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Topic: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme (Read 205925 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #25
I just figured it out  There is code in ui-components overriding the fill color for all themes except black and white.  Sorry to bother you.

Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #26
I have yet another question.  With the black and white themes the progress fill matches the primary color, as I expected.  But with all the other themes the progress fill is a preset color.  I've been looking at the code but I can't figure out what's happening.  If I change the color in both georgia-theme and georgia-main it has no effect.  What am I missing?

I just figured it out  There is code in ui-components overriding the fill color for all themes except black and white.  Sorry to bother you.

No problem dwmartin0906 :)

Just saw in the SMP thread that you had mouse problems with ui_hacks?
Can you describe me exactly how to reproduce this issue because I never had any of those...
Did you try to change from Preferences -> Main Window -> Move with: Any method to Caption only?
( This option works only temporary because it is also coded in Georgia-ReBORN and will be on next reload overwritten )


Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #27
Thank you for replying.  Snotlicker answered my question on the middle mouse button, but I couldn't figure out why it kept resetting on start up or reload. Thanks to you I was able to fix this by setting UIHacks.MoveStyle to 2 in georgia-main.  With your help and a little research, I am now issue free.  Well, actually, I do still have one issue.  Every time I start Foobar I have to agonize over which version of Georgia to use.  But  I guess it's nice to have two such great choices.  Many thanks to you and Mordred.

Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #28
Thank you for replying.  Snotlicker answered my question on the middle mouse button, but I couldn't figure out why it kept resetting on start up or reload. Thanks to you I was able to fix this by setting UIHacks.MoveStyle to 2 in georgia-main.  With your help and a little research, I am now issue free.  Well, actually, I do still have one issue.  Every time I start Foobar I have to agonize over which version of Georgia to use.  But  I guess it's nice to have two such great choices.  Many thanks to you and Mordred.

Glad to hear,

but I don't know if I should change from UIHacks.MoveStyle = 3; ( Any method ) to UIHacks.MoveStyle = 0; ( Caption only ) for the general public,
because I still don't know what problem ( your double click ) you have had and I don't know if users would use the middle mouse button to move the player around instead of just using the mouse cursor drag on the top menu bar...

I never had any mouse problems, that's why I'm asking...


Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #29
The only reason I had issues was because I added a popup menu for a couple of new settings I added and for some foo_flowin popup panels I use for other components.  The left mouse button doesn't seem to be active so I used the middle mouse button.  I did the same thing with Georgia. I never move the panel anyway because I always have it full screen. I doubt anyone else will be adding a middle mouse button function as I did and I'm sure others may have the need to move the panel around.  I don't think you want to change this for other users.

I've made a few other minor changes so if you ever do come out with a new version I'll just have to retrofit my changes over as I do now with Georgia.  No biggie.  Thanks again.

Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #30
Every time I start Foobar I have to agonize over which version of Georgia to use.  But  I guess it's nice to have two such great choices.
Truly the worst problem to have :D

Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #31
I just noticed something.  If I show cd art, then turn it off, it leaves an outline of the cd image until I do a reload or the track changes.  Has anyone else noticed this?

Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #32
I just noticed something.  If I show cd art, then turn it off, it leaves an outline of the cd image until I do a reload or the track changes.  Has anyone else noticed this?

Tried various settings with cdArt on all sizes ( incl. fullscreen ) but I don't have any outline when turning it on/off or pause music...
I noticed you mentioned previously that you have customized/added new components/stuff to Georgia-ReBORN, do you have the same problem with the original Georgia-ReBORN?

Did you try with different cdArt png images? Maybe the particular cdArt png you're using is not clean, this can be seen when you're putting the transparent png on a white background...


Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #33
I just noticed something.  If I show cd art, then turn it off, it leaves an outline of the cd image until I do a reload or the track changes.  Has anyone else noticed this?
It's not a shadow is it?

Sometimes window.RepaintRect's need a little fudge factor to get them to completely redraw over old elements, but you wouldn't see a round outline on a cdArt that was no longer visible... at worst it would just be where the circle comes closest to the four sides.

Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #34
It doesn't happen with the original using the same image.  The only change I made to the cd art code was to display a default image if none was found, but I have this same change in Georgia without any issues.  However, I commented out my cd art code and copied in yours and it still happened, so it must be something else.  The only other changes I made, other than strictly cosmetic ones, were the ability to scroll album art, the ability to adjust the volume by scrolling anywhere on the panel, preventing colored band labels from being inverted and a popup menu.  All this code is also in Georgia without any issues.  I have added additional components, such as facets, foo_flowin, deskband controls, etc..  But again, I have all these in Georgia.

This is a very minor issue and certainly something I can live with if I can't fix it..  I should have tested with your original code before contacting you, but since all my new code was copied over from Georgia I just expected it to work the same.  I will be sure to test with your original code in the future if I find any other issues.  I am very very sorry for wasting your time.

Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #35
This is what I am seeing:

Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #36
Hey dwmartin0906,

can you please zip your whole foobar folder, upload it somewhere ( e.g ) and send me the link via PM?
I just can't reproduce your particular case when switching on/off cdART... I have found something similar when cdART is spinning which I'm in the process of fixing it.


Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #37
Thank you very much for offering to look at this.  However, I have a problem. only accepts files under a 100 mb and my zipped file is 388 mb even after deleting some large databases.  So I looked at this some more and discovered the issue only occurs when I turn off CD Art using my popup menu instead of Georgia's options menu.  All the code was copied over from my Georgia install so I don't understand why they work differently.   All I'm doing in my menu is  setting pref.display_cdart = false.  I have fixed this (sort of) by doing a reload instead of a repaint.  I certainly don't want you to spend anymore time on this.  You have been very kind and apparently have the patience of Mordred.  I suspect he's bald now from tearing his hair out every time he got a post from me.  I didn't know any java script at all and learned entirely from making changes to Georgia with Mordred's help.

I don't make these changes because I am unhappy with the original versions, but because I was a Cobol programmer for over 35 years until I had to retire due to poor health and really miss programming.  It also helps keep my mind sharp.  If you have a paypal account I would be more than happy to make a donation.  Thank you very much for all your help.

Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #38
Thank you very much for offering to look at this.  However, I have a problem. only accepts files under a 100 mb and my zipped file is 388 mb even after deleting some large databases.  So I looked at this some more and discovered the issue only occurs when I turn off CD Art using my popup menu instead of Georgia's options menu.  All the code was copied over from my Georgia install so I don't understand why they work differently.   All I'm doing in my menu is  setting pref.display_cdart = false.  I have fixed this (sort of) by doing a reload instead of a repaint.  I certainly don't want you to spend anymore time on this.  You have been very kind and apparently have the patience of Mordred.  I suspect he's bald now from tearing his hair out every time he got a post from me.  I didn't know any java script at all and learned entirely from making changes to Georgia with Mordred's help.

I don't make these changes because I am unhappy with the original versions, but because I was a Cobol programmer for over 35 years until I had to retire due to poor health and really miss programming.  It also helps keep my mind sharp.  If you have a paypal account I would be more than happy to make a donation.  Thank you very much for all your help.

Hahaha, this is ironic =). You don't know how much I bombarded Mordred with PM's behind the scenes especially since Georgia v2.0.0-beta1 till his Georgia v2.0.3 final release...
I think we are a good team, we did a good job and he actually enjoys it ;). So if you want to support this theme, send a donation to Mordred. He can buy some anti-aging creams...

I only need 3 folders from you, located in your profile folder: configuration, georgia, user-components.
You can also download the master zip file from Georgia-ReBORN's Github page to see what is actually needed


Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #39
I have fixed all remaining issues with better Theme and Layout Mode switching. It should be also snappier with better performance.

Additionally I added the new option to change font sizes, also now for library and biography:
Options -> Change Font Sizes


Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #40
Hey guys,

I have added new options to change font sizes for Lower Bar and Details ( Metadata Grid ) .
This makes finally the Option 'Change Font Sizes' complete, you can now change and configure all available font sizes in Georgia-ReBORN.



Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #41
Absolute fantastic theme thank you TT

Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #42
TT continues to add even more features and improvements to this already great theme.  Thank you very much for all your hard work.  And many thanks to Mordred for making it all possible with his original Georgia theme which is also fantastic.  I strongly recommend either of these themes to anyone looking for an enhanced Foobar experience.  I like to switch between them using separate portable installs.

For those of you not wanting to sacrifice other components you may have installed, take a look at ttsping's excellent foo_flowin component which allows for the creation of floating popup windows.

Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #43
Awesome theme! Thanks for you and MordredKLB for this great work too!.

btw. i've added "flags" folder but doesn't work :(


i need edit something on any .js file?

Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #44
Hi Azemoth,

the flags folder is already in your profile folder ( profile/images/flags ).

You need to tag your album with the <ARTISTCOUNTRY> tag.
In the playlist click on the album cover to select all songs, right click -> Properties.
Now click on the +add new button and type ARTISTCOUNTRY. In the value field type the country ( e.g United States ).
Click OK and now the flag should show in the playbar.

Btw, your path is wrong, it should be foobar\profile\   , the profile folder needs to be in the root of your foobar installation.


Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #45
Hi Azemoth,

the flags folder is already in your profile folder ( profile/images/flags ).

You need to tag your album with the <ARTISTCOUNTRY> tag.
In the playlist click on the album cover to select all songs, right click -> Properties.
Now click on the +add new button and type ARTISTCOUNTRY. In the value field type the country ( e.g United States ).
Click OK and now the flag should show in the playbar.

Btw, your path is wrong, it should be foobar\profile\   , the profile folder needs to be in the root of your foobar installation.


Thanks, i'm using a different TAG value to country, is fixed now! Thanks a lot!

Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #46
is there a way I can save my current theme so I can test this out?
Just in case I want to switch back and forth.

thx in advance

Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #47
^ As the instructions state, just make a portable install of foobar in a new folder (select "portable" when installer asks). You can have several portable installs at once to try out different themes, they do not interfere with each other, so your current install (whether standard or portable) would not be touched. You can even run both at the same time.

(Then add your music folder in Preferences > Media Library as usual. You can also export / import your Library > Playback Statistics if using that component)

Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #48
Yeah, that's the beauty of portable software. You can put it on an usb-stick and use it on other computers/laptops.
It's pretty cool when you visit a friend, go to a party or being a DJ, you have your music player ( or other software )
all the time in your pocket =).

I have never understood why people still install software with registry instead of portable mode, all my software are portable
since like 15 years...


Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #49
Hello Thanks for your reply.
I had no idea about portable installs, I need to do this more often.
Currently my main Foobar is installed in :
C:\Program Files (x86)\foobar2000

Where do you recommend I install this portable version?
Should I make a portable directory and install all future software installations there?
Or do you install it on a USB stick and just run the executable on Desktop / laptop. etc?

thx in advance