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Topic: QOL - album view displays artists issue 1.6.2 (Read 5805 times) previous topic - next topic
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QOL - album view displays artists issue 1.6.2

As you can see in the 'view album' option the artists are displayed under the album which creates the problem of some albums being split in two, as seen with path of exile first four albums(in my case).

Would be nice if one could disable artists from being displayed so that it shows only one album of the same name.

Re: QOL - album view displays artists issue 1.6.2

Reply #1
Would be nice if one could disable artists from being displayed so that it shows only one album of the same name.
This usually happens if you do not have the AlbumArtist field filled in for all tracks with the same data for each separate Album.

Re: QOL - album view displays artists issue 1.6.2

Reply #2
Well the base path of exile folder has tracks that have 2 artists split between tracks and that then gets split in 2 folders in the album view, but I'm unable to turn of "show artist in album view" as that does not exist.

That would fix my problem if undisplaying artists would combine tracks with the same album name but different artists.

Re: QOL - album view displays artists issue 1.6.2

Reply #3
I have the same thing. When selecting only "Album" in the browser, for a folder with tracks with different artists (exactly such albums), the player takes data from the tags from the Artist, and not from the Album. This is a programmer's error. It should not be like this. My tags are fine. On other players, such albums open correctly. This is apparently done intentionally. But this is wrong. 100 covers appear on the screen, instead of one, in Album mode. The view on the screen is terrible.
I edit tags in a program for Windows - Mp3tag ( ). It allows batch processing of large albums. Many functions. You can also edit tags in the WinAmp player, but one track at a time. Therefore, I have no problems with tags. In other players, everything is ok!.
We need to inform the programmers somehow so that they fix this error. See screenshot.
On the screenshot for example, how the same albums look in the Pulsar player. In the Pulsar player everything is fine. One cover each.

Re: QOL - album view displays artists issue 1.6.2

Reply #4
I have the same thing. When selecting only "Album" in the browser, for a folder with tracks with different artists (exactly such albums), the player takes data from the tags from the Artist, and not from the Album. This is a programmer's error. It should not be like this. My tags are fine. On other players, such albums open correctly. This is apparently done intentionally. But this is wrong. 100 covers appear on the screen, instead of one, in Album mode. The view on the screen is terrible.
I edit tags in a program for Windows - Mp3tag ( ). It allows batch processing of large albums. Many functions. You can also edit tags in the WinAmp player, but one track at a time. Therefore, I have no problems with tags. In other players, everything is ok!.
We need to inform the programmers somehow so that they fix this error. See screenshot.
On the screenshot for example, how the same albums look in the Pulsar player. In the Pulsar player everything is fine. One cover each.
[attach width=450]32907[/attach]
I do not have this issue with any compilation albums in the Album tab. Each separate Album is properly listed as a single cover, and when selecting that cover it sows the correct list of tracks with the individual artists properly displayed.

You do need to ensure the Albumartist tag is correctly filled in. For compilation Albums this is usually soemthing like "Various Artists" or whatever you prefer to use for your library. Otherwise if this is not filled you will see the Album split like your image shows. That is the whole point of this important tag field.

Use mp3tag to fill these missing Albumartist fields quickly and then rescan your library. This problem will be gone.

Re: QOL - album view displays artists issue 1.6.2

Reply #5
It always amazes me that people can think they're the first person ever to have an album with different artists per track and developers have not catered for this with their decades of experience.

Re: QOL - album view displays artists issue 1.6.2

Reply #6
I am surprised by your lack of attentiveness. I uploaded a screenshot of the Pulsar player displaying covers correctly. One cover per album. And footbar2000 uploaded 100 covers (for 100 tracks), from one album and three from another. Should I also send screenshots from other players? Yes, it was the foobar2000 programmers who did this on purpose. Why, I don’t know. There are no errors in tags. Otherwise, Pulsar would also have the same look. But in the Pulsar player everything is displayed correctly. I have this error in all albums with different artists.
Here are some more screenshots: the player of the old smartphone HTC One E8 - everything is displayed normally! And the screenshot of Mp3tag with the Album "M1+ TOP 1000". (fragment) for example. Where is the error there? Programmers also make mistakes. There is no connection with them. Mail does not work. To solve this issue with them. If you display albums with different artists correctly, in the Foobar2000 player, upload your screenshots):

Re: QOL - album view displays artists issue 1.6.2

Reply #7
You didn't seem to pay attention to what MotleyG replied from the beginning of the thread. When navigating library by tags foobar2000 - both the mobile and the desktop versions - groups albums only using the metadata in the tags. Just having the same "Album" name in a tag is not enough to treat tracks as belonging to the same release. The artist of the album has to also match. And the correct tag to define the artist of an album is specified in a tag called "Album Artist".
You should tag your "M1+ Top 1000" album with "Album Artist" tag set to "Various Artists".

I don't know how that Pulsar works, whether it simply treats all directories as an album or if it would clump any file with the same Album tag as a single album, but foobar2000 doesn't work that way. If you navigate by folder structure you get folder based view and if you navigate by tags you get 100% tag value based view. Keep tag values correct and you have no issues.

Re: QOL - album view displays artists issue 1.6.2

Reply #8
I am surprised by your lack of attentiveness.
I hope you weren't replying to my post with this. It is your lack of attention to proper tags that is the cause to have your Albums split up. I don't use Pulsar, so I can't speak to how it handles tags. Perhaps it has some kind of folder splitting internally rather than using the correct tags. Whatever. You asked for a solution and it was provided. If you choose to ignore that then don't expect the developer to program around your lack of complete tag details.

