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3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: NEW ESLyric v0.5 - an alternative lyric show component
Last post by Majestyk -EDIT...
This is it... "Optimize the panel display effect when switching songs".
I can't stand it. It's like something you'd see in a photo viewer. I'll have to use an older version until it can be turned off.
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP
Last post by regor -https://github.com/regorxxx/Playlist-Manager-SMP/wiki/Installation
There are zero reports related to conflicts with any other component, etc.
Now, if you have followed the wiki instructions (it seems so), and it's crashing... that's pretty weird. Specially if doing the same works in a portable install. It could be possible that somehow the automatically built package files on github were corrupted, but then they would crash for everybody.
Do you have any log file?
General - (fb2k) / Help with Syntax for Masstagger
Last post by where -OK so, I use Masstagger in my tagging process, mainly for workarounds of limitations from other components.
One of which is taking a custom venue tag (which I actually fill out with a location and year), splitting its fields by the space between them as a separator and taking only the year part to fill out the date tag. (Example: if my venue tag is Dublin 1984, it grabs "1984" and uses that for the date tag)
(I know it seems very odd, but it makes sense with the way I format my tags).
Then I discovered that names of locations that consist of 2 words or more completely break things (example: if my venue tag is San Francisco 1984, it grabs "Francisco" instead of "1984").
I was able to fix it using this $if3 function:
$if3($ifgreater(%date%($meta(venue)),%date%($meta(venue,1)), ,$meta(venue,2)),$ifgreater(%date%($meta(venue,1)),%date%($meta(venue)), ,$meta(venue,1)), )
It worked perfectly, so I figured adding another argument for names of locations that consist of 3 words would be a piece of cake, but I was wrong.
this is the $if3 function i came up with:
$if3($ifgreater(%date%($meta(venue,1)),%date%($meta(venue)), ,$meta(venue,1)),$ifgreater(%date%($meta(venue)),%date%($meta(venue,1)), ,$meta(venue,2)),$ifgreater(%date%($meta(venue)),%date%($meta(venue,1)), ,$meta(venue,3)), )
I simply added another argument to the existing $if3 function, but no matter what I tried, Masstagger still failed to recognize the third argument. Which means, for example: if my venue tag is Mar Del Plata 1984, it grabs "Plata" instead of "1984".
I don't think the syntax of the argument I added is invalid, because when I tried switching the order of the arguments around and putting it first or second, it worked like intended, but the argument I put last simply wouldn't get recognized.
I also experimented with $if and $or functions, but I don't really think I used them correctly, here's one I tried:
$if($if3($ifgreater(%date%($meta(venue)),%date%($meta(venue,1)), ,$meta(venue,2)),$ifgreater(%date%($meta(venue,1)),%date%($meta(venue)),$or($ifgreater(%date%($meta(venue,1)),%date%($meta(venue)), ,$meta(venue,1)),$ifgreater(%date%($meta(venue)),%date%($meta(venue,1)), ,$meta(venue,2))),$ifgreater(%date%($meta(venue)),%date%($meta(venue,1)), ,$meta(venue,3)))
I hope I didn't make that much of a mess explaining things or forget any crucial parts.
If further information is needed, I'll gladly provide it.
Thanks in advance!
Support - (fb2k) / Re: metadb.sqlite - remove dead items
Last post by sveakul -Try doing a VACUUM from command line on the db and see if it eventually finishes:
That is a huge file size. What tools have you tried so far to open it? I'm assuming that includes DB Browser for SQLite?
I did try that and also dbForge Studio.
I finally remembered to check a clean 64b install I did last week. It took about 18 hours to scan library; metadb is 1.95gb.
About the same size, so I guess I answered my own ?
Anyone with ~100K tracks, is your db ~500mb?
1. Download this package and extract the 3 files to the folder containing your "metadb.sqlite" db file: https://www.sqlite.org/2024/sqlite-tools-win-x64-3460100.zip
2. Open a command window in the folder, and type "sqlite3 metadb.sqlite" and hit return.
3. At the "sqlite>" prompt, type VACUUM; (jncluding semicolon) and hit return:
Code: [Select]
C:\Foobar2000\Profile>sqlite3 metadb.sqlite
SQLite version 3.46.1 2024-08-13 09:16:08 (UTF-16 console I/O)
Enter ".help" for usage hints.
sqlite> VACUUM;
Delete the 3 extracted files if desired. This worked on my tiny file and did reduce the SIZE of the file, although I believe it only removed the unused space and not the actual old file entries. It has to HELP, anyway.
Support - (fb2k) / Re: metadb.sqlite - remove dead items
Last post by sveakul -"Unless SQLite is running in "auto_vacuum=FULL" mode, when a large amount of data is deleted from the database file it leaves behind empty space, or "free" database pages. This means the database file might be larger than strictly necessary. Running VACUUM to rebuild the database reclaims this space and reduces the size of the database file."
"When content is deleted from an SQLite database, the content is not usually erased but rather the space used to hold the content is marked as being available for reuse. This can allow deleted content to be recovered by a hacker or by forensic analysis. Running VACUUM will clean the database of all traces of deleted content, thus preventing an adversary from recovering deleted content. Using VACUUM in this way is an alternative to setting PRAGMA secure_delete=ON. "
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / ReplayGain DSP - Alternative ReplayGain implementation by Case
Last post by mrsoul4470 -@Case :
Great component, but I have one question or suggestion:
"Only prevent clipping" in the "processing mode" menu makes every track as loud as possible while preventing clipping. I just wonder why it seems to use the track true peak value instead of the album true peak value. I have honestly no idea how this option works in the replay gain options included in foobar2000. I just think it would make more sense to use the album true peak value instead in order to keep the relative loudness differences of an album. I hope it is clear what I mean.
Can this maybe be implemented as an alternative option?
Best regards!
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: foo_vis_milk2
Last post by yeyo -I published the first "beta" release last night: 0.1.0. Almost exclusively bug fixes. I'm hoping it addresses some of the crashes--some of you seem very adept at doing something to your graphics devices that cause the component to enter "device lost" modeThanks for the update, after testing, the crash is greatly reduced, but the crash still happens, and the steps to reproduce it are as follows:
1. Open the milk2 visualization window and double-click it to display it in full screen
2. Press the win logo key on the keyboard, and the milk2 full-screen window will automatically return to the non-full-screen window state
3. Double-click the milk2 window again to make it full-screen
Repeat the above steps and the crash will happen again
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: foo_vis_milk2
Last post by Air KEN -Thank you for the beta version.
There used to be an occasional crash when quitting foobar, but that's gone now too.
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48 GB
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Support - (fb2k) / Re: metadb.sqlite - remove dead items
Last post by mjm716 -
That is a huge file size. What tools have you tried so far to open it? I'm assuming that includes DB Browser for SQLite?
I did try that and also dbForge Studio.
I finally remembered to check a clean 64b install I did last week. It took about 18 hours to scan library; metadb is 1.95gb.
About the same size, so I guess I answered my own ?
Anyone with ~100K tracks, is your db ~500mb?