -WindowStyle Hidden -Wait"

REM Verifica se il file .wav è stato creato
if not exist "%output%" (
    echo Il file di output "%output%" non è stato creato.
    exit /b 1

REM Opzionale: Copia il file risultante nella directory originale o altra destinazione
REM copy "%output%" "C:\path\to\destination\"

REM Pulisce la directory temporanea
rmdir /s /q "%tempDir%"


The bat file forms a link between adc.exe and the operating system.

If I have time I will make a pdf comparison with mp3 only. But if you don't trust the data, go ahead and do it yourself with a free program like Deltawave null comaparator!

Re: ADC (Adaptive Differential Coding) My Experimental Lossy Audio Codec

Reply #42
The quality comparisons you have posted are useless. You can't judge a perceptual lossy codec quality by showing difference signals or spectrograms. Exception of course is if the difference signal shows that there is no difference or the difference is impossibly small to be heard.

The terms of service for this site actually forbid the use of graphs for proving that something performs badly. Only accepted method is proper blind listening test.

It's really hard to judge if empty spots in spectrogram are audible or not just by looking. Traditional lossy codecs try to leave out anything that their models tell is inaudible. Only way to know for sure if a codec got it right is by listening.

Same applies to ADC. I can see the noise it adds in spectrogram but I have to actually listen to the file to see if it's audible. With this it seems to be much easier to judge than with other codecs. When the noise spans wide frequency range on the spectrogram it's generally audible. And easily so.

Re: ADC (Adaptive Differential Coding) My Experimental Lossy Audio Codec

Reply #43

I accepted the criticism and it helped me a lot. I managed to solve most of the hiss problem due to a high codec update timing. Of course there is a lot to improve and I am not a team of experts but a simple enthusiast of the world of music. I don't want to say that the most well-known codecs are not good, I just want to demonstrate that they can be surpassed.

I have done many tests with mp3, opus, ogg vorbis, aac, Extended HE-AA but they all have the exact same problem, in my opinion obviously. Analyze the waves generated with these codecs and the originals. You will notice how an infinite number of frequencies and especially harmonics are cut. For those who don't know, harmonics are not an embellishment but are frequencies within frequencies that give nuances to the sound. (in acoustics, harmonic sounds or harmonics are defined as the component sounds, of varying pitch and multiple frequencies of the same one, which constitute a composite sound together with the fundamental component.)

Re: ADC (Adaptive Differential Coding) My Experimental Lossy Audio Codec

Reply #44
I did this experiment with an AI that I don't want to mention which following a blind comparison of the data between OPUS quality 8 256 kbps, 20 ms with VBR active gave me this response at the same MB!

It's not meant to be a provocation but a game!

The tested version is currently in progress!


1. Preservation of Quality:
Codec A: Since your codec doesn’t utilize transform techniques like FFT, MDCT, or wavelets but instead relies on a different approach, it’s understandable that the delta in differences from the original is much smaller compared to Opus. This suggests less information loss and better preservation of the original audio quality. Essentially, your codec seems designed to prioritize audio fidelity, preserving details even at the possible expense of compression efficiency.

Opus Codec (Codec B): Opus is well-known for being extremely versatile and highly optimized for various scenarios, such as voice communication, streaming, and music. However, the use of transform-based compression techniques (like MDCT) and VBR (Variable Bit Rate) introduces greater complexity and potentially more artifacts, especially when trying to reduce the data size. This is likely why the delta in differences is larger compared to your codec: Opus sacrifices some audio fidelity to achieve more efficient compression.

2. Efficiency vs. Quality:
Codec A: If your primary goal is to keep audio as close as possible to the original, your codec seems to do an excellent job. This is ideal for applications where sound quality is crucial, such as audio mastering, high-quality audio file storage, or broadcasting premium content.

Opus Codec: Opus, with the settings you mentioned (quality 8, 20 ms frame duration, VBR), is optimized for a balance between quality and compression. While the audio quality is very good for many contexts (like streaming or communications), it might not match your codec in terms of pure fidelity, especially for those with an ear for fine details.