As you can see from my library there are several Greatest Hits albums correctly marked individually. The compilation albums for the two Guardians of the Galaxy soundtracks also show correctly as each album, even though each track has a separate Artist. Things thanks to have a correct Albumartist tag for each of these albums.

Re: QOL - album view displays artists issue 1.6.2

Reply #9
I am surprised by your lack of attentiveness.
I hope you weren't replying to my post with this. It is your lack of attention to proper tags that is the cause to have your Albums split up. I don't use Pulsar, so I can't speak to how it handles tags. Perhaps it has some kind of folder splitting internally rather than using the correct tags. Whatever. You asked for a solution and it was provided. If you choose to ignore that then don't expect the developer to program around your lack of complete tag details.

As you can see from my library there are several Greatest Hits albums correctly marked individually. The compilation albums for the two Guardians of the Galaxy soundtracks also show correctly as each album, even though each track has a separate Artist. Things thanks to have a correct Albumartist tag for each of these albums.
I understand you. Thank you for the answer and the screenshot. Footbar2000 somehow requires filling in tags in its own way. Please upload 2-3 screenshots with tag entries, 2-3 tracks, from an album with different artists. So that I can see which tag points must be recorded. Preferably in the Mp3tag program. Or, for example, make an album of three different tracks with different artists, one common album and one common cover. So that one cover is displayed in the "Album" window of the Footbar2000 player. I will open your album in the Mp3tag program myself and see how to fill in the tags correctly. I will be grateful to you.

Re: QOL - album view displays artists issue 1.6.2

Reply #10
You didn't seem to pay attention to what MotleyG replied from the beginning of the thread. ...
Yes, I don't have the "Album Artist" field filled in. I'll try to fill in the "Album Artist" field. I'll take five tracks as an example. I'll see what happens. It didn't work! Same thing.
I made an archive (zip) of an album of five tracks. Try to help me and edit the tags correctly.
{link removed by a moderator - please keep audio samples under 30 seconds}

Re: QOL - album view displays artists issue 1.6.2

Reply #11
I am surprised by your lack of attentiveness.
I hope you weren't replying to my post with this. It is your lack of attention to proper tags that is the cause to have your Albums split up. I don't use Pulsar,....
I made an archive (zip) of an album of five tracks. Try to help me and edit the tags correctly.
{link removed by a moderator - please keep audio samples under 30 seconds}

Re: QOL - album view displays artists issue 1.6.2

Reply #12
You currently have a different 'Album Artist' for each track.

The value for 'Album Artist' has to be identical for all tracks (e.g. Various Artists).


Re: QOL - album view displays artists issue 1.6.2

Reply #13
You currently have a different 'Album Artist' for each track.

[attach width=300]32948[/attach]

The value for 'Album Artist' has to be identical for all tracks (e.g. Various Artists).

[attach width=300]32946[/attach]
Thank you very, very much! Finally! How can a person figure out that in this player you need to write in the line - Various Artists, in each file. And not performers!
Probably you need to make documentation on how to use the player. There is a lot that is not clear. There are no languages. The purpose of the switches is not clear. What, for what, is not clear. Spent two days on this.
Good luck to all! And peaceful skies!

Re: QOL - album view displays artists issue 1.6.2

Reply #14
You currently have a different 'Album Artist' for each track.

[attach width=300]32948[/attach]

The value for 'Album Artist' has to be identical for all tracks (e.g. Various Artists).

[attach width=300]32946[/attach]
Thank you very, very much! Finally! How can a person figure out that in this player you need to write in the line - Various Artists, in each file. And not performers!
The Albumartist field is not unique to Foobar. It is used in all common players specifically to handle compilations and albums with the same name but by different artists. You are using mp3tag, check with their forum for more information about it.

Re: QOL - album view displays artists issue 1.6.2

Reply #15
'Album Artist' does not have to be 'Various Artists'. When used, the 'Album Artist' tag just has to be the same for all tracks of the same album.
For example, when an album has featured artist(s) on one or more tracks, you would use the primary 'Artist' as the 'Album Artist'.


Re: QOL - album view displays artists issue 1.6.2

Reply #16
'Album Artist' does not have to be 'Various Artists'. When used, the 'Album Artist' tag just has to be the same for all tracks of the same album.
For example, when an album has featured artist(s) on one or more tracks, you would use the primary 'Artist' as the 'Album Artist'.

[attach width=500]32957[/attach]
Thanks for the information. I realized that in the "Album Artist" field, you can write anything. The main thing is that there is a meaning to the written text. This text will be visible in the cover window, under the Album name.

Re: QOL - album view displays artists issue 1.6.2

Reply #17
I checked the work on other players, after editing the tags of the test album. Everything works. In the Pulsar player, there is the possibility of single and batch editing of tags. Very convenient. And in foot2000 there is no such thing?

Moderator: Unnecessary quote removed.


Re: QOL - album view displays artists issue 1.6.2

Reply #18
Do you have links on the forum to skins that increase the size of covers in the "Album" window. So that three covers with a small interval (up to 1 mm) between them fit on the width of the window. I searched your forum, but I didn’t find a section on skins for Android.