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Topic: Default UI Gallery (Read 773212 times) previous topic - next topic
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Default UI Gallery

Reply #375

Default UI Gallery

Reply #376
Tryin to make some nice layout :

Default UI Gallery

Reply #377

I just can't stop playing with it lol...

Default UI Gallery

Reply #378
Here's a config I'm working on that's designed for use with video game music. I haven't added many games yet, but you get the idea.

Originally I wanted to make use of foo_gep and other input components to play native sound files, but because I love tags so much, I decided to dump those files into FLAC and tag them up nice and proper

Default UI Gallery

Reply #379
First of two main profiles - this one is for my work computer and smaller (laptop) resolutions.

Default UI Gallery

Reply #380
My second main profile for my home desktop, which has lots of screen real estate. The general layout is similar to my work profile but this has a large spectrum and wave-seekbar.

Default UI Gallery

Reply #381
Trying to switch to DUI maintaining functionality of my UI. Still WIP, but I like the result so far.

Default UI Gallery

Reply #382

Still have to finish few things but ...thanks for the base.

This is still my default one:

Default UI Gallery

Reply #383
I think I'm done, I would like to have every buttons on top but it takes too long to find the same icons, take off the panels because of the bottom bars and recreate everything like it is, I will do that later. Thanks again Hotsoup.

Default UI Gallery

Reply #385

A little update.
Playing around with VU meter component, I kinda like it.

Default UI Gallery

Reply #386
My foobar2000:

Default UI Gallery

Reply #387
Mine, just a set of panels collected together. Just have not too much time on modifing it.
wsh playlist panel is mod from extreamHunter1972's playlist view on CaTRoX.

A rose will bloom, it then will fade.

Default UI Gallery

Reply #388
Recommend. Best , fast and intuitive way to listen to music. Good for eyes.

Default UI Gallery

Reply #390
My layout is rather minimalistic and simple. Much because I use tabs for things that I don't usually want to show when playing. Just keeping it simple, easy, and clean.

Here's how it looks:

Default UI Gallery

Reply #391

Tip of the hat to marc2003 for help on the control bar (and a few other things).

Default UI Gallery

Reply #392
Started to play around with Default UI after using Columns UI for ages now. I noticed a significant performance boost when filter my large libraries using DUI. Used the TABS heavily to customize with my different preference, i.e. when tagging music, browsing and listening, or just listening at full screen and amazed by others 

Default UI Gallery

Reply #393

Did some further tweaking. Displays all I want to see and is reasonably clean. Three tabs not shown are Facets items that are still being refined a little.

Many thanks to marc2003, Falstaff, and so-kindly for sharing their original works.

Default UI Gallery

Reply #395

Default UI Gallery

Reply #396

Default UI Gallery

Reply #397

Default UI Gallery

Reply #398
Only thing I might want to do is some additional text-colouring.