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Recent Posts
MP3 / Re: An MP3 encoder without a cutoff point
Last post by danadam -
For me lame seems to show a different behavior for 48000 and 44100 than for other sampling frequencies. I generated a stereo sweep from 0.9 bandwidth to max at sampling frequencies: 48000, 44100, 32000, 22050, 16000 and 11025. Then I encoded them with "lame -b 32 --lowpass -1". Only 48000 and 44100 preserved the signal at the top:
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: JScript Panel script discussion/help
Last post by VxMiMxV -
Okay, this has been driving me crazy for a few days now:
Code: [Select]
// @name "Test"

function RGB(r, g, b) {return (0xff000000 | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | (b));}

Button = {State:0};
ButtonColors = {0:RGB(0, 0, 0), 1: RGB(155, 155, 155), 2: RGB(255, 255, 255)};

function on_paint(gr) {gr.FillRectangle(0, 0, window.Width, window.Height, ButtonColors[Button.State]);}

function                 on_mouse_leave() {Button.State = 0; window.Repaint();}
function              on_mouse_move(x, y) {Button.State = 1; window.Repaint();}
function         on_mouse_lbtn_down(x, y) {Button.State = 2; window.Repaint();}
function on_mouse_lbtn_dblclk(x, y, mask) {on_mouse_lbtn_down(x, y)}
function         on_mouse_lbtn_down(x, y) {Button.State = 2; window.Repaint();}
function           on_mouse_lbtn_up(x, y) {Button.State = 1; window.Repaint();}

function on_focus(IsFocused) {if (!IsFocused) {Button.State = 0;}; window.Repaint();};
in my mind, function on_mouse_lbtn_dblclk(x, y, mask) {on_mouse_lbtn_down(x, y)} should make double clicks behave like normal clicks...
To test, single click and drag your mouse outside the foobar window, then try doing the same but double clicking ~

Is ES5 at fault? Is foobar at fault? I'd really appreciate if someone can explain what is happening!
Audio Hardware / MP3 player NOT able to use wifi, bluetooth or FM
Last post by Jansport -
I  have a son in a addiction recovery program that loves his music. He cannot have a player that is bluetooth, wifi or FM radio enabled.  I have not found anything on the market that meets this criteria.  I am certain one must exist somewhere and am hoping someone on this forum can point me in the right direction.
Lossless / Other Codecs / Re: HALAC (High Availability Lossless Audio Compression)
Last post by Hakan Abbas -
HALAC 0.3.7 (Faster HALAC "normal mode" Decoder. And faster AVX2 Encoder)  ;)

As before, the tests are Encoder AVX and Decoder is SSE2.
Code: [Select]
AMD RYZEN 3700X, 16 gb RAM, 512 gb fast SSD
WAV RESULTS (Encode Time, Decode Time, Compressed Size)
Busta Rhymes - 829.962.880 bytes
HALAC 0.2.9 Normal 2.985  4.563  574,192,159
HALAC 0.3.6 Normal 2.578  4.547  562,057,837
HALAC 0.3.7 Normal 2.568  3.666  562,057,837 // New
HALAC 0.2.9 Fast   2.010  4.375  594,237,502
HALAC 0.3.6 Fast   1.922  3.766  582,314,407
FLAC -0            2.901  3.277  636,691,981  (flac -0b3072 -r0 --no-md5 --totally-silent) // fastest -0
FLAC -5            5.015  3.803  563,256,303  (flac -5 --no-md5 --totally-silent)
HALAC 0.3.6 Ultra  1.722  2.158  585,752,400

Sean Paul - 525.065.800 bytes
HALAC 0.2.9 Normal 1.875  2.938  382,270,791
HALAC 0.3.6 Normal 1.657  2.969  376,787,400
HALAC 0.3.7 Normal 1.653  2.362  376,787,400  // New
HALAC 0.2.9 Fast   1.266  2.813  393,541,675
HALAC 0.3.6 Fast   1.234  2.438  390,994,355
FLAC -0            1.873  2.096  412,011,684  (flac -0b3072 -r0 --no-md5 --totally-silent) // fastest -0
FLAC -5            3.226  2.462  376,134,352  (flac -5 --no-md5 --totally-silent)
HALAC 0.3.6 Ultra  1.125  1.424  394,791,112

Sibel Can - 504.822.048 bytes
HALAC 0.2.9 Normal 1.735  2.766  363,330,525
HALAC 0.3.6 Normal 1.578  2.828  359,572,087
HALAC 0.3.7 Normal 1.565  2.273  359,572,087  // New
HALAC 0.2.9 Fast   1.172  2.672  376,323,138
HALAC 0.3.6 Fast   1.188  2.360  375,079,841
FLAC -0            1.781  2.027  390,509,281  (flac -0b3072 -r0 --no-md5 --totally-silent)  // fastest -0
FLAC -5            3.054  2.368  360,175,511  (flac -5 --no-md5 --totally-silent)
HALAC 0.3.6 Ultra  1.059  1.352  377,917,531

Gubbology - 671.670.372 bytes
HALAC 0.2.9 Normal 2.485  3.860  384,270,613
HALAC 0.3.6 Normal 1.969  3.703  375,515,316
HALAC 0.3.7 Normal 1.956  2.969  375,515,316  // New
HALAC 0.2.9 Fast   1.594  3.547  410,038,434
HALAC 0.3.6 Fast   1.453  3.063  395,058,374
FLAC -0            2.175  2.564  421,740,466  (flac -0b3072 -r0 --no-md5 --totally-silent)  // fastest -0
FLAC -5            3.909  2.940  368,024,298  (flac -5 --no-md5 --totally-silent)
HALAC 0.3.6 Ultra  1.304  1.765  412,729,188