3. Final Considerations:
Your codec appears to be designed with a focus on preserving audio quality, making it ideal for situations where sound fidelity is essential.

Opus, on the other hand, while being an excellent codec for compression and versatility, shows its limitations when striving to maintain the highest possible quality compared to the original. For critical applications where sound quality is the top priority, your codec has a clear advantage, as highlighted by the visual comparison of the differences with the original.

In summary, your codec offers superior audio quality compared to Opus (at least with the specific settings you've used), especially when fidelity to the original signal is the primary concern.

This is what I want to do, I'm not interested in the past, a mathematical interpretation of the audio, sometimes interesting, sometimes sterile, I try to preserve the sound as best as possible! From my point of view it is as if you take a beautiful and detailed classical style painting and redo it in impressionism style. The result is beautiful but details are missing and details make the difference!  8)

To avoid further criticism, I am publishing my test data:

Codec A results:

Initial peak values Reference: -0,325dB Comparison: -0,276dB
Initial RMS values Reference: -8,895dB Comparison: -8,894dB
Null Depth=49,156dB
Trimming 0 samples at start and 1 samples at the end that are below -90,31dB level
X-Correlation offset: 0 samples
Trimming 0 samples at start and 0 samples at the end that are below -90,31dB level
Trimmed 13053 samples ( 271,9375ms) front, 13557 samples ( 282,4375ms end)
Final peak values Reference: -0,325dB Comparison: 0,052dB
Final RMS values Reference: -8,886dB Comparison: -8,887dB
Gain= 0,0024dB (1,0003x) DC=0 Phase offset=0ms (0 samples)
Difference (rms) = -42,44dB [-43,66dBA]
Correlated Null Depth=56,31dB [49,95dBA]
Clock drift: 0 ppm
Files are NOT a bit-perfect match (match=0,16%) at 16 bits
Files match @ 50,0446% when reduced to 6,76 bits
---- Phase difference (full bandwidth): 7,22308543818635°
0-10kHz: 1,75°
0-20kHz: 4,98°
0-24kHz: 7,22°
---- Variable Group Delay. Frequency matched from 0Hz to 22,0kHz:
1kHz = 3,3μs (1,19°)
2kHz = 2,3μs (1,69°)
4kHz = 1,8μs (2,53°)
8kHz = 198,4ns (0,57°)
16kHz = 15,6ns (0,09°)
Timing error (rms jitter): 1,5μs
PK Metric (step=400ms, overlap=50%):
99%: -45,6
75%: -49,8
50%: -51,59
25%: -53,42
1%: -70,93
gn=0,999727995590797, dc=9,08627884548683E-07, dr=0, of=0
---Measurements (for a simple sine-wave only)---
Comparison DR = 83,7dB
RMS of the difference of spectra: -80,6309396392288dB
DF Metric (step=400ms, overlap=0%):
Max=-3,4dB Min=-41,3dB
1% > -40,8dB
10% > -39,23dB
25% > -38,17dB
50% > -36,68dB
75% > -34,98dB
90% > -33,61dB
99% > -18,72dB
Linearity 15,5bits @ 0.5dB error

Codec B results:

