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Topic: Is there documentation for the CUERipper-relevant entries in settings.txt? (Read 2767 times) previous topic - next topic
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Is there documentation for the CUERipper-relevant entries in settings.txt?

Based on the parameters available in the file, I suspect that some of the things I'd like to do are configurable but I don't want to change the config file blindly.  Top of my list right now are:

  • Trigger an arbitrary external application (including passing command line arguments) when a rip is completed
  • Override GUI-entered BARCODE value if CATALOG value is found in the subcodes
  • Set a default COMMENT (preferably using the string-expansion syntax)
  • Give some kind of indication when the flags in the TOC and subcodes don't match

But there are likely other tweaks in there I'd like to take advantage of as well.


(Edit: To clarify I'm talking about AppData/CUERipper/settings.txt. I thought everything was in the CUE Tools/settings.txt because my CUERipper/settings.txt file was still on 2.2.2 when I'm running 2.2.6, but it turned out I just haven't closed CUERipper since first running it.)

Re: Is there documentation for the CUERipper-relevant entries in settings.txt?

Reply #1
I'm (very slowly) working on a wiki page to show some of the hidden settings in CUERipper (there are a couple of new ones in CUETools too). This is only a rough draft and not anywhere near ready. I'm still testing and need to add a few warnings. Temporary link


Re: Is there documentation for the CUERipper-relevant entries in settings.txt?

Reply #2
I'm (very slowly) working on a wiki page to show some of the hidden settings in CUERipper (there are a couple of new ones in CUETools too). This is only a rough draft and not anywhere near ready. I'm still testing and need to add a few warnings. Temporary link

That's gr8 to hear korth. This is something that's needed for sure. :)