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Topic: foo_chronflow – Coverflow (Read 80983 times) previous topic - next topic
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Reply #25
Great, performance seems to have improved a lot!

Is there a reason why collection wrap around has been removed? Would it be possible to have it as an option?


Reply #27
Is there a reason why collection wrap around has been removed? Would it be possible to have it as an option?

I simply didn't like it anymore so it didn't survive the rewrite . I'll think about adding it as an option.
But first: 

New Release (v0.4.3.1):
  • Fixed bug that caused a crash if collection is smaller than 100 albums

And could a mod please change the description of this thread to mention columns_ui support?


Reply #28
^i think if you contact an admin like Peter or kode54, you can ask for "developer" status. this gives you the right to edit your own posts.


Reply #29
After updating from v0.4.2 to the action "Replace Default Playlist" does not work with DoubleClick.
Using  the Enter key works as usual.


Reply #30
After updating from v0.4.2 to the action "Replace Default Playlist" does not work with DoubleClick.
Using  the Enter key works as usual.

Thanks for reporting. Looks like I broke double click handling in 0.4.3. Fixed in:

New Release (v0.4.4):
  • Added support for embedded album art (now the default)
  • Fixed double click handling

Please use and test this release. The embedded album art causes slower album art loading, but I think it's acceptable (or at least justifiable ). If I don't hear any complaints about performance, I'm going to remove support for my self-made cover loading soon.


Reply #31
Thanks for the quick fix, Chronial. Works fine now!

Just let me explain an other unexpected behavior of Chronflow (all versions).

Assume an album with 3 discs.
5 Tracks on disc 1 and 3 tracks on disc 2 and 3.
Files named like in the list below.

Code: [Select]
playlist sent by     playlist sent by
Facets or            Chronflow

101. Track_1         101. Track_1
102. Track_2         201. Track_1
103. Track_3         301. Track_1
104. Track_4         102. Track_2
105. Track_5         202. Track_2
201. Track_1         302. Track_2
202. Track_2         103. Track_3
203. Track_3         203. Track_3
301. Track_1         303. Track_3
302. Track_2         104. Track_4    
303. Track_3         105. Track_5

The album is perfectly tagged with foobar.
Tracks have 'Track Number' with 'Total Tracks' and 'Disc Number' with 'Total Discs'.
Files also named in that way.

Hopefully I could explain it understandable.


Reply #32
@Lesmo16: You need to change “Album Source” => “Sort Tracks within Album By” to %discnumber%|$num(%tracknumber%,3)


Reply #33
Works! Thanks a lot for Chronflow.


Reply #34
For transitions over more than say a couple of hundred albums my system can't keep up (covers become black).

Configuration: default (v0.3) (build-in).
I have a decent CPU (i5) but a mid/low end graphics card (NVidia GT640).
Played arround with the settings and reduced albumart from 800x800 to 600x600px but that didn't improve the performance.

What else can I do, I really like the animation.
Is it possible to reduce the maximum "flow speed" a bit and if possible how?
Are there other options?


Reply #35
dinodisc, don't blame your poor system, this is intended behavior . In the usual case (covers in various sizes, stored on HDD), loading a single cover takes 100-200 ms (with foobar cover loading – the old system took 50-150ms). That means we can only load 5-10 covers per second. Because of this, chronflow works as follows:

Only covers around your current "target position" (the cover you want to look at) are loaded. If the screen is still, the target position is the cover you're looking at. If the screen is moving, the target position is the cover you are moving to.

Chronflow does not try to load covers that you are just moving past. For that to be sensible, cover loading time would have to go down to < 10ms, which is only achievable with some sort of caching mechanism. That is something I try to stay away from because it would be complex.

But if the black covers really annoy you, you can change the following settings: Set texture size to 512 or 256 (any non power of two is rounded up to a power of two) and the cache size to a number higher than the number of albums in your collection. You should also disable "empty cache when window is minimized", as chronflow would otherwise load all the covers in your collection every time you minimize and restore foobar.

Just be aware of the amount of gpu memory this takes up: (cover size)² × 4 × number of covers bytes
So if you have 500 covers and set 512 as cover size, that would be 512² × 4 × 500 = 524MB. Reducing cover size to 256 would reduce that to 130MB.

You could also decrease that number by enabling texture compression, but that will slow down the initial texture loading and cause stuttery animation while the covers are loading.

You can use process explorer ( to see how much gpu memory foobar takes up.


