
Hosted Forums => foobar2000 => General - (fb2k) => Topic started by: Vicas on 2018-08-28 20:16:16

Title: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Vicas on 2018-08-28 20:16:16
Here are some suggestions for future foobar updates.
And of course, this is a no rush thread so I’m not expecting these improvements to come with the first next update. ;)

1. Option to minimize ReplayGain / Converter window during scanning / updating / converting files.
If big amount of files are selected and sent to replay gain scan or to converter process it may take a while to finish. Option to minimize that window while not interrupting replay gain scan / converter process would be nice.

2. Option to display album art (cover art) whether it is embedded or not (but maybe embedded would make more sense) in properties window of file.
Example (https://i.imgur.com/6GTFElD.jpg)

3. Option to configure which metadata fields are displayed in selection properties component.
This is possible in Columns UI, so I guess it would be nice to have that option available in Default UI too.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: anamorphic on 2018-08-28 22:15:28
Three great ideas. +1 (3)

Speaking of Selection Properties, I always found it strange that Playback Statistics is displayed under 'Other' on there, whereas if you look under File Properties > Details tab, they look much cooler listed under 'Playback Statistics'. So if that element is being updated...  ;)
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Sergey77 on 2018-08-29 16:03:31
Hi there!
I suggest the following feature especially for fans of streaming links:
add function %country% and function %flag% to display country's and flags at the playlist for a link source.
I created the picture in editor (see attached pic.) for example.
Probably display the flag of the country will not work, but the name of the country is possible (I think so).

Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: jdycus on 2018-08-31 12:46:42
I would like to be able to organize tracks in the playlist in folders. For example, one folder could contain say 20 songs, another contain 30, etc., and each folder could be opened and played as needed.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Rozzo on 2018-08-31 18:47:06
 I would like an admonitory dialog in Library > "send to playlist", like "This would eliminate all the content in your playlist. Are you sure?", because after many years using foobar I still clic very often in send to playlist when I want add to playlist.

Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Sergey77 on 2018-09-09 05:16:49
Hi there!
I would like the module pattern visualization panel for CUI
( ;) and I think, not only me, but also all tracker music fans, who prefer CUI)

Thanks to @kode54 for DUI version!
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: stephane.deom on 2018-09-09 09:29:37
Display embedded pictures of any "type", not just front, back, artist and disc, especially if there is only one picture attached.
"Band logotype" would be particularly useful for me, as I receive files like this regularly (podcasts).
Thanks in advance.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Porcus on 2018-09-11 09:54:56
File verification and tag updating could be more efficient. I think there are ways to speed up the workflow without introducing more security issues than there already are when a file is written to:

* First, why not let the RG scanning report errors?  It has to decode through the entire file anyway.  (I consider verification a core functionality, though I know foo_verifier is an external component.) Often I want to do both.
* If I want to add tags using (file) Properties AND add RG tags, that could take time for a big file.  Suggestion: Add RG scanner options under file Properties, the Tools button. RG tags committed upon OK or Apply.  (Errors reported when scanning is done.)
* AFAIunderstand, fb2k need not overwrite the entire file if the new set of tags do not take more space than old (incl. old padding)?  Yet, I see cases where merely removing tags trigger tmpfile writing - is that necessary? (It could be - IDK whether fb2k tags different ways than say, ffmpeg ...)
* Aborting tag write while a (big) tempfile is written does take a helluvalotoftime, that cannot be necessary?

Case in point: I encapsulate music video in fb2k-readable format (mkv or mp4), in order to play the file as audio.  Biggg file then.  Suppose I want to verify integrity, scan and tag ReplayGain, and do some other tag fixes - that could take ages due to file size, and the fact that fb2k requires multiple reads/writes.

* The presentation of foo_verifier output could be better. Now, the Status column is too narrow to tell whether there is more than one error, and the Warnings too narrow to tell how inaccurate timing is. (I would have wanted fb2k to distinguish between "Reported length is inaccurate" and "Reported length is very wrong" too ...). And, I cannot sort by Status or Warning or crop down to troublemakers - though I can if I write a report, luckily.
* If I try to change tags in a number of write-protected files, it gives me error messages for all files selected, even for those that have no changes and should not be overwritten, true?
* By the way: Setting file permissions to Read Only only prevents fb2k from changing file content, not from moving or deleting it ... is there a way to flag files as "do not (re)move this"?
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Anakunda on 2018-09-11 15:14:04
Hiyas, having an old wish:
- Make the album art manager available for multiselection (show if artwork same or varies similarly as properties dialog)
  + show more artwork details (resolution, size, format, colour depth at least)
  + add drag&drop support in both directions
- When picking artwork for multiselection in mixed directories, set the starting folder to folder of first item.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Porcus on 2018-09-11 15:35:58
- Make the album art manager available for multiselection (show if artwork same or varies similarly as properties dialog)

At least, say "[image varies]" rather than "[no image]" when the latter is not true ...
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: sanskrit44 on 2018-09-11 19:24:52
here is an old wish of mine:

+ select default playlist export-format (->>> .m3u8)

+ export to linux-conform playlists with relative paths (../folder/to/music/track.flac)
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: EpicForever on 2018-09-14 06:48:49
3. Option to configure which metadata fields are displayed in selection properties component.
This is possible in Columns UI, so I guess it would be nice to have that option available in Default UI too.

This is already possible. Go to Preferences -> Advanced -> Display -> Properties Window.
You can disable current defaults, add own tags with own names, change order, etc.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Vicas on 2018-09-15 22:52:36
^ Yeah, that works, thanks. Only possibly problem could be that it also affects the general tags and properties window. But in my situation I just wanted to disable comment tag to be displayed in selection properties so I deleted comment tag from there.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: 2tec on 2018-09-16 00:44:21
text labels in addition to images for toolbar buttons in the DUI, please
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Sergey77 on 2018-09-20 16:56:35
Please implement the automatic сharacter encoding detection and conversion from ANSI to Unicode for dynamic track titles
(for correct display contents of Title/Artist fields when playback URL radio).
For other language we see abracadabra now :(
Other refs: https://hydrogenaud.io/index.php/topic,116604.msg962445/topicseen.html#new (https://hydrogenaud.io/index.php/topic,116604.msg962445/topicseen.html#new)

Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Porcus on 2018-09-21 10:55:25
* A "Repository for uninstalled components" folder, and so that the Install button defaults to opening that folder. Suggestion: append version to filename, and touch the "last modified" timestamp to uninstall time.

Sometimes one needs to debug crashes by removing components one by one until the issue disappears. If that is the seventh component, ...
And, I guess is only healthy to get rid of unneeded components from time to time, and then the user can be less cautious about what to uninstall.
In both cases, letting the file explorer sort by uninstall time (= modification time) makes everything easier, I guess.

* And with a folder for "previous versions".

Any subfolder organization can be done by the user in the file explorer, and the user can also delete - no reason for fb2k to keep a database.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Pollux88 on 2018-09-21 16:26:08
A feature to disable components instead of uninstalling them would do quite nice both for this purpose and in general.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: DJ FRANK G. on 2018-09-22 15:54:37
I need this:

Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: DJ FRANK G. on 2018-09-22 15:57:38
In RIP dialoge a button for select all / deselect all tracks like in EAC.!!!!
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: rolandm on 2018-09-25 17:16:17
Just a small change: In Spectrogram Visualization allow more FFT Size settings, at least 32768 and 65536.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: snxxfuzz on 2018-09-26 07:21:21
Combination of Album gain and Track gain
as already discussed years ago here

Given a Replay Gain tagged file, at playback time there's usually the choice between applying the album gain or the track gain. Both have their pros and cons but in general neither strategy seems to be perfect.

If we consider album gain as the "natural strategy" because it preserves the loudness difference between an album's individual tracks we may consider track gain as some kind of "deviation" from the "natural strategy" aiming to correct some flaws of the "natural strategy".

Viewed this way the question rises why there shouldn't be a measure allowing us to control the "deviation" in a smooth way from 0% (album gain) to 100% (track gain)? The latest version with the FFSoX Player plugin for WA (http://in-ffsox.sourceforge.net/) implements the idea:

What do you think about it? Do you find it useful?

I think it's a good idea, thought I think there are too many choices.  25%, 50% and 75% should be adequate, 20% steps will definitely be adequate.

edit: minor spelling
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Porcus on 2018-09-26 09:12:35
mi-i-i-inor nuissance. Either resizable - or just one character wider, and that slider will be gone.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Sergey77 on 2018-09-30 04:59:19
We would like to save and load the Extended M3U playlists with saving #EXTINF content (including a name of net radio or streaming video channel).
Other refs: https://hydrogenaud.io/index.php/topic,116414.0.html (https://hydrogenaud.io/index.php/topic,116414.0.html)

Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: amiti on 2018-10-01 21:49:46
A rather simple suggestion...
Two additional context menu commands in tagging segment: "Copy tags" and "Paste tags".
It will ease and speed up transferring tags between groups of files.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Skeebadoo on 2018-10-03 12:53:39
Dark theme

Now that after decades Microsoft finally got around making explorer dark, maybe, just maybe, we could have it transplanted into foobar's UI instead of the ugly 90s white+grey?
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: kode54 on 2018-10-03 23:41:49
Dark theme

Now that after decades Microsoft finally got around making explorer dark, maybe, just maybe, we could have it transplanted into foobar's UI instead of the ugly 90s white+grey?
It uses the system theme.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: mjm716 on 2018-10-04 05:07:05
Dark theme

Now that after decades Microsoft finally got around making explorer dark, maybe, just maybe, we could have it transplanted into foobar's UI instead of the ugly 90s white+grey?

Enable High-contrast themes in win10 personalization to clearly see the effect across application windows.

Alternately you may like something like this: https://www.deviantart.com/eversins/art/GreyEveTheme-FINAL-Windows-10-High-Contrast-Theme-643504863

Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Wipsigoh on 2018-10-05 04:13:26
Would it be possible to set a custom location for the intermediate .wav file when pipe encoding instead of using the destination folder? Having the option to use ram would also be a nice option.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Porcus on 2018-10-05 16:51:24
For consideration: restrictions on what is captured by "* HAS". For example

*tag HAS: searches in a default set of tags. For example, those selected in Properties -> Advanced -> Display -> Properties dialog
*anytag HAS: searches in all tags, but leave out path and info fields.  [Well, should it count replaygain fields, that fb2k anyway treats different, i.e. does not show in the Metadata tab under Properties?]
* HAS: as today

or: *default HAS vs *tag HAS vs * HAS or something like that.

or, different scheme:

*tag(artist,publisher,myownverystupigtagfield) HAS: searches only in these, a shorter way of using repeated OR
Then one can have *tag() HAS to represent a default set and *tag(*) HAS for "anywhere".

or (obvious disadvantage of breaking known behaviour):

* HAS: change into searching only preconfigured fields.
** HAS: searches all tags
*** HAS: searches everything today's * HAS does.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: kode54 on 2018-10-07 03:29:13
Would it be possible to set a custom location for the intermediate .wav file when pipe encoding instead of using the destination folder? Having the option to use ram would also be a nice option.
By the very definition, there is no on-disk intermediate .wav file when pipe encoding.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: 801evan on 2018-10-07 12:13:34
Feature request:
I notice that converting flac to wav and wav64 gives a better sound. I assume it sounds better coz it takes less cpu to process in real-time. I use 50ms buffer to observe this quality bump.

I've also been enjoying the improved sound quality  using the RAM-DISK component.

My request is the ability to load a 'converted to wav64 32bit' version of the flac file on the playlist to RAM-DISK.so even if a FLAC version is on the playlist, a modified version of RAM-DISK will load a wav64 32bit version of the file to RAM. I got this idea from JRiver and it's 'load decoded file to memory' feature and it works very well when I did a manual version of it on foobar.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Case on 2018-10-07 13:32:19
What a fine example of placebo doing its thing. FLAC and WAV will both decode so fast that your machine's power states won't change one way or another. There's no way even in theory that they would produce different sound. Also RAM-DISK won't improve audio quality, audio will already be cached in decoded form in the output buffer. Though you for some reason decide not to utilize it by setting the output buffer to its minimum size. It won't improve quality, it will only open a possibility for data dropouts which will be very audible glitches.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: 801evan on 2018-10-07 14:07:23
Speak for yourself, mate cause I'm hitting a level where I can hear the difference.  I've set the output buffer to the minimum size to increase speed and transparency and my setup has to reduce my cpu core down to one core to reduce noise.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: fbuser on 2018-10-07 14:51:31
I'm hitting a level where I can hear the difference.
No, you can't. Apart from this, please have a lookt at this (https://hydrogenaud.io/index.php/topic,3974.0.html#post_tos8).
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: 801evan on 2018-10-07 15:00:40
I'm hitting a level where I can hear the difference.
No, you can't. Apart from this, please have a lookt at this (https://hydrogenaud.io/index.php/topic,3974.0.html#post_tos8).

Just because you don't hear it doesn't mean others can't. Like I said, my current setup uses one core and buffer at the minimal setting. So the least cpu cycles to use on demand helps. While FLAC and WAV data are essentially the same, it's the CPU processing time that makes a difference.

My request is to combine two existing features, the ability to transcode to a certain wav, wav64 flavor and send that to RAM-DISK. There's a reason RAM-DISK was developed and why 'load decoded file to memory' exists as a feature on JRIVER.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: kode54 on 2018-10-07 22:21:09
At a 50ms buffer setting, you will likely notice CPU usage issues with just about any format. Setting buffers that low is totally pointless for an audio player. And even DAW software likely pre-buffers compressed audio for a second or two ahead of playback, for this same reason.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: 801evan on 2018-10-08 08:02:33
I'm on win 2012 + audio optimizer + Fidelizer pro , foobar kernel streaming + ram disk + minimal buffer  to Hugo 2. I can understand how conventionally the difference is neglible,  the SQ difference is noticeable on high quality external DACs. At least 3 other ppl who indulged me in trying it on their system can hear the difference.

Again, just because some people don't hear it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. And even if such difference is probably null to most people reading this, it doesn't change the difficulty in developing my feature request.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: kode54 on 2018-10-08 08:22:29
"High Quality" external DACs are usually fidgety pieces of crap, riddled with their own issues. You've just listed off so many Wrong Things that could equally stand to have broken your audio processing chain.

I think I'll go back to the safety of my room now, and continue listening to base quality Spotify music (not even using the Premium SUPER HQ BITRATE I technically pay for, but would rather not waste the bandwidth on) on my external USB microphone with monitor DAC that only does 44100/16 and 48000/16 output.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Porcus on 2018-10-08 12:14:50
Isn't the buffer under Preferences->Playback->Output a set amount of decoded audio? (If not, how can it buffer encoded files that have no proper seektable?)

Again, just because some people don't hear it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
If you can hear it, it is easy to prove using https://www.foobar2000.org/components/view/foo_abx . Do that first.

But glitches due to too low buffering are usually so obvious that people would just go ahead checking their buffers rather than claiming that it is only audible to their own golden ears. If you really have issues like this, then MP3s would be expected to cough all the time. I have had glitching due to Dell delivering a horrible set of drivers, but format didn't matter then; try LatencyMon https://www.techspot.com/downloads/6944-latencymon.html .

And, I wonder why you try to provoke forth glitches by taking down the buffer, only to buffer the entire song in RAM. IIRC (question on top), increasing the buffer will do what you need. And you can go to Preferences->Advanced->Playback->Full file buffering up to (kB):

Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: 801evan on 2018-10-08 12:31:21
My system display stays asleep after one minute despite keyboard input and I have keyboard shortcuts to control the playback and I can hear it from there and check afterwards.

Yes, especially on DS, low buffer output craps out. Despite 500ms, I get glitches on DS. So I can understand ppl's reply on my request. Kernel streaming component performance has been amazing and minimal buffer output works and gives the best sound quality. By comparison, higher buffer settings sounds like it's underwater and poor timing in the sound. By poor timing, I mean it can't resolve the micro-details and technicalities. When I get back to a higher buffer setting, I realize I only hear the guitar sound after it's string has been plucked.

I lack understanding why buffer output has noticeable results despite sending the data to RAM but that's my observation.  I've tried that full file buffering option on advanced and that one doesn't change the sound.

Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Case on 2018-10-08 16:11:19
The longer buffer can't change audio - it's just a buffer holding the samples between the playback thread and the Windows API that requests the data for sound device drivers. What happens in the output is exactly identical, only difference is that with longer buffers the samples that will be played were decoded N milliseconds earlier in advance. If there are no buffer underruns, which would be audible as very loud clicks or pops, timing is absolutely irrelevant. The sound device has its own buffer and its own clock that will play the samples at the rate its clock runs.

If you think your computer is special and things don't work that way could you please record the output from your DAC with the short buffer and with a long buffer where sound is underwatery. Use the same track for both recordings and please share the recordings here for examination.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Porcus on 2018-10-08 18:09:46
Despite 500ms, I get glitches on DS.

LatencyMon. It is freeware. Try it. Trouble would show up like for example this (https://thewindowsclub-thewindowsclubco.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/LatencyMon.png).
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: alpha centauri on 2018-10-08 22:30:27
HI, Suggestion to merge the UPnP Media Renderer output into Foobar, and get to have the stream title to display dynamic information like %title% or %artist% or both ? ANd have the vizualisation working on DLNA. Thanks
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Wipsigoh on 2018-10-12 04:27:50
By the very definition, there is no on-disk intermediate .wav file when pipe encoding.

Oh, whoops. My mistake. Thanks for pointing that out. I should have referred to when pipe encoding isn't being used.
And I probably should clarify that while it would be nice to have the .wav file in ram, I can see it might not be feasible to implement. If so, the option to set a custom file path for the .wav would be appreciated.  :D 

Though, as I'm generally new and just realized this, I should make sure I'm not still unknowingly asking for pipe encoding by accident.
My understanding is that the audio data is streamed from the decoder (as it's being decoded) directly to the encoder (as opposed to converting to a .wav file in ram to then be encoded). Some encoders don't use pipe encoding because they are expecting a "whole" file as the input. Is that correct?

Many thanks!
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Case on 2018-10-12 07:37:15
1.4.1 beta 1 has a setting in advanced preferences to perform encoding in temp directory and move the final file to the target. This is a better version of just using it for temporary wav file.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Sergey77 on 2018-10-12 17:02:28
For improve use Internet radio, please consider the following:
1. Allow fb2k to stop playback for non working links at playlist.
See ref: https://hydrogenaud.io/index.php/topic,77715.msg956815.html#msg956815 (https://hydrogenaud.io/index.php/topic,77715.msg956815.html#msg956815)
2. Add %error% for Title Formatting Fields (or another way) to display status of non playable elements at playlist.
See ref: https://hydrogenaud.io/index.php/topic,77715.msg958656.html#msg958656
3. Allow fb2k to add images for internet links of playlist items.

Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Sergey77 on 2018-10-14 08:59:51
4. Pay attention please and standardize to displaying of Internet radio links on the playlist.
To test (for example) three different internet radio links (with different variants of displaying on the playlist):
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
first link: (best variant): when added to the playlist, static information will be displayed for titles fields: %codec%, %samplerate%, %channels%, $meta (genre).
After start playback %bitrate% appears. After stop playback, this information will remain on the playlist (without %bitrate%). Also available information at field "General" of section "Properties / Details".
second link: when added to the playlist, static information will be displayed for only title field %codec%. Сontent for %bitrate% appears after start playback and disappears after stop playback. The field "General" of section "Properties / Details" is absent constantly.
third link: when added to the playlist, static information will be displayed for only title field $meta (genre). During playback content of $meta (genre) on playlist is absent, and appears again when stop playback. Сontent for %bitrate% appears after start playback and disappears during playback. Also the field "General" of section "Properties / Details" is absent constantly.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: alpha centauri on 2018-10-15 22:09:18
My suggestion
Upnp integrated to foobar and to have the stream title to display dynamic information like %title% or %artist% or both ?
Thanks in advance
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: HaVeeL on 2018-10-17 10:03:03
It would be nice to have a small indicator of the media library status (monitoring/initializing/error/whatever) somewhere in the user interface, without clicking a sequence like "Library -> Configure -> Cancel"...
Maybe a %media_library_status% field that could be put in status bar?
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: robrock80 on 2018-10-17 14:07:44
Is it possible to make foobar2000 able to group convertion presets in custom groups?
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Porcus on 2018-10-19 18:52:33
A feature to disable components instead of uninstalling them would do quite nice both for this purpose and in general.

"In the meantime", a minor nuissance: Component install requires restart. What about an option to "install upon next startup"?
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: onosendai on 2018-10-20 01:05:05
Hi all !

Is there way to lock a playlist from edit/deletion ? It's so easy to erase a playlist...

Also, i know it's possible to launch Foobar and make it play the song that was playing before, but is it possible to save that state per playlist ?
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: kode54 on 2018-10-20 02:23:03
There is always undo, even for deleting playlists, unless you quit the player before attempting to undo.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Sergey77 on 2018-10-20 10:23:25
5. Also standardize to displaying of Internet radio links on the playlist for streams: ogg/vorbis; opus; flac
To test (for example) four different internet radio links:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
For the links same behavoir: content for %bitrate%, %samplerate%, %channels%, $meta (genre) (%codec% only for the first link) appears after start playback and disappears after stop playback. The field "General" of section "Properties/Details" is absent constantly.
6. Change behavior of the component "Playback Statistics" for streaming lings items on playlist.
To test (for example) three different links (the first two are HLS):
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
first link: The elements of the part “Playback Statistics” in the “Properties/Details” section are missing.
second link: The elements of the part “Playback Statistics” (First/Last played) in the “Properties/Details” are available.
The field "Last modified" of section "Location" in “Properties/Details" is absent constantly for both links.
third link: The field "Last modified" of section "Location" in “Properties/Details" is avaliable.
Content of title field %added% isn't displayed for any internet links at playlist.

Thank you very much for the good changes for Internet radio in v1.4.1 Beta 3. :)
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: anamorphic on 2018-10-20 12:47:31
Is there way to lock a playlist from edit/deletion ? It's so easy to erase a playlist...
Try foo_playlist_attributes (https://www.foobar2000.org/components/view/foo_playlist_attributes) component. (See 'Playlist restrictions (http://www.palm-internet.eu/foobar2000/components/foo_playlist_attributes/foo_playlist_attributes_help.html)' button)
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: khashayar on 2018-10-21 12:02:04
Although I made a separate issue for this but:

Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: boxerfan88 on 2018-10-23 15:24:56
Request for new variable     %current_active_playlist_name%
Thank you.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Pi on 2018-11-07 15:54:57
1. Is it possible (plugin, etc.) to choose a output device from the drop down list without having to enter the options menu (Preferences>Playback>Output>Device)?
2. Is it possible to temporarily deactivate the plug-in without uninstalling it?
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: darkflame23 on 2018-11-07 17:53:32
1. Right click on the default UI and select "Output Switcher".
2. Not sure.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: wcs13 on 2018-11-24 02:38:39
A $today() function to display the current date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
A $now() function to display the current date/time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss format.

Say I want to tag some specific songs in my main database. Songs that I've played earlier today.
Even if I've played them outside of foobar (with another player), or in another computer, etc..
So things like foo_playcount are not an option here.

If there was, say, a $today() function, I could map a key to a masstagger function to manually format a custom %played on% tag with the results of the $today() function.
Then I could select a bunch of songs and quickly tag them with that info.
That would really make my day.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: anamorphic on 2018-11-24 04:47:58
If there was, say, a $today() function, I could map a key to a masstagger function to manually format a custom %played on% tag with the results of the $today() function.
Masstagger already has a %now% value for 'Format value from other fields' (http://wiki.hydrogenaud.io/index.php?title=Foobar2000:Components_0.9/foo_masstag#Format_value_from_other_fields). You can wrap it with a $date(%now%) function to format as you like.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: wcs13 on 2018-11-24 06:50:12
If there was, say, a $today() function, I could map a key to a masstagger function to manually format a custom %played on% tag with the results of the $today() function.
Masstagger already has a %now% value for 'Format value from other fields' (http://wiki.hydrogenaud.io/index.php?title=Foobar2000:Components_0.9/foo_masstag#Format_value_from_other_fields). You can wrap it with a $date(%now%) function to format as you like.
Interesting ! Thank you very much. That's a start.
That being said, let's say I want to create a custom column in a playlist, that says "that song has been played X days ago". I guess I can't do that yet. Because I could read the custom %played on% tag for each track, but if there's no $today() or $now() function outside of the masstagger, then I can't calculate the date difference [ %now% MINUS %played on% ], right ?
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: mjm716 on 2018-11-24 10:12:49
That being said, let's say I want to create a custom column in a playlist, that says "that song has been played X days ago".

if you are using Facets, that is a statistics column: last played
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: anamorphic on 2018-11-24 13:26:18
That being said, let's say I want to create a custom column in a playlist, that says "that song has been played X days ago". I guess I can't do that yet. Because I could read the custom %played on% tag for each track, but if there's no $today() or $now() function outside of the masstagger, then I can't calculate the date difference [ %now% MINUS %played on% ], right ?
(Ah, but that was not your question, otherwise I would have continued...)

Fortunately foobar has plug-ins! :D You can use foo_dynfil (https://hydrogenaud.io/index.php/topic,86853.0.html) (Dynamic Fields) for exactly that. It even has a handy function to save on math. ;) So for example, once installed, go File > Preferences > Media Library > Dynamic Fields. Click the green plus to make a new field -

Name: Days since played
Aggregation: Min/Avg/Max
Title formatting: $if(%last_played%,$date_diff(%last_played%))

Aesthetic note: The reason I name the field in sentence form ('Days since played') is to match the other tech info fields under Properties > Details tab or the Selection Properties panel, but use whatever name you want.

This example is using the %last_played% date from Playback Statistics, which you can swap for your custom %played_on% tag (also below). FYI, I tried before to see if Masstagger would update that %last_played% field, but no luck, so custom tag would be the way.

Then, in your playlist column you can put something like -
Code: [Select]
$if(%last_played%,$ifgreater(%_Days since played%,1,%_Days since played% days,$ifgreater(%_Days since played%,0,%_Days since played% day,today)),never)

Which would look like: 2 days, 1 day, today, never. I guess you could add years, though that would require math. (Hey if anyone else can be bothered...) :D

Cheers 8)
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: khashayar on 2018-11-27 21:11:02
Including Waveform Minibar (mod) by Default...
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: mjm716 on 2018-11-28 03:31:21
Wish: An items function.

eg. $items(%tag%); $subitems(%tag%)

Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Porcus on 2018-11-28 07:09:35
Search for "in the same directory as". E.g.

%tracknumber% GREATER 90 ANDSAMEDIR
to return everything with tracknumber greater than 90, and all other items in the same directory. Could be "ANDSAMEDIR(n)" to recurse to n subfolders.

Or, more generally something like $sameand(%tracknumber% GREATER 90,%directory%). Or $sameor(). Say:

$sameand(album HAS foo,genre,%artist%)
to return not only every album that has "foo", but for each hit: also everything that matches this hit's genre AND this hit's %artist%

and also:
$sameor(%album% HAS foo AND %album% HAS bar,composer,performer)
to return not only the hit, but also for each hit: also everything that matches this hit's composer OR this hit's performer.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: MetaPixel on 2018-11-30 08:01:35
Add a "disable phase invert" checkbox to the opus format convert dialog box. This is something that affected me many times (and even some big corporations like soundcloud) every time I needed to play on anything that isn't headphones: the phase invert technique ends up messing the sound at low bitrates when mixing both channels. I've been circumventing this by adding --no-phase-inv in custom, but I don't think many people that ran into this problem even know this option exists.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: khashayar on 2018-12-04 15:05:19
"Open Containing Folder" for .RAR .ZIP files opens the Compressed file Directory. instead of being Disabled Altogether.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Porcus on 2018-12-08 11:20:30
"Album List" search takes painfully long time with big library and slow computer (mine is fanless and clocked-down). Worse is, if I want to replace a search, mark all and start typing over, it spends time executing the empty search before narrowing down - and a single-character search takes long time too. Suggestions:

* Abort the execution of a running search once a new character is entered or del is pressed.
* The "empty search" naturally shows up all the time. Cache it, so that fb2k not have to spend time collating it.
(IDK how much it takes to cache all single-printable-ASCII-character searches?)
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: piloto on 2018-12-10 11:31:19
In foobar2000 for iOS there are two problems:

1 - If the tags in the songs do not have the name of the album and still have the cover foobar does not show the cover when it plays, only if it also has the tag name of the album filled (photo 1).

2 - On the locked screen of the iphone you can not advance the track that is playing, there is a type "ball" that exists to control the volume, example in the photo 2 and 3 (foobar2000 x tidal).

And finally as a suggestion is to improve the features of foobar2000 for mac, how to appear the tags, album cover....and if in iOS and MacOS it was possible to play cloud music (WebDav) online and offline will be perfect. Sorry for my English! Thankful!
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Porcus on 2018-12-10 11:50:29
Argh ... reiterating this request for idiot-proofing improvement (https://hydrogenaud.io/index.php/topic,116255.0.html): Grey out "OK" until there is something entered in "Pattern".

(By the way ... comma, semicolon, field separator ... do they work optimally when filling in like this?)
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Sergey77 on 2018-12-10 13:52:38
for displaying a variable bitrate of the stream items at playlist:
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: sveakul on 2018-12-10 19:53:09
for displaying a variable bitrate of the stream items at playlist:
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: fzanuzzo on 2018-12-10 21:25:43
I’ve just migrated from using VNC to fb2k as my audio streaming client because I could find all I need in it, except for one config I used to have in the previous: start up minimized (hidden).
So, I’m looking forward to it!
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: anamorphic on 2018-12-11 00:04:56
^ @fzanuzzo You can modify a Windows shortcut to start minimized -

foobar2000.exe /hide

(See other command line options (https://wiki.hydrogenaud.io/index.php?title=Foobar2000:Commandline_Guide))
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Coreda on 2018-12-11 10:53:26
"Open Containing Folder" for .RAR .ZIP files opens the Compressed file Directory. instead of being Disabled Altogether.

Wouldn't that be the expected behavior, to allow opening the directory the compressed archive is contained within?
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Le Croissant on 2019-01-01 07:26:26
FEATURE REQUEST 1 (simple): In addition to front, back, artist, icon and disc I would also like to be able to display composer image in the album art viewer. I believe that adding this feature will make foobar, which already is very classical music friendly due to its customizability, even more so.

FEATURE REQUEST 2 (more complicated): I would like to be able to swap out the default seekbar in the toolbar for a waveform seekbar. Or at least the option to customize or remove the toolbar. I don't find the default seekbar very useful without some kind of preview.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Le Croissant on 2019-01-01 07:45:53
"High Quality" external DACs are usually fidgety pieces of crap, riddled with their own issues. You've just listed off so many Wrong Things that could equally stand to have broken your audio processing chain.
Not to dredge up an old post and maybe this isn't the place to discuss this.
But as someone who's currently looking out for an external dac and amp I would appreciate it if you could elaborate on that statement. I'm currently under the belief that you pretty much need an external DAC to get any kind of decent audio signal without electrical interference from your PC. It seems like you're suggesting that isn't the case?
If this isn't the place for this then I'd be happy to talk via PM.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: kode54 on 2019-01-02 01:15:49
A separate public topic may also be useful, as other users may have better, more useful input than I can offer. All I can offer is that most ICH6 and newer class HD Audio codecs, and most decent USB audio devices, should be fairly well isolated from any PC line noise. You're welcome to test for noise with whatever hardware you already have, though. I suggest trying a loopback cable from speaker/headphone output to the line input, and using RMAA to benchmark the device, before drawing any conclusions about whether you really need a dedicated external DAC.

