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Topic: - Check whole CD rips with AccurateRip (Read 136634 times) previous topic - next topic
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Reply #100
You misunderstood me: I said something along the line of "I'd love to be able to check individual files [...] ideally with a foobar2000 plugin."

Apart from that I would also appreciate an enhanced command line tool written in C or C++ that can at least check individual tracks as files in WAV format. Although that would make things more complicated for me than a fb2k plugin, because I'm very bad at writing these BASIC style batch scripts for Windows.

I was only talking about my own needs here. - Check whole CD rips with AccurateRip

Reply #101
I, along with many, many other people, don't use fb2k.

  WHAT ?!?  

... just kidding.  You are totally right, there are two kind of users out there :
- the foobar users,
- and those who don't know foobar yet. 

(I'm out of here, I'm out of here, just kidding again folks) - Check whole CD rips with AccurateRip

Reply #102
... just kidding.  You are totally right, there are two kind of users out there :
- the foobar users,
- and those who don't know foobar yet. 

(I'm out of here, I'm out of here, just kidding again folks)

And those of us who choose to use other stuff, like mpd. - Check whole CD rips with AccurateRip

Reply #103

I, along with many, many other people, don't use fb2k.

  WHAT ?!?  

... just kidding.  You are totally right, there are two kind of users out there :
- the foobar users,
- and those who don't know foobar yet. 

(I'm out of here, I'm out of here, just kidding again folks)

And those of us who don't choose windows

As I see no reason not to post this here now, here is my C version. The library portion of it should be reasonable portable, but the accuraterip-crcgen code is very ugly and probably will only work on *nix systems. Having said that, I haven't actually tried it anywhere else. YMMV, but if you can make it work then it's significantly faster than the perl implementations. - Check whole CD rips with AccurateRip

Reply #104
My problem is this:

I have lots of CDs ripped to FLAC, and I would like to use arflac to verify their quality. However unfortunately they were ripped using CDEX thus drive offsets were not taken into account while ripping.

Is there a tool which I could use to fix the drive offsets to the FLAC files before running arflac?

(There is also the added joy that I used a total of three different drives for ripping, but still it would be probably more convenient to run arflac three times than to convert everything once again using EAC... sigh) - Check whole CD rips with AccurateRip

Reply #105
Perhaps we must start a new thread for as most people may not look inside this thread when looking for a utility like this.

Omy started one for the version in C, but I'll split this one off. can now be found here. - Check whole CD rips with AccurateRip

Reply #106
redirecting the output leaves you stairing at a blank screen until the entire checking process is done, and then TYPEs the creative log to the screen.  If the logfile creation were part of the script itself then you could still have regular file by file output while writing to the log file in perl.

If you add

select STDOUT; $| = 1;

to the top of the script it stops the buffering problem. Pipe-ing through Tee works great this way.

P.S. works great on my 64bit Debian machine. - Check whole CD rips with AccurateRip

Reply #107
I think I mentioned it earlier, but I *really* would like ARCUE to be able to determine an offset and still return the accuracy of a rip. This is also nessesary because of my recent experience:

I'm creating a script that will traverse all my albums and verify their accuracy with ARCUE, but an obvious problem makes this useless on almost any album. I've ripped all my music as seperate tracks with EAC. When a CD has any amount of silence in INDEX 00 in TRACK 01, it's impossible for me to recreate a true cuesheet that will work with ARCUE - All tracks will seem nudged the time of INDEX 00 to AR.

I really hope that this feature could be incorporated so I will be able to check my rips.
Can't wait for a HD-AAC encoder :P - Check whole CD rips with AccurateRip

Reply #108
I think I mentioned it earlier, but I *really* would like ARCUE to be able to determine an offset and still return the accuracy of a rip. This is also nessesary because of my recent experience:

I'm creating a script that will traverse all my albums and verify their accuracy with ARCUE, but an obvious problem makes this useless on almost any album. I've ripped all my music as seperate tracks with EAC. When a CD has any amount of silence in INDEX 00 in TRACK 01, it's impossible for me to recreate a true cuesheet that will work with ARCUE - All tracks will seem nudged the time of INDEX 00 to AR.

I really hope that this feature could be incorporated so I will be able to check my rips.

I've updated the code with offset support, here


Re: - Check whole CD rips with AccurateRip

Reply #109
The ARCue script only works well for me with single file cuesheets. Is it possible to make it work also with  multiple file cuesheets?

Help appreciated, thanks.