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3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: [fb2k v2] Playcount Sync
Last post by Odinos -
Hi Marc, thanks for the plugin.

Unfortunately there are a handful of tracks (32) in my library where it is unable to import the loved status from lastfm. Interestingly, fetching stats and submitting love status works fine for those. But that only lasts until the next time I perform an import since that wipes those 32 tracks again :(

It seems to happen only to tracks that are mispelled on lastfm.
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: foo_youtube
Last post by Paaufo -
Is there a way to make this component obey the setting under "Maximum number of tracks to fetch" that's located in: Preferences/YoutubeSource/Playlist/Auto-updated Playlists?

I have set that number to 5. But, when I add a Youtube playlist and check the box in: View/YoutubeSource/Auto-updated Playlists, it always ends up retrieving 50 tracks. And, if I delete them (or most of them), it will, eventually, automatically retrieve 50 tracks. Over and over again. Whether there are new uploads to that channel, or not.

I noticed that with "Prefer youtube-dl over internal analyzer" enabled, the playlist track has a file path that starts with, for instance: "youtube-dl?limit=50&pos=50&" or "youtube-dl?". Apparently, this changes depending on whether you add it through "Add location..." and then double click the track, or through "Load channel or playlist...". But, regardless, both ways end up producing the same results as mentioned above.
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: foo_vis_spectrum_analyzer
Last post by pqyt -
Hi, I can't figure out how to rotate the graph. I would like to display it on its side like my fb1.6 layout with foo_uie_vis_channel_spectrum.
Rotation is not implemented. You can mirror the graph on the x and/or y axis but the frequency axis will always be horizontal.

Reason: while Direct2D can easily rotate graphics on any angle text gets rotated at same time.
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: ReplayGain DSP - Alternative ReplayGain implementation by Case
Last post by Case -
May I ask for a feature request: for this great component to have an option to limit maximum positive gain to 0dB, or +3dB or +6dB.
I can see some point in an option to prevent loudness increase entirely, especially for the realtime scan option. But I don't like the idea of adding configuration for the maximum boost amount. If it's ok to add an option to prevent positive gain entirely for tracks that weren't fully scanned or that miss peak info, I can add that. For tracks/albums that have peak info you can always prevent clipping with other means.

On a separate note, is it possible to view on the console what gain is being applied by this component?
It prints the gain information to console if it's not using tagged values. And it prints information if clip prevention required gain reduction. If it uses normal gain values from tags then it's quiet.

And no, RG is not a real-time system.   It has to scan entire tracks (or entire albums).
The DSP component can scan track based RG values on the fly before the playback starts if you use long enough output buffer or have fast enough computer and source medium. If entire track can't be scanned in time the partial results will be used as an estimate. Realtime may not be 100% accurate term but I don't have trouble calling it realtime scanning either.
Support - (fb2k) / [fb2k v2.1.5 x64 portable] Unable to drag and drop some files
Last post by voj0546 -
I don't run fb2k as an admin. Dragging and dropping works fine in some cases but when I want to drag and drop a file from directory below, fb2k just won't add the file to Default Playlist, works on files from other directories, so am I touching fb2k's limits or something like this? If so, is there a way to extend the limits so I can use fb2k flawlessly? I mean, reorganizing my files just to make fb2k work is kinda innaprotiate.

The path:
Code: [Select]
X:\HUDBA\Hip-Hop\2Pac (Tupac Amaru Shakur)\2) Community Projects\3) Fan Projects\!!! Misc projects\Preach (Rizzle) - AI Remasters\Troublesome 21 (Deluxe Edition) - AI Stem Enhanced & Mastered by DJ Rizzle\WAV\CD 1 (Troublesome 21)\17 Brothers In The Pen feat. Mouse Man & Wycked.wav
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: ReplayGain DSP - Alternative ReplayGain implementation by Case
Last post by fooball -
I am worried if realtime RG scanning is going on ... this component might accidentally add on huge gain for super soft tracks.
Some classical tracks are super soft, some converted SACD tracks are very soft too.
Usually those "super soft" tracks are supposed to be listened that way without artificially high gain.
You should be using album RG for that kind of material, it preserves the relative dynamics between tracks.

And no, RG is not a real-time system.   It has to scan entire tracks (or entire albums).
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: foo_midi (foobar2000 v2.0)
Last post by raekuul -
The current version seems to be ignoring libADLMIDI and libOPNMIDI if a soundfont path is set - regardless of what player I choose the console reports the following:

Code: [Select]
Opening track for playback: "D:\Synth\rips\1991 - Jimmy White's Whirlwind Snooker\01 - Snooker.mid"
foo_midi failed to initialize FluidSynth: Invalid FluidSynth directory: The system cannot find the path specified (0x00000003)
foo_midi uses SoundFont "D:\soundfonts\HiDef.sf2" with bank offset 0.

clearing the soundfont path allows libADLMIDI and libOPNMIDI to operate as normal, it's only when a soundfont path is set that they're getting overridden.