Quick anecdote: In fact, the last dedicated sound card I bought, an Asus Xonar DX, had *worse* noise isolation on its front panel connector output than my onboard audio did, and even my current onboard audio has. The onboard produced no audible noise on the front panel connector, while the Xonar produced audible noise triggered by most CPU or IO activity, even moving my mouse around. Although now, I use a USB microphone, a Blue Yeti, as my output device, and I just disable the microphone's internal monitoring mode, which is as simple as muting the microphone volume level on the audio output device.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: darkflame23 on 2019-01-02 10:58:10
FEATURE REQUEST 2 (more complicated): I would like to be able to swap out the default seekbar in the toolbar for a waveform seekbar. Or at least the option to customize or remove the toolbar. I don't find the default seekbar very useful without some kind of preview.

Check out the Waveform Minibar component, it's exactly what you are asking for.


Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: koupa on 2019-01-02 18:09:46
1. Is it possible to add links in to the artist library as Audirvana? For example when I click on "The Beatles" it will show me everything from them. I don't expect to see something like Roon with full hypertext but something simple.

2. Also I want to see the "album list" panel to be interactive with the playlist and with Facets if possible. I want to have something like Roon or Jriver with the artwork covering most of my screen. But I can't achieve it. The album list panel is static. I can browse but no artwork shown unless I choose to play the file. I want something like Facets.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Le Croissant on 2019-01-03 07:15:24
Check out the Waveform Minibar component, it's exactly what you are asking for.

As a matter of fact, I'm already using waveform minibar. But it can't be placed literally IN the toolbar. I just don't like that the toolbar takes up so much seemingly useless space.

And not to start a whole discussion about components. But I doubt whether I'm even going to continue using waveform mini seekbar. Because I can't get my subtle music (lute works, polyphonic music etc.) to display properly if I make the waveform too narrow.
It ends up just being a thin line with some blocks sticking out here and there. I guess that stuff isn't loud enough to produce a large waveform.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Le Croissant on 2019-01-03 07:20:57
I want to have something like Roon or Jriver with the artwork covering most of my screen. But I can't achieve it. The album list panel is static. I can browse but no artwork shown unless I choose to play the file. I want something like Facets.
In facets you can hold down ctrl and scroll to enlarge or decrease the album display size. And in File - Preferences - Display there's an option to "prefer current selection" this will display the info + art of the album you've selected instead of the one you're playing.

Hope that helps.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: darkflame23 on 2019-01-03 09:50:46
Check out the Waveform Minibar component, it's exactly what you are asking for.

As a matter of fact, I'm already using waveform minibar. But it can't be placed literally IN the toolbar. I just don't like that the toolbar takes up so much seemingly useless space.

And not to start a whole discussion about components. But I doubt whether I'm even going to continue using waveform mini seekbar. Because I can't get my subtle music (lute works, polyphonic music etc.) to display properly if I make the waveform too narrow.
It ends up just being a thin line with some blocks sticking out here and there. I guess that stuff isn't loud enough to produce a large waveform.

If you don't like it, you don't like it, that's fine. If you want a more visible waveform, you just need to select "Waveform Scale: Normalize", and check the "dB Scale" box in the prefs. Chunky as you like!
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: koupa on 2019-01-03 18:05:06
I want to have something like Roon or Jriver with the artwork covering most of my screen. But I can't achieve it. The album list panel is static. I can browse but no artwork shown unless I choose to play the file. I want something like Facets.
In facets you can hold down ctrl and scroll to enlarge or decrease the album display size. And in File - Preferences - Display there's an option to "prefer current selection" this will display the info + art of the album you've selected instead of the one you're playing.

Hope that helps.

Thanks for your reply. I know that but it's not what I want. I want to keep my screen clean from everything and right now I have Facets installed with 4 columns. 3 with text filters and one with artwork. That's the top half. The bottom is the Playlist. But the first 3 columns can be replaced easily with the Album List Panel and the filters that it has. So when I choose "Rock" Genre I could have everything showed with full artwork without select it. I'll show what I mean with Screens.

The back is my current setup and the scratchbox what I want. I want in the empty space to have the albums that I select from the album list panel.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: fuffi on 2019-01-04 23:12:28
1. Is it possible to add links in to the artist library as Audirvana? For example when I click on "The Beatles" it will show me everything from them. I don't expect to see something like Roon with full hypertext but something simple.
check here: https://www.foobar2000.org/components/view/foo_quicksearch
* Configurable "Search for same .... " context menus.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: j7n on 2019-01-06 14:27:43
Selection Properties: Word-wrap long metadata fields to multiple lines and avoid showing the horizontal scrollbar to make reading easier and conserve vertical space. Max length of the display is already limited to conservative 500 characters.

Selection Properties: Do not flash the display contents when alt-tabbing to another window (as if the current selection was cleared). This is distracting, does not happen with other software, and can sometimes result in wrong information being copied or retyped from Properties, when it has switched to the currently playing track by itself. Maybe it is possible to allow a list control set a new selection or explcitly clear it by clicking on a blank space but, until that happens, rememember the previous selection.

Media Library: Optional OK/Enter button for starting search in Album List. Do not begin unnecessary search when typing slowly or with a mistake.

Metadata: Autocomplete multiple artists after a semicolon. Autocomplete artists by their last name as well as beginning of the string. Advanced settings could have a list of fields for which to do this. Perhaps it is useful for other fields (for typed 'rock' I'd get all variations of rock, e.g. blues rock, but no need under %label%). Maybe the word after the last space is enough. This is to make entering songwriters with only an initial, two-letter initial or only the last name consistent.

Binary Comparator: Run at below normal priority. Show difference in decibels too to make interpreting of small values more intuitive. Maybe calculate RMS power too to allow estimation of the average difference without opening a wave editor.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Rollin on 2019-01-06 21:36:00
Ability to display all fields that are not empty in UI element "Selection Properties". Currently not empty fields are displayed only if they are set as standard fields.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Le Croissant on 2019-01-07 11:42:33
If you want a more visible waveform, you just need to select "Waveform Scale: Normalize", and check the "dB Scale" box in the prefs. Chunky as you like!

Sorry for the late reply. THANK YOU! This was exactly what I wanted.
I had overlooked the waveform options because they were hidden under tools. Now I can even customize the colours.
Needless to say I will be using waveform minibar now! Thank you again!
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: darkflame23 on 2019-01-07 14:41:35
No worries, took me a while to find the settings too!
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: zeremy on 2019-01-07 18:07:10
Autocomplete in Media Search Box as described here:

Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: koupa on 2019-01-07 19:08:50
1. Is it possible to add links in to the artist library as Audirvana? For example when I click on "The Beatles" it will show me everything from them. I don't expect to see something like Roon with full hypertext but something simple.
check here: https://www.foobar2000.org/components/view/foo_quicksearch
* Configurable "Search for same .... " context menus.

I have the facets search which is excellent. But I would like something more fancy.

But my main complain is the interactive album list. Apart from that nothing more right now.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: anamorphic on 2019-01-09 15:06:17
Hey @koupa  :)
2. Also I want to see the "album list" panel to be interactive with the playlist and with Facets if possible. I want to have something like Roon or Jriver with the artwork covering most of my screen. But I can't achieve it. The album list panel is static. I can browse but no artwork shown unless I choose to play the file. I want something like Facets.
You can do something like this already with either Facets or EsPlaylist (https://hydrogenaud.io/index.php/topic,79030.0.html) and using the Library Viewer Selection playlist. (Under Preferences > Media Library > 'Library Viewer Selection' > tick 'Enabled' and 'Activate')

With Facets, just setup a single 'Album' column, set the toolbar source button to 'Playlist' mode, and right-click column header > Display > Album Art. (Can also remove the toolbar completely in Layout Editing Mode)

With EsPlaylist, it takes a bit more setting up, but can also remove the column headers as well for a cleaner look. Basically just copy the settings this guy (https://www.reddit.com/r/foobar2000/comments/a7wvmn/redesigned_my_columns_ui_layout_from_scratch_the/) is using - see the comments for screenshots. (Can also change which titles are displayed next to cover art in Preferences > Tools > EsPlaylist > Grouping tab > 'Album' preset > click %album% and Edit button)

Either way when you click anything in Album List you will see all the cover art for that branch. There is a slight behavior difference - EsPlaylist will highlight the playing album, and queue the whole album for playback when double-clicking a cover (so need to click play / in the playlist for 'shuffle' playback).
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: anamorphic on 2019-01-09 15:58:51
Hey @Le Croissant  :)
FEATURE REQUEST 2 (more complicated): [...] Or at least the option to customize or remove the toolbar.
You can with a right-click > Customize Buttons, etc. (Cannot remove the menu bar, though)

As a matter of fact, I'm already using waveform minibar. But it can't be placed literally IN the toolbar.
You can fake it. :D In View > Layout > Layout editing / Scratchbox, add a second toolbar row with a [Splitter] 'Toolbar Header' [Splitter] 'Waveform' [Splitter] and another 'Toolbar Header'. Handy if you want the toolbars somewhere other than the top of your layout. (Although I guess that would be adding more space in addition to the menu bar)

Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: koupa on 2019-01-11 18:24:38
Hey @koupa  :)
2. Also I want to see the "album list" panel to be interactive with the playlist and with Facets if possible. I want to have something like Roon or Jriver with the artwork covering most of my screen. But I can't achieve it. The album list panel is static. I can browse but no artwork shown unless I choose to play the file. I want something like Facets.
You can do something like this already with either Facets or EsPlaylist (https://hydrogenaud.io/index.php/topic,79030.0.html) and using the Library Viewer Selection playlist. (Under Preferences > Media Library > 'Library Viewer Selection' > tick 'Enabled' and 'Activate')

With Facets, just setup a single 'Album' column, set the toolbar source button to 'Playlist' mode, and right-click column header > Display > Album Art. (Can also remove the toolbar completely in Layout Editing Mode)

With EsPlaylist, it takes a bit more setting up, but can also remove the column headers as well for a cleaner look. Basically just copy the settings this guy (https://www.reddit.com/r/foobar2000/comments/a7wvmn/redesigned_my_columns_ui_layout_from_scratch_the/) is using - see the comments for screenshots. (Can also change which titles are displayed next to cover art in Preferences > Tools > EsPlaylist > Grouping tab > 'Album' preset > click %album% and Edit button)

Either way when you click anything in Album List you will see all the cover art for that branch. There is a slight behavior difference - EsPlaylist will highlight the playing album, and queue the whole album for playback when double-clicking a cover (so need to click play / in the playlist for 'shuffle' playback).

You are my GOD!!! Thank you. That's all I need.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Rollin on 2019-01-18 17:13:13
If decoder gives no info about channel mapping than suggest that 5 channels are FL FR FC SL SR and 6 channels are FL FR FC LFE LS RS. Currently fb2k suggests that this are FL FR FC LR RR and FL FR FC LFE LR RR respectively.
But standard channel mapping for 5.0 and 5.1 use SIDE channels, not rear/back. See "Note 3" in column "5.0 side"'s header- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surround_sound#Standard_speaker_channels.  Also see here - https://www.thx.com/faq/#set-5-1-surround-sound-speakers
Also DTS-HD Master Audio Suite has only variant with SIDE channels for 5.0/5.1
According to the same sources (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surround_sound#Standard_speaker_channels , https://www.thx.com/faq/#set-7-1-surround-sound-speakers): for 8 channels in case of unknown channel mapping suggest FL FR FC LFE RL RR SL SR, instead of currently suggested FL FR FC LFE RL RR FCL FCR; for 7 channels - FL FR FC LFE RC SL SR (or maybe FL FR FC RR RL SL SR ) instead of FL FR LFE RL RR FCL FCR
Title: Add an additional EJECT Button to the "Open Audio CD" Dialogue
Post by: fuffi on 2019-01-20 10:13:19

I'd like to have an easy reachable button to ejcet the CD/DVD-Drive, which is focussed in this window.

Click here: f2k->File->Open Audio CD...

Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: anamorphic on 2019-01-31 19:56:28
Hey Peter,

Would it be possible to please add an option to the Tabs container to disable the scroll buttons and allow them to stack vertically? (Same as the Playlist Tabs currently do when there are too many). I would love to make a layout with narrow spaced Tabs stacked on top of each other, with the active one always moving to the bottom, but this is currently impossible due to the forced scroll buttons. A simple right-click option, per each set of Tabs, would be great. <3

(I suppose it can be done in CUI or SMP - I'm not sure, but honestly it would be so easy in DUI and open up so many additional layout possibilities!)

Thank you for your continued efforts on the foobar and I hope this thread is not bugging you too much. ;)
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: loz on 2019-02-22 13:54:06
The one feature or component I want added to foobar more than anything is album ratings.

It's something I used to do in customdb before that component made foobar totally unusable. While track ratings are great for just keeping track of songs or making autoplaylists (and using spider monkey panel for ratings gives you more options), I prefer to keep track of albums as a whole without altering the tags. There are outside sources to do this like rateyourmusic or self-hosted options like ampache, but it'd be great to have everything in one place.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: jazzthieve on 2019-02-22 14:00:50
What is stopping you from selecting all tracks of the album and manually tagging them with an album rating?
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: davideleo on 2019-02-22 14:56:35
It's something I used to do in customdb before that component made foobar totally unusable.

I still use it like that for artist and genre rating, plus a few other calculated fields related to genre and artist, but indeed customdb makes foobar2000 a lot slower and it's been abandoned by the developer since years (tip: version 9a is not as buggy as the latest one).

Anyway, I totally second your request, but it's not just about album rating (maybe this will answer @jazzthieve's question, too). Even though customdb's main purpose was saving tags without writing them into the files, I believe its real benefit is in providing them as calculated fields, that is fields whose value is not entered directly by the user, but derived by other fields. This enables the user to organize tags in one-to-many relationships and grant referential integrity to the metadatabase.
I detailed the matter here (https://hydrogenaud.io/index.php/topic,106991.0.html), when I first started using foobar2000, before I found out about customdb (which BTW is the main reason I decided to stick with foobar2000).

I've seen several attempts to replace customdb's external tagging functionality, but none really seems to care about calculated fields. On the other hand I've seen quite a few other components that provide apparently calculated fields for specific purposes, such as the playcount fields as provided by the official playcount component or by Jscript and Spider Monkey panels.
I'm not sure why nobody ever attempted to replace such a unique and useful plug-in as customdb, but I got the idea that most people see customdb as an external tags component, whereas concentrating on the calculated fields only, would be pretty simple, as this seems to be already implemented in the components I mentioned above, despite not being customizable by the user. But I'm no developer, so this is just a guess.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: loz on 2019-02-22 17:11:23
I still use it like that for artist and genre rating, plus a few other calculated fields related to genre and artist, but indeed customdb makes foobar2000 a lot slower and it's been abandoned by the developer since years (tip: version 9a is not as buggy as the latest one).
One of the big problems was the sluggishness customdb caused. It also kept crashing album list panel in later versions of columns when appending the rating to the album tree. I might try 9a in a portable test version this weekend though. That component is too useful for storing information.

What is stopping you from selecting all tracks of the album and manually tagging them with an album rating?
Nothing. I prefer not to do that for various reason some of which @davideleo stated.

Secondly, I don't use foobar as a player as much as I use it as a means to keep track of information e.g. artist bio, album review, play counts, track ratings, etc. It's more of a listening companion with bells and whistles to me. I used to keep album notes in custom database. Just basic thoughts on the album or the album's mood, or similar artists. While foobar is always running when I'm in Windows, I do most of my listening through a raspberry pi w/DAC hooked up to my stereo that runs mpd. I only play through foobar for when I feel like wearing headphones. My music drive is on a file server that shares out to multiple devices and services: laptop, raspberry pi, ampache, which is like a self-hosted spotify, file server's mpd for streaming to icecast....

And blah blah blah... the point is the less I'm changing the actual music files themselves, the better off I'm going to be in the long run.

And finally, I just hate superfluous tags. I find them annoying. You don't need a bunch of nonessential information in the metadata. That's what databases are for.

EDIT: I've also considered mtags but I found it just leaves too much junk for my liking. Nothing against the component. It's just a personal preference on how I like to keep my music library.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: khashayar on 2019-03-05 19:00:13
Built-in/Background Updates.

especially for frequent Beta Updates.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: jazzthieve on 2019-03-05 19:58:34
I think pushing beta updates automatically isn't a great idea at all. Beta is for testing purposes and for those wanting to do that specifically. Doing background updates on betas goes completely against that idea. It's a different thing for final releases.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Jailhouse on 2019-03-05 22:17:52
Any automatic updating should be an option, but especially when it comes to beta versions.

That said, if automatic updating were an option, the setting in Advanced Preferences > Updates to check for betas when running a stable version could have a sub-option for automatic beta installs.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Dobro5000 on 2019-03-13 15:18:50

An option showing the remaining play time (countdown) for the playlist.
(Like %playback_time_remaing% for a single file, but for the remaining playlist (%playlist_time_remaining%)
 Maybe put it on the status bar in the menu that says "Show Total Time of Selection"
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Ivodam on 2019-03-17 13:06:05
I would like to have at some point in future native DSD support in Foobar, first, and second could you please make the Spectrum visualization start from at least 30 Hz, 50 Hz is too high:)

Thank you in advance!

Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Euathlus1985 on 2019-03-17 13:36:27
Would it be possible to add FFMPEGs default AAC encoder for ripping into AAC? Or maybe general support for FFMPEG encoding, like this I would only need one file.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: lvqcl on 2019-03-17 13:56:43
I would like to have at some point in future native DSD support in Foobar
IMHO that's unlikely, because foobar2000 doesn't really support bitstreaming.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: darkflame23 on 2019-03-17 17:01:46
I would like to have at some point in future native DSD support in Foobar, first, and second could you please make the Spectrum visualization start from at least 30 Hz, 50 Hz is too high:)

Thank you in advance!


I'd like to see this too, more customisation options would be great.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Ivodam on 2019-03-17 20:23:05
I would like to have at some point in future native DSD support in Foobar
IMHO that's unlikely, because foobar2000 doesn't really support bitstreaming.

I know that of present day Foobar2000 does not support bitstreaming and dresses DSD files as DoP. Or simply converts them to PCM. But is there any reason in principle why it should not bitstream in future? I really do not know, I am not a software guru, neither an engineer in audio electronics, so I have no idea why for instance JRiver can bitstream and Foobar should not do it.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Tomdominer on 2019-03-26 14:44:19
Its only a minor bugbear, but a lot of the time, when listening to albums, I usually think of something I'd like to listen to after this current track has finished playing, so I "send to new playlist" the new album, which then autoplays and the current track stops.

I wish there was an option so that you could continue listening to the current track while adding new playlists.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Case on 2019-03-26 15:10:28
I wish there was an option so that you could continue listening to the current track while adding new playlists.
There is. Untick "Start playback when sending selection to playlist" under Preferences -> Media Library -> Album List.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Tomdominer on 2019-03-26 15:29:01
I wish there was an option so that you could continue listening to the current track while adding new playlists.
There is. Untick "Start playback when sending selection to playlist" under Preferences -> Media Library -> Album List.

Thank you! I thought there must be, but googling proved not very fruitful!
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: j7n on 2019-04-06 12:29:21
Autocomplete for tag entry with multiple columns visible at the same time, when several lines in Properties are selected and Edit chosen from the context menu (for example, related fields, composer, lyricist and producer). And of course autocomplete after semicolon, requested before.

This function is well hidden! I thought I needed another tag program or multiple columns in the playlist to get that view.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: j7n on 2019-04-10 11:05:47
Better adjusted built-in spectrum analyzer, which uses the full range of the display for a typical musical signal (approximated by pink noise) at ReplayGain level. Currently the analyzer has much empty space, particularly in the treble region even on bright records, and shows nothing for quiet segments, esp. on the toolbar where it is constrained to a small size.

A good example is a Third-Octave Analyzer, which reads flat for pink noise, and has good frequency resolution in the bass and good time resolution in the highs, smooth minimum-phase response, but it costs much CPU with large number of bands. In Foobar, the bands setting appears to be fixed and only changes the GUI rendering.

Maybe link the floor and ceiling to ReplayGain and its preamp setting, and add a 3dB/octave slope for frequencies above 500Hz, or add a separate preamp setting for case where the DSP changes the level. Small frequency scale marks would be welcome and an extension in the deep bass.

Other requests relating to the spectrum analyzer: lower bass (https://hydrogenaud.io/index.php/topic,116602.0.html), gain (https://hydrogenaud.io/index.php/topic,33461.0.html), slope (https://hydrogenaud.io/index.php/topic,91373.0.html).

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Apologies for double post
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: thelosslessone on 2019-04-13 10:46:42
Option to not show confirmation dialog when deleting files with Shift+Delete.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: mzso on 2019-04-20 22:47:10
Foobar has the be one of the worst apps I used when it comes to data security. If there's a hitch, the theme file gets corrupted immediately, and I lose every single playlists (or maybe only all their titles). Configuration also regularly gets corrupted.

Right now I lost all playlists, every single on. And of course neither auto-backup, nor my scheduled backups have them because Foobar morbidly keeps changing the playlists folder on updates, without a note. So neither the auto-backup, nor mine were prepared to this.

I suggest for foobar to implement some form of safe writing. Also periodic saving of changed data. (If it doesn't already, which I don't think it does)
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Daeron on 2019-04-21 10:13:34
What you are asking for is this:

The playlist folder was changed once and you can use wildcards to most likely capture any other changes, assuming there will be any.

What I do agree on is that the component page could use an update to warn users that the default settings might not be sufficient and offer a saner value that captures the 1.4 playlist folder. Also the foobar changelog should indeed mention that the playlists are now saved in a different folder.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: mzso on 2019-04-21 15:01:14
What you are asking for is this:

The playlist folder was changed once and you can use wildcards to most likely capture any other changes, assuming there will be any.

What I do agree on is that the component page could use an update to warn users that the default settings might not be sufficient and offer a saner value that captures the 1.4 playlist folder. Also the foobar changelog should indeed mention that the playlists are now saved in a different folder.
I have that plugin, I mentioned it. It can no more predict new playlist folders created than I can. And I'm quite sure only a plain "playlist" folder existed when it was last updated. It is a really poor choice to conjure up new playlist folder names IMO.

It changed at least twice that I noticed.

What I do agree on is that the component page could use an update to warn users that the default settings might not be sufficient and offer a saner value that captures the 1.4 playlist folder. Also the foobar changelog should indeed mention that the playlists are now saved in a different folder.
These are nice, but secure writing would be even nicer.
But I can't see how a component could predict future changes. And yes not mentioning the folder change is a tad neglectful.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Foobar Userator on 2019-04-23 11:11:42
I love Foobar and recommend it to every human with ears.

My wishlist is:

- more easily customized album art panel size so I can pretend I'm listening to an LP, or even a gigantic LP from the future (why not also have option for it as a background / watermark to the track list/playlist? That would be cool)

- A way to make lockable playlists (i.e. a playlist that, once "set", stays put no matter what else happens - specific act needed to unlock them), which also means:

- Default open new file in new playlist setting option
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: loz on 2019-04-23 13:33:11
- A way to make lockable playlists (i.e. a playlist that, once "set", stays put no matter what else happens - specific act needed to unlock them)
I do this with playlist attributes (https://www.foobar2000.org/components/view/foo_playlist_attributes)

As for "Default open new file in new playlist setting option", you could always set a default playlist to open new files in and then save the playlist if needed.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Daeron on 2019-04-23 16:53:57
1) You can edit your layout in whichever way you want using:

If you have splitter elements in place, you can drag them to enlarge parts of the UI however you see fit, such as making the cover display element bigger.

2) https://www.foobar2000.org/components/view/foo_playlist_attributes
3) Maybe 'File/Preferences/Shell integration/Always send new files to playlist'. Probably not exactly what you want but might help.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: rwolf2 on 2019-04-29 01:13:20
Could you add Carplay and Android Auto support?  Thanks!
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: anamorphic on 2019-05-09 14:30:41
Just to pick up on this from another thread...

Perhaps indicating position in a playlist could be improved but I don't really see that as a big issue.
Same, but for the sake of an idea ...

Perhaps there could be an %iscurrent% for playlists to go with NOT %isplaying%? Currently the selection border indicates the last played track when not playing / after a restart (at least if using 'Cursor follows playback'), but have to click an empty space in the playlist to focus it and find it. If there were an %iscurrent% (true for the last played track per each playlist), users could use title formatting to insert an arrow icon or whatever...

Edit: In other words, say I have a custom column with indicators for Playing, Paused, Queued items. It could also indicate the current playlist position when none of the above.

(Not a big deal though as you say)

Cheers 8)
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Sergey77 on 2019-05-09 18:47:48
^I like that suggestion. This problem really exists, and that would be nice solution!
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: anamorphic on 2019-05-10 02:14:16
Thanks Sergey77! :)

(Of course I went to sleep, dreamed of foobar, and woke up with clearer ideas)... Probably a more appropriate name for the above should be %list_current% (as it relates more to %list_index%). And a 'Stop' symbol would make more sense as the indicator. This could also be built into the default Playlist View 'Playing' column.

Tagging @Peter this time as I wonder if he sees these and if any of these wish-lists are making it on the to-do list. ;)

While I'm here I might as well also restate the suggestion for dynamic playlist names that can use some title formatting. Say, when you right-click to rename playlists, perhaps a dialog box with a pattern entry for dynamic (or normal static) names - that would rename playlists based on $if(%isplaying%...), show %list_total%, perhaps a new variable for %playback_order% that would also be handy elsewhere. This way users of Playlist Tabs could indicate the playing one.

(I should've posted that here the first time)

Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Porcus on 2019-05-10 23:11:54
There is a way to end a query by SORT BY: it takes the result and [does something about it]
What about ending a query by HIGHLIGHT, that would highlight the subset that matches a second query? E.g.
* HAS Black Sabbath HIGHLIGHT totaldiscs PRESENT
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: metal_termite on 2019-05-24 02:22:28
Default UI Playlist View

1. Playlist filters. I thought this was a very useful feature that ColumnsUI implemented back in the day. What this feature did was display or hide pre-specified columns based on the playlist selected,
Playlist filters allow one to hide on playlists/show only on playlists/show on all playlists according to the playlist filter specified.
Separate multiple playlists by a semi-colon and you can use wildcards and ?s.
Source: https://wiki.hydrogenaud.io/index.php?title=Foobar2000:Components/Columns_UI_(foo_ui_columns)#Playlist_filters (https://wiki.hydrogenaud.io/index.php?title=Foobar2000:Components/Columns_UI_(foo_ui_columns)#Playlist_filters)
I found this convenient on playlists where I wanted to show specific data that wasn't relevant for other playlists. Some of my use-case examples are:

(a) a cover songs autoplaylist that displays any item containing %original artist%. This playlist would show an %original artist% column.
(b) a recently added autoplaylist, %added% DURING LAST 30 WEEKS SORT DESCENDING BY "$date(%added%)", that would display an %added% column.
(c) list-type playlists, such as a Billboard Top 100 playlist that includes only tracks populated with %billboardtop100% tag. This playlist would include %billboardtop100% tag and specifically exclude most other tags that aren't relevant.

2. Incorporate album art, grouping, group tags, and rating star features from SimPlaylist. I love SimPlaylist, but it looks like it hasn't been updated since 2011.  The unique features SimPlaylist introduced in 2011 now seem like fundamental playlist features found in many music players. It would be nice to seem them consolidated into one actively developed Playlist.

3. Playlist Artwork. This one is probably the least useful, but it's a thing that Spotify and other similar services provide. Basically the ability to add artwork to a playlist which would be displayed on the playlist view similar to SimPlaylist. For example, I make playlists based on the music used in TV shows or games, such as Far Cry New Dawn. It would be interesting to associate the Far Cry New Dawn cover art with the playlist.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: zwolamed2 on 2019-05-24 23:35:00
Increased MMCSS thread priority

According to this documentation, MMCSS allows setting not only 1-7 priorities like it is allowed, but also up to 26, when 23-26 is described as Pro Audio:

What's more interesting, in one of F2K's setup guide I saw someone recommending writing in MMCSS mode - instead of "Audio" - "Pro Audio" which corresponds with 23-26 priorities, which can be set in Preferences>Advanced.
This is screen from that guide:
But priority in Foobar2000 where is only 1-7, not matches the documentation where is up to 26.

Can anybody speak out in this case whether it is sensible to implement/change?

Adding option to force WASAPIHost64 to priority high
So how it is in already available ASIO options.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: emme53 on 2019-05-29 16:46:41
Hi. This is the first time I am writing here. I should like to suggest an innovation to anyone able to modify the Foobar open source software I am not able to do it.
When you open your playlist to start your audition, from any song, it remains light blue highlighted letting only the small lateral arrow follow the progression of song execution.
I think that it would be better that the highlight will follow the second, then the third, then the fourth etc. song after the one you started from, with the little lateral arrow too. Maybe the starting song should remain highlighted but turning, in the same time, into a different colour (e.g. light red).
What do you think about that?
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: lvqcl on 2019-05-29 18:30:38
I should like to suggest an innovation to anyone able to modify the Foobar open source software I am not able to do it.
foobar2000 is not open source.

When you open your playlist to start your audition, from any song, it remains light blue highlighted letting only the small lateral arrow follow the progression of song execution.
I think that it would be better that the highlight will follow the second, then the third, then the fourth etc. song after the one you started from, with the little lateral arrow too.
Menu: Playback -> Cursor follows playback.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: robsmiecowymail on 2019-05-31 07:45:19
CUE FIle force to load
when i click list albums on foobar2000 its often read music without separate track, even if there is .cue file, it's really annoying thing, when i add the cue manual its read ok.
just add to album list forcing read cue file if there exist cue, propably its simple code line.
if exist File_name.cue
     read first cue
 else do like now
or maybe there is filter checking the proper file cue and not read it when the specification is other but it read manual ok, even when i uncheck cue filter its read ok but without filter i have in menu 2 albums one  from cue and second with not separate track... maybe use filter from load menu to load .cue
sorry for my english but i have hoope that you understand me :)
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: mzso on 2019-06-03 12:12:41
Foobar has the be one of the worst apps I used when it comes to data security. If there's a hitch, the theme file gets corrupted immediately, and I lose every single playlists (or maybe only all their titles). Configuration also regularly gets corrupted.

Right now I lost all playlists, every single on. And of course neither auto-backup, nor my scheduled backups have them because Foobar morbidly keeps changing the playlists folder on updates, without a note. So neither the auto-backup, nor mine were prepared to this.