Reply #36
Chronial, thank you very much for your detailed answer.

I have lowered the texture size to 256 and the "black outs" are fewer!
Process Explorer reports max memory for Foobar2000 of around 0,5 GB.
That is a lot but it is definitely worth it!
(And I have 8 GB of memory so I woudn't mind if you increase cache size).

Thanks again for your component. I have altered my Foobar layout for the first time in a couple years to let it shine!


Reply #37
After updating from v0.4.2 to the action "Replace Default Playlist" does not work with DoubleClick.
Using  the Enter key works as usual.

Thanks for reporting. Looks like I broke double click handling in 0.4.3. Fixed in:

New Release (v0.4.4):
  • Added support for embedded album art (now the default)
  • Fixed double click handling

Please use and test this release. The embedded album art causes slower album art loading, but I think it's acceptable (or at least justifiable ). If I don't hear any complaints about performance, I'm going to remove support for my self-made cover loading soon.


Some problem with lastest version

Failed to load DLL: foo_chronflow.dll
Reason: This component is missing a required dependency, or was made for different version of foobar2000.

what is the problem?




Reply #41
Added that info to the first post.


Reply #43
That is on the todo list, and the recent restructuring should have made this possible to implement. But since you typically don't change your library that frequently I don't see it as such an important feature.

But it would smooth integration, since you need to know one less detail about one component.


Reply #44
That is on the todo list, and the recent restructuring should have made this possible to implement. But since you typically don't change your library that frequently I don't see it as such an important feature.

But it would smooth integration, since you need to know one less detail about one component.

OK , nice to see it on your todo list even with low priority.


Reply #45
Just a small issue: Vertical postioning of the album title is a bit off in the last version (0.4.4).
In my set up the text enters the screen when the slider is at approximately 10% and at 100% the title is only just underneath the covers.
No other issues encountered so far.


Reply #46
I used this great plugin with foobar 0.9. It was the best visual view. Thanks!
now, i upgrade to 1.3.8 and can't start Chronflow 0.4.4

Chronflow's window write:
Code: [Select]
foo_chronflow failed to open an opengl window :(
See console for details

Code: [Select]
foo_chronflow glfw error: WGL: The driver does not appear to support OpenGL

I use Win7 x64 and install latest videocard driver NVIDIA GTX580: 358.50-desktop-win8-win7-winvista-64bit-international-whql
I install vcredist_x86.exe and Windows Script Control (sct10en.exe).
I put glfw3.dll to c:\windows\system32 and c:\windows\SysWOW64
Additionally I install DirectX 9.0c and start foobar2000 with Windows XP SP3 compatibility - it need for milkdrop 2.24 working
and chronflow didn't work

what i need to start it?


Reply #47
@Dimon83: What is the output if you run this tool?
What is the output if you run it as "glfwinfo --samples=4"?

Oh, and please remove these dll files from your system folders – they can only cause harm there .


Reply #48
@Dimon83: What is the output if you run this tool?
What is the output if you run it as "glfwinfo --samples=4"?

Oh, and please remove these dll files from your system folders – they can only cause harm there .

I've transfered my foobar to work and got the same problem

Code: [Select]
d:\SOFT>glfwinfo --samples=4
GLFW header version: 3.1.2
GLFW library version: 3.1.2
GLFW library version string: "3.1.2 Win32 WGL VisualC"
OpenGL context version string: "4.4.0"
OpenGL context version parsed by GLFW: 4.4.0
OpenGL context flags (0x00000000):
OpenGL context flags parsed by GLFW:
OpenGL profile mask (0x00000000): unknown
OpenGL profile mask parsed by GLFW: compat
OpenGL robustness strategy (0x00008261): none
OpenGL robustness strategy parsed by GLFW: none
OpenGL context renderer string: "GeForce GT 630/PCIe/SSE2"
OpenGL context vendor string: "NVIDIA Corporation"
OpenGL context shading language version: "4.40 NVIDIA via Cg compiler"
red: 8 green: 8 blue: 8 alpha: 8 depth: 24 stencil: 8
samples: 4 sample buffers: 1
accum red: 16 accum green: 16 accum blue: 16 accum alpha: 16 aux buffers: 4

I'll run this tool at home tonight.


Reply #49
If you get the same problem on a different computer, that sounds like something is wrong with your foobar config. Maybe try chronflow with a clean copy of foobar in portable mode (no other plugins) and see if that works.

Judging from the output of glfwinfo, chronflow should work on your work computer.