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Topic: FLAC re-encoding (Read 174649 times) previous topic - next topic
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FLAC re-encoding

Reply #250

sorry kmitch, but there's a problem with 1.2.1 on 24 bits files. Could it be possible to encore everything but 24 bits with 1.2.1, and stay with 1.2.0 for 24 bits files ?

Is the problem only with one of the functions?  Just Decoding, Encoding, Testing?  Is Metaflac.exe affected, or just flac.exe?

Depending on what it impacts, I may be able to add some logic around an alternate FLAC program.  I'd aso need a sample file to play with.

I would really like to take the discussion here:

Sorry guys for the delay, I'm just back home. Encoding problem, then decoding problem too (when I've encoded a flac with 1.2.1 or reflac and old flac).
So @this time (I didn't have time to try your reflacer yet, but with synthetic sounds' script; I have to use 2 scripts, one using 1.2.1 for everything except the 24bits, and another script using 1.2.0 for 24 bits files.) I told that in the flac-113 forum. Regards

FLAC re-encoding

Reply #252
but with id3v2 that could be a lot and you can't really know how long except with multiple reads, so I punt in this case.

there are three possible fixes, but all seem like more than acceptable than to just reject invalid files:

1) add another option like --force-flac-format
2) split the filetype detection code to work for seekable input, then the bug will only be with pipes
3) make the detection code more complicated to buffer the whole id3 tag


Have you given any recent thought to the --force-flac-option?  I think this would be a welcome option for anyone trancoding what they know for certain are flac files.


FLAC re-encoding

Reply #253
Having the worst time trying to get Neil's batch file to work on Windows 7 x64.
I finally got flac.exe and flac frontend to work by NOT using the versions with installers.
Successfully registered mscomctl.ocx in C:\Windows\SysWOW64, and FLAC is running just fine.
But the batch file doesn't work. File has been edited to reflect the new path to flac.exe so it's not that.
When I drag a folder full of FLACs onto the batch file, the only thing that happens is:
a command prompt box flashes on the screen for a split second.
Having used the batch file for years now and finding it utterly indispensible, I'm about ready to give up
Win 7 just to be able to use it. Anyone able to run this on Win 7? Any suggestions?

FLAC re-encoding

Reply #254
Hmmm, okay.
So no one else is having problems running Neil's batch file on Windows 7?

Search is my friend!
Trying ReFLAC now...


FLAC re-encoding

Reply #255
OK, ReFLAC is not a viable option for me.
I'm not happy with having to edit a .cfg file to change directories every time I
want to use it. Sorry. It has no drag and drop functionality (like Neil's batch file does)
that I can ascertain. Or am I missing something?
Anyhow, I just discovered that dbPoweramp will do the job just fine.
I do miss Neil's file, though...