I suggest for foobar to implement some form of safe writing. Also periodic saving of changed data. (If it doesn't already, which I don't think it does)

I just realized that I was using 1.4 which has a new feature "Configuration saving now uses transacted NTFS if available."

Shouldn't this feature prevent exactly these sort of issue? Because it completely fails by the looks of it. I lost configuration and playlists, and the playlists weren't even backed up because of the silently changed playlist folder.
I have Win8 so this feature should be available.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Foobar Userator on 2019-06-04 14:18:46
- A way to make lockable playlists (i.e. a playlist that, once "set", stays put no matter what else happens - specific act needed to unlock them)
I do this with playlist attributes (https://www.foobar2000.org/components/view/foo_playlist_attributes)

As for "Default open new file in new playlist setting option", you could always set a default playlist to open new files in and then save the playlist if needed.

Thanks loz, I learned this by poking around in the menus in Foobar after posting. The "feature" I wished for already exists! It just didn't in my universe at that time. Now it does. I'm playlisting like there's no tomorrow. Nobody can stop the tunes! Nobody, ever. Perhaps an alternative title for this thread could be "things that Foobar already does that noobs haven't figured out how to do yet"... cheers
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Foobar Userator on 2019-06-04 14:26:05
1) You can edit your layout in whichever way you want using:

If you have splitter elements in place, you can drag them to enlarge parts of the UI however you see fit, such as making the cover display element bigger.

2) https://www.foobar2000.org/components/view/foo_playlist_attributes
3) Maybe 'File/Preferences/Shell integration/Always send new files to playlist'. Probably not exactly what you want but might help.

This is very helpful, thank you. I guess it might be "ideal" in future updates to smooth the process a little and (if we're talking wishlist in an ideal world) make the option to do this slightly easier to notice for those who aren't up to speed with the way these functions have been interpreted by the interface design. However, that's asking a lot as this is freeware, and I am very grateful that it is so excellent as it is, it is worth a little effort learning about. Thanks for the help.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Foobar Userator on 2019-06-04 14:52:57
Ok - another thing:

I am now very happy with the cover art as big as I like. Sorry for not figuring this out. Could we have an option to make the cover art in the "visualisations" list? That way, we could make it go full screen.

Or is there already a way to make the cover art full-screen in Foobar? Like the visualisations do?
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Foobar Userator on 2019-06-04 15:12:25
AAaand another thing:

I now have the gist of customizing the UI. I want a layout with a small Equalizer. Whenever I create an empty panel and add the Equalizer UI element, it auto-resizes to a very wide panel, distorting all the other panels. I appreciate there are a lot of those things you move in the Equalizer to display, but can these be either a) vertical option or b) of variable size so a mini equalizer is permanently there? Thanks! Hope I haven't missed how to do this if it already exists.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: arol on 2019-06-28 00:51:33
Add an option to assign an action on MMB click on tray icon.

It's been years since I switched to foobar from another player, but this one thing never left me. I miss the ability to pause/play track by simply clicking the scroll wheel on player's ivon in tray. I figured assigning any action would be mo rebust in general, but I'd be delighted if I was able to only play/pause by mmb clicking on the icon,

That would really help reduce number of clicks for people who can't use keyboard hotkeys.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Vicas on 2019-07-09 15:38:22

2. Option to display album art (cover art) whether it is embedded or not (but maybe embedded would make more sense) in properties window of file.
Example (https://i.imgur.com/6GTFElD.jpg)

This is added in v1.5 beta 1.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: TuNk77 on 2019-07-09 17:37:56
Wish for foobar 1.5 series properties dialogue:
I wish after editing a field, pressing enter does the same as clicking OK.
Now it defaults to editing the next field when pressing enter, which for for me is inconvenient, now I must press alt+o or tab and then enter, this takes more time then simply pressing enter when done.

Also, when exporting album-art, I wish foorbar2000 could be set to default (optional) filenames, like: folder, back, CD etc.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: fuffi on 2019-07-10 23:24:14
Code: [Select]
[00:15:14] Multiple ID3v2 tags encountered
[00:15:14] Multiple ID3v2 tags encountered
[00:15:43] Multiple ID3v2 tags encountered
[00:16:03] Multiple ID3v2 tags encountered
[00:16:10] Multiple ID3v2 tags encountered
[00:16:10] Multiple ID3v2 tags encountered
[00:16:17] Multiple ID3v2 tags encountered
simple wish:
in the console,
give us the filename of the file which is shown Multiple ID3v2 tags encountered
Code: [Select]
[00:15:14] Multiple ID3v2 tags encountered in C:\foo\bar\the-f2k-rap.mp3
source (https://hydrogenaud.io/index.php/topic,80352.msg701237.html#msg701237)
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: fuffi on 2019-07-11 00:31:57
Preferences -> Components -> Installed components

Add an option to quickly jump to the preferences pane of the selected component.

see screenshot.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Melchior on 2019-07-11 02:21:23
Foobar2000 (v1.5 beta) properties Dialog
lack of grids in Properties view.... would make it easier to read tags...
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Flv on 2019-07-11 18:02:54
PLEASE make working TWO functions with ONE hotkey, i need it when change soundcard output with DSP preset on in. I have three pair of loudspeakers, and special DSP chain preset for each of them, and want to change output + dsp preset with one hotkey.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: anamorphic on 2019-07-11 18:45:42
^ @Flv

You have two options -

Dynamic DSP (https://hydrogenaud.io/index.php/topic,96094.msg956094.html#msg956094) can automatically change your DSP settings depending on which output.

Spider Monkey Panel (https://hydrogenaud.io/index.php/topic,116669.html) (or JScript Panel) can set multiple commands on one toolbar button / keyboard shortcut. See my post here (https://hydrogenaud.io/index.php/topic,117720.0.html).

Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: spedrickson on 2019-07-16 12:18:40
Absolutely love the new artwork section in Properties! Since that got a bit of an overhaul, now seems like a good time to request some technical information fields like %art_file_size%, %art_width%, %art_area%, %has_embedded_art%, etc. Not sure how it would work with multiple artworks, so maybe a function like $art(front, number), similar to $meta() would be better. Or maybe just return information for whatever foobar picks based on Preferences > Advanced > Display > Album art

On a similar but much easier to implement note, it would be nice to get a "Do not ask again" option on the Picture Removal dialog (https://i.imgur.com/6HlHul1.png), since they've been added to similar prompts like Confirm File Removal (https://i.imgur.com/5YWpQc5.png).
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: fuffi on 2019-07-31 14:25:51
Please add a
Human readable Name
for missing DSPs
Preferences -> DSP Manager

Now, if a DSP is missing (for whatever reason) there is no way to know which one is missing.
With a readable name, things would be very easy to solve. At least, the humble user has a name to start with...
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: kode54 on 2019-07-31 22:56:59
Impossible to do without the DSP preset also storing the DSP name. Missing DSP has no name for reference, only its identifier, which is a GUID.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: fuffi on 2019-08-01 09:28:05
If it is possible to store a GUID, why not store the DSP name too?
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: fuffi on 2019-08-02 03:02:54
in 1.5b7
Maybe an additional  spacer between image sizes to better read with old mans eyes 8-)
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: kode54 on 2019-08-04 01:38:35
Adding names requires the original components to exist already, and requires a change to the configuration format.

Even creating an online database of GUIDs to components requires someone to locate the original component and install it.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: fuffi on 2019-08-04 02:15:34
Execuse me, I think, we're not talking about the same thing here. At least for this:
Adding names requires the original components to exist already

I'm trying to make it more clear:

When installing/adding a DSP the first time to foobar2000, a DSP (or components) name is available and that name can (and should, for the users sake of finding the DSP, when the DSP disapears whyever, IMHO) be stored anywhere in foobar2000's configuration. Preferably next to the place, where the GUID is stored which is shown in my screenshot. That should be no magic, because the DSP has a name. Look here (https://www.foobar2000.org/components/tag/DSP) for all the nice names in the Name column. May it the components name, or the name, the component chooses to have in the foobar2000's preferences window. No matter what name, anything is better readable than this crazy GUId, nobody can indentify something to search for.

And you're right, it needs someone to do it :-)
Thats why I wrote and ask here for someone to do it someday.

Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: fuffi on 2019-08-05 19:11:32
In Files Properties->Tools->Automaticly fill Values. (of f2k 1.5b7)

Automaticly Fill Values Window does not remember column width of File Name in Preview pane, if you start the window.
User has always to adjust it.
It would be useful, if -on first start- Fine Name Column would autoresize to the length of the filenames.
(see screenshot: no autoresizing on first start.png)

(Please see the attached animated GIF vor video of behaviour)
Column width and Auto Capitalization is lost when changing the pattern. Very time consuming on long filelists, like >50 items.

Lost autocapitalization is kind of accecptable, because there is no button to switch it On or Off (a checkbox for autocapitalization would be nice to have),
but the lost column with is very inconvenient.

Please make it more userfriendly :-)

Load/Save Pattern as Presets would be nice to have. (like in Masstagger component)

Now, only 10 last presets, are shown and unfortunately, if you not press OK, but cancel (because you need to change some other things first), the typed pattern is lost, not saved.

An additional button for Clean Up would also be very useful for trimming whitespaces from beginning/end of newly created tags.
(but its already in the fileproperties window, when you right-click on a tag)
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: lok800guitar on 2019-08-07 09:22:31
Hi there

I am AK users
AK update recently and support Foobar2000 now

I enjoy playing my songs in Album Shuffle way
But every time I switch off my portable device, the Album Shuffle generated playlist disappear
And I have to re-generate a new playlist in order to enjoy the Album Shuffle

In this case, some of my songs will never be played

I want to continue playing that particular Album Shuffle generated playlist

And hence, I hope the following new update
"The Album Shuffle generated playlist can be saved"

Thank you
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Nighted on 2019-08-16 21:49:11
Hi, I did not want to start a new thread for this as I'm likely the only person in the world who even cares. :P

My suggestion is please allow the installer to point to drive A:\.

Yes, I have a drive A and the installer won't let me enter that drive letter. :/

(no, it is not a floppy drive)
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: fuffi on 2019-08-18 10:13:52
Please add a slightly visual improvment and behave like "windows standard" (win7 at last) to the colors of the Checkboxes in

Preferences: Context Menu

Please changed the checkbox-color of mixed checked subfolders light grey (or whatever color) instead of full blue, which "means": all subfolders are fully checked.

Users then can instantly see that not all checkboxes inside a subfolder are checked.

If the top-folder checkbox is blue (aka fully checked), one might think "OK, everything inside this folder is checked and I don't need to change something".
But in this case (see screenshots) not all checkboxes are checked, so it leads to confusion about contextmenu entries.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: sveakul on 2019-08-18 18:02:05
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: masternoxx on 2019-08-20 15:44:45
Love me some foobar,
my request is to have the spectrum display like 10hz to 22khz, and maybe some vertical labels on it?
right now it I dont know maybe stops at 16khz?
yeah maybe goes higher than that but I cant tell because its not labeled....
yes i can play it back in cool edit pro but I would rather use foobar.
something like the frequency analysis seen in cool edit...
thanks ;)
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Vicas on 2019-08-20 20:47:45
Love me some foobar,
my request is to have the spectrum display like 10hz to 22khz, and maybe some vertical labels on it?
right now it I dont know maybe stops at 16khz?
yeah maybe goes higher than that but I cant tell because its not labeled....
yes i can play it back in cool edit pro but I would rather use foobar.
something like the frequency analysis seen in cool edit...
thanks ;)

Try Musical Spectrum component (https://hydrogenaud.io/index.php/topic,97404.0.html)
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: sveakul on 2019-08-21 00:46:44
Love me some foobar,
my request is to have the spectrum display like 10hz to 22khz, and maybe some vertical labels on it?
right now it I dont know maybe stops at 16khz?
yeah maybe goes higher than that but I cant tell because its not labeled....
yes i can play it back in cool edit pro but I would rather use foobar.
something like the frequency analysis seen in cool edit...
thanks ;)

In addition to Vicas's suggestion, take a look at foo_enhanced_spectrum_analyzer ( follow link in thread's last post for newer versions): https://hydrogenaud.io/index.php/topic,115911.0.html (https://hydrogenaud.io/index.php/topic,115911.0.html)
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Lebon14 on 2019-08-21 05:28:38
I posted this in the "Development forum" because I didn't see this thread. So,here we go again...


I have a wish for v1.5 and the song properties rework: show picture size (padding) and, when removing from FLAC file, show a warning:

You are going to remove W album art from X FLAC files of Y KB each.
If you do not re-encode the file, the padding use to integrate the file into the FLAC will remain.
Foobar2000 can re-encode the file to remove the padding. Removing the padding will save Z KB total.

[ ] Do not show again - Foobar2000 will do the selected action for future removals.
* Cancel action
* Remove padding from files
* Keep padding

At the opposite, we must inform users that inserting images in FLAC files will increase padding but most (if not all) software won't remove said padding if the file is not re-encoded.
You are about to embed pictures into FLAC files.
Please consider that, if you are to remove them or replacing them with smaller artwork in the future, that the space added into the file in order to insert the image isn't automatically removed, like with MP3s, until the file is re-encoded. You can use the Song Properties again and remove the artwork and ask to remove the padding here in Foobar2000. However, keep in mind that, if you remove it with another software that the image will be gone but not the padding.

[ ] Do not show again
* Proceed.
* Cancel.

Additionally, the default option can be set in the options if the messages have been set to do not be shown.

I really want this to happen and raise awareness of this weakness of the FLAC format. Not a lot of people know about this.

The only downside to having to re-encode the file, it's that the next time writing tags will be slow but the next sub-sequent writes will return to fast. Oh and, make the padding size CLEAR and VISISBLE under he picture. Not a line in the extended info dialogue. Bonus points if Foobar2000 detects padding but no pictures, a "remove padding" option appears if the size is larger than a user-defined size (default could be 25KB). The padding can be shown for other format but is less important than FLAC files as the padding is removed when the picture is removed.


I've just seen a screenshot of the new dialog. One thing's for sure, the size is clearly displayed! Nice. Now, to know if the rest of wishes can come true.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: sveakul on 2019-08-21 05:47:31
I posted this in the "Development forum" because I didn't see this thread. So,here we go again...

Lebon14: yes it would be great if Foobar would remove padding during artwork removal in FLAC as just a DEFAULT action, then no need for the warning dialogs.  Until then, you can use Run Services to call external taggers "TagScanner" or "Kid3", both of which will do this (not Mp3tag).  TagScanner requires you select that action in "Options", Kid3 will do it by default if its OggFlacMetadata plugin is given priority.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: foxyshadis on 2019-08-21 10:16:35
If we're adding a wishlist for 1.5, how about making the layout infinitely more customizable by adding "split horizontally" and "split vertically" to the layout editing? Then I could actually add a media library search window to the right of the playlist, instead of stuck unloved in a tab, and a few other panels here and there. Also, perhaps a text foobar theme file format, so at the very least we can customize them that way? It's always been a pain point that it's an undocumented binary format, so you need a janky third-party plugin to work around what Columns almost certainly natively supports internally.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: anamorphic on 2019-08-21 19:11:24
Until then, you can use Run Services to call external taggers [...]
@Lebon14 @sveakul
RE: removing excess padding, foobar can do that. (Hold shift key > right-click tracks > Utilities > Optimize file layout + minimize file size)
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: morganit on 2019-08-22 12:08:15
Double click on a playlist in the default playlist manager makes the playlist automatically activate and play songs from the playlist.
I have to use the default playlist manager because the plorg_dll plugin is buggy under wine on linux. I wish we would have more functions of that plugin in the original playlist manager. But the double click and play should be default or at least an option imho.

Although I don't think this will be ever implemented, but I suggest also tree view with customizable playlist folders for the pl. manager. That would be probably more comlplicated to implement as the double click thing.

Edit: A playlist revive option would be nice too.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Tropoje on 2019-08-22 15:47:27
Maybe it could be implemented in a new version 1.5 "Checking if Embedded Artwork is present"
Here is a topic (https://hydrogenaud.io/index.php/topic,96945.0.html)
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Pollux88 on 2019-08-27 12:04:00
Recently I've encountered a number of .wav files that literally any other player could play, except Foobar. Turned out, those were actually mp3s with wrong extensions (extracted from a game, so that probably made some sense from a technical standpoint). And Foobar IS able to pick up the file structure from the file itself, it can be demonstrated by removing the extension entirely. It just doesn't bother to double-check even if there's a playback error. A feature that seems to be present in any other software, so maybe Foobar should get it too.
Title: Embed CUEsheet in mp3 files (the same way as in FLACs)
Post by: fuffi on 2019-09-01 02:45:26
Ability to embed CUE sheet in MP3 files (the same way as in FLACs)

I found this several times requested over the years and there are pro and contra votes, but this feature would be useful, so I wish for it.

2004 Topic: mp3 with embedded cuesheet (Read 10538 times) https://hydrogenaud.io/index.php/topic,28167.0.html
2004 Topic: Embedded cue-sheet in APEv2 tag in foo_input_std? (Read 5322 times) https://hydrogenaud.io/index.php/topic,22852.0.html
2008 Topic: embed CUE into MP3 image (Read 5460 times) https://hydrogenaud.io/index.php/topic,62065.0.html
2008 Topic: CUE sheets and MP3 (Read 4876 times) https://hydrogenaud.io/index.php/topic,45113.0.html
2011 Topic: Feature Request: Embedded Cuesheet in mp3 (Read 1783 times) https://hydrogenaud.io/index.php/topic,89400.0.html

Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: korhun on 2019-09-04 09:32:33
This comment is not a wish for the application, but a wish for the ones who contributed in the development process of this great application: God bless you guys, I love you :)

Yes this must the least useful comment has ever posted for this thread, and I'd have no hard feelings if moderators delete this post.. Keep up the good work.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Peter on 2019-09-04 14:57:54
Ability to embed CUE sheet in MP3 files (the same way as in FLACs)

I found this several times requested over the years and there are pro and contra votes, but this feature would be useful, so I wish for it.

2004 Topic: mp3 with embedded cuesheet (Read 10538 times) https://hydrogenaud.io/index.php/topic,28167.0.html
2004 Topic: Embedded cue-sheet in APEv2 tag in foo_input_std? (Read 5322 times) https://hydrogenaud.io/index.php/topic,22852.0.html
2008 Topic: embed CUE into MP3 image (Read 5460 times) https://hydrogenaud.io/index.php/topic,62065.0.html
2008 Topic: CUE sheets and MP3 (Read 4876 times) https://hydrogenaud.io/index.php/topic,45113.0.html
2011 Topic: Feature Request: Embedded Cuesheet in mp3 (Read 1783 times) https://hydrogenaud.io/index.php/topic,89400.0.html

And finally:
2019 : sheet happens.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Sergey77 on 2019-09-04 17:08:31
Please add the ability to display vertical columns border lines for the Default UI playlist.
This improves the visual perception of the playlist, especially when many columns are displayed.
Thank you!
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Takaji on 2019-09-18 13:03:01
Make it easier to see where errors are in an extremely long information report when batch attaching pictures.

I used Tagging > Batch attach pictures on 50,000+ mp3 files and the error report produced said at the top "There were errors." I don't even know what sort of text to search for in the log to determine which tracks produced errors, so I'm forced to randomly scroll through until I notice something suspect.

It could be useful to list certain terms/keywords to search for in the log, so at least I get an idea of what an error message could look like?

(Or maybe this is all listed somewhere and I just don't know where. In that case, it could be good to include this info in the information report.)
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: fuffi on 2019-09-18 16:21:07
Make it easier to see where errors are in an extremely long information report when batch attaching pictures.

I used Tagging > Batch attach pictures on 50,000+ mp3
(Or maybe this is all listed somewhere and I just don't know where. In that case, it could be good to include this info in the information report.)
Unfortunately nope, => https://hydrogenaud.io/index.php?topic=116699.msg963203

The new status feedback is very cumbersome and almost too inconvenient to use.

Some of the (new) disadvantages:

-You can't search.
-You need to copy the whole text inside a text editor to have an idea of whats going on.
-There is no option to autoclose the window if NO error occoured.
-The status information does not differ about "real" errors (i.e. file corrupt or unwritable) or warnings (no file to attach found). It just always is alarming you, which only leads to ignore all the information given.

It could be a lot more convenient/usefull, if:

-The output was a table, giving options to sort for the different errors.
-we had a button to "only show warnings" or "only show errors", to exclude the inessential information about all files which hat no problem.
-maybe highlight errors in red and no errors in green and warnings in yellow.
-there was an option to search the text.
-there was an option [ x ] autoclose window, if all runs fine!

My 2 cents....
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Ryrynz on 2019-09-18 23:45:19
Peter, any chance you could make the window saying "No updates available" something more this size?
Also can the up and down arrows and the blinking cursor be removed as they're not required?
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: trelain on 2019-09-20 03:33:23
Would it be possible to support an option to prevent auto-populating "Various Artists" into ALBUM ARTIST just because  ITUNESCOMPILATION is present?   Carlos G explained the reason in an old thread pretty well, and is the exact issue I've been fighting with for years now:

"foobar2000 links the iTunes ITUNESCOMPILATION tag to the ALBUM ARTIST tag.  When an ITUNESCOMPILATION tag is found in a file, foobar2000 treats it as if ALBUM ARTIST was set to "Various Artists".  If an ALBUM ARTIST tag is found, ITUNESCOMPILATION will be ignored.

In iTunes if  ITUNESCOMPILATION is set to '1' on an album of songs with multiple artists and leave the ALBUM ARTIST empty, then iTunes organizes those songs under "Compilations" in the Library, the File System, and your iPod or iPhone.
Forcing "Various Artists" into ALBUM ARTIST will sort them under "V" instead of at the bottom.
And I may have albums in different languages. Some may be in English, but the ones that are not. I don't want them to say "Various Artists" in English.

So, I think the best way to address this is to let the user set the string to use for "Various Artist". That way some can leave it empty and others use "Various Artist" or anything else."
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: RetBaron on 2019-09-20 08:08:32
Hello, thank you for your player, it's marvelous.

It would be handy to add options to replaygain:
- Threshold for ignoring replaygain differences under xx db (for example from -0,99 to 0,99dB)
- Omitting replaygain for files stored in concrete folder (for example D:\Music\Classical)
- Add options for applying track gain instead of album (for example when %album_artist% = 'Various')

Thank you in advance.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: RetBaron on 2019-09-20 08:10:37
. doublepost
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Porcus on 2019-09-20 09:13:45
@RetBaron :
For your third item, I simply delete album gain from compilations when I think track gain is more appropriate. But, have you tried https://www.foobar2000.org/components/view/foo_rg_trn ?
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: kode54 on 2019-09-20 23:14:22
Would it be possible to support an option to prevent auto-populating "Various Artists" into ALBUM ARTIST just because  ITUNESCOMPILATION is present?   Carlos G explained the reason in an old thread pretty well, and is the exact issue I've been fighting with for years now:

"foobar2000 links the iTunes ITUNESCOMPILATION tag to the ALBUM ARTIST tag.  When an ITUNESCOMPILATION tag is found in a file, foobar2000 treats it as if ALBUM ARTIST was set to "Various Artists".  If an ALBUM ARTIST tag is found, ITUNESCOMPILATION will be ignored.

In iTunes if  ITUNESCOMPILATION is set to '1' on an album of songs with multiple artists and leave the ALBUM ARTIST empty, then iTunes organizes those songs under "Compilations" in the Library, the File System, and your iPod or iPhone.
Forcing "Various Artists" into ALBUM ARTIST will sort them under "V" instead of at the bottom.
And I may have albums in different languages. Some may be in English, but the ones that are not. I don't want them to say "Various Artists" in English.

So, I think the best way to address this is to let the user set the string to use for "Various Artist". That way some can leave it empty and others use "Various Artist" or anything else."

Then you're forcing everyone who relies on the presence of %album artist% to change their scripts to detect yet another standard tag. A tag we don't currently allow anyone to change directly.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: VEG on 2019-09-21 09:15:28
I miss these options in foobar2000 without prohibited plugins:
- Pause on mute + Resume after unmute (if I have a call, I just click mute, so all the sounds in the system are muted, and it is nice when the player pauses itself to continue from the moment when I stopped listening to the music).
- Pause on telephone call + Resume after call ends.

Also, tray icon could be improved significantly:
- Play/Pause on middle click on the tray icon. 7 Taskbar Tweaker allows to add similar feature to standard Sound Volume icon (mute on middle click).
- Right click on the tray icon should hide foobar2000 from taskbar. If a user wants to have a fb2k button on taskar, they would click on the fb2k button in the taskbar (to minimize/restore). So, right click on the tray icon should minimize to system tray and restore from system tray.
- Different player states (Stopped, Paused, Playing) could be reflected in the tray icon. For example:
If it is required, I can draw icons with similar Pause and Playing symbols on them based on current foobar2000 icon.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: anamorphic on 2019-09-22 03:44:18
So, I think the best way to address this is to let the user set the string to use for "Various Artist". That way some can leave it empty and others use "Various Artist" or anything else."
Hi @trelain

What if you just use a custom library view pattern, replacing %album artist% with -

Code: [Select]
$ifequal(%itunescompilation%,1,Compilations,%album artist%)

^ That would put them under "Compilations"

Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: trelain on 2019-09-23 13:28:15

Then you're forcing everyone who relies on the presence of %album artist% to change their scripts to detect yet another standard tag. A tag we don't currently allow anyone to change directly.
Not understanding that comment - from what I see Album Artist is able to be changed to whatever you want it to be in Properties, except that when you try to remove the tag, it forces "Various Artists" into it just because ITUNESCOMPILATION is populated.   Couldn't a config option default to how it behaves today, so users who don't want this behavior wouldn't have to change their scripts?  
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: trelain on 2019-09-24 04:08:18

What if you just use a custom library view pattern, replacing %album artist% with -

Code: [Select]
$ifequal(%itunescompilation%,1,Compilations,%album artist%)

^ That would put them under "Compilations"
Thanks but I'm not sure that would prevent %album artist% from being auto-populated by FB2K, would it?   The issue is that the tag is populated at all which causes iTunes to put all compilation albums under an Artist called "Various Artists".    This prevents each artist that contributed something to the album from showing up in the Artists list.   When the Album Artist tag is absent, the ITUNESCOMPILATION tag keeps the album under "Compilations" and the Artists view displays each artist in the Artist view, containing songs from their own albums and also just their songs from the compilation albums, presumably based on the %artist% tag.   This renders an %album artist% tag containing "Various Artists" useless and bothersome, at least in iTunes.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Tropoje on 2019-10-15 16:07:52
Tag update progress bar in Properties window

Currently (beta 19) when updating tags, the progress bar window looks terrible. A large window with a small update progress bar in the middle of the window. Peter, how could you do such a terrible thing?  :'(  :'(  :'(


Maybe it would be possible to do so that when you updating tags return to the Properties window and place the progress bar at the bottom of the Properties window. Something like that the sketch below.

Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: fuffi on 2019-10-16 10:27:31
Tag update progress bar in Properties window
A large window with a small update progress bar in the middle of the window.
I agree that it looks strangely odd, but for me, the new "layout" shows, that there is nothing to do but wait until its finished. In a very unambiguous way. I like it.
Some ppl would say, now there is room to show an animated image of a dancing cat, while the updating processes :-}
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: fbuser on 2019-10-16 10:37:16
but for me, the new "layout" shows, that there is nothing to do but wait until its finished.
But that's not true. The progress bar is not modal and you can do whatever you like, while the update is in progress.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: fuffi on 2019-10-16 11:53:28
but for me, the new "layout" shows, that there is nothing to do but wait until its finished.
But that's not true. The progress bar is not modal and you can do whatever you like, while the update is in progress.
Yeah, sorry for confusion! I just meant, I can sit, relax and meditate on the progress bar 8-)

Its great now to move the processing window somewhere on the screen and continuin work. Thats a huge win compared to the older "stuck" window!!
Title: SAVE/LOAD option for the Automatically Fill Values Window
Post by: fuffi on 2019-10-16 12:07:26
Can we please have a SAVE option for the Automatically Fill Values Window ?

It now can only save the last 10 usersettings, which will never contain the important ones. (I does not save those hardly set up settings all the time in my years of using it. I'm always missing some settings, which I'm sure I have used before.)

A preset saving button would be awesome, like in masstagger. Please see attached screenshot for Mockup.

It would save special occasion scripts as well as everyday used ones.

No more clicking between sources and patterns. Just load a saved preset and voilá!

Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: isidro on 2019-10-16 16:44:43
Alt-Enter edits properties of selected song.  It's annoying that Alt-DoubleClick doesn't do the same, but just goes and plays the song as regular DoubleClick.  It would be nice that behaviour of Alt-DoubleClick changes to mimic Alt-Enter.
Title: Re: SAVE/LOAD option for the Automatically Fill Values Window
Post by: anamorphic on 2019-10-16 17:24:41
A preset saving button would be awesome, like in masstagger.
Well you could just save a preset in Masstagger: 'Guess values from filename / other fields (https://wiki.hydrogenaud.io/index.php?title=Foobar2000:Components/Masstagger_(foo_masstag)#Guess_values_from_filename)' (same thing) ...
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: fuffi on 2019-10-17 12:53:34
A preset saving button would be awesome, like in masstagger.
Well you could just save a preset in Masstagger: 'Guess values from filename / other fields (https://wiki.hydrogenaud.io/index.php?title=Foobar2000:Components/Masstagger_(foo_masstag)#Guess_values_from_filename)' (same thing) ...
Well...I have about 30 presets in Masstagger concerting the "guess" function of Masstagger. (I hardly use 5-8 of them most of the time)

For me, I find it more convenient/intuitive to use the Automatically Fill Values Window, because of its "realtime/WYSIWYG" preview. (Masstagger has a previe too, but its not realtime/WYSIWYG).

It woulb be great and a huge enhancement to the Automatically Fill Values Window if the saved presets of Masstagger could be uses, OR, if it would save its own presets, as I asked above.
Title: REQ: Preserve file time in properties window
Post by: Lesmo16 on 2019-10-17 15:21:04
Today I like to request to move "Preserve file time" from Preferences --> Advanced --> Tagging direct to the properties window.

Hopefully someone else (especially Peter ;) ) would like it, too.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: fuffi on 2019-10-18 01:38:45
Today I like to request to move "Preserve file time" from Preferences --> Advanced --> Tagging direct to the properties window.
IMHO this is a timesaver aka very useful!
I often switch that setting, because on some folders, I'd "need" to keep the filedate, on others it's more important to retrace when a file was changed the last time.
Title: How to spot & differ f2k core funtions from 3rd party ones ?
Post by: fuffi on 2019-10-19 12:46:36
Today (and many days before...)
I had difficulties to recognize if some functions/options/menu entries are core f2k or from a somewhen installed component (be it 1st or 3rd part).

For me, it is so difficult to differ (and remember) which ones of the huge amounts of menu entries are from f2k itself and which are from components.
I'm using f2k since the dawn of mankind but it was/is never obvious to me, am I using core or component funtions?, because of the wonderful integration of the components into f2k. Its a great userexperience!

I'd like to propose a somekind visually improvement to f2k, when pressing, say, a special hotkey like SHIFT and walking through all the f2k menues.