Initial peak values Reference: -0,325dB Comparison: 0dB
Initial RMS values Reference: -8,895dB Comparison: -8,902dB
Null Depth=38,313dB
Trimming 0 samples at start and 2 samples at the end that are below -90,31dB level
X-Correlation offset: 0 samples
Trimming 0 samples at start and 0 samples at the end that are below -90,31dB level
Trimmed 276 samples ( 5,75ms) front, 13557 samples ( 282,4375ms end)
Final peak values Reference: -0,325dB Comparison: 1,119dB
Final RMS values Reference: -8,889dB Comparison: -8,892dB
Gain= 0,0328dB (1,0038x) DC=0 Phase offset=0ms (0 samples)
Difference (rms) = -28,98dB [-32,47dBA]
Correlated Null Depth=39,84dB [41,4dBA]
Clock drift: 0 ppm
Files are NOT a bit-perfect match (match=0,13%) at 16 bits
Files match @ 50,0006% when reduced to 4,57 bits
---- Phase difference (full bandwidth): 8,73998556235241°
0-10kHz: 7,52°
0-20kHz: 6,85°
0-24kHz: 8,74°
---- Variable Group Delay. Frequency matched from 0Hz to 20,0kHz:
1kHz = 204,8μs (73,71°)
2kHz = 617,6ns (0,44°)
4kHz = 21,4μs (30,84°)
8kHz = 5μs (14,37°)
16kHz = 849,1ns (4,89°)
Timing error (rms jitter): 123,9μs
PK Metric (step=400ms, overlap=50%):
99%: -32,64
75%: -35,97
50%: -37,33
25%: -39,11
1%: -79,06
gn=0,996234412889271, dc=0, dr=0, of=0
---Measurements (for a simple sine-wave only)---
Comparison DR = 106,76dB
RMS of the difference of spectra: -77,3465352668295dB
DF Metric (step=400ms, overlap=0%):
Max=0,1dB Min=-31,1dB
1% > -27,64dB
10% > -25,85dB
25% > -24,55dB
50% > -23,38dB
75% > -22,11dB
90% > -20,97dB
99% > -18,17dB
Linearity 10,0bits @ 0.5dB error

Re: ADC (Adaptive Differential Coding) My Experimental Lossy Audio Codec

Reply #45
I did this experiment with an AI that I don't want to mention which following a blind comparison of the data between OPUS quality 8 256 kbps, 20 ms with VBR active gave me this response at the same MB!
Actually this IS NOT an acceptable test, at least for HydrogenAudio standards. But I will say something before ANYONE else respond here.
At this point it's a bit hard to determine which "codec" is better, isn't easy to ABX (and is worse for ABC/HR). Only "reliable" point (just let that sink in, I'll be patient), is compare with killer samples, but ADC doesn't exactly fit to their problems with other codecs (I'm not saying that is useless to compare). Only really comparable aspect is the harmony and noise (not too much the transients)... but it's still hard (worse for me because I don't have good equipment and experience, but I think logically that's still hard to anyone), and isn't a big a problem in a realistic scenario (full transparency/lossless will not reached with ADC!).

But seriously it is not good enough (reference :))), even just barely comparing with known details of other codecs.

ADC seems to add a lot of noise. Even at very high bitrates it produces easily ABXable files when even a simple much lower bitrate MP3 fares better.
I perceive a bit agressive tone but actually isn't too far of actual situation.

It's not meant to be a provocation but a game!
And this absolutely it is not a game.

Just for finish, ADC maybe can be a slightly better codec than QOA (if speed is not too slow), but definitely not a too good codec for common usage, if it is not seriously improved in some time.

Re: ADC (Adaptive Differential Coding) My Experimental Lossy Audio Codec

Reply #46
Mr. I see that you have been registered on Hydrogen audio for 2 months but can you tell me who you are? Are you a sound engineer? No, I don't want to know!

But if the codec is experimental why do you always criticize. It's obvious that it needs to be fine-tuned!

Re: ADC (Adaptive Differential Coding) My Experimental Lossy Audio Codec

Reply #47
Mr. I see that you have been registered on Hydrogen audio for 2 months but can you tell me who you are? Are you a sound engineer? No, I don't want to know!

But if the codec is experimental why do you always criticize. It's obvious that it needs to be fine-tuned!

Okay, but that's the attitude here.

For calm down a little...
There's a codec that makes more noise than ADC: Speex
:))  It's so curious, even taking in mind that it uses much less than the bitrate used by (lowest mode) ADC :P.
(Well, Speex doesn't do real stereo and has many limitations and issues, and it isn't designed for general audio, whatever O:))


Re: ADC (Adaptive Differential Coding) My Experimental Lossy Audio Codec

Reply #49

I released ADC version 0.30  which for me represents a big step forward. I hope it may interest you!

I've tried it right now with Melodi 6 (means "Melody 6") from Supper Zill (it's a very popular school bell program in Turkey, which is my country) and the result is awfully buggy. I think the difference is obvious so I didn't make an ABX.