ATM, there is such a useful enhancement, when you press SHIFT, you can see some menu entries, which are hidden by default.

IMHO, it would be useful too, if we had a(nother similar or same?) shortcut which will
colour menu entries in a slightly lighter/darker color,
so we can easily see, which parts of a contextual menu are from f2k itself, or offered by a component?
(Or any other indication, I'm open to that)

I have made a mockup, which might explain it a little more.
The menu shows those entries, which are from (later installed) components in another colour.

I'll surely help me to not post 3rd party component questions into the wrong forum, which I did a lot if times... :)

Btw: a useful little helper is foo_whatsnew.dll (https://www.foobar2000.org/components/view/foo_whatsnew) but If you don't use a component every day, you'll maybe forget about their contextual menu entries and where they are... and foo_whatsnew only shows differences for the last start of f2k.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: pauljayd on 2019-10-19 20:06:21
Please consider the following Playlist "Save" actions...
1. When Playlist Tab / right-click / Save playlist... please populate "File name" field and a default file format.
   *. Allow ctrl-click on "Save" in the above to bypass the "already exists..." prompt.
2. When Playlist Tab or Tabbar / right-click / Save all playlists... please allow a default directory and file format to be specified.
   *. Allow ctrl-click on the above to bypass any prompts. 
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: isidro on 2019-10-21 00:26:59
It would be great to be able to edit properties of one song while listening to another without using the mouse: Now I can go with Ctrl-Dwn but Alt-Enter will edit current playing song instead. It's also confusing to press Alt-Enter for properties, but F2 to edit. Both keywords should allow to edit/ show properties (Pressing F2 on playlist can be programmed to show properties), but pressing Alt-Enter on song properties can't to allow to edit a song title.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: davideleo on 2019-10-22 17:07:43
Alt-Enter will edit current playing song instead

That's a default setting, but you can change it in the keyboard shortcuts preferences section. When assigning a context menu command to a key sequence, you can define whether you want the context to be the playlist selection or the playing track.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: fuffi on 2019-10-25 14:59:19

It would be nice to assist the user in his lazyness and add the following function to the newly introduced

Properties Window -> Artwork Tab - Export to File

Enhancement a1)
Please, automatically add a filename (i.e. the filename of the track that had being selected), so the user does not need to type a name when exporting coverart.

Enhancement a2)
Add a suffic to the new filename, i.e. -artist, -disc, -backcover, -icon,
so the resulting filename would be, i.e. fooster - foomans rap-front.jpg, when the filename is fooster - foomans rap.mp3.

When more files are selected in the Properties Window, just take the first one.
This enhancement should only decrease the hard work the user has to type in a name manually ;-)

I assume, if several files from several folders are selected, f2k will write the file in the corresponding folder.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: phool on 2019-11-18 19:03:02
Would it be possible to automatically update the "File" tag in cue cue sheets when renaming/moving the cuesheet and linked file?

I currently rename and move radioshows with cuesheets into my own folder structure and it get's tedious to update "FILE" tag in each cuesheet every time I rename and move the files.

On a separate issue, I have this annoyance where whenever I close the tag proprties dialog, the foobar2000 window loses focus and I jump to another program. I'm on Windows 10 and previously never had this issue on other versions of windows. Is there perhaps a setting I'm not aware of to fix this?
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: sanskrit44 on 2019-12-30 10:31:38
please consider adding webp image format support to foobar2000.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: jaro1 on 2019-12-31 20:43:15
this won't be an feature request..
Just thank's so much to Peter and whole development community for long-time hard work, all the experienced users for helpful comments and wish all of you healthy and happy new year. 
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: metal_termite on 2020-01-02 08:38:12
With the recent inclusion of artwork in the Properties dialog window it would be nice if there was drag-and-drop image functionality such as,

Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Sergey77 on 2020-01-06 15:50:14
Dynamic Tag Fields on "Selection Properties" element of DUI
Could the Developer add dynamic tag fields to the Selection Properties element?
Some internet radio stations contain dynamic tags information that is not displayed.
For example, these streams contain the following dynamic tags: IRC, NOW, SOURCE, ENCODER, ENCODEDBY:
Code: [Select]
Thus, this element will be improved and will display information more fully.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: AndreaT on 2020-01-09 08:00:30
1) Improved Album List / Library dBase 
2) Native VST support

Hello Dev Team, above my whish list.
I am really in trouble with the current implementation of Album List. It is slow and not fluid for me (big library). I would suggest an   SQL implementation relaying on an external SQL Lite dBase. This also to release memory from Foobar core application.
Other key improvement I am asking since long is to have a native support for the VST plug-ins.

All the best.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: sveakul on 2020-01-09 20:15:17
Other key improvement I am asking since long is to have a native support for the VST plug-ins.
Amen to that!!
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: fuffi on 2020-01-10 18:36:03
Other key improvement I am asking since long is to have a native support for the VST plug-ins.
Amen to that!!
While this is not native, one could probably use a (rater old, but working) component, named foo_vst (https://wiki.hydrogenaud.io/index.php?title=Foobar2000:Components/VST_adapter) aka vst 2.4 adapter (https://hydrogenaud.io/index.php?topic=84947.0).
It helped me, but I'm only using it with old and free VST plugins, as I don't live on the edge with Steinberg science.

I came here to say, there are so many great and needful suggestions/wishes/feature requests, that I wish, we could somehow vote for them....
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Sergey77 on 2020-01-11 04:57:12
Active decoder indication
Hi there!
@psycho , @fuffi,
let me join your reasoning by posting this reference here
https://hydrogenaud.io/index.php?topic=118705.0 (https://hydrogenaud.io/index.php?topic=118705.0)
since I also find this feature useful.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Treelady on 2020-01-13 15:27:49
Hi, Every. Single. Audio application on plant earth uses space bar as a toggle for start and stop.  The closest I can get in Foobar2000 is Play / Pause.  I don't want it to pause. I want it to stop (there are implications between the two; the next play command after stop is configured by user preference - start over, pick up where you left off.  However, pause is only pick up where you left off.)  

If I'm missing something, please write and I'll remove this post.  Thank you all.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Case on 2020-01-13 17:08:59
Hi, Every. Single. Audio application on plant earth uses space bar as a toggle for start and stop.
Curious claim. I tested WMP, VLC, MPC-HC, Winamp, iTunes and Groove Music and apart from Winamp they all used space as toggle for pause. Winamp didn't react to space at all.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Vicas on 2020-01-13 19:01:47
Curious claim. I tested WMP, VLC, MPC-HC, Winamp, iTunes and Groove Music and apart from Winamp they all used space as toggle for pause. Winamp didn't react to space at all.

True. Pot player acts the same too (Play/Pause).

Hi, Every. Single. Audio application on plant earth uses space bar as a toggle for start and stop. 

I think you got it something wrong.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: AndreaT on 2020-01-13 20:44:55
Other key improvement I am asking since long is to have a native support for the VST plug-ins.
Amen to that!!
While this is not native, one could probably use a (rater old, but working) component, named foo_vst (https://wiki.hydrogenaud.io/index.php?title=Foobar2000:Components/VST_adapter) aka vst 2.4 adapter (https://hydrogenaud.io/index.php?topic=84947.0).
It helped me, but I'm only using it with old and free VST plugins, as I don't live on the edge with Steinberg science.

I came here to say, there are so many great and needful suggestions/wishes/feature requests, that I wish, we could somehow vote for them....

Hello @fuffi, the problem of vst 2.4 adapter is that it doesn't use protected memory and so when crashes it crashes the whole foobar.
And unfortunately... it crashes quite often...
Moreover it does not support vst 3, but only vst 2.
Regards, Andrea
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: kode54 on 2020-01-13 23:44:07
You can add a shortcut for Play/Pause bound to spacebar in settings, I do not advise making it a global shortcut.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: sacduser on 2020-01-14 10:55:32
as I see it:
you can configure Keyboard Shortcuts:
 - Space = Play or pause
 - Ctrl Space = Stop
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: snowdog on 2020-01-23 10:30:33
One of the things I most loved about the Foobar2000 mobile app when I first moved across from the Apple Music app was being able to see the full album title instead of just the first few characters. However, I have some extremely long album names & sometimes they still get truncated, which is frustrating as the most important information is often at the very end. (For example, if I have the same album ripped at different quality settings & I want to compare them, I need to see which is which, but I don't want that info cluttering up the album name so I'll stick it at the end.)

I would really like the option to not have my album names truncated at all, however small it makes the album art.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: snowdog on 2020-01-23 10:46:24
On the Foobar2000 Mobile App, there doesn't appear to be a way of seeing the track listing of the album you're actually listening to, unless it's the last thing you looked at.

In other words, if I go to an album & press play, I get the "now playing" page & I can swipe to the right at any time & go to the track listing of the album I'm listening to.

But, if I'm listening to an album & I swipe right & then go exploring & clicking around in the library, I can swipe left at any time to get back to the "now playing" page but I've then lost the direct link to the track listing of that album. I have to literally swipe right & then go clicking around in the library to get back to it.

The track listing of the album I'm listening to should always be one gesture away. Perhaps by swiping up, by clicking on the track title that's currently playing or by swiping the play page to the left, so that the current album is always to the "right" & the library is to the "left" of the "now playing" page. However it works, I reckon it should always be very easy for me to see the current track list.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: PGS4038 on 2020-02-22 11:16:40
I would like a "disable screensaver" option in prefs. (windows 7) please
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Vicas on 2020-02-22 17:07:50
I would like a "disable screensaver" option in prefs. (windows 7) please

File / Preferences / Playback / Prevent screensaver & monitor standby when playing
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: always.beta on 2020-02-26 01:02:47
Please add a large playback control bar, like fb2k for mac, the buttons are too small now.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: AndreaT on 2020-03-18 09:09:14
Please also add a kind of generic ASIO_input or audio_input so that it would be then possible to play any audio stream coming from any source (HW or SW from other audio applications using virtual audio cables)
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: tim687 on 2020-03-20 08:09:02
The option to disable foobar2k responding to media keys would be awesome! I am using foobar2k primarily for it's DSP chain since I have Spotify but I can't use the media keys since that would Play/Pause, Reverse/Forward or Stop foobar2k as well.
The checkbox disable Windows 10 Universal Volume integration does not solve this problem
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: sPeziFisH on 2020-03-20 12:29:52
foobar2000 has been installed in portable mode.
Features that require changes to your system configuration have been disabled.
an old topic, but it's 2k20 :))

Are there plans to create a 'single folder mode', as 'portable mode' is by design artificially limited and does not supply a binding to the system for shell-integration and filetype-association ?
For backup- and simplicity-reasons (in multi PC environments) I moved forward to stay with single folders - as far possible - instead of system-wide spread configurations. This on it's own has of course nothing to do with possible bindings to the system, which is about usability.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Just_Addict on 2020-03-22 16:32:56
Please add a large playback control bar, like fb2k for mac, the buttons are too small now.
Purely by accident I discovered it is already possible to influence the size of the playback control bar buttons.
I was adding a custom button and instead of an icon I chose a png file as button image. The thing is, no matter what sizes an icon file contains, Foobar2000 will always either choose a present 16x16 size or convert it to a 16x16 size icon image. However, it acts totally different when you specify a PNG file as button image. It will then use the exact image size and upscale the other, standard buttons to match the size of the specified PNG image.

So all you got to do is either specify a larger than 16x16 PNG image for one of the existing buttons or add a custom button.

Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: palash on 2020-03-24 12:10:39
Hi dear developer!
I have a proposition about "Media Library"->"Music folders". Could you please make it possible to EXCLUDE some subfolders from added folders? Such exclusion could be by regex (pattern) or by exact folder names.
What do you think?
Thank you in advance
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: edwardar on 2020-03-25 21:18:40
I have a request that should make foobar2000 a little lighter on resources.

I've noticed that when playing an album, foobar re-loads external album art (folder.jpg) each time it moves onto the next track.  As I stream music from a server and have large artwork, this means the albumart viewer goes blank for a couple of seconds between each track.

Could you implement a check to see if the album art source remains the same between tracks, and prevent reloading if it is?

Thank you for the best audio player in the world!     
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Owyn on 2020-04-02 16:20:17
A different tab color (or something) for selected (active\inactive) playlists - (now it looks pretty the same (at least with high contrast windows theme)

see how Default \ Library selected look exactly the same
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: swtwentyman on 2020-04-13 13:04:57
For Android, it would be really nice to have the lengths of playlists displayed.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: GeSomeone on 2020-04-25 11:52:50
In my DUI layouts I use a Properties pane where I want to display: Metadata, Replaygain and Playback statistics.
In version 1.5 the Properties tab Details (dialog) shows Playback statistics with a separate heading. In the Properties pane, however, it is part of "Other" which also contains some specific information I don't need to see there (mainly about mp3 e.g. <MP3_STEREO_MODE>).

My request is to separate the Playback statistics from the Other properties in a DUI pane (or is it called panel?).
An other way to get rid of the Other information there between <> would also do.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: BiOMeX on 2020-04-29 13:52:56
Is there any plans to remove FreeDB tagger from Foobar2000? FreeDB is dead since March 31st of 2020.

PS. http://www.freedb.org/
Title: Converter Settings: remove failed files
Post by: fuffi on 2020-05-04 22:20:56

Can we have an additional option to REMOVE files, which failed the converting process?

Say, the user has converted a lot of flacs/m4a/ape/... to mp3 and some files had problems because of a "corrupted" Flac-stream or whatever reason.

Users then read the "error box" and know why they failed, but the user needs to delete those (mostly) broken files manually, which is a lot of work, when converting, say, 1500 files from different folders.

Removing those failed files would help the users to not keep borked files on their harddrives.

In addition, those (removed) files would not pop up again when the converter is started again, because of the greatly improved new converter option to show already converted files and let the user chose to re-convert or ignore them on the next run.

In short,
when I am in a hurry and convert 1500 files to mp3, where, say, 10 failed for whatever reason, I don't want to keep those broken files *and* I don't want to delete those broken files by hand (from 10 different folders and sub-sub-sub-folders)

Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: yetanotherid on 2020-05-04 22:41:22
There's an option "leave partial files...." under "Other" in the converter configuration, although I thought the default was for fb2k to delete them. Maybe it was when the option was introduced. I probably start with an existing converter preset and modify it to create a new one, but anyway.....

You need to check/uncheck that option for each converter preset you've created and update/resave the presets as you go. I'm not sure why it's not a global option.

Is that what you meant? The broken files you don't want to delete manually...are you referring to the output files or the source files as well?
Actually... automatically deleting the source files would probably ba a bad idea now I think about it. There's reasons an encode can fail other than the source file being corrupt.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Rollin on 2020-05-05 19:56:12
Please make %path_sort% and album list view "by folder structure" sort files/folders as windows explorer does - files after folders. I believe this is long awaited feature:
Title: Autoplaylist Properties box - Resize ability for the Y size.
Post by: stevehero on 2020-05-05 22:23:13
Autoplaylist Properties box - Resize ability for the Y size.

It's small for long queries.

Code: [Select]
(%comment% HAS A OR %comment% HAS B) AND NOT %comment% HAS ALL AND NOT %comment% HAS 11 AND NOT %comment% HAS 12 AND NOT %comment% HAS 0 AND %genre% HAS / AND %length% LESS "15:00"

This is all there is to see. It leaves things hard to edit. So if this dialog could be resized on the Y-size and that size remembered that would leave editing long queries a little less painful.

Title: Autoplaylist Properties box - Add a checkbox to live update
Post by: stevehero on 2020-05-05 22:27:53
Autoplaylist Properties box - Add a checkbox to live update

If there was a checkbox to update the auto playlist will it's been edited that would be great.


Title: $regexp function
Post by: stevehero on 2020-05-05 22:41:26
$regexp function as per my very old thread here: https://hydrogenaud.io/index.php?topic=114526.0


Replaces the pattern specified by the regular expression expr in the string x by replace.

The fourth optional parameter enables ignore case (1) or disables the ignore case setting (0). Please note that you have to escape comma and other special characters in expr.

This would be similar to how mp3tag behaves and would leave translating any regular expression written for that all the more easier.

Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: jazzthieve on 2020-05-06 06:12:35
TOS violation #6 double post.....twice. 
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: HowardP on 2020-05-07 22:15:58
Would like to see the ability to see the contents of the Play List folder in the "Album List UI Element" so you could browse playlists like you do any other folder. Maybe under a separate view. "By Album", "By Artist", "By Folder Structure", "By Play List", etc..


Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: lody on 2020-05-18 11:55:46
Something I would like to have is, alongside the PLAY , NEXT , PREV hotkeys...

A 'SKIP ALBUM' hotkey for when you are in Shuffle (albums) order and want to skip this album via a hotkey

If this already exists I apologise !
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: ZhuGeLiang on 2020-06-02 23:26:35
Converter doesn't fail or show a warning when a DSP that is part of a preset is missing. Can I request a setting that causes the converter to fail if one or more DSPs is missing?

See attached screenshot.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: anamorphic on 2020-06-08 20:22:15
Hi Peter, :)

Changing theme files (.FTH) from command line here. Could we please get an advanced preferences option or command line switch to suppress the "Choose Theme Sections To Import" pop-up box and component labels? I only save the theme files with 'Main Layout', but still the pop-up box appears needlessly - I would prefer it to just apply all sections present. It would sure make changing of themes a lot smoother.

Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: ganchev on 2020-06-11 00:32:49

I have a couple of suggestions for the Spectrogram visualization, which is one of the main reasons I started using foobar2000.

1. It will be great if it's possible to specify to what -dB value the minimum color corresponds.
Currently it is -80 dB which at first glance is good, but there is a problem with that when you use ReplayGain.
Most of the newer albums have gain -8 dB or even -10 dB. The visualization displays the audio after applying this gain, so things which were visible before are disappearing, especially in the higher frequencies.
If it was possible to change the minimum color to represent -90 dB then the gain could be compensated.
Another possibility is to have an option to add a constant value in dB to the calculated values, or even use the same gain to reverse the ReplayGain effect on the Spectrogram.

2. It will be great to add an option to draw a frequency axis.
I know that it's more complex to make it always readable regardless of the vertical size. Some values will need to disappear when there is not enough resolution.
For example, Audacity only shows 0k, 5k, 10k, 15k, 20k, 22k when there is no space for more values.

Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: dioc on 2020-07-03 11:28:02
I'd love to see a little feature added to the converter that would allow attaching cover art that is not attached to the source file but is in the source file's folder. I have a massive library of tta+cue albums and all of them have cover.jpgs in their directories.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates - timeline slider time display
Post by: 000masa000 on 2020-07-03 20:42:20
When moving through a soundfile using the timeline bar, the time appears in a small box which (unfortunately) is positioned directly under the mouse pointer. Would it be possible to make this time display box appear above the timeline instead?
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: lender1257 on 2020-07-06 14:24:32
hi peter

any chance to get foo_playcount turn on/off ?

Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: anamorphic on 2020-07-10 17:08:03
any chance to get foo_playcount turn on/off ?
Library menu > Playback Statistics > 'Monitor playing tracks'.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: lender1257 on 2020-07-10 17:26:14
didn't see this all over the years ... stupid
thanks a lot anamorphic !!
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Anakunda on 2020-07-12 13:27:14
Having this feature request, bring a nifty pattern presets manager to "Auto Fill Values" dialogue. Each pattern entered could be saved by an unique name, and revoked later from popup menu. It will resolve two things

- Long patterns could be easily distinguished by short name
- Important/complicated patterns never drop out from the history
- Simpler and straightforward invocation (see below)

Going even further, the preset could also (optionally) remember source selection (filename, clipboard or pattern), so that it could be applied directly from context menu ( Tagging > Auto Fill Values > [preset names] ). Presets without source set invoke Auto Fill Values dialogue for the selection, with it's pattern pre-filled.

This would be very useful.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Necroscope on 2020-07-14 16:55:18
It would be really, really nice if there was an option to change or at least invert the default color scheme.

I made this using Photoshop:

I would love Foobar even more if I could do this for real.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: yayah on 2020-07-30 20:27:29
When you double click a music file on Explorer, the "Always send new files to playlist" option allows you to put that file in a different playlist, but the entire playlist is replaced with that file. I would like to see an option have new files added to the end of that playlist instead.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Melchior on 2020-07-30 20:38:24
When you double click a music file on Explorer, the "Always send new files to playlist" option allows you to put that file in a different playlist, but the entire playlist is replaced with that file. I would like to see an option have new files added to the end of that playlist instead.
I have noticed this issue too..
 so I never bother with explorer file association I just drag and drop into a Foobar2000 playlist(s)
works as a work around... I guess..

but having this as a new or updated feature would be nice..
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Vicas on 2020-07-30 21:17:14
When you double click a music file on Explorer, the "Always send new files to playlist" option allows you to put that file in a different playlist, but the entire playlist is replaced with that file. I would like to see an option have new files added to the end of that playlist instead.

Preferences > Shell Integration > Set Enqueue as the default action
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: kode54 on 2020-07-31 03:30:05
Then you also need to change the option for opening files from "play" to "enqueue". Unfortunately, there is no "enqueue and play" option, but you may or may not want that.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: jessicaj on 2020-08-06 02:21:20
I would love winamp skin support.
The user could choose classic UI mode or winamp mode.

All advanced features are only available when winamp mode is disabled.

Any interest to make this?

An example player with winamp skin support is:

Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: killchain on 2020-09-04 11:11:45
With all the changes recently made to the Properties window, I'd get a feature request mine in too. Basically if you're editing a multiline field on multiple files at once, the edit field can be a little too short sometimes. Screenshot to illustrate the point - it would be way more useful if the edit field could stretch to the height of the window instead of being limited to about 6 lines of text.

Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Terje on 2020-09-04 21:23:53
Hitting enter in Media Library Search should not alter the current playlist: either it should be a no-op, or it should be a preference like "Media Library -> Always send search results to playlist: Search Results" (analog to the existing "Shell Integration -> Always send new files to playlist: Default" preference).

It took me ages to find out why my playlists sometimes got cleared for no apparent reason (see https://hydrogenaud.io/index.php?topic=118521.msg979299#msg979299 ). Now I know: because I type a query in Media Library Search that doesn't have any results & hit enter. When I hit enter in a search field, I just mean to say "I finished typing my query, now search please".
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: n99 on 2020-09-06 22:47:36
Would be nice to have a way to remove manually added input field names. A few times I accidentally a M instead of a MEDIA, or a ba instead of BARCODE, now it gets recommended everytime a start to type M, when I just want MEDIA.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: sammoth on 2020-09-07 11:08:15
Would be nice to have a way to remove manually added input field names. A few times I accidentally a M instead of a MEDIA, or a ba instead of BARCODE, now it gets recommended everytime a start to type M, when I just want MEDIA.

You can delete those in Advanced Preferences->Display->Properties Dialog->Field name suggestions, though it would be nice to be able to do it from the properties dialog too as it's easy to add them by accident
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: n99 on 2020-09-11 18:04:11
Would be nice to have a way to remove manually added input field names. A few times I accidentally a M instead of a MEDIA, or a ba instead of BARCODE, now it gets recommended everytime a start to type M, when I just want MEDIA.

You can delete those in Advanced Preferences->Display->Properties Dialog->Field name suggestions, though it would be nice to be able to do it from the properties dialog too as it's easy to add them by accident

Thanks, solved it.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: sammoth on 2020-09-11 20:20:12
It would be nice to be able to specify the grouping used by 'Auto track number' in the properties dialog
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: darkflame23 on 2020-09-12 08:43:34
Any chance we'll ever get native FB2K VST plugin support?
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: SergPuh.68 on 2020-09-19 09:28:17
Начиная с версии 1.6 (если не ошибаюсь) в Keyboard Shortcuts нет пункта Popup Main Menu. Это ошибка?

MOD Edit: TOS 10. (https://hydrogenaud.io/index.php?topic=3974) All members must post in English.  Content in other languages are allowed as long as full English translations are provided, or otherwise at the discretion of the staff.
Starting from version 1.6 (if I'm not mistaken), there is no Popup Main Menu item in Keyboard Shortcuts. This is mistake?
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: SergPuh.68 on 2020-09-19 15:56:01
I figured out that the foo_ui_hacks component was responsible for the menu item, but I didn't install it.I would like to see virtual disk support as standard.With absolute paths, you can't share your builds with users.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Stormrage on 2020-09-19 16:57:03

I would really appreciate if the "volume control slider" could be detached/unlinked from the Windows Volume Mixer slider.
In the options just a simple checkbox would be nice if someone wants it linked or unlinked!

If checked it would control the volume with Windows' solution,
If left unchecked I would expect a software volume control, thus I could use that as a "pre scaler" independently of Windows' solution.

This is what i mean:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Vicas on 2020-09-19 20:31:10
I would really appreciate if the "volume control slider" could be detached/unlinked from the Windows Volume Mixer slider.

That was already added but was removed in foobar v1.6 because of windows bugs.

From v1.6 change log

Removed mixer volume sync feature due to bugs.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: kevinianbryan on 2020-09-20 05:53:33
FEATURE REQUEST: I would love to see the ability to show more ID3 picture types. Ideally, I would like to show ALL the different PictureType values listed in the ID3 specification.

I've always found it frustrating that I can add multiple picture types in MP3Tag that no music players support currently, such as "Publisher Logo", "Lyricist", and "Conductor". foobar2000 already takes display of picture types more seriously than most other music players, but there are actually 21 picture types in the ID3 specification (https://exiftool.org/TagNames/ID3.html) we can choose from.

It would be wonderful if we could choose from any of the possible values. At the very least, if we could choose the composer picture type, that would be a wonderful boon to classical music fans like myself.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: incifinci on 2020-09-21 22:25:08
Feature suggestion: $dateformat() function, either from seconds or from a timestamp (in this case we need a timestamp function too, as well).
From seconds (or timestamp) will YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS, displayed as needed.

Currently i would like to convert $mul(%play_count%,%length_seconds%) (from foo_playcount) into conventional form. Now i must to use an own function with 543 characters... :(

The second to wishlist: how to use this dateformatted value for sorting in Playlist View? It handles it as a text, instead of dateformatted number, so i must to use for sorting a second column, the original $mul(%play_count%,%length_seconds%).
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: incifinci on 2020-09-24 11:27:52
The columns' width in the File selection properties panel is automatic, which is confusing, when I display a field with a long name, for example Embedded cuesheet (General section) or <MP3_ACCURATE_LENGTH> (Other section). Manually adjustable column widths would be better.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Vicas on 2020-09-24 16:55:25
Feature request: Context menu in Album Art Viewer UI element to view cover art image with its own viewer

Now that we have this option at new properties tab it would be nice to have it in context menu at Album Art Viewer UI element.
Option to chose whether to open external or embedded image would be nice too.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: dkg on 2020-09-26 07:29:39
Suggested tweaks to string functions:
$substr(): A way to read to the end of the source string, either by omitting the 'to' parameter or by passing a negative value.
$strstr()/$strchr(): An option to specify where the search should start.  Would help with avoiding unnecessary $substr() calls.

For library files, it would be nice to have a way to get the path relative to the library folder it was sourced from.  Note: I recognize that a file may be present in more than one library folder, since foobar2000 will allow you to add a folder and it's own subfolder to the library.

I have a bunch of long sort strings.  Using the little 'Standard sort patterns' box in Advanced Preferences to update them is painful.  Even using copy/paste between there and a proper editor doesn't help much, because it's still one long string.  A UI to edit each sort pattern separately in a nice big box would be appreciated.

Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: fbuser on 2020-09-26 07:34:12
$substr(): A way to read to the end of the source string, either by omitting the 'to' parameter or by passing a negative value.
You can use $right() instead.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: extract on 2020-09-28 06:33:45
Can you please extend the queued tracks from 64 to around 200 or so?. I'm always hoping that this low limit gets changed to a higher amount in the next update and i always end up being disappointed :(.  For people like me who listen to music all day long 10+ hours, this limit is way too small, especially since i jump from one artist album to another. Other then that i think Foobar is the best music player ever created :).
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Vicas on 2020-09-28 15:07:36
Feature request: Context menu in Album Art Viewer UI element to view cover art image with its own viewer

Added in 1.6.2.

Many thanks Peter!
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Melchior on 2020-09-28 15:24:34
Can you please extend the queued tracks from 64 to around 200 or so?. I'm always hoping that this low limit gets changed to a higher amount in the next update and i always end up being disappointed :(.  For people like me who listen to music all day long 10+ hours, this limit is way too small, especially since i jump from one artist album to another. Other then that i think Foobar is the best music player ever created :).
nice info to know...
I usually put 3-10 in the queue and add more as it whittles down..
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: dkg on 2020-09-28 18:28:28
You can use $right() instead.

In order to use $right() to do what I describe, I would have to use $len() and $sub().  In other words, add extra function calls, which is contrary to the purpose of the request - to reduce the number of function calls necessary. :)
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Cannonaire on 2020-09-30 19:32:02
I'd like a way to save a shuffle between program restarts.

I frequently listen to playlists with Shuffle (tracks), but sometimes I need to close Foobar for various reasons (PC restart, etc.). I'd like to be able to maintain the same shuffle between restarts so I don't have to listen to repeats. Ideally, there would be an option to just maintain the same random/shuffle seed until a "reset shuffle seed" button is pressed.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: TheJJJ-42 on 2020-10-03 10:56:34
Please add a visual indicator which playlist is running or a way to jump to the current play position.

Sometimes I accidentally click on a different playlist and can't find the current play position again - this is especially hard, when the play-indicator ran out of the viewport.  Why doesn't the playlist automatically scroll according to the current entry?
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: sammoth on 2020-10-03 11:01:29
Please add a visual indicator which playlist is running or a way to jump to the current play position.

Sometimes I accidentally click on a different playlist and can't find the current play position again - this is especially hard, when the play-indicator ran out of the viewport.  Why doesn't the playlist automatically scroll according to the current entry?

These both exist already. To manually jump to now playing, hold shift and open the View menu and click "Show now playing in playlist". You can bind it to a hotkey or button too. You can also see visually which playlist is playing using the SimPlaylist component.

To automatically scroll to the now playing item, enable 'cursor follows playback' in the Playback menu.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: extract on 2020-10-03 14:52:02
You can also double click on the status bar to see whats currently playing.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Hidrojen on 2020-10-04 00:11:45
Please support Windows 10 Dark Mode.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Porcus on 2020-10-04 07:02:17
Tag "Clean up":
* Option to have it leading/trailing tabs/newlines, just like spaces are removed.
* Option to convert other newline to Windows crlf format.

Could be an option under Preferences -> Advanced -> Tagging -> General
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Porcus on 2020-10-08 11:29:39
Minor request for the "Select stream" feature:
Grey it out if there is only one audio stream.

I could certainly also ask for info fields about __audiostream (now selected), __audiostotal - and maybe get a naming that would be consistent with "picture now selected" and "pictures total number of embedded". (And, for that matter, also number of video streams present in a file, even if fb2k has no intention of displaying it for itself.)
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: incifinci on 2020-10-09 17:05:35
I was not enough clear, and the post is no longer editable.
The columns' width in the File selection properties panel is automatic, which is confusing, when I display a field with a long name, for example Embedded cuesheet (General section) or <MP3_ACCURATE_LENGTH> (Other section). Manually adjustable column widths would be better.

So. i ment: Manually adjustable and memorized (even after a restart) column widths would be better.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: jdimsa on 2020-10-11 08:03:02
Is it possible to have FLAC bitrate fluctuate in real time like it does for lossy codecs? (in status bar/status pane etc)
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: kode54 on 2020-10-14 02:43:27
Only in a hacky way, because the FLAC library literally does not expose that information. A library consumer would need to track how much data is read by the library's file access callbacks, and compare that with how much data is emitted by decoding.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: jdimsa on 2020-10-17 14:05:04
Only in a hacky way, because the FLAC library literally does not expose that information. A library consumer would need to track how much data is read by the library's file access callbacks, and compare that with how much data is emitted by decoding.

What is the static number displayed then? Is it just the average over the total track?
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: kode54 on 2020-10-18 04:19:01
The static number is reported by the library, I assume. It can't be just the average for file size versus duration, as the bitrate is unaffected by things like tags or embedded album art.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Cannonaire on 2020-10-18 11:35:22
If it's not too much trouble, please add an option to the Skip Silence DSP to limit its effect to only specified playlists.
Thank you!
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: anamorphic on 2020-10-18 13:50:03
^ Can use Playlist Attributes (https://www.foobar2000.org/components/view/foo_playlist_attributes) ?
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Cannonaire on 2020-10-19 05:15:10
I checked out that plugin. It seems that it lets you assign a specific DSP preset to a playlist, but that won't work for me since I already use several DSP presets depending on if I'm using headphones or not.

Thanks for the suggestion! It's close to what I'm looking for.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Lebon14 on 2020-10-29 01:25:43
A more robust and advanced built-in ways of...
- Finding duplicates in a playlist
- Finding, removing or replacing dead entries in a playlist
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: ebleble on 2020-10-29 23:45:28
Would it be possible to add keys support to the application? I mean very simple set: space (play/pause), right arrow (10 seconds forward), left arrow (10 seconds backward).
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Duglum on 2020-10-30 01:17:08
I have a pretty specific feature request: Make global hotkeys really global.

I don't know the technical details why this is happening, but when i'm playing games the foobar2000 hotkeys don't work while the game is in focus. Outside of the game they work fine. I even use keys not in use anywhere else (F16-F24). Programs like TeamSpeak, Discord or OBS don't have this issue, so it should be doable. OBS is even open source, so maybe it would be easy to find out how they do it for a developer...

Thanks. :)
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: sveakul on 2020-10-30 02:23:41
Would it be possible to add keys support to the application? I mean very simple set: space (play/pause), right arrow (10 seconds forward), left arrow (10 seconds backward).
Already there, see attached images.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: lemio on 2020-10-30 09:17:44
Hi. Can anyone help me to give back an option Open directory by double-clicking on Cover Art?
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Rollin on 2020-11-11 18:43:20
It would be great if visualizations could take signal before ReplayGain and DSPs.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: K-tree on 2020-11-12 12:07:27
Hey there!
i like the replaygain-feature, it would be nice though to output the replaygain-info via midi (or serial) to have my monitor-controller do the gain in the analogue domain....
0dB-> MidiCCxx = 63
+-0.5 step -> MidiCCxx = +-1
what you think?
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: koupa on 2020-11-12 17:53:30
Is there a possible way to integrate the add-on installation to main program? I think it's convenient to have than browse to the main site.

For example when I found the youtube add-on I searched the creator's site for updates until I found that you also hosted it.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Cannonaire on 2020-11-13 06:31:05
It would be great if visualizations could take signal before ReplayGain and DSPs.
I understand where you're coming from, but that would cause some problems. Some DSPs can alter audio volume, and I user the Peak Meter visualization to see if they cause clipping.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Porcus on 2020-11-13 10:59:21
Is there a possible way to integrate the add-on installation to main program? I think it's convenient to have than browse to the main site.

For example when I found the youtube add-on I searched the creator's site for updates until I found that you also hosted it.

What else than Preferences -> Components -> Get updates are you asking for?

That said, it could have been an idea to indicate for each component whether fb2k can indeed check for updates. I don't even know if it can (I don't bother to install something-from-somewhere-random to check). For MathRoomEQ, fb2k says it cannot be updated automatically, but it would be a good thing if fb2k would report that component x cannot be checked for updates.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: koupa on 2020-11-13 17:53:12
I want that particular window to show everything from the component's page. And I'll install whatever I want.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: pizzor on 2020-11-26 21:24:13
Would like to have the ability to customize what double clicking album art does.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Cannonaire on 2020-12-14 16:17:14
I would like an additional playback mode, please: Play Once.

Sometimes I just want to click files on a playlist and have them play once, without moving on to the next song or making a one-item playlist or setting "Stop After Current" each time. :)
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Vicas on 2020-12-14 16:28:39
I would like an additional playback mode, please: Play Once.

Sometimes I just want to click files on a playlist and have them play once, without moving on to the next song or making a one-item playlist or setting "Stop After Current" each time. :)

Preferences / Playback

You can achieve that with enabled Stop After Current but unchecked Reset the above when stopping.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Cannonaire on 2020-12-14 16:55:46
I'm aware of that, but I don't want to go into preferences and change that option every time I want to change playback mode. I use Stop After Current a lot, and in general (>99% of the time) I prefer it to be reset after stopping. Basically, it would just be a whole lot more convenient for my use case if there were a Play Once mode in the Playback Mode dropdown box.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Vicas on 2020-12-14 17:01:31
I'm aware of that, but I don't want to go into preferences and change that option every time I want to change playback mode.

You don't have to go into preferences, you can disable it at Playback menu / Stop After Current.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Cannonaire on 2020-12-14 17:07:57
You don't have to go into preferences, you can disable it at Playback menu / Stop After Current.
Sorry, I meant changing the option for Stop After Current to Reset After Stopping. You can't make a button for that and it isn't in a context menu, only in preferences.

I use Stop After Current a lot and I need it to always reset after playback stops. Ticking the box to make it not reset would be the equivalent of me having to go into preferences every time I, say, want to change playback mode from Default to Shuffle (except in this case it would be Play Once).
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Squeller on 2020-12-17 09:54:51
Hey guys, hey Peter, I have two suggestions regarding transferring of album art, here "folder.jpg" and "cover.jpg".

a) I use the converter to split classical music for target devices into works. It's complicated code. If converter code splits one album into multiple folders, "Copy other files to destination folder" does not copy the files into any new folder. It just seems to copy into one (the first?) folder. This is a real problem after batch conversion of 100s of works, it is too much work to find and copy all album art folders manually.
Suggestion: Copy files from the source folder into each newly created target folder.
EDIT: Screenshot attached. You can see, the files originate from one album (source was a flac file from one folder), the seperate works got split into multiple folders, but only the first one gets the album art.

b) Speaking about huge batch jobs. Sometimes there is the need to interrupt them. But then you have to restart from scratch, because replaygain and file copy are done after all conversion jobs.
Suggestion: Reconsider the order. It may be preferable to do 1. convert folder 1- replaygain folder 1 - copy files.... then convert folder 2 - replaygain folder 2... copy files.
May be I am not seeing the complications of grouping it to seperate jobs, but maybe there is a way to reorder the jobs to make it more failsafe.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: polarhei on 2020-12-17 14:19:17
May I ask if can provide a 64-bit Windows Build?

Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Melchior on 2020-12-17 14:42:52
May I ask if can provide a 64-bit Windows Build?

there is no 64bit version of Foobar2000 for Windows yet..
only ANDROID/iOS has a 64bit version...
as far as I know..
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: frzl739 on 2020-12-17 16:46:24
I'm looking for a way to convert audio files with higher bitrates to smaller formats, when copying them on my Ipod using the ipod manager tool. Itunes offers this option, but I would prefer using foobar of course! thanks

Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: tuxman on 2020-12-29 17:35:36
I would like to have a playlist tab which always keeps the currently played album, even if I click around on the album list panel. Right now, I can see no obvious way to restore the "currently played album" view.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: j7n on 2020-12-29 18:30:18
You can drag or send via right-click albums for playing to one playlist and browse the library in another playlist and remember to not start playback there. There is an option in Preferences called "Library viewer selection playlist" to enable this.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: tuxman on 2020-12-29 18:34:30
That option is actually enabled, but there seems to be no obvious way to automatically create a playlist from an album which I "Play in foobar2000" (context menu). Your suggestion might work, but it is not quite as comfy yet. (Still, thank you.)
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: j7n on 2020-12-29 18:55:16
You could have Foobar send files from command-line to the Default (or another) playlist instead of the currently activated one, which might be the volatile Library. It's in Preferences, Shell Integration. Although it seems one has to choose between enqueue and immediate playback there, and the latter then erases the contents of the playlist. I don't have much experience with using file associations in Foobar.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: tuxman on 2020-12-29 19:03:27
Ah, thank you, that solved the problem in a way: I chose "Always send files to the playlist", created a "Now Playing" playlist and now everything works exactly as I want it to. I rarely "Enqueue" (and if I do, I use Drag and Drop, just to be sure).

You see, I don't use foobar2000 professionally enough yet ... :-)
Fixed for me!
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Cannonaire on 2020-12-31 19:27:54
I've been using Foobar2000 since 2007 and it's covered my needs spectacularly! So I wanted to say thank you so much to those who have developed it over all these years. I know there are a few items in this post, but after using it for so long these are the only things I can think of for my wishlist. I know there are a few workarounds and different ways to handle things, but these options would just make things easier and more convenient for me.

1. Save shuffle between program restarts.
2. Option to limit Skip Silence DSP to specified playlists (I already use different DSPs depending on whether I use speakers or headphones, or if I'm testing things, so automatically setting a DSP for a playlist isn't an option.)
3. Playback modes: Play Once (Track), Play Once (Album), Repeat (Album)
4. Random Track button for currently viewed playlist. Normally when you click the Random Track button, it will play a random track from the currently active playlist rather than the one being viewed, if it is different. If there were a context menu item (right click on a song) for play random track, that could be made into a button for playing a random track on the currently viewed playlist. (There's already a context menu Play button that works in this way). I also want to make it clear that I appreciate the way the normal Play and Random Track buttons currently function, and I would not want this functionality replaced, just expanded upon.
5. This last one is very minor for me, but my dropdown for playback devices has 39 entries. It would be nice to be able to hide ones that I will never use.

I wish I knew how to make plugins for Foobar2000 so I could do these things myself, but my coding knowledge is limited to small title formatting syntax. Are there any resources I could use to get started, or is it basically hopeless to do these things without years of coding experience?
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: grimes on 2020-12-31 19:42:25
3: stop after album (https://hydrogenaud.io/index.php?topic=83743.msg723420#msg723420)
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Cannonaire on 2020-12-31 19:59:33
3: stop after album (https://hydrogenaud.io/index.php?topic=83743.msg723420#msg723420)
Nice! Is there any way to make specific ones appear in the standard playback mode dropdown?

**Edit** Never mind. This is not what I'm looking for. Instead of adding actual playback modes, it just uses "Stop After Current" in different ways.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: UltimateByte on 2021-01-09 07:33:24
Simple suggestion for Foobar:
Add the following keyboard shortcut by default:
Space - Play/Pause
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: jazzthieve on 2021-01-09 08:12:44
It just takes about 10 sec to set that up in preferences - keyboard shorcuts. Why would it even need to be default? Not all users use space bar for play/pause.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Vicas on 2021-01-09 15:12:52
It just takes about 10 sec to set that up in preferences - keyboard shorcuts. Why would it even need to be default? Not all users use space bar for play/pause.

Some people are too lazy nowadays.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: dts350z on 2021-01-31 19:21:34
Dolby Atmos Output (Windows Sonic) for more than 8 channel sources:


This would be via a hdmi connection from your computer to an Audio Video Receiver (or soundbar, etc. with Dolby Atmos decoder).

I'm not asking for dynamic object support, just channels with pre-assigned speaker locations.

Support in ASIO channel mapping for "ground" or "bottom" speakers, as in speakers below the horizontal. such as

It looks like microsoft calls them:



Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: 2tec on 2021-02-01 02:42:45
an undo feature for layout editing, please
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Cannonaire on 2021-02-01 09:05:51
Is there a way to make Foobar2000 volume reset to a specific level (like, say, -0dB) every time it's closed and reopened? If not, that would be a useful feature for me.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: pecheny on 2021-02-12 21:22:56
Are there any plans for implementing Last/Libre.fm scrobbling in Mac/iOS apps? And/or plugin API so others can implement scrobbling?
Scrobbling on Android can be achieved using external apps since all music plays are exposed via system API, but on iOS such API doesn't exist so all apps have to implement scrobbling by themselves.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: tuxman on 2021-02-12 21:24:00
I second this question for macOS.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: SimBun on 2021-02-26 09:38:52
I was a long term user of mp3tag and started using foobar only because of a need to calculate crc's from various tag, but since then it's proven indispensable, and has allowed me to consolidate a workflow of many tools to just one, so thank you for such an elegant, configurable product.

My only request would be to make the Properties window dockable as a standard UI element. I'm currently using TagBox for that (see attached picture), but it hasn't been developed since 2011 so I'd rather move to a stock solution.

Oh, and I currently use Keyboard Shortcuts to simplify my editing workflow (clear tags, tag from musicbrainz, apply replaygain, rename e.t.c.) and if there's any way to string multiple actions together that would be cool.

Other than that I couldn't fault it!
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Tribble on 2021-03-14 14:59:13
Feature Request

Add option in Preferences/Media Library/Album List/Actions/Double-click to always send to "Default" playlist/tab.

I usually have several tabs loaded up with sets of my favourite albums to play, but also of course frequently play another album. I always navigate with the Album list, in simple folder order. If I forget to move the tab focus to the Default tab before double-clicking a different album then my carefully loaded tab is overwritten. Time after time  :'(

If the double-clicked selection was always sent to a tab named "Default" (and that tab then automagically changed to and played), it would make my life easier and save me keep topping up the swear jar  8)

Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: marc2k3 on 2021-03-14 15:03:19
^You can use Ctrl+Z or (Edit menu/undo) to revert any accidental playlist changes.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: anamorphic on 2021-03-15 10:23:46
Add option in Preferences/Media Library/Album List/Actions/Double-click to always send to "Default" playlist/tab.
There is already a similar option to send tracks to a default Library playlist - enable the 'Library Viewer Selection Playlist' under Preferences > Media Library (https://wiki.hydrogenaud.io/index.php?title=Foobar2000:Preferences:Media_Library). Optionally enable 'Activate When Changed'. Then a single click in Album List will switch to the Library playlist and update it, leaving other playlists untouched. (Though you may have to drag tracks or right-click to add to other playlists)

Otherwise, there is Library Tree (https://hydrogenaud.io/index.php?topic=110938.msg977222#msg977222) (script w/ Spider Monkey Panel) which has many options, though I cannot recall the click-actions off hand.

Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: 2tec on 2021-03-15 15:18:15
Please, re add the ability to add text instead of, or and in addition to, images for DUI toolbar buttons. Also. how about  adding sounds to buttons; same as icon files but sound files. Sounds on button presses would make Foobar's UI more accessible. Thanks.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Kodin on 2021-03-19 09:12:04

I would like the option in advanced settings to manually set buffer length to lower then 50ms. I use foobar for years in my studio as frequency analyzer (not as music player) and need this option to finally make it work in real-time. Would love option for at least 25ms settings or lower to make it a bit more responsive for my work. Everything works great only this part is locked for additional fine tuning. I am mastering engineer and when I work I send AES/SPDIF signal directly to foo_musical_spectrum analyzer it can go to 10ms.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Tribble on 2021-03-19 11:00:15
There is already a similar option to send tracks to a default Library playlist...

That's so close it's annoying, lol. It would be great if it didn't take over *all* the mouse buttons and left the other functionality alone. It makes doing anything else quite awkward but I'll test drive it for a while and see if I can acclimatise. If not I'll take a look at that script.

Thank you :)
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: RetBaron on 2021-03-30 09:47:33
Hello, I have one tip, when copying all the tags for all selected albums by Properties, when I erase tags and paste back all the tags for all those albums, only standard tags are created, every other (publisher, isrc etc.) is dumped if I don't create empty fields for them manually. Could the foobar do this when pasting them back and create missing fields for all copied tags? Thanks in advance.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: j7n on 2021-03-30 14:54:15
If I choose "Paste Fields" instead of "Paste", then all custom fields are added as well.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Rollin on 2021-03-30 22:04:45
I would be great if Media Library view "by folder structure" would sort everything exactly like windows explorer does - files always after folders.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: heavymeddl on 2021-04-01 15:42:55
I'd like to suggest Gradient Colors palette across playlists, rows etc.


Colors at best selected by left click as primary and right click as secondary color.

I apologize if it's already out there.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: 2tec on 2021-04-08 14:43:29
It'd be cool if the stub image could be associated with different media types via a tag association. Or if there was a media type graphic that indicated which media or CODEC. Playing a CD would show a CD, playing a FLAC would show whatever symbol for FLAC, etc.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: anamorphic on 2021-04-08 22:48:36
^ @2tec
You can do something like that already if you sacrifice one of the 4 art threads. I have no use for "Disc" images so I use that for Genre icons in Facets. (What would be more cool is if there were a 5th art thread for external "Icon" images, instead of having them be embedded only...)

Preferences > Display > Album Art, Disc tab goes like this -

Code: [Select]
$if($or($strstr(%genre%,Rap & Hip-Hop),$strstr(%style%,Rap),$strstr(%style%,Vocal)),C:\Freeware\Foobar2000\profile\icons\genres\rap.png)
$if($or($strstr(%genre%,Podcast),$strstr(%genre%,Interview),$strstr(%style%,Spoken Word)),C:\Freeware\Foobar2000\profile\icons\genres\vocal.png)
$if($or($strstr(%genre%,Classical),$strstr(%genre%,New Age),$strstr(%style%,Celtic),$strstr(%style%,Orchestral)),C:\Freeware\Foobar2000\profile\icons\genres\classical.png)
$if($or($strstr(%genre%,Pop),$strstr(%genre%,Stage & Screen),$strstr(%style%,Soundtrack),$strstr(%style%,Musical)),C:\Freeware\Foobar2000\profile\icons\genres\pop.png)

Incidentally, I still have Disc.jpg images in the album folders that can be displayed by SMP script, so nothing is really sacrificed. ;)

(See here the icons on left of screenshot to give you an idea...)
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: 2tec on 2021-04-08 23:11:28
Interesting idea for genres; I like it and your skin. You also gave me an idea, I could just have distinct folders for each media type for singles with no folder artwork and put a media image in that folder. Thanks. :)
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Rollin on 2021-04-11 15:56:58
Option for Converter to copy subfolders, not only files.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Porcus on 2021-04-13 10:19:46
Minor tweak for Utilities -> Select stream:
Grey out "Select stream" if there is only one audio stream.

(Edit: is there any %__audiostreams% or that kind to query for those with more than one?)

Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: OffSignal on 2021-04-18 23:22:29
Hello, I have a simple and quick suggestion, I don't think it has been suggested before.
I would very much like another mode to be added in the "Order" dropdown menu: stop after the currently playing track, which could be summarized as Stop (@end of track) or Last track or something similar.
Maybe the "Order" label should be renamed "Play Mode" or something along this line.
I think it's simple to add and some other people may find this useful, but maybe I'm wrong.
I wish you the best, thanks =)
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Cannonaire on 2021-04-19 03:23:49
Hello, I have a simple and quick suggestion, I don't think it has been suggested before.
I would very much like another mode to be added in the "Order" dropdown menu: stop after the currently playing track, which could be summarized as Stop (@end of track) or Last track or something similar.
Maybe the "Order" label should be renamed "Play Mode" or something along this line.
I think it's simple to add and some other people may find this useful, but maybe I'm wrong.
I wish you the best, thanks =)
I suggested this too - I think I called it "Play Once". It would definitely be a useful feature when you're going through and playing single files at a time with downtime in between, and you don't want to hit "Stop After Current" every time or change your preferred settings from "Reset the above when stopping", which is what I want most of the time.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: OffSignal on 2021-04-19 10:14:28
I suggested this too - I think I called it "Play Once". It would definitely be a useful feature when you're going through and playing single files at a time with downtime in between, and you don't want to hit "Stop After Current" every time or change your preferred settings from "Reset the above when stopping", which is what I want most of the time.
I admit I had forgotten the "Stop after current" option in the Playback menu.
So the option is already there but I think it should be moved in the "Order" dropdown.
I'm constantly using this dropdown because it's always there and just need to hover and mousewheel it, not even a click required, so practical.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Cannonaire on 2021-04-19 17:00:26
I admit I had forgotten the "Stop after current" option in the Playback menu.
So the option is already there but I think it should be moved in the "Order" dropdown.
I'm constantly using this dropdown because it's always there and just need to hover and mousewheel it, not even a click required, so practical.
I agree there should be an option in the dropdown menu, but removing the "Stop After Current" option/button as it currently works would break foobar2000 for me completely. I use that functionality many times every day, and I just couldn't enjoy music the same way I do now without it. It is absolutely vital to me and I'm glad it exists.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Porcus on 2021-04-24 15:16:43
Referring to https://hydrogenaud.io/index.php?topic=120894 :

Improve the "Optimize file layout + minimize file size" to "Optimize file layout & size" and under advanced preferences:

Minimum padding when file is rewritten (set = 0 to minimize file size)

and a toggle button for

[_] Round up to multiple of xxxx bytes
The default value of 4096 will not increase file size on a default-valued uncompressed NTFS file system.

And a selection for the latter to

[_] Apply also when file size does not change (default: off)
When checked, the file will be rewritten in full with maximum padding for the same size. When unchecked, re-write will be skipped if it does not change file size. Padding policy will always be applied when re-write is forced by tag updates.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Fabcore on 2021-04-26 17:06:25
Feature request;
Add a advance duplicate search (playlist/library), for eg. 'title ISSAME' or 'Album HASSAME memories' Then select the dupes.
Something like that.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: regor on 2021-04-27 12:40:19
Feature request;
Add a advance duplicate search (playlist/library), for eg. 'title ISSAME' or 'Album HASSAME memories' Then select the dupes.
Something like that.
That requires dynamic execution of queries, where ALBUM IS "XXXX" translates into something usable according to the currently selected track. You propose checking all duplicates titles (against all titles), but that grows exponentially as soon as you add multiple entries like that.
That's the main weak point of queries on foobar, since they are static.

You can do things like that with SMP or JSP. And you can find an implementation of tools using dynamic queries like that (and more complex tasks) here:

For ex. you can remove duplicates from a playlist, where "duplicate" means same title, artist and date or any tag you want.
Or filter the current playlist with tracks with same genre than the currently selected track, etc. Those "queries" change from track to track.

There is another tool to search for any track on your library matching same X from selection. Where X can be a tag, a combination of tags, a number of tags (like any 2 genres), etc. which does exactly what you requested and many more things (like remapping artist as composer, etc).
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Fabcore on 2021-04-30 16:00:37
Thanks regor!! i manage playlist to up hundreds items, and sometimes is frustrating, but, your suggestion is what i was looking for!. thanks again.

Suggest: Add to converter an option to preserve the file timestamps from the source (currently i'm using dBpoerwamp for this), that is copy file attributes from source to destination.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Porcus on 2021-05-10 21:03:23
Minor issues:

* Please, the Preferences window is just too little to fit all expanded menu items.

* Even if fb2k has allegedly improved bitrate estimates/calculations, I can still (beta 6) re-encapsulate an mp3 stream into .mka and see bitrates disagree just a little.

* Media Library Error Log repeats errors, of course. But, after a few restarts, the same corrupted files make up for so many errors that if there were something unexpected, it would go unnoticed. Consider a "show only most recent per file" button.
* ... and strangely, there is "Unsupported format or corrupted file" and there is "Corrupted file or unsupported format".
* Often I hit one of the buttons because there is no OK. Fine, fine, I don't need those logs, I can live with a few accidental clear.

* Troubleshooter: The screenshot to help us at https://help.foobar2000.org/troubleshooter/ is obsolete.

Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Aliaksandr_by on 2021-05-12 21:40:35
to add feature for: to get a set unique songs
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: regor on 2021-05-13 00:12:45
to add feature for: to get a set unique songs

Remove duplicates by tag or TF (cut the title up to X characters) or use query filtering
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: stevehero on 2021-05-19 15:54:24
Rename field names in the properties panel like Mp3tag.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: grimes on 2021-05-19 15:58:31
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: ilg on 2021-05-20 07:05:57
I recently returned to foobar2000. It is v1.6.5.
windows10pro x64 19042
WASAPI event
RME ADI-2 DACFS USB connection
44.1kHz 16bit wave file

After updating to v1.6.6, the space became smaller and flat.
The fog covered it and it became cloudy.
It has stopped penetrating.
After updating to v1.6.7beta1, it got worse.

I didn't think that was the case, so I repeated the update.
But the result did not change.
I gave up and am using v1.6.5.

My brain may be rotten, but I would appreciate it if you could consider it.
Thank you very much for providing very good software.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: stevehero on 2021-05-20 11:23:45
Custom tag mapping as in Mp3tag.

The reason for this is:

Format flac files to show RATING in Traktor use the RATING WMP field.
Format mp3 files to show RATING in Traktor use the RATING field.

Format flac files to show KEY in Traktor use the INITIALKEY field.
Format mp3 files to show KEY in Traktor use the INITIAL KEY field.

It would be nice to be able to write to one tag and for it to be mapped to another for VorbisCommentID3v2 etc.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: shimarin on 2021-05-20 13:59:46
Wish: Change the opus file icon color from boring blue-ish grey to some other color.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Fabcore on 2021-05-20 18:11:16
Some suggestions:

1_Support for BEXT tags compatible
this info is not showing in todays foobar2000
2_Workaround on the limited space for certain dialogs
3_And of course, in converter, option to preserve the file time stamps.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: yuki96 on 2021-05-23 04:29:24
Suggestion: .jxl support

JPEG XL is different from many esoteric image formats in that it's an ISO/IEC standard, backwards compatible with JPEG, and supports hybrid lossy/lossless encoding. JPEG files can losslessly be converted to JPEG XL while achieving a 20% reduction in size. Furthermore, it achieves better lossless compression than PNG, FLIF, or webp. This is highly desirable because it would save gigabytes in album art/scans. Seeing support in foobar2000 for this next-gen standard would be dope
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: negatyw on 2021-05-23 10:48:58
####  Automatic deletion of radio stations from playlists  ####

I have a list of radio stations in foobar. There is also a control from the foobar controller from a smartphone.

However, when I open a file on a network drive - radio stations disappear and I have to load the list from the file again. I don't know what could be causing this, but it also happens in the stable version.

Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: stevehero on 2021-05-24 18:53:13
A search history would be nice to have here shown attached.

Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: grimes on 2021-05-24 19:51:27
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: incifinci on 2021-05-24 20:08:59
A search history would be nice to have here shown attached.
+1 vote
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: fyrstormer on 2021-05-27 12:39:58
I'd like to see an AArch64 port of Foobar2000 and its standard included plugins, for better battery life on the increasing number of AArch64-powered devices from Apple, Microsoft, Samsung, Lenovo, and other brands.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Rollin on 2021-05-29 13:46:22
Please make DSP preferences page immediately reflect changes made by DSP switcher toolbar, as this was done with Output preferences page in 1.6.7 beta. Currently if DSP preferences page is opened and DSP chain is switched with toolbar, this is not reflected in DSP preferences page until it closed and opened again.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Cannonaire on 2021-05-30 02:05:57
I need a way to skip silence, but only for specified file types. Changing DSPs on a per-playlist or per-file basis is not an option that will work.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: stevehero on 2021-06-04 00:26:36
The keyboard shortcuts loading time is slow for me. Takes 20-30 seconds to load it when clicked on so improvements to the speed here would be great.

The filter list by is also slow to filter. It hangs for a while between each character.

Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: stevehero on 2021-06-04 22:59:50
I'm clearing out a lot of junk and would like if when deleting a file, fb stops the files playback before deletion so this message won't appear.

Or perhaps there's a way around this?

Also, if moving files playback stops before moving them as a similar message appears.

Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Cannonaire on 2021-06-05 04:37:48
The keyboard shortcuts loading time is slow for me. Takes 20-30 seconds to load it when clicked on so improvements to the speed here would be great.
It opens instantly for me, no delay. Looks like your configuration or a plugin is causing the slowdown, because foobar2000 itself isn't the problem.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: stevehero on 2021-06-05 14:18:10
It opens instantly for me, no delay. Looks like your configuration or a plugin is causing the slowdown, because foobar2000 itself isn't the problem.
I think it's due to the fact I have many playlists & auto playlists (200+) that populate in that list. I forgot to mention this in my original post.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: incifinci on 2021-06-05 20:13:33
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Awesomeo on 2021-06-06 21:01:33
Suggestion: .jxl support

JPEG XL is different from many esoteric image formats in that it's an ISO/IEC standard, backwards compatible with JPEG, and supports hybrid lossy/lossless encoding. JPEG files can losslessly be converted to JPEG XL while achieving a 20% reduction in size. Furthermore, it achieves better lossless compression than PNG, FLIF, or webp. This is highly desirable because it would save gigabytes in album art/scans. Seeing support in foobar2000 for this next-gen standard would be dope
I wish for this too happen too, but considering how long we had to wait for webp, I wouldn't get my hopes high. I always wondered why image handling needs to be resolved on foobar's side at all, instead of windows.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: kode54 on 2021-06-07 01:11:09
It already is handled by Windows. The WebP support depends on Windows support as well, as far as I know.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: marc2k3 on 2021-06-07 01:38:40
The WebP support depends on Windows support as well, as far as I know.

Not quite. fb2k bundles it's own copy of libwebp (there is a dll in the install folder which gives it away). Presumably it's built from this...


There is no dependency on the OS so it works on Windows 7/8/8.1 which doesn't have webp support built in.

Columns UI has a different implementation using WIC (windows imaging component) which does depend on OS support. Details here:


IIUC, Columns can display other <insert exotic formats here>, if there are WIC decoders available.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: forart.eu on 2021-06-07 08:45:00
Hi everyone, I just discovered that PPHS resampler has been replaced with libretro in 1.6.6.

What about r8brain (free) wich claims:
The SRC algorithm at first produces 2X oversampled (relative to the source sample rate, or the destination sample rate if the downsampling is performed) signal, then performs interpolation using a bank of short (8 to 30 taps, depending on the required precision) polynomial-interpolated sinc function-based fractional delay filters. This puts the algorithm into the league of the fastest among the most precise SRC algorithms. The more precise alternative being only the whole number-factored SRC, which can be slower.


Talking about quality,  there's alto an interesting project called Oversimple that wraps two of the best resampling libraries available (r8brain (https://github.com/avaneev/r8brain-free-src) and HIIR (https://github.com/unevens/hiir)):


Last but not least, I've also coolected some other resources here:


Hope that inspires !
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Awesomeo on 2021-06-13 10:46:33
Columns UI has a different implementation using WIC (windows imaging component) which does depend on OS support. Details here:


IIUC, Columns can display other <insert exotic formats here>, if there are WIC decoders available.
Strange, because I already have some early version of windows imaging component (https://github.com/mirillis/jpegxl-wic) for jxl installed. It works for explorer thumbnails and this basic windows photo viewer, but foobar is blank. I checked both columns UI playlist thumbnails and artwork view panel - all empty for jxl while webp works just fine.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Dawidsu on 2021-06-15 16:06:43
Resume playback after queue

I'd like to have an option for the playback to go back to its place from before the queue was created. That is, if I add an item to an empty queue and after some time the queue ends, the program should play the track after the one which was playing when I added that first item to the queue.

For example, say I've got 10 tracks in the playlist. Track 04 is playing. I'm enqueueing Track 07 and Track 09. After 04 ends, 07 starts playing, followed by 09 and all is well. But then with the current queue behavior Track 10 starts playing. I want it to go back to the previous order and play Track 05.

Also, in a perfect world: If I manually play a track while the queue is playing, the track after that manually played track should play when the queue ends. And if that "proper" track is removed from the playlist in the meantime, the track after that should play (or if there's nothing after that the playback should stop). In short, the program should remember the position and the playlist index to which it should go back.

I realize I could use some workarounds like "Playback follows cursor" or enqueueing that track to the end of the queue, but these are tedious methods and require my (almost) constant attention. I'd like an option to make it automatic.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Cannonaire on 2021-06-16 22:22:40
I'd like to have an option for the playback to go back to its place from before the queue was created.
Right now the playback queue works exactly as one would expect - it keeps playing in line with the last thing queued. I wouldn't want it to go back to the "beginning", wherever that is - I want it to go where I told it to go and stay there. I often use the queue to change playlists, sometimes several times over the course of a queue.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Dawidsu on 2021-06-17 22:11:55
I'd like to have an option for the playback to go back to its place from before the queue was created.
Right now the playback queue works exactly as one would expect - it keeps playing in line with the last thing queued. I wouldn't want it to go back to the "beginning", wherever that is - I want it to go where I told it to go and stay there. I often use the queue to change playlists, sometimes several times over the course of a queue.
Well, that's not the way I would expect it to work, so clearly that's not true for everybody. The way I described it is how the queue used to work in Winamp and how it does in Spotify. There is more than one way and different people have different expectations and purposes they use the queue for. I never use it as you described it - when I enqueue something is when I want to hear a song right away but without disturbing the current playlist. Besides, I'm not proposing to make it the only way or the default way for the queue to work, just an option.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: warpbrother on 2021-06-17 22:20:31
CarPlay support would be awesome, since it becomes more and more popular around iPhone users. And since it is upgradable, superior to current in car infotainment systems.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: TrueLossless on 2021-07-01 12:30:43
I would like to have an option to mass update tags by regex like it's done in Total Commander for file names. Automatic fill from file names or other field is great but is not always convenient.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: s3n0 on 2021-07-05 17:35:29

Please add (update) the ability to process the title of the current song - read from an online stream / internet radio.

Although Foobar2k gets the name of the song and artist from the online stream, the parameters in Foobar2k are not usable - e.g. in the script, when searching for a song on YouTube - I think like with the help of a script in Foobar2k, when opening a web-browser also with the parameters %title% and %artist%.

This problem, when the artist/title of the song obtained does not exists in the case of online radio (online stream), has already been mentioned somewhere on this discussion forum.

Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: marc2k3 on 2021-07-05 18:05:08
Components are perfectly free to get dynamic track info using the foobar2000 SDK. No update to fb2k itself is going to change the behaviour of existing components.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: swtwentyman on 2021-07-15 22:09:46
The track-title field in Android should be made to scroll. A lot of classical tracks are useless (the title of the piece can take up all the space) without scrolling text.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: dejanm on 2021-08-07 13:05:04
I would like to see much better integration for DSD play as it is done now. At the moment the configuration of DSD capability is very complex and comprises the installation of several drivers. It would be a very good idea to integrate DSD replay under the same UI and make the usage of DSD easy. At the moment it is really pain in the neck ...
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Assholien on 2021-08-16 20:39:18
So, I have no idea if that's possible, or if anyone except myself would ever need this, but I wouldn't mind an option to set the peak value at which "prevent clipping according to ReplayGain peak" would work, so that it would pre-amp tracks to match, let's say, -6db peak, instead of 0db. Hard Limiter is there, I know, but wouldn't pre-amp be better if you don't use any DSPs except for re-sampler?
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: marc2k3 on 2021-08-23 13:35:46
The Playlist Manager (and tabs) could be improved to grey out the right click rename/remove options if there are locks in place preventing those actions. The playlist view already respects this for crop/remove/paste etc.

Also, I noticed that when restoring a deleted playlist, the name becomes editable but that seems an odd action to trigger??
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Cannonaire on 2021-09-15 03:57:16
Random button for current playlist (Context menu?) Let me explain:

Sometimes I want to start playing on a new playlist with a random track before letting shuffle take over. However, when I hit the Random button, foobar selects a random track from the last playlist I was playing from instead of the one I am currently viewing. I believe a good workaround would be to add Random to the context menu for when you right-click a track, that way it will play a random track from your currently-viewed playlist. You could also customize the toolbar and replace the standard random button with the context menu random so it always operated like this if you want.

I understand I could just start playback on a track then click the random button, but that's really annoying and sometimes I don't want to hear anything else play before the first song I listen to fully.

Thank you.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: anamorphic on 2021-09-15 12:58:32
However, when I hit the Random button, foobar selects a random track from the last playlist I was playing from instead of the one I am currently viewing.

I think you can enable Playback menu > 'Playback follows cursor' to make playback buttons work on current playlist. (Although that can interrupt playback order if selecting different tracks, since it plays the selected track next). Otherwise you can install Playlist Attributes (https://www.foobar2000.org/components/view/foo_playlist_attributes) and set global option Preferences > Tools > Playlist Attributes > Playback Settings > 'Playback on active playlist'.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: DreamingIntoTheVoid on 2021-09-15 21:40:38
Just tried listening to a 6.1 channel soundtrack and realised that foobar wasn't automatically downmixing audio to stereo. Which made me wonder if some of the strange listening experiences I've had weren't just odd production but perhaps down to the number of channels in the encoding.

Anyway. This uncertainty got me thinking. Is there any way for foobar to detect how many channels the active audio device has? Or is this assumed to be handled by the user at the driver/os level?

If you can tell a disparity between the file channels and audio interface channels then perhaps provide a popup warning that the user may want to add the appropriate downmixer/upmixer to the dsp stack.

And if it's considered idiomatic that multi-channel mixing is handled at the driver/os level rather than in playback applications then maybe have a popup anyway for non-stereo playback? "This file has 6.1 audio channels. If you're listening to this file on a stereo device then it is recommended you add the downmixer to the DSP stack. Would you like foobar to do this for you?" "Yes/No/Don't Ask Again"
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Cannonaire on 2021-09-15 22:06:52
However, when I hit the Random button, foobar selects a random track from the last playlist I was playing from instead of the one I am currently viewing.

I think you can enable Playback menu > 'Playback follows cursor' to make playback buttons work on current playlist. (Although that can interrupt playback order if selecting different tracks, since it plays the selected track next). Otherwise you can install Playlist Attributes (https://www.foobar2000.org/components/view/foo_playlist_attributes) and set global option Preferences > Tools > Playlist Attributes > Playback Settings > 'Playback on active playlist'.

I appreciate the help! Unfortunately, with the way I use foobar that would cause a lot more problems than it would solve for me. Better to be content with something mostly working than a complete mess with one thing working.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Cannonaire on 2021-09-15 22:08:24
Just tried listening to a 6.1 channel soundtrack and realised that foobar wasn't automatically downmixing audio to stereo. Which made me wonder if some of the strange listening experiences I've had weren't just odd production but perhaps down to the number of channels in the encoding.

Anyway. This uncertainty got me thinking. Is there any way for foobar to detect how many channels the active audio device has? Or is this assumed to be handled by the user at the driver/os level?

If you can tell a disparity between the file channels and audio interface channels then perhaps provide a popup warning that the user may want to add the appropriate downmixer/upmixer to the dsp stack.

And if it's considered idiomatic that multi-channel mixing is handled at the driver/os level rather than in playback applications then maybe have a popup anyway for non-stereo playback? "This file has 6.1 audio channels. If you're listening to this file on a stereo device then it is recommended you add the downmixer to the DSP stack. Would you like foobar to do this for you?" "Yes/No/Don't Ask Again"
I just keep downmix to stereo on for most of my DSP presets. It doesn't change anything unless there are more than two channels.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Case on 2021-09-16 05:51:31
Just tried listening to a 6.1 channel soundtrack and realised that foobar wasn't automatically downmixing audio to stereo. Which made me wonder if some of the strange listening experiences I've had weren't just odd production but perhaps down to the number of channels in the encoding.

Anyway. This uncertainty got me thinking. Is there any way for foobar to detect how many channels the active audio device has? Or is this assumed to be handled by the user at the driver/os level?
In older foobar2000 the default downmixing was left to the OS, but with foobar2000 v1.6 the default output has automatic downmixing capabilities. As the interface was switched from DirectSound to WASAPI it became the program's responsibility to do the downmixing.

The DirectSound downmixing works/worked at least with all channel counts supported natively by the OS, though some audio devices seem to have weird drivers that break everything. I have tested it up-to 7.1 channel playback. Trying to play 22.2 channel material fails.

The WASAPI downmixer seems to be able to handle all regular channel numbers, but plays silence for special channels in the above mentioned 22.2 channel test file. I also noticed the default downmixer leaves lfe channel out from the stereo mix. DirectSound does not and I agree that it should be included.

If you wish to ensure downmixing, do as the replies suggested and add a downmixer DSP that always converts the signal to your speaker count. If you play more exotic material and/or wish to retain the lfe channel in the downmix, you could try my downmixer component (https://foobar.hyv.fi/?view=foo_dsp_downmixer).
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: shevalier on 2021-09-21 15:17:34
Is it possible to add an automatic revert sample rate  of the used sound device to the  sample rate from the Windows control panel (or arbitrarily specified), when  Foobar closing?

Theoretically, for this is need to play several "empty" (or with a couple of least significant bits) buffers with the required sample rate.
If the card supports automatic switching, then it will remain with this (last played) sample rate.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: incifinci on 2021-10-01 12:07:25
$now() function

I often use autoplaylistes, containing similar syntax: %added% DURING LAST 26 WEEKS

My constant concern is, that the date of the performance's addition is malfunctioning. If i change the title of a song (for example, add a different language title to the end, in square brackets), the name of the file (for example " (mono)", when i noticed), the spelling of the artist, the track number, and so on, the song is considered new. And it is not. I know only one perfect solution: a custom %performation_added% date-time label, which i use. However, for now, only in a tables, playlistes. I could only use it in autoplaylistes (and searches), if i also had a NOW function, from which i can extract the date, the number of days elapsed.
(It would be all the more perfect in the form of a timestamp with the appropriate functions.)

Or, another variant: Advanced options >> "Fixed forever" ADDED data somehow. By file ID? Not the best: i may, for example, remove noise from a vinyl digitisation, when i have time -- the file will new. Maybe, option to store (only!) this one Playback Statistics data as a tag, in the file? (Not all those data, to avoid permanent overwrite of the tags.)

When editing tags, affected playback statistics records are transferred accordingly.
Yes; but i maintain tags and filenames/paths mainly outside of foobar, in Mp3tag.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Porcus on 2021-10-01 16:07:42
Anyone else feels like a %__bitrate_ex% that makes for exact 1411.2 or 705.6 (and for lazier difference lookup when comparing compression)?
Likely with a decimal point, to reduce confusion between bitrate 352.8 vs sample rate 352800.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Rollin on 2021-10-05 17:28:40
Please, make actions for custom buttons as exactly configurable, as actions for keyboard shortcuts. Because currently behavior of custom buttons depends on state of option "Display->Selection viewers", that can be confusing - https://hydrogenaud.io/index.php?topic=121473.0
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Lucidae on 2021-10-06 07:50:10
It would be nice to see sub-grouping functionality integrated into foobar, without requiring an outdated third-party component like SimPlaylist.
This feature can be very useful for separating multiple discs, classical works and such.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: SimBun on 2021-10-12 14:28:27
Relative paths in playlist exports.

I'd really like to store my playlists in a separate folder, but it appears that foobar only uses relative paths if the path of the playlist is wholly contained within the path of the music file, and if it does, strip it from the music filepath and put the remainder in the playlist.

playlist_path  = /dir1/dir2/dir3/dir4/playlist.m3u8
music_filepath = /dir1/dir2/dir3/dir4/dir5/track1.flac

So the path that gets written to the playlist becomes dir5/track1.flac

I understand why you'd want to scope the traversal of directories, but how about you opened it up to those contained within the Music Library path?

Music Library Path  = /dir1/dir2/dir3/dir4/dir5/
music_filepath      = /dir1/dir2/dir3/dir4/dir5/music/track1.flac
playlist_path       = /dir1/dir2/dir3/dir4/dir5/playlists/playlist.m3u8

Both contain the "Music Library path" so strip the Music Library path from both, and suffix music_filepath with as many ../ as there are folders remaining in playlist_path.
music_filepath      = music/track1.flac
playlist_path       = playlists/playlist.m3u8

becomes ../music/track1.flac

It handles loading of playlists containing ../, so it would make it more consistent if it could also create them.

Regardless, thanks for the truly excellent piece of software.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: jdimsa on 2022-01-06 02:23:56
The static number is reported by the library, I assume. It can't be just the average for file size versus duration, as the bitrate is unaffected by things like tags or embedded album art.

Sorry to respond to such an old post but when playing audio in mpv today I noticed that in conjunction with the mpvstats.lua script, it does indeed show the bitrate fluctuating realtime for FLAC files. This must be some sort of "hacky" implementation that you mentioned right? At any rate mpv is open source so perhaps their method could be looked at... Although a long shot for such a useless and niche feature, I admit.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: darkflame23 on 2022-01-06 13:49:32
Option to save "Pause" state/position PER PLAYLIST, without having to resort to third party add-ons. I think this bookmarking ability is the only obviously necessary feature missing from a standard FB2K install.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: stevehero on 2022-01-07 01:16:20
Invert selection.

There was a plugin (foo_menu_addons) for this done ages ago but it's long since gone. https://hydrogenaud.io/index.php?topic=47332.0
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: ShadowKite on 2022-01-07 01:47:40
Hi would like to suggest regarding the Metadata of a file.
On a file properties > Metadata > and I added addtional info by adding new field.
On Selection properties UI element the metadata that was added via adding a new field is not showing.
Can you add/update so that whatever new field was added will in properties > Metadata will also reflect on Selection properties UI element

Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: anamorphic on 2022-01-07 10:30:42
^ @ShadowKite

You can do that already by adding the custom field to Preferences > Advanced > Display > Properties Dialog > Standard Fields -

Code: [Select]
Field Name=FIELD;
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: kode54 on 2022-01-07 10:50:23
Option to save "Pause" state/position PER PLAYLIST, without having to resort to third party add-ons. I think this bookmarking ability is the only obviously necessary feature missing from a standard FB2K install.
Then you'd need a way to switch the playing playlist without forcibly starting a new track.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: marc2k3 on 2022-01-07 12:35:38
Invert selection

I like this idea so the next version of my JScript Panel component will have it but only as plman.InvertSelection for script writers and on the context menu of the included playlist scripts.


Obviously it would be super easy for Peter to add as well - I'm using his SDK code to do it.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: ShadowKite on 2022-01-07 13:48:03

You can do that already by adding the custom field to Preferences > Advanced > Display > Properties Dialog > Standard Fields -

Code: [Select]
Field Name=FIELD;

Thanks. I always thought that part was only check boxes and radio button. Did not expect I could edit that part. *facepalm*
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: darkflame23 on 2022-01-07 14:28:16
Option to save "Pause" state/position PER PLAYLIST, without having to resort to third party add-ons. I think this bookmarking ability is the only obviously necessary feature missing from a standard FB2K install.
Then you'd need a way to switch the playing playlist without forcibly starting a new track.

That doesn't sound too hard. Just some options in Prefs to set it how you like. Fact is, FB2K is the only media player I know where you can't store bookmarks for playlists. It's a functional necessity for any modern media player, IMO, and kind of shocking that FB2k doesn't have it.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: stevehero on 2022-01-07 20:38:42
version of my JScript Panel component
Thanks. Where can I get this?
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: marc2k3 on 2022-01-08 06:31:47
Where? That will be on github as always.

The real question is "when" which is why I said "next version". I always announce releases in the dedicated thread on these forums.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: stevehero on 2022-01-08 11:46:27
Where? That will be on github as always.

Thanks, I guess I should have checked your signature.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Lebon14 on 2022-01-12 03:20:49
I still want a good way to clean duplicate. The current option is waaaaay too basic.
You search a playlist for duplicates. If duplicates are found, show them to the user who will decide which file to keep (or none) until there are no more duplicates.

Where to find duplicates should also be configurable, using the common title formatting tags.
A few defaults:
1. Compare between two filenames (allows to remove same files)
2. Compare between two "artist + title" tags (allows both tracks to have different filenames)
3. Compare between two albums (allows removing entire duplicate albums)

Then, show a window with the results with an option to save to a file (in case mistakes happened).

Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: stevehero on 2022-01-13 21:11:36
Ability to remove items from the File Operation Preview window.

Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Porcus on 2022-01-14 17:10:39
(lossless) integrity verification and AccurateRip verification:
Upon AccurateRip verification, it will anyway have to decode. If decoding errors are found ... why not report to user?
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Gus. on 2022-01-27 16:27:24
Is there a dynamic normalizer that works for live radio streams? Thank You.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: kode54 on 2022-01-27 22:12:13
There's my dynamic normalizer, the R128 Normalizer, which uses the EBU R128 algorithm to measure the incoming stream, and attempts to maintain approximately -18 LUFS regularly. It does have quite a bit of latency, though, so things like radio streams may take a moment to start playing.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: butstough on 2022-01-28 02:34:51
(move operation during playback)
If currently playing file is queued for move, read the file entirely to memory so the file handle may be closed and the file moved. Complete the playback from memory. Perhaps some sanity check on a maximum file size or fail as per current implementation, but I'm sure anything <1GB is *yawn* for most current PCs.
I'm currently frequently listening to files I move for various reasons, and its tedious to have hanging chad to go back and find later.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Foul Ole John on 2022-01-31 09:50:58
Now, maybe I'm just ignorant of it and it exists, but I have never seen this functionality. Do you know the issue when you load a VA album on your playlist, and then you can't sort anything by artists anymore, because every VA album goes scattered throughout the whole alphabet?

There should be some option that allows to chain (and unchain when needed) a selected set of tracks together, preventing them from being sorted in any way except manual.

Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Porcus on 2022-01-31 10:23:35
You sort by %album artist% instead. It will default to artist if the album artist tag is omitted.

Or if you are using an albumartistsortorder tag.
After that, year, album title for tiebreaker if an artist releases two per year, and track number. 

Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: loz on 2022-03-16 20:02:38
Would love some basic regular expression in title formatting. for example.

Code: [Select]
$if($strstr(variable,[a-z][0-9]?),do the thing))

or just a simple

Code: [Select]
$regex(variable,<some regex match pattern>)
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: oligophagy on 2022-05-19 19:25:12
Could the Album List component get separate actions for "Send to New Playlist and Start Playback" and "Send to New Playlist Without Starting Playback"? What I want is to set the double-click action to the former and the middle button action to the latter, making it easy to open to playlists for albums I might want to listen to later without disturbing playback. Right now, I can only set both actions to "Send to New Playlist", with the playback behavior set by the "Start playback" checkbox under Playlist interaction.

My workarounds now are to leave the "Start playback" box checked and make non-playing playlists either by dragging a selection to an empty part of the playlist tabs elements (difficult when the tar bar spans multiple lines and there is no empty space) or by creating an autoplaylist from the selection, which doesn't preserve album list sorting order (it seems to always sort by filename).
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: AndreaT on 2022-05-20 14:01:46
Hello Foobar Dev Team,
months ago, and even years ago, I was asking to have direct VST (2 and 3 now) support integrated into Foobar.

Now I believe this "option" to be obsolete and a new smarter approach would look better.
As already implemented in products like VB-Audio Voicemeeter, Banana and Potato, a set of virtual ASIO / AUDIO IN and OUT would provide an even more flexible and future proof solution.

As well described here https://voicemeeter.com/quick-tips-voicemeeter-virtual-i-os/
This kind of Virtual Audio I/O allows to loop in any decent DAW, offering so an unlimited audio elaboration capacity.

And, concluding, I believe also that for you, Foobar Dev Team, this would be something very simple, you just have to implement a set of virtual interfaces, not a VST hosting platform with all its audio routing engine and so on.

What do you think about?

All the best for the coming soon Foobar V2 and kind regards,
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: kode54 on 2022-05-21 00:16:09
It's an audio player, not a DAW.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: always.beta on 2022-05-21 06:23:14
Is it possible to add the option to hide the status bar?
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: johnwish on 2022-05-22 20:32:57
Can the rectangular frame follow the playing "triangle"?

Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: anamorphic on 2022-05-23 11:54:53
^ Playback menu > Cursor Follows Playback.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: GeezerB on 2022-05-23 14:45:27
The Mac version foobar2000 really needs two features that the Windows version has.
Screenshots with the necessary functions are in the attached files.
Thanks in advance!
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: johnwish on 2022-05-24 02:24:23
^ Playback menu > Cursor Follows Playback.

thanks a lot!
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: larryfine on 2022-05-30 14:02:58
Center popup windows

my request is much more personal, although I believe it will help with accessibility and aesthetics.
simply make all windows (called on menu or on right click) may appear in the center of the interface, unlike currently in the upper left corner.
example: select a song>right click> utilities>send to playlist... The window pop-ups in the center of the interface as I suggested

Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: xsdaver on 2022-05-31 16:09:57
Find Within, or Search Within

Essentially, the search would only look below, or within, where you've highlighted.  Ideally, the result would be shown as highlights rather than changing the view of what you've selected like the Filter box for the library view does.  The way Revive Dead Items highlights items it can not resolve is a good example of what I'm suggesting for Find Within results.

So, if I wanted to find Beethoven's Op. 123 I'd highlight Beethoven (assuming all of Beethoven's works were contained within), ctrl-F (standard Windows find), and type Op. 123.  If there were any files with Op. 123 mentioned they would be highlighted in the tree below.

This would also be useful for playlists.  Highlight the tab, ctrl-F, ...

The current Filter box works well, but when you're done with the search you have to navigate back to where you were, assuming you were somewhere you want to return to.  It also is more involved to find a something like Op. 123 for Beethoven instead of all Op. 123.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: swtwentyman on 2022-06-08 14:07:20
Is there a way for artists starting with VA- (Van Halen and Van Morrison, for instance) to be treated as any other artist? They're all considered and treated like various artists.

Sorry if this has been answered. I'm not going to go through 18 pages.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Daeron on 2022-06-08 19:59:19
Chances are you are using some custom skin / titleformatting that checks the first two characters and if those start with "va", it handles them differently (grouping or whatever). That is not how foobar works by default so that has nothing to do with this topic.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: fooball on 2022-08-01 21:11:09
Feature Request: Playlist Manager UI panel.

It seems like a glaring omission not to have Load and Save on the right-click context menu, as per File > Load Playlist and File > Save Playlist.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: fooball on 2022-08-01 21:13:04
3. Option to configure which metadata fields are displayed in selection properties component.
This is possible in Columns UI, so I guess it would be nice to have that option available in Default UI too.
Yes please.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Porcus on 2022-08-02 23:19:19
Choosing file properties and "Format from other fields", I have often needed to format from the same field. And sometimes move on to the next field for the same operation.
So ... come up with %<something>% for that?

%% is not useful for anything else under "Format from other fields", but then, not sure if it is a good idea for it to be so context-dependent.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: elcosomalo on 2022-08-10 16:20:16
Auto volume. Something like the old Vlevel component. DO NOT confuse this with a compressor.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: fooball on 2022-08-10 16:30:43
I think you're confused.  Or at least, you're confusing me!

In any case, isn't this thread about the basic FB2K framework rather than the add-ons?
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: elcosomalo on 2022-08-13 21:08:27
I think you're confused.  Or at least, you're confusing me!

In any case, isn't this thread about the basic FB2K framework rather than the add-ons?

Are you some kind of fan? you seem eager to reply all my posts... Its starting to feel weird.
I'm asking for this to be added to the main app, not an addon. Its's a useful feature and many of us use volume leveling or compressors.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: ASopH on 2022-08-19 11:33:30
Hello, I hope for implementation of the "FACETS"-Component in fb2k (otherwise @Frank Bicking updates ist for v2.XXX)
This is (for me) a very useful component! It would be a shame if this component was not available in version 2.xxx
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Air KEN on 2022-08-19 11:57:36
Hi :) foobar2000 staff

Could you make "SimPlaylist" and "Facets" default for foobar2000 v2.0?
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Porcus on 2022-08-19 12:34:38
Find Within, or Search Within

So, if I wanted to find Beethoven's Op. 123 I'd highlight Beethoven (assuming all of Beethoven's works were contained within), ctrl-F (standard Windows find), and type Op. 123.  If there were any files with Op. 123 mentioned they would be highlighted in the tree below.

This would also be useful for playlists.  Highlight the tab, ctrl-F, ...

https://www.foobar2000.org/components/view/foo_quicksearch is your friend.

If you combine this with enabling Library viewer selection playlist, activated when changed, then highlighting the files in question will bring them to that playlist. Then use the quicksearch window.
You can configure it to search in either
Database (nopes, that's what I use ordinary search for),
Playlist: type and hit Enter and a new playlist #Quicksearch will appear with the selection
Playlist (inline): will just highlight the matches
All Playlists: as "Playlist" but will retrieve from all open playlists,
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Leindurstit on 2022-08-19 14:13:00

I would like to suggest adding an advanced preferences option to control the creation/detection of the "running" file foobar2000.exe creates (and checks for.)

I use foobar2000 in portable mode, on one device at a time, synchronized between my devices using third-party cloud storage.  Most of these services offer options to exclude objects from syncing, however this typically only works at the "directory" level, not the "file" level.  This results in erratic behavior as it tries to sync the locked "running" file.

I would like to have the option to either:
A.  Have foobar2000.exe not check for or create the "running" file.
B.  Have foobar2000.exe create a permanent sub-directory for temporary files, wherein the "running" file can be stored.
C.  Have foobar2000.exe create the running file in a user-specified directory.

Option A would remove my issue entirely.  Option B would permit a user to exclude a specific sub-directory within the foobar2000 install folder, thus eliminating the issue.  Option C would as well, allowing the user to specify a temporary directory outside of their cloud storage directory.

I understand there are risks to the integrity of the program's data if multiple instances are ran, but this is a risk that I (and potentially others who use the program in this way) would be willing to deal with.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: stevehero on 2022-08-19 21:18:33
Move a song that's currently playing.

If moving the currently playing track, stop it, move it and then continue to play.

I correct the title or artist sometimes while the track I renamed is playing and would like this feature to move it to the correct folder based on the updated title formatting.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: stevehero on 2022-08-19 21:20:35
Different one.

Ctrl + Enter will always accept and close the properties dialog. Currently, if a field is the focused UI element then Ctrl+ Enter doesn't work.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: IAMNOTRANA on 2022-08-31 13:20:34
Can we bring the lock pane feature back to the Foobar2k 2.0 build? I don't even know why it was removed in the first place, but it feels like such a massive loss.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Case on 2022-08-31 13:53:43
Size locking is still there, see the various scale options. But you can't lock all sizes anymore, you have to pick which side of a splitter remains resizable.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: IAMNOTRANA on 2022-08-31 21:27:42
But you can't lock all sizes anymore, you have to pick which side of a splitter remains resizable.

That's the point. Accidental resize happens quite often, and it can be quite annoying. The Scale option also works, but it isn't as robust as the previous method.
Title: Add support for INSTRUMENT (Performer) in ReFacets
Post by: Ojos Azules on 2022-09-02 08:19:22
Vorbis supports Instrument (performer) - https://wiki.hydrogenaud.io/index.php?title=Tag_Mapping#:~:text=INSTRUMENT%20%5B17%5D%20(with%20performer%3F)%5B7%5D
Example - Guitar (Billie Joe; James Hetfield); Bass (Jhon Campbell); Vocals (Taylor Swift); Rapper (Eminem)

Problems to solve -
1. Ignore value in bracket to only get Instrument in a Re/Facets column. Example -  To get all songs with synth.
2. See all Instruments by a Performer. Add ablilty to see all Perfumers for an instrument in another column.
4. Add support for multiple Performer per Instrument - In the screenshot posted see Tre Cool is separated.
Title: Re: Add support for INSTRUMENT (Performer) in ReFacets
Post by: anamorphic on 2022-09-02 14:43:39
I suggested a way of tagging the two separate fields over here (https://www.reddit.com/r/foobar2000/comments/usmv5s/artist_credits/i95sfgd?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3), perhaps you saw it? If you only tagged one instrument per performer, then multi-value INSTRUMENT -> PERFORMER columns would work fine (or vice-versa). I think using the two separate fields would make it a lot simpler.

Otherwise you'd need some fancy title formatting to try splitting values up - I did not investigate that any further. (And I'm not sure it would work in either Re/Facets or even Album List, since they both have warnings about multi-values and "string functions" - see wiki 1 (https://wiki.hydrogenaud.io/index.php?title=Foobar2000:Titleformat_Album_List#Safe_functions) "Safe Functions" and 2 (https://wiki.hydrogenaud.io/index.php?title=Foobar2000:Components/Facets_(foo_facets)#Multivalue_fields) "Multi-value Fields")

In other words, you need string functions to remove bracketed text, and that may not work with multi-value. So you may have to use two separate fields if you want them both in separate columns.

(Even so, not tested this, so I'm not 100% certain - maybe other folks have a method and can comment...)
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Air KEN on 2022-09-02 15:45:33
"Queue Contents Editor" (https://www.foobar2000.org/components/view/foo_queuecontents)
Could you please make this the default? (v2.0 64bit)
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Air KEN on 2022-09-02 17:40:48
to add
Quick Tagger (https://www.foobar2000.org/components/view/foo_quicktag)
I like "Default UI".
Title: Re: Add support for INSTRUMENT (Performer) in ReFacets
Post by: anamorphic on 2022-09-02 18:03:24
If you only tagged one instrument per performer, then multi-value INSTRUMENT -> PERFORMER columns would work fine
No... Actually now that I think about it, this would not really be any use, either. Because then I think clicking in the column on one INSTRUMENT would just return every PERFORMER, because they're all tagged together on the same tracks. (Right?)

So my idea in that reddit post would work for Text Display element like I explained, but not really useful for columns, I think.

I need some sleep ...
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: stevehero on 2022-09-02 19:18:36
Compatibility checker for plugins to know if they're 64 bit or 32. 

Or even a column in the preferences to says what they are. Much like task manager in windows where it says its (32 bit) after the name for those and for 64 bit there's nothing.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: lvqcl on 2022-09-02 21:17:54
Compatibility checker for plugins to know if they're 64 bit or 32.
32-bit foobar2000 can only use 32-bit plugins, and 64-bit foobar2000 can only use 64-bit plugins.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Porcus on 2022-09-02 21:23:35
A ".fb2k-component64" suffix wouldn't be the worst idea?
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: marc2k3 on 2022-09-02 21:32:27
32bit/64bit components should be bundled inside the same archive as per the instructions here...


The components website actually detects this when they are uploaded and will display what's inside. One example is one of Case's most recent uploads.


Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: hexenszene on 2022-09-04 15:13:59
a few small requests for 2.0:

- please give ReFacets a vertical option. <--- This is pretty crucial
- consider adding a the ability to enable/disable "summary item" on each pane.
- please allow us to display album artwork in ReFacets album pane

Would love a tag info pane that allows quick editing, like the TagBox addon did.  (Similar info panes aren't editable.)
Would love a queue content editor too.

Thanks for all the hard work everyone.  I appreciate you.

Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: stevehero on 2022-09-05 01:13:56
32bit/64bit components should be bundled inside the same archive as per the instructions here...
I did read that, that's why I thought this would be a good idea to incorporate a checker in the installed components dialog or a column showing their compatibility. It would be a nice addition to know when all the components are 64-bit so it's easier to know when to upgrade from 32-bit FB.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Chibisteven on 2022-09-05 03:33:01
Pro-tip: You can have both 32-bit and 64-bit versions installed at the same time.  Just do the 64-bit one first and rename the shortcuts to "foobar2000 64-bit" and then install the 32-bit version.  You can have both 32-bit and 64-bit components at the same time as well.  The 32-bit components will go in the "user-components" directory and 64-bit ones will go in the "user-components-x64" directory under "C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\foobar2000-v2".  You don't have to stick with one or the other if you got one that you might need every once in a while.  Just launch whatever version you want to use and the appropriate components versions should load as long as their installed correctly and the correct versions.  Hope this helps users with migration.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: marc2k3 on 2022-09-05 07:14:44
I would strongly recommend people wanting to play around with both installs one of them in portable mode. It's not like 2 standard installs can make use of the file associations.

And I really wouldn't want to share the same config files. Maybe it's possible but I wouldn't chance it. If you accidentally launch one before closing the other, that would be trouble. With a portable install, running both concurrently is fine.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Chibisteven on 2022-09-05 08:17:09
I would strongly recommend people wanting to play around with both installs one of them in portable mode. It's not like 2 standard installs can make use of the file associations.

And I really wouldn't want to share the same config files. Maybe it's possible but I wouldn't chance it. If you accidentally launch one before closing the other, that would be trouble. With a portable install, running both concurrently is fine.

From my tests (using Windows sandbox), you can only launch one instance at a time.  It can be either 32-bit or 64-bit but not both at the same time.  I tried it.  As for configuration, it tends to act like the component either loaded or didn't depending on which one you launched.  I was suggesting mainly in some corner cases that you may use one way more often than the other and only use the other if you really needed to.  My suggestion here would be only make configuration changes in the one you actually use more often and keep the versions between the 32-bit and 64-bit builds exactly the same.

foobar2000 requires that each instance be it's separate install and not share a configuration.  Portable installs is the only way to run multiple instances.  I have not simulated a crash as of yet but it could be something I could try.  I keep working back ups of my configurations just in case something goes horribly wrong.

Right now my main foobar2000 install and portable flash drive install is version 1.6.12, I never use betas for normal use only final versions.  Tests with the current 2.0 betas have been either portable installs outside of Windows sandbox or system installs inside of Windows sandbox.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: marc2k3 on 2022-09-05 08:46:29
I was thinking running multiple copies might have been possible if you've crashed fb2k and you get the option to ignore the presence of the running fille. Not tested and I'm probably wrong.  :)) I supposed after a crash it's easy to delete/recreate it. It's probably locked if one process is still erm.... running.

Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: hexenszene on 2022-09-05 12:20:42
So far I've had no issues running a portable installation of the new v2 beta at the same time as my old v1.6 portable installation.  Both can even play music at the same time.  Both are in completely separate folders on my desktop.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: meracle on 2022-09-06 14:56:14
Hello everyone,

I am facing an annoyance that will hopefully get resolved (or maybe I am missing something already)...
My music library consists of many folders, some of which are on external media, not always connected/available.

The Library viewer/search function, does not differentiate on the source media for the files. And I can't tell the location of the files either. Oftentimes, I select an album for playback, only to find that none of the tracks will play because the source is not available.

Any steps to improve this situation would be awesome.

1) Filters to show/hide source medias from the Library viewer results.
2) Show the source media each file/folder/album resides in.

Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: anamorphic on 2022-09-06 17:08:07
^ You could show the drive letter with $left(%path%,3) ... make it a playlist column and add it to Library > Search list, or insert into the beginning of Album List view patterns to divide the tree into drive letters (https://www.reddit.com/r/foobar2000/comments/llqv0w/regarding_album_list/gnrlrol?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3).
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: wojak on 2022-09-06 18:02:09
Any chance for 64 bit versions of these plugins:
- Asio out
-Dynamic range meter
- Enhanced spectrum analyzer
- HDCD decoder
- HTTP control
- Pregap
- Foo run groups
- R128 meter
- Musical spectrum
- youtube
- mpv?
Plus bitperfect passthrough of bitstream (AC3, DTS, DTSHDMA and others) (without decoding to PCM)?
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Porcus on 2022-09-06 19:18:33
Edit: This is probably not the thread or subforum for 3rd party components, so anticipate it to be moved.

64-bit foo_youtube: https://yd.3dyd.com/download/

foo_out_asio is Peter's component, but clearly stated to be intended for legacy systems, and fb2k v2 is not supposed to be XP-friendly. I doubt it.
foo_dynamic range was developed for a short time in 2011 only. I doubt it.
foo_enhanced_spectrum_analyzer: dev hasn't been logged in here for three years
foo_hdcd: dev refuses to support foobar2000 anymore. Someone should configure foo_input_ffmpeg on those.
foo_httpcontrol: nag the dev here? https://bitbucket.org/oblikoamorale/
foo_dsp_pregap: maybe next time @Case is on an update spree
Foo run groups ... what is that?
foo_r128norm: dev refuses to support foobar2000 anymore
foo_musical_spectrum: not updated for ten years, https://wiki.hydrogenaud.io/index.php?title=Foobar2000:Components/Musical_Spectrum_(foo_musical_spectrum) says it is abandoned
foo_mpv: developer is active, https://github.com/sammoth/foo_mpv/issues/8
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Gus. on 2022-09-06 19:39:54
foo_out_asio+dsd-x64.fb2k-component is working just fine for me in Foobar 2.0 x64 beta 4, Windows 10 Pro x64, Creative AE-5 sound card:
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: randal1013 on 2022-09-06 22:16:27
I guess this is the place to make requests for V2.

The feature "remember layout for this playlist" is a welcome addition to foobar2000. However, it seems I can't copy a layout and apply it to other playlists. The best I can do is switch the grouping scheme, but that doesn't load custom columns.

Request: It would be awesome if foobar V2 had a proper playlist layout manager. I would like to setup a full playlist layout and then apply that layout to multiple playlists. And if I update a layout, it would update all the playlists.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: meracle on 2022-09-07 07:21:01
^ You could show the drive letter with $left(%path%,3) ... make it a playlist column and add it to Library > Search list, or insert into the beginning of Album List view patterns to divide the tree into drive letters (https://www.reddit.com/r/foobar2000/comments/llqv0w/regarding_album_list/gnrlrol?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3).

Hey, thanks for that. I made some sense of it, not completely though. Not an advanced user. Would be nice if that feature came preconfigured out of the box.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: wojak on 2022-09-07 08:05:12
Edit: This is probably not the thread or subforum for 3rd party components, so anticipate it to be moved.

64-bit foo_youtube: https://yd.3dyd.com/download/

foo_out_asio is Peter's component, but clearly stated to be intended for legacy systems, and fb2k v2 is not supposed to be XP-friendly. I doubt it.
foo_dynamic range was developed for a short time in 2011 only. I doubt it.
foo_enhanced_spectrum_analyzer: dev hasn't been logged in here for three years
foo_hdcd: dev refuses to support foobar2000 anymore. Someone should configure foo_input_ffmpeg on those.
foo_httpcontrol: nag the dev here? https://bitbucket.org/oblikoamorale/
foo_dsp_pregap: maybe next time @Case is on an update spree
Foo run groups ... what is that?
foo_r128norm: dev refuses to support foobar2000 anymore
foo_musical_spectrum: not updated for ten years, https://wiki.hydrogenaud.io/index.php?title=Foobar2000:Components/Musical_Spectrum_(foo_musical_spectrum) says it is abandoned
foo_mpv: developer is active, https://github.com/sammoth/foo_mpv/issues/8

Thank you for your reply.
I know most of these (that someone is inactive or refuses to continue work and so on...). What I meant was: will someone do it, meaning: is it legal or not forbidden to rework those components by otehr developers. If it can happen, second question is: will someone be willing to do it?
As for ASIO OUT - for me it is the most important plugin. Without it, FB is almost useless to me. I use ASIO to communicate with my DAC (and I do not want to use Wasapi or other modes). I also know that there is ASIO+DSD but it seems to not work properly for me (I use SACD input, DSD Transcoder and DVDA decoder from the same author and these work fine, but ASIO+DSD produces problems in my setup).

FooRunGroups is the same as FooRun but it works with groups of elements and not just single tracks.

I know Dynamic Range is considered old and useles but I find it more usefull than LUFS or even PLR.

Are there any good (because I could not find any properly working) plugins for remote control (I have foobar on my laptop with external hdd drives with music files) and just want to control it via smatphone (but I do not use any library, I just go into hdd drive, then to folder with wanted music file and doubleclick it for playing - I do not want to create any libraries or playlists). I just need to double click needed file to play it with foobar.

I was talking about fooyoutube component (https://fy.3dyd.com/download/)- not youtube downloader.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: marc2k3 on 2022-09-07 08:11:12
If a component's source code has never been shared, rewriting from scratch is a massive undertaking that pretty much no one is going to do.

And even open source components can come with their own headaches. Some are amazingly simple to update... others, not so much.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Porcus on 2022-09-07 08:23:30
If a component's source code has never been shared, rewriting from scratch is a massive undertaking that pretty much no one is going to do.
ReFacets must have been a helluvajob.

I know Dynamic Range is considered old and useles but I find it more usefull than LUFS or even PLR.
You can have a 32-bit fb2k on your computer and use foo_dynamic_range to write tags, just like ReplayGain tags are scanned and written once - it is not a component you need in the install you use for everyday playback.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Sandrine on 2022-09-08 18:47:06

1. Use different user folders for 32 and 64 bit. That way both versions could be installed without breaking each other (especially when it comes to themes and add-ons which are not yet ported.

2. Some kind of helper or import/export function between Facets and ReFacets. Currently I have a lot of filters defined and several foobar2000 installations, thus it would be a lot work to write each one again manually. Ideally, the facet config file would be imported into a new refacet config file when moving from 1.x to 2.x I'm guessing right now the config for ReFacets is stored in the core config file.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: hexenszene on 2022-09-10 08:20:08
- please give ReFacets a vertical option. <--- This is pretty crucial
- consider adding a the ability to enable/disable "summary item" on each pane.
- please allow us to display album artwork in ReFacets album pane

In addition to the above, I have another big ReFacets request:  Please provide an option so that double clicking the selection sends it to the Default or "Library Selection" playlist.  Right now, double clicking either makes a completely new playlist, or it overwrites/adds to the current list you're looking at, which can lead to playlists getting messed up just because you selected an album.

Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Gilles on 2022-09-10 09:40:46
UPnP servers using NAS or other are widely used and are essentials.  The old "UPnP/DLNA Renderer, Server, Control Point" (foo_upnp) component was quite nice but :
1. is no more maintened since 2015,
2. has no 64 bits version and thus is not compliant with fb2K V2
3. does not really need the server functionnality most of the time

My wishlist is simple and crucial : embed a UPnP/DLNA Browser and Control Point (and Renderer but a maintened component already exists) into foobar2000 V2 core !
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: metal_termite on 2022-09-12 04:30:28
Playlist Manager
- Add leaf node functionality, where users can create nodes and drag and drop their playlists within nodes. This helps so much with organizing huge sets of playlists

Playlist (DUI)
- Ability to customize the colors of the clickable rating stars, i.e. set unticked stars to grey to better differentiate them from the populated stars.
- Group statistics (item count, rating, etc) ala SimPlaylist
- Sticky headers when scrolling ala SimPlaylist
- Sub group headers ala SimPlaylist

Item Properties (window)
- Add the ability to quickly copy album art from one track to others. Either through context menu copy and context menu paste, or by drag-and-drop from one properties window to another.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Squeller on 2022-09-12 08:44:41
- please give ReFacets a vertical option. <--- This is pretty crucial
I'm planning to replace my filter panels in ColumnsUI with REfacets but can't, because lack of vertical setup.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: eurekagliese on 2022-09-12 13:58:13
Playlist (DUI)
- Ability to customize the colors of the clickable rating stars, i.e. set unticked stars to grey to better differentiate them from the populated stars.

It would also be wonderful if we could customize the column itself, similar to how we do on CUI with custom value $rgb.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: ASopH on 2022-09-12 17:40:52
Hi, fb2k v2: an iternal burning support were nice :-)
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Terence on 2022-09-17 21:45:22
Different spectrogram color settings for light and dark modes. I'd like to do this: X
The global setting is always dark and there is only one custom setting that is not remembered if I check "Use global settings". I change the color mode twice a day with this program (https://github.com/AutoDarkMode/Windows-Auto-Night-Mode). If I want different custom colors for the light and dark modes, I have to redo the setting every time I change the mode.

And thanks to the developers for making this dark mode.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: metal_termite on 2022-09-18 00:34:30
Titleformat functions
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: VZphoneman on 2022-09-20 23:27:37
I would like an option to have the playlist automatically clear when closing Foobar. The goal being when you reopen there would be a blank playlist.

Title: Re: Add support for INSTRUMENT (Performer) in ReFacets
Post by: Ojos Azules on 2022-09-21 12:05:05
Otherwise you'd need some fancy title formatting to try splitting values up - I did not investigate that any further. (And I'm not sure it would work in either Re/Facets or even Album List, since they both have warnings about multi-values and "string functions" - see wiki 1 (https://wiki.hydrogenaud.io/index.php?title=Foobar2000:Titleformat_Album_List#Safe_functions) "Safe Functions" and 2 (https://wiki.hydrogenaud.io/index.php?title=Foobar2000:Components/Facets_(foo_facets)#Multivalue_fields) "Multi-value Fields")

I can't find any thing in wiki to split INTRUMENT 1(Performer 1; Performer 2); INTRUMENT 2 (Performer 2; Performer 3)

MOD edit: Add quote for reference
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: gob on 2022-10-02 03:48:11
I would love to see an existing tagging feature added to the foo_masstag component, the option to remove [all] pictures which exists under the tagging menu.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: grimes on 2022-10-12 09:46:40
An alternative Windows Taskbar Icon for foobar2000 portable.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: PredUK on 2022-10-13 13:05:00
I'd like to +1 the wishes for:
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: PredUK on 2022-10-13 22:32:40
(I don't like double posting but it's too late to edit)
DUI: the ability to use dimming and highlight in group headers
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: MinorKey on 2022-10-14 19:10:45
It would be nice to have a native option for jumping to a specific time in the current track, now that the below component won't work wit foobar 2.x:
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: e33et on 2022-10-16 20:31:37
Hi there,

When will there be a new MIDI component for 2.0 x64-architecture, this ain't compatible for the latest version https://www.foobar2000.org/components/view/foo_midi !

Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Porcus on 2022-10-16 21:08:56
When will there be a new MIDI component for 2.0 x64

You are pointing at a 3rd party component, and that is a topic for a different subforum. But you can get an answer straight away: the author of that component has quit supporting fb2k altogether, so unless someone else takes it on (and I don't even know if the license permits it), the answer is negative.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: grimes on 2022-10-22 11:31:06
Media Library Search: Remember search syntax in search box.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: tspivey on 2022-10-23 15:20:36
I would like the & added to the shell extension context menu items to provide a shortcut.
Example: "Play in foobar2000" could be rewritten as "&Play in foobar2000", then pressing p in the context menu would always find it.
On my Win10 system, p won't find it, because it's taken by Unpin from Start, and I have to arrow to it each time.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: mike_m on 2022-10-26 01:59:03
For foobar2000 on Mac OS - could you please add option to move a song to the top of queue? This option is available on Windows and I happen to use it from time to time. Thank you.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: wojak on 2022-10-31 09:38:06
I would be very happy if built-in Peak Meter and Spectrum were changed a little.
a. Peak Meter - it would be nice to be able to change the bottom and upper limits (which are now as far as I remember fixed at -60 and +10). The bottom should be changable between -140 and -60 and the uppper between -10 and +10, both in 5dB steps (or upper end even in smaller steps). We should also be able to see more data - right now it is just -60 -50 -40....0. Especially at the upper end when the peaks go, we can only see -10 and 0 and the "real action" is usually somewhere between, so we ought to know what happens between those valuse (is it -6, -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, +1..).
b. Spectrum - it would be great if it had more values - something like in Musical Spectrum plugin - from 16Hz to  56kHz (or with changable limits) plus changable amplitude and channels. Right now the digits are not very well visible, especially when we use more bands and with too many they disappear at all (I'm using 1920 resolution on my display). So more bands but with less always visible digits (other ones could be displayed only when touched with cursor) would be great.

Or maybe someone can suggest good counterparts to those built-in for 64 bit FB. Right now I use Musical Spectrum and Enhanced Spectrum Analyser but those are not maintained since forever and do not work with 64bit.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Air KEN on 2022-11-02 10:28:35
Hi :)

\foobar2000\profile\dsp-presets folder is very convenient.

But, I want you to remove the character limit and frame limit of DSP chain presets.


Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Porcus on 2022-11-02 10:46:32
Tag "Clean up":
* Option to have it leading/trailing tabs/newlines, just like spaces are removed.
* Option to convert other newline to Windows crlf format.

Could be an option under Preferences -> Advanced -> Tagging -> General

Line separator U+2028 (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39603446/why-is-this-lsep-symbol-showing-up-on-chrome-and-not-firefox-or-edge) in <ARTIST> found in the wild here: https://doomedandstoned.bandcamp.com/track/pale-horse
(To test, download for free - I checked that <ARTIST> starts with two such characters in both Ogg Vorbis, AAC (delivered in .m4a), MP3 and FLAC.)

I meant, of course: Option to make it remove leading/trailing tabs/newlines.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: fredonmac on 2022-11-08 15:29:11
Missing search looks like in Fidelia.app Library window.

I use foobar2000 on an M1 MacMini

Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: fredonmac on 2022-11-08 15:33:25
bit-perfect output - bypass Audio-MIDI-Setup - an a Mac

Here the discussion about:
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: smb123w64gb on 2022-11-10 12:26:30
Could we see a ARM64 or ARM64EC windows builds. I know there sliver of people who own arm64 devices, but gaining just a some more performance out of native builds helps. I can run the x86/x64 builds but they do take more to run under emulation.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: buckss on 2022-11-10 14:48:15
Playlist (DUI)
- Ability to customize the colors of the clickable rating stars, i.e. set unticked stars to grey to better differentiate them from the populated stars.
- Group statistics (item count, rating, etc) ala SimPlaylist
- Sticky headers when scrolling ala SimPlaylist
- Sub group headers ala SimPlaylist

Item Properties (window)
- Add the ability to quickly copy album art from one track to others. Either through context menu copy and context menu paste, or by drag-and-drop from one properties window to another.

AFAIK, SimPlaylist is not updating anymore and developer abandoned it (well, it's better than good in current state, anyway), so it would be really nice to get it's feaures in default playlist view in DUI. 
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Porcus on 2022-11-10 15:10:41
@Frank Bicking has three components in the repository. I am grateful for Facets - at first it was just a neat piece of candy, but with the statistics it has become more essential to me, so ... good thing that one is re-implemented in foobar2000v2.

I don't want to pull a "f... you I got mine" on the SimPlaylist fans, but I am not gonna yell at the author more than a mention every now and then; the souce code wouldn't be bad.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Air KEN on 2022-11-16 16:06:41
Hi :)

\foobar2000\profile\dsp-presets folder is very convenient.

But, I want you to remove the character limit and frame limit of DSP chain presets.


Hi :)

foobar2000 v2.0 beta 13 32bit 64bit:
DSP Manager > Active DSPs > DSP chain > presets

Standard installation: \AppData\Roaming\foobar2000-v2\dsp-presets\.fb2k-dsp
Portable installation: foobar2000\profile\dsp-presets\.fb2k-dsp

.fb2k-dsp name can now be edited.
It has a long name. Reflected after editing.


Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: mdmitry on 2022-11-17 19:43:48

I would really like foobar2000 to support seeking when playing files over HTTP(S) when the server reports Content-Length.

Even if it's done inefficiently, like multiple requests following a single seek.
And downloading whole mp3 until the seek point is OK, just want it to work exactly like from a disk, but over HTTP using Range header.

Ideally, on the first seek request foobar2k would make a second connection to check if the server actually supports Range/206, and if it doesn't would disable seeking for this file.

Huge thanks in advance!
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: seomanakasimon on 2022-11-23 10:04:12
A Screensaver function would be nice.
To save my oled burning in and waisting energy it would be nice if the program weakens the brightness to a lower level after xx min.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: jazzthieve on 2022-11-23 11:37:33
Seems to me that's outside the scope of foobar. That's more of an OS thing.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: wojak on 2022-11-24 16:32:39
Any plans for:
-  'stream selector' element to Default User Interface toolbar and
- new audio output device management features - unwanted devices can be disabled, bit depth and DSP can be configured per-device (both from v2) to be implemented in v1.6....?
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Akczht on 2022-11-24 17:18:15
I am basically spamming at this point, but Please! hear me out, there are full width character versions for all the illegal unicode characters, in this unicode (https://stosberg.net/unicode/) website there is a list of all full-width characters, putting in the term "Fullwidth" in the search field will bring up the list. Please! look into this topic.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: fffun on 2022-11-26 23:05:26
Is there any chance to implement a native playback rate (tempo/Pitch independent) in the final 2.0 release?
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: DJ FRANK G. on 2022-12-01 08:03:31
Hi, everyone.  As a longtime user of the software, I would like to make a few comments about the new versions.  I have sufficiently tested the new version 2.0 both as 32 bit and as 64 bit.  since i don't use either the playback statistics or the album list, i think it's a pity that they can't be deactivated.  these are very resource hungry especially when starting the software.  I find the new ReFacets useless because there are no album covers and no possibility to combine several tags.  the 64-bit version is currently out of use because I can't find a playlist view that comes close to the el playlist.  so that's enough criticism.  I also find great praise for Peter: still the best audio player in the world.  thank you frank
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: k_sze on 2022-12-02 03:12:45
I would like to see foobar2000 autosave its playlist position more often, at least once at the end of every track.

Sometimes I let foobar2000 play for hours on end and then Windows blue screens, and the playlist position is reset to many songs before when I relaunch foobar2000. It's annoying.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: mudlord on 2022-12-02 20:03:10
Is there any chance to implement a native playback rate (tempo/Pitch independent) in the final 2.0 release?


Native 2.0 support for foo_dsp_effect is being worked on. Major updates are being done to cater the backlog of things people wanted added to it.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: regor on 2022-12-04 21:59:37
Playback statistics linked (again) to  artist + album + disc number + track number + track title information.
Title: SPLIT: Slow foobar2000 v2.0 startup [split]
Post by: Peter on 2022-12-05 08:51:13
One or more of the messages of this topic have been moved to General - (fb2k) (https://hydrogenaud.io/index.php?board=27.0) - https://hydrogenaud.io/index.php?topic=123415.0
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Kartoffelbrei on 2022-12-05 09:42:52
Is there any chance to implement a native playback rate (tempo/Pitch independent) in the final 2.0 release?


Native 2.0 support for foo_dsp_effect is being worked on. Major updates are being done to cater the backlog of things people wanted added to it.
I do this once in a bloodmoon to ruin my listening experience in exchange for comedic effect.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: fooball on 2022-12-05 09:57:57
I do this once in a bloodmoon to ruin my listening experience in exchange for comedic effect.
...but those of us who play music for dance need it.  Prior to v2 (I believe) it is only supported in DUI not CUI.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: regor on 2022-12-06 11:19:15
Configurable Tag caching to put performance problems on big libraries to an end on 64 bit systems with enough RAM.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: mudlord on 2022-12-06 22:58:27
I do this once in a bloodmoon to ruin my listening experience in exchange for comedic effect.

hurdur, now you know why I made them to begin with. And why ideally they shouldn't be used by anyone because they ruin "the artist/developer's original *artistic vision*"

Whatever the hell that means anymore.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Squeller on 2022-12-07 14:17:19
Peter, can you reconsider?


If the converter has created multiple output folders from one source folder - could you please add a suboption to copy files to the multiple target folders?

Simple use case:

1. Album with Symphony No. 1 and 2 - FLAC source in one folder
2. Tagets will be in "DEST\Symphony No. 1\" and "DEST\Symphony No. 2\"

As it currently is, fb2k has copied files only to the first folder.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Jan S. on 2022-12-07 20:08:35
I guess this is the place to make requests for V2.

The feature "remember layout for this playlist" is a welcome addition to foobar2000. However, it seems I can't copy a layout and apply it to other playlists. The best I can do is switch the grouping scheme, but that doesn't load custom columns.

Request: It would be awesome if foobar V2 had a proper playlist layout manager. I would like to setup a full playlist layout and then apply that layout to multiple playlists. And if I update a layout, it would update all the playlists.
This. It also doesn't remember column resizing consistently as reported elsewhere.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: ffwema on 2022-12-15 12:40:50
Since version 1.6.7 foobar can read per-track REM COMMENT in cuesheets. My wish is that it could also read per-track FLAGS or even better - an arbitrary field which could then be retrieved using $info(X), $meta(X) or similar function e.g.:
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: hkr on 2022-12-15 23:38:41
adding another "Please add sub grouping to playlist view (DUI) a la SimPlaylist" request. It's vital for how I use foobar.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: kazeko on 2022-12-18 11:59:16

foobar mac os

there could be option that takes e.g. 8 characters of Artist/Album or Title/Track Artist and use it
for new playlist name

Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: kazeko on 2022-12-19 19:10:45
sory i forgot to mention that it could take also file or directory name for playlist name

Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: NounVerber on 2022-12-22 01:10:26
Foobar can open shortcuts to audio files when you double-click on them, but not when you drag the shortcuts into the playlist. That means for example, that when I drag a bunch of audio files into foobar, any shortcuts will be skipped. I would need to navigate to the real location of each shortcut to drag it into the playlist. Or I would need to use the enter key, but that is no good when I'm trying to edit an existing playlist.

Therefor I wish that foobar would support dragg & drop of shortcut files.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: anamorphic on 2022-12-22 09:53:09
^ Shell Link Resolver (https://www.foobar2000.org/components/view/foo_lnk) @NounVerber
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: metal_termite on 2022-12-25 03:41:23
@Peter I've been using version 2.0 for a while now and have just transitioned to version 2.0 Beta 19 for everyday use because all the major bugs I was experiencing seem to be quashed. 👍

These are my suggestions to improve the UI/UX (and a lot of these are features from SimPlaylist and have already been iterated by me or others through the forum. I'm just adding them to one comprehensive summary here)

Playlist view

Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: metal_termite on 2022-12-25 05:57:02
I probably should have clarified that #5 "Add custom padding option for columns" is essentially "cell" padding.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Vivens on 2022-12-27 19:15:46
I would very much appreciate if the option to specify the temporary directory when using the related setting for the converter portion of the program would be added. For an example of the benefits, I'd like to set it to be on a ramdisk on my system to reduce wear on my SSD.

The related setting I'm referring to (Found in Preferences: Advanced):

Thanks for developing the best audio player on desktops!
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Daeron on 2022-12-27 23:31:42
Improvement for the track Properties window:

How it is now: When editing tags, you get suggestions based on existing values. For example, you type "Roc...", you get "Rock" auto-suggested based on previous values and you can press TAB to auto-complete the string. Handy.

The problem: When editing multiple values for the same tag, no further suggestions are shown after the first one. You type "Rock; Meta..." but you get nothing suggested. Expected: "Metal".

Improvement: Make the suggestions reset/trigger after every "; ". This way you can do the following:


Alternate request (more involved solution/feature request):
Did a quick mockup to illustrate my point. This style of UI tends to be popular with web applications but I think it could work well when editing multivalue fields (genre, style, even artists). It would save a lot of time for me personally.


- You type "Rock" and press enter, it turns into a blue box: [Rock]
- The blue box can be removed by positioning the cursor in front and pressing backspace once, or by clicking the red X button
- The "Remove all" button removes all the blue boxes and anything typed so far
- When typing into empty space (which is not yet a blue box), a dropdown of suggestions is shown that match the current string (TAB autocompletes the string with the currently highlighted suggestion, UP and DOWN moves the highlight around)
- (Optional) When the cursor is in the empty space with nothing typed, a complete list of suggestions is shown (e.g. list of all genres currently present in the library). Alternatively, this function could have a dedicated button "+" which would show the same list when clicked.
- On save, the blue boxes are converted to multiple values as far as the tagging is concerned. For example, [Rock] [Metal] [New] becomes "Rock; Metal; New"
- This new UI would only be enabled for multivalue tags by default (such as genre) or the user could define their own list of tags where this feature is enabled
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: paregistrase on 2022-12-28 05:44:13
Improvement for the track Properties window:

How it is now: When editing tags, you get suggestions based on existing values. For example, you type "Roc...", you get "Rock" auto-suggested based on previous values and you can press TAB to auto-complete the string. Handy.

The problem: When editing multiple values for the same tag, no further suggestions are shown after the first one. You type "Rock; Meta..." but you get nothing suggested. Expected: "Metal".

Improvement: Make the suggestions reset/trigger after every "; ". This way you can do the following:
  • Type "Roc..."
  • Auto-complete to "Rock" by pressing TAB
  • Continue typing: "Rock; Meta..."
  • Press TAB to auto-complete to "Rock; Metal"  <--- this is currently not possible as nothing is suggested
  • Repeat as needed for additional values


Alternate request (more involved solution/feature request):
Did a quick mockup to illustrate my point. This style of UI tends to be popular with web applications but I think it could work well when editing multivalue fields (genre, style, even artists). It would save a lot of time for me personally.


- You type "Rock" and press enter, it turns into a blue box: [Rock]
- The blue box can be removed by positioning the cursor in front and pressing backspace once, or by clicking the red X button
- The "Remove all" button removes all the blue boxes and anything typed so far
- When typing into empty space (which is not yet a blue box), a dropdown of suggestions is shown that match the current string (TAB autocompletes the string with the currently highlighted suggestion, UP and DOWN moves the highlight around)
- (Optional) When the cursor is in the empty space with nothing typed, a complete list of suggestions is shown (e.g. list of all genres currently present in the library). Alternatively, this function could have a dedicated button "+" which would show the same list when clicked.
- On save, the blue boxes are converted to multiple values as far as the tagging is concerned. For example, [Rock] [Metal] [New] becomes "Rock; Metal; New"
- This new UI would only be enabled for multivalue tags by default (such as genre) or the user could define their own list of tags where this feature is enabled

Excellent idea.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: metal_termite on 2022-12-28 10:07:24
This style of UI tends to be popular with web applications but I think it could work well when editing multivalue fields (genre, style, even artists). It would save a lot of time for me personally.
What you're describing are called chips (https://m3.material.io/components/chips/overview). I doubt tag chips would be implemented here, but your idea is interesting nonetheless. I think the idea would have more synergy if it conformed to fb2k's Win32 UX design; so basically, everything remains the same as it is, except the dropdown suggestion list gets reinitiated after every semi-colon, or between semi-colons. Functionally the same as your idea without the added visuals.


Not sure if this is doable though, or if it breaks some Win32 UX guideline.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: ayaya on 2023-01-01 14:23:52
I would like to provide an option to hide the menu bar and status bar of the default user interface
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: lightzoot on 2023-01-02 04:52:25
Happy New Year Foobarbarians! I am using 2.0 and can't find the option to have player minimized when closed rather than quit.  Apologies if its right under my nose. Danke.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Gus. on 2023-01-02 18:19:52
Display > Default User Interface > Background and Notifications...
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Porcus on 2023-01-04 14:11:58
Tag Sanitizer:
* Button to keep all album art.
* "Delete other tag sets" [than the primary one]. I guess, not to be implemented until fb2k can reliably nuke EAC's ID3 from FLAC.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: nemoW on 2023-01-08 17:11:13
New option:
Playback > Stop after current album
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: fbuser on 2023-01-08 17:33:48
New option:
Playback > Stop after current album
foo_stopafteralbum (https://www.foobar2000.org/components/view/foo_stopafteralbum)
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: dmance on 2023-01-13 21:30:23
Language Selection

For files that support multiple Languages (like MKA,MKV) there is no way to select the playback language.  Please provide a dropdown selection of ISO 639-2 codes as a playback language preference, or 'first audio track'.  Then also provide indication of language in the status line.  thanks!
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: marc2k3 on 2023-01-14 05:23:49
Language Selection

For files that support multiple Languages (like MKA,MKV) there is no way to select the playback language.  Please provide a dropdown selection of ISO 639-2 codes as a playback language preference, or 'first audio track'.  Then also provide indication of language in the status line.  thanks!

This exists in fb2k 2.0. It's named Stream selector in the toolbar.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: KDan on 2023-01-14 10:02:52
Hi! I recently upgraded to Windows 10 and I had a problem with file associations. foobar2000 just opens the Windows menu for changing them... That was fine in Windows 7, but for some reason they had to make it really unusable in 10, not only you have to open it manually...
...but also there you have to select all file types one by one, which would be really painful when you have a lot of decoding plugins like me, I didn't have to mess with all of them since I've done it on Win 7, but it would be really nice if you could make foobar2000 handle the associations by itself and not the Windows menu. Thanks.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Gus. on 2023-01-17 18:38:12
It would be nice to be able to see input and output formats in the statusbar or elsewhere, during playback.
Example: (or side by side)
Input: 16-bit / 44100 Hz / Stereo
Output: 24-bit / 48000 Hz / Stereo
Thank You.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Cannonaire on 2023-01-28 21:56:17
A plugin that downsamples content with a higher number of channels down to 7.1 and another for 5.1 would be useful for ensuring compatibility when using exclusive mode on a system with 7.1 or 5.1 channels. Currently there doesn't seem to be a clean way to downsample 7.1 channels to 5.1, for instance.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Porcus on 2023-01-29 19:32:45
Would it be easy to implement cmd modifiers in %filename%, like
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Porcus on 2023-02-03 19:29:53
This is a simple one. With bitcompare, the report will start by warning me about corrupted files (good!)
But even better: if no differences found (in any of the files, corrupted or not), state that in the very next sentence.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: regor on 2023-02-07 09:25:31
For foobar V2 and a future update on 1_6 (since is a really small feature).
Menu entry to start playback from current playlist. Playback/Play from current playlist

Current menus don't allow to do it or depend on other settings which may not be available. A simple entry playing current playlist would solve it (and also simplify control via CMD or keyboard -currently impossible-).

Additionally, or as an alternative, a 'Set focus entry'. i.e. a way to force focus to be set on current selection, for playback purposes.
Edit/Selection/Set focus
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Squeller on 2023-02-07 14:40:56
Sometimes I want parts of the Media Library not to be included in fb2k temporarily. But I wish to keep its database existing, so it may not be necessary to rescan after adding it again.
So what about adding a context menu to just enable/disable a folder structure?X
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Porcus on 2023-02-07 15:35:19
Easiest is likely to have a portable fb2k. Copy over settings etc except the media library. I'm "naturally" doing that now that 2.0 is in beta stage...


* Before firing up fb2k, rename the folder
* If you have an external drive, then change drive letter before firing up fb2k.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Squeller on 2023-02-08 11:31:47
Thx, I have multiple instances, some with dynamic NTFS linked targets etc., there's always workarounds. You see in my screenshot it's in fact a portable instance. I felt a "disable" option feels natural for fb2k.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Cannonaire on 2023-02-09 01:55:48
For foobar V2 and a future update on 1_6 (since is a really small feature).
Menu entry to start playback from current playlist. Playback/Play from current playlist

Current menus don't allow to do it or depend on other settings which may not be available. A simple entry playing current playlist would solve it (and also simplify control via CMD or keyboard -currently impossible-).

Additionally, or as an alternative, a 'Set focus entry'. i.e. a way to force focus to be set on current selection, for playback purposes.
Edit/Selection/Set focus
Adding to this, a "Play Random Track" option for currently visible playlist (as opposed to currently playing or active playlist) along with the requested "Play" option would be most welcome.

The use case would be selecting a new playlist and telling it to start at a random track, whereas right now you must start playback manually on the playlist before Random will work on it.
Thank you.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: tvasenin on 2023-02-11 11:11:09
Feature request: ability to disable DSP effects in the active chain list (instead of delete/add, having to restore the effect configuration manually).
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: elcosomalo on 2023-02-18 15:37:33
Make foobar keep playing the random playlist WITHOUT REPETITIONS even when we delete a song that is playing or skip a track.

Right now, the algorithm restarts playing again without taking into account the songs already played, same behaviour if we skip a track.

Case use:  curating a downloaded playlist. (deleting songs I don't like)
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: boxerfan88 on 2023-02-20 07:56:44
Feature Request:  allow user to set/configure maximum boost for ReplayGain.

I have come across some very soft tracks having >10dB boost.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: GCRaistlin on 2023-02-21 14:53:20
Feature request: allow to display the left / right half of the Album Art image.
The context menu might look like this:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Displaying only a half of the image may be useful for images like this:
(https://i121.fastpic.org/thumb/2023/0221/f9/dd2f9c620069836533af44b81be99af9.jpeg) (https://fastpic.org/view/121/2023/0221/dd2f9c620069836533af44b81be99af9.png.html)

New Advanced Setting for this feature:
Minimal width-to-height ratio of the image for enabling Display Half feature: [1,9]

For images that don't meet the minimal ratio requirements (i. e. for "normal" images) Full Image displaying is forced regardless of the currently selected radio button and the radio buttons are greyed out (or the corresponding menu items are not displayed at all).
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: demirkoray on 2023-02-24 15:20:44
Grouping functionality for the playlist manager.

The playlist manager shows all your playlists on a single list. That is not useful, if you have tens of playlists.

Could you please implement a grouping functionality for the playlist manager?
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: InchPerfect on 2023-02-25 06:31:04
Grouping functionality for the playlist manager.

The playlist manager shows all your playlists on a single list. That is not useful, if you have tens of playlists.

Could you please implement a grouping functionality for the playlist manager?
I think you should check out regor's Playlist Manager. Available here (https://regorxxx.github.io/foobar2000-SMP.github.io/).

EDIT. Sorry, I'm too slow. Just seen the other thread.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: regor on 2023-02-25 09:04:42
Grouping functionality for the playlist manager.

The playlist manager shows all your playlists on a single list. That is not useful, if you have tens of playlists.

Could you please implement a grouping functionality for the playlist manager?
I think you should check out regor's Playlist Manager. Available here (https://regorxxx.github.io/foobar2000-SMP.github.io/).

EDIT. Sorry, I'm too slow. Just seen the other thread.
Anyway it would be great to have more features on the native manager.

I mean that's the reason of my manager  :)) yep, but the more possibilities the better. Many users don't wanna use SMP or want more simple things.

For many, just having folders/grouping on the native manager and a few simple contextual menu actions applicable on batch would be perfection.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Cannonaire on 2023-02-25 14:51:00
Agreed. I'm pretty happy with the Playlist Switcher (I don't know if the one in Columns UI is default or not) as it is, but I could also see myself benefiting from folders.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: paregistrase on 2023-02-27 19:54:08
Is a component but is C) Peter Pawlowski so I will try here. Please move if not fit.

Adding "clean up" to masstagger, a cleanup function or something to deal with duplicates multivalues in a field in an automated way.

Like a plus some function to sort values alphabetically, will be great
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Studio 308 on 2023-02-28 22:35:28
Feature request / small deterioration compared to previous versions with native plugins
Get rid of ffmpeg.exe/ffprobe.exe and wrapper and just include support of TTA, SHN, MLP, rtmp:// into included library. That's not much that is offered in wrapper.

What I mean that got worse is that ffmpeg lib decoder (wrapper too) for TAK doesn't show field "Tool" in item properties, so you can see encoder version track was made by.
Previous versions with native TAK decoder had that field. Hope it can be fixed for TAK and other formats that need that field.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: sveakul on 2023-02-28 23:17:48
What I mean that got worse is that ffmpeg lib decoder (wrapper too) for TAK doesn't show field "Tool" in item properties, so you can see encoder version track was made by.
Previous versions with native TAK decoder had that field. Hope it can be fixed for TAK and other formats that need that field.
Case has recompiled foo_input_tak in both 32 and 64-bit, and Foobar v2 does display the "Tool" field when using that plugin: https://foobar.hyv.fi/2.0/?view=foo_input_tak (https://foobar.hyv.fi/2.0/?view=foo_input_tak)
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Studio 308 on 2023-03-01 23:59:17
Thanks for info. I will use it.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: ubuntu-user on 2023-03-05 10:25:54
Can you add new function for playlist context menu option "Read only"?
Than means - if is checked, you cannot remove positions from this playlist or add new songs.
I have playlist with a few radio stations (like on photo) and sometimes I click song on left panel to play new song and stations on my playlist are disappear (this is annoying).

Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: ASopH on 2023-03-05 19:02:14

it would be nice to save the converter settings. They wheren't saved by export theme!
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Trudefix on 2023-03-06 07:02:27
Please make icons scalable for 4k displays.

e.g. the possibility to choose the size of icons between 32 and 128 pixels

Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Trudefix on 2023-03-06 07:07:01
Please let Foobar remember the devices that are set in the toolbar.

Currently, devices that are not present are displayed as unknown. It would be better if Foobar remembers the device name associated with the icon and displays it even if the device is not currently connected.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Squeller on 2023-03-18 18:37:23
Converter - When finished
- Add user defined tag(s)
  [Tagname] [Value, (titleformatting string)]

I was surprised FB2K cannot do that. Automatically stamping the created files. I personally would like to add the used converter tagz string, amongst other things.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: sPeziFisH on 2023-03-19 17:11:03
I suggest to optimize preferences and components preference locations.
Though the concept has its logic, to me this appears sometimes cluttered - this is personal preference of course.
The belonging of preferences and component is also not ideal.

e.g. foo_preview (https://www.foobar2000.org/components/view/foo_preview) (just as example, component is awesome, hope grimes gets this right)
I know it is mentioned in the list 'Advanced Preferences', but I ask myself why its prefs are not at Playback > dedicated tab. At least I personally wouldn't categorize this as being advanced.

Preferences > Tools > Paylist Tools tab has some prefs of 1/3 tab and additionally advanced preferences (currently of amount 1).

In general we have a mixture of main foobar preferences, component preferences with tab and the tab-free advanced preferences, being more or less advanced.

Some prefs appearance are inconsistent, e.g.
line should be a category like 'CD Ripper', well guess so.

I also suggest to require component author and URL at components' about as minimum-info provided - currently it differs as being not standardized.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: ubuntu-user on 2023-03-26 09:12:01
Can you add date e.g. 2023-03-21 to every release's changelog? Also for beta?
I cannot find this information on webpage and files into release.
Thank for advance.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: eurekagliese on 2023-04-02 01:26:40
Feature request: (UI) - Customizable Dark Background Color
- More color customization option for
  * Main Background, window, toolbar, tabs, button, button borders etc.
- Expose or override system background color.
- Option to change that gray border or the divider width or option to change its color.
- An option to hide the bottom status bar.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Eva1 on 2023-04-02 19:06:57
Request features (order functions).
Please make support:
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: gorman on 2023-04-02 20:40:40
Plus bitperfect passthrough of bitstream (AC3, DTS, DTSHDMA and others) (without decoding to PCM)?
I second this request.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: NetRanger on 2023-04-04 09:35:04
Easy access to the Converter Setup through a Menu shortcut and a shortcut for Creating a new Preset in the menus.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: regor on 2023-04-08 10:20:58
Proper queue support with built-in queue viewer. It's currently pretty weird after all this years that there is no way to edit it (but using extra plugins). I would say it's one of the most basic features on a player.

No idea what was the original design plan, but currently being able to view and edit the queue is the standard. See Spotify, MusicBee, etc.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Cannonaire on 2023-04-08 10:31:32
Proper queue support with built-in queue viewer. It's currently pretty weird after all this years that there is no way to edit it (but using extra plugins). I would say it's one of the most basic features on a player.

No idea what was the original design plan, but currently being able to view and edit the queue is the standard. See Spotify, MusicBee, etc.
I would guess the original design was to use playlists as more temporary objects to act as playback queue (which is how I used Winamp back in the day), but I can't be certain. Only Peter would know I think.

You've probably seen this thread. marc2k3 just made a new one, and might work on it more.

I'll repeat here what I wrote in that thread:
I have embedded a screenshot showing my foobar layout, with the old foo_queuecontents area just below the playlist view. For a suitable replacement, I would need feature parity as far as customizable columns go. A perfect solution for me would be to have it somehow built-in to ColumnsUI so it could share all the current column options in the playlist view (with a couple minor changes), but I don't expect such a thing to happen. My only actual problem with foo_queuecontents right now is the scrollbar not following dark mode preferences, but it's only a minor issue.


The second screenshot shows the columns I'm using in my queue contents editor.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Cannonaire on 2023-04-08 10:41:26
Completely different from the previous post. My short wishlist of foobar2000 features:
1. Save shuffle order between application restarts
2. Option to reset volume to a specific level after restart
3. More playback order modes
- Play Once (Track)
- Play Once (Album)
- Repeat (Album)

I'm not an expert, but judging by current functionality in foobar2000, it seems like these would be trivial to add.

I am aware of foo_stopafteralbum, but it won't work for me. I already have a very frequent and specific use for "Stop After Current", and I can't use any other plugins that use it without losing functionality that is more important to me. Regarding Play Once (Track), I need "Stop After Current" to reset after playback stops, and it's impractical to go into the options menu and change that each time I play songs individually (I also have a button for Stop After Current, which I use frequently, but I forget very often when I'm playing tracks one at a time). Likewise, I have several playlists with multiple albums on them, and I would much prefer to have a playback mode that stops at the end of the album than having to add the whole thing to my queue, which causes different interactions with my controls.

If I had these features, my foobar setup would be basically perfect for my needs. Please pardon me if I have said anything strange. I have some cognitive problems due to medicine and other factors right now. Thank you for reading!
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: regor on 2023-04-08 10:47:27
I saw it, but the point is at 2023 there should be no need for either a non updated component or a new one with missing features. It has been a few years since queue feature was added.

If the design is having playlists, then remove the queue. If the design is having a queue list, then add a proper queue. In the latter case it should be a native feature, not a half-baked one needing extra components. It's totally counterintuitive to have a queue and not being able to see/edit it. It's like an alien feature not integrated at all with the UI or the player.

The same for the playlist manager, I still don't understand how there is not a native manager supporting folders, searching or basic operations.

Also the current situation where even the most basic features of a player are being covered by plugins which at any point get broken on fb updates, have missing source code (or it disappears when author goes mad) or whatever makes no sense to me.

Sorry for being so critic, but really seeing how MusicBee has evolved during years compared to foobar2000... I think it's a reasonable expectation that an "advanced freeware audio player" (fb web description) should be able to at least manage playlist and playback in a basic way. XD
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Cannonaire on 2023-04-08 10:51:49
I would never update foobar ever again if the queue was removed. I rely on it constantly and it is so much better than making a new playlist every time. That's also why I want "Play Once (Album)" - so I can play only the songs I want without making a new playlist.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: darkalex on 2023-04-08 11:16:12
Native DSD support instead of the complex foo_sacd thing that sometimes truncates output in conversion because "Foobar does not support DSD passthrough"

It's a much-needed future from a long time. The ability to convert DSD to PCM without any filtering, then allow this PCM to pass through the choice of inbuilt resamplers, like SoX to get a high resolution PCM file.

Another option could be directly configuring DSD to pass through SoX, which would bypass the PCM conversion stage as SoX would do it himself, then the user can select the choice of settings through 3 easy drop downs: Quality, Passband, Phase

It's a much required addition, the need to use foo_sacd then add another dsp for resampling and pray to god that truncation doesn't happen in between these stages, afterwards going to the converter where another dsd warning comes up about loss

Native DSD would be much more optimised imo and it's definitely wanted by a lot of people as well

Hoping it happens
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Porcus on 2023-04-08 11:33:37
The ability to convert DSD to PCM without any filtering, then allow this PCM to pass through
I might be wrong, but that is not what DSD passthrough would mean? Passthrough usually means to pass it through unconverted.
(DSD doesn't store any ordinary PCM signal.)

DSD is an obsolete format, but you can get it into more sane files by using WavPack to compress them. Leaves you out in the cold on DST, but how many such files do you have?
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Porcus on 2023-04-08 11:41:11
Proper queue support with built-in queue viewer.
Seconing that.
fb2k has a checkbox for a playlist with your library selection view - who cares if that is a "play"-list. Why not one for playback queue. Makes it easier to remove tracks. (Possibly with "Remove duplicates", for the times when you hit Enter more than once.)
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Cannonaire on 2023-04-08 12:18:59
Proper queue support with built-in queue viewer.
Seconing that.
fb2k has a checkbox for a playlist with your library selection view - who cares if that is a "play"-list. Why not one for playback queue. Makes it easier to remove tracks. (Possibly with "Remove duplicates", for the times when you hit Enter more than once.)
I used to use a plugin that put the queue contents into a Playlist just like the others, but it was much less convenient for me than having a dedicated queue list that I can see while browsing other playlists.

I thought of another related thing that would be nice: An option to save playback queue between application restarts. If it already exists, I can't seem to find it.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: onununo on 2023-04-08 12:55:29
Hello everybody, I am new to the forum.
I'd like to suggest the development of a plugin that in my opinion would be really useful.
It enables automatic equalization on a track-by track basis. I mean: every time a track is played, the specific equalizer settings for that track (previously stored) are loaded, if they exist. Otherwise flat equalization is applied.

For instance, the equalization parameters may be stored in the metadata of the track, of an associated xml file....

Such a plugin would be great to deal with badly recorded tracks (so many, unfortunately)...

Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Air KEN on 2023-04-08 12:58:40
I would like a "Keep Queue" feature.

Keep Queue (foo_keep_queue)
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: rubaabur on 2023-04-09 02:31:14
I miss a player that opens up more professional possibilities, with the resource of opening VST3 audio analysis plugins, that has a Stereo/Mono button, which with these resources will be a resounding success in the music production environment, I don't know of any already made with this resources. What do you think of it?
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: sveakul on 2023-04-09 19:34:27
I miss a player that opens up more professional possibilities, with the resource of opening VST3 audio analysis plugins, that has a Stereo/Mono button, which with these resources will be a resounding success in the music production environment, I don't know of any already made with this resources. What do you think of it?
Foobar v2 both 32 and 64-bit have a VST3/VST2 host plugin that works with a variety of VST3 plugins in 32 or 64 bit.
https://www.foobar2000.org/components/view/foo_dsp_vst3 (https://www.foobar2000.org/components/view/foo_dsp_vst3)
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Squeller on 2023-04-13 09:20:40
Can you make the 32 bit and 64 bit installers remember distinct file paths for portable installation? The path which it remembers after the click on "Browse".
Use case: I have two portable instances of fb2k, one is a 32 bit (because plugins), one a 64 bit. There's always a risk I update a 64 bit version into the wrong instance - or vice versa. Screenshot related.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Squeller on 2023-04-13 09:27:43
Another wish: please, if possible, make "Automatically fill values" remember its fields - currently it always falls back to filename and empty fields.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: darkalex on 2023-04-13 10:40:31
The ability to convert DSD to PCM without any filtering, then allow this PCM to pass through
I might be wrong, but that is not what DSD passthrough would mean? Passthrough usually means to pass it through unconverted.
(DSD doesn't store any ordinary PCM signal.)

DSD is an obsolete format, but you can get it into more sane files by using WavPack to compress them. Leaves you out in the cold on DST, but how many such files do you have?

I asked to allow that converted PCM to pass through, so that you can prepare say FLAC or AAC files from the DSD directly. Foobar supports 64 bit floating point now, which is huge for precision, now foobar could convert the DSD to PCM 64 float and pass this directly to SoX resampler as 64 bit input, then SoX resamples it to the standard 44.1 or 88.1 rates and gives an undithered 32 bit float output.

This would be a mastering grade conversion with really high precision compared to converting the DSD to 24 bit 384khz DXD files for using in DAW then SRC'ing it from that reduced resolution to export again. Not only would it save time to do this in Foobar, but at 64 bit support, it would really keep the signal from getting unnecessarily dithered in between.

DSD, may seem obsolete to some, but MFSL is still releasing SACD's at a great pace and new albums or remasters of classic albums are being released to this day. SACD may have a few titles, but the few that exist are some of the best sounding records to exist to this day. Am not saying this is due to the technology of DSD but rather to the fact that DSD files were made from a remaster of the originals... which is why they more often than not have the complete dynamic range rather than loudness war induced garbage on CDs..

that's why I like the format, cuz the content they release on it is usually handled better for audiophile audience... and which is why I'd love to be able to convert it to a usable/compatible format with minimal loss

Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: grimes on 2023-04-19 10:32:49
New main menu item: Help | Query syntax help with link to https://wiki.hydrogenaud.io/index.php?title=Foobar2000:Query_syntax Withdrawn, redundant.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: ASopH on 2023-04-26 15:35:16

nice to be: make ICON adjustable like album art pictures :-) - can be used to show a codec picture.

AND ! Album art in new reFacets
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: grimes on 2023-04-26 15:47:48

could look like:
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Porcus on 2023-04-26 16:32:46
Why not? (Says someone who won't have to do the job.)
Might for that matter be entered under Preferences -> Display -> Album art at the bottom of the list of files to search for, as fallback if no other art is found: allow for
at the bottom of the list
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: grimes on 2023-04-28 09:18:54
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: sPeziFisH on 2023-04-28 10:56:25
portable mode and shell integration:
I never understood the choice for entanglement of one-folder-setups and missing availability of shell-integration.


I prefer 1-folder-foobar-setups as I don't want to fiddle around with different directorys and setups along different machines.
Therefore I manage 1 portable main setup that I use on different machines, more or less, and I never had to face big problems, maybe choose the right output device.
Easy handling of my configuration is the key point, which is not available out-of-the-box instead of going with portable.
Principally the used folder locations are the same for all the years..(2010+).
Downside is, and that really is, I am not being able to benefit of shell-integration.
I can understand that shell-registration and then changing folders probably might lead to problems. Though this can be advised before enabling shell-integration and can also partially be doublechecked, catched and optimised if really the case, which might be mostly rare.
As being an advanced user I would prefer having a better choice than all the years.
Title: ReFacets bugs
Post by: Ojos Azules on 2023-04-30 07:21:18
1. [$year(%date%)] only reads Year
That makes<field> HAS <string> to not work

2. Unknown shows at end for Year but at top for genre
When using $if2([$year(%date%)],'('Unknown')') Unknown shows at end but when using $if2(%<genre>%,'('Unknown')') it shows at top

3. Make toolbar arrows lighter

4. Update the Tab Navigation Arrows

Title: Re: ReFacets bugs
Post by: anamorphic on 2023-04-30 13:11:15
2. Unknown shows at end for Year but at top for genre
When using $if2([$year(%date%)],'('Unknown')') Unknown shows at end but when using $if2(%<genre>%,'('Unknown')') it shows at top

I was curious but I could not reproduce this - '(Unknown)' appears at the top of the list for both. As it should I think, since this is just alphabetical sorting - symbols '(' sort before numbers '2013' which sort before letters 'Rock'.

(Curious though why it would be different on yours)
Title: Re: ReFacets bugs
Post by: Ojos Azules on 2023-05-02 07:19:11
5. After entering the query in toolbar, results in ESplaylist (set to follow) doesn't refresh until user selects All

Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Hartmut on 2023-05-04 13:35:22
new wish:
Is it possible to show the version together with x32  or x64 in the titlebar?
like for example
      foobar2000 v2.0 x64.
I am using foobar2000 V2.0 in both versions x32 and x64, as some components are missing in x64.
Also %_foobar2000_version% does not show the bit-version.

Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: wojak on 2023-05-04 13:54:46
new wish:
Is it possible to show the version together with x32  or x64 in the titlebar?
like for example
      foobar2000 v2.0 x64.
I am using foobar2000 V2.0 in both versions x32 and x64, as some components are missing in x64.
Also %_foobar2000_version% does not show the bit-version.

It would be helpful to me too.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: mountwash on 2023-05-04 21:14:31
I wish for foobar 64-bit to have the ability to process and output to DSD on-the-fly as it was capable of doing in version 1.6.16.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: kahel on 2023-05-07 18:54:08
The black them is really good to have but there is some cosmetic issue.

First picture show how it is now... and the second one how it should be... to look more consistent and natural.

Another thing that could help, would be to make the brighter text, a bit softer... maybe a 200-200-200
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: s3n0 on 2023-05-09 08:47:23

Could the creators of Foobar2K please finally add a built-in option to sort the list in Media Library (i.e. Album List) ? :)

There's always only one option, and that's the one that sorts everything alphabetically from top to bottom - regardless of whether it's a directory or a file. This means that if there is a file in front in alphabetical order, then the file is in front and only after it in alphabetical order, some directories follow. And that is the so-called: atypical, non-computer, illogical, unstructured sorting of the list.

It would help if finally in Foobar2K (in the Media Library) another built-in sorting option was added - with the fact that the directories will be prioritized in front... and only then will the alphabetically sorted files also follow (if there are any of course in the parent - in open current directory).

Here it is solved - https://hydrogenaud.io/index.php/topic,68266.0.html . It can be done manually, but it is a problem, because the quick search using the alphabet keys (by pressing the keys on the keyboard - when the list window in the Media Library is active) does not work there.

Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Wizard on 2023-05-11 20:05:35
May I suggest a couple of things?
1) If I right click status bar I see an option "Show total duration of selected tracks". Can we have an option "Show total duration of playlist"?
2) When we hover the mouse over any place in the seekbar, can the corresponding time of the mouse position be displayed in a tooltip next to the mouse pointer, just like MPC-HC video player does?
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: RaBiTeC on 2023-05-11 20:56:59
I would like to have the Display options from the original Facets reimplemented into ReFacets if possible, see attached picture.
I really liked the Album cover view and was kinda bummed that it is not possible anymore with ReFacets.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: DJ FRANK G. on 2023-05-12 05:44:18
I would like to have the Display options from the original Facets reimplemented into ReFacets if possible, see attached picture.
I really liked the Album cover view and was kinda bummed that it is not possible anymore with ReFacets.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: seomanakasimon on 2023-05-12 09:12:11
Can the output selector please wait until it finds a output!
When i turn my TV off HDMI starts handshaking and windows disables the sound for a moment or 2.
Foobar reacts by selecting no output and starts waiting till i cancel the outputport selection and then foobar automatically finds the sound output again.

Could foobar please wait for at least a HDMI handshake moment.
And if i could point to a default port. And foobar could wait for it to appear; that would be so convenient.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Bollerkopp on 2023-05-12 16:06:56
Subgroups under the header of groups like in the old SimPlaylist (https://www.foobar2000.org/components/view/foo_simplaylist) would be much appreciated. :)

Title: Time taken for audio conversion
Post by: Vivadavid on 2023-05-14 00:14:17

I wanted to make a suggestion for foobar2000. Would it be possible to provide, once an audio conversion is done, the time needed to complete the task (and maybe the number of tracks too)? The information would be useful to me and hopefully to other people too.

Thanks in advance!
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: esa372 on 2023-05-15 00:19:59
How about a built-in album art panel that can cycle through multiple images, rather than displaying a single, static image?  The old "Album Art Panel" (foo_uie_albumart) handles this beautifully in 32-bit and, though it hasn't been updated since 2007, it has a great feature set:

• Configurable sources list allows cycling of multiple images for a single track
• Allows title-formatting and wildcards to specify image file location
• Minimum height setting to assist with layouts
• Configurable resizing of album art to fit panel size
• Fading transitions between album art
• Configurable actions when panel is left-clicked, double-clicked, and middle-clicked.
• Can display album art for either the currently playing track or the currently selected track
• Can automatically cycle through source list during playback

I'd love to see this integrated into foobar2000  8)

Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: kahel on 2023-05-15 00:37:05
+1 for an album art panel 2.0...

with a fill option... etc...
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: denon on 2023-05-15 14:32:58
Use cursor keys to seek in song (macOS)
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: NulNulNix on 2023-05-15 14:51:27
In former versions I could remove a playlist. I even made a shortcut for that (ctrl-X).
Now that shortcut doesn't work anymore and there is no Menu-item to remove playlists.
A bug in this version (v 20. [x6])?
Please restore the playlist remove option.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: grimes on 2023-05-15 15:33:04
[Shift] File | Remove playlist (Shortcut: Ctrl+W)
Title: Feature request : Prompt before quitting
Post by: rovf on 2023-05-16 09:29:16
If Foobar is terminated (for instance using the close button of the window, or a hot key), I suggest that a confirmation dialogue pops up, asking "Do you really want to quit?". This helps against accidental shutdown with a hotkey during playing.

Since perhaps not everyone will like this feature, I further suggest that it can be controlled via the preferences, whether or not this dialogue should appear,.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: nemoW on 2023-05-20 10:51:10

If playback is paused and the computer goes to sleep, after waking up, an error always occurs and playback jumps to the next track.
Please consider the possibility of detecting sleep and for example restarting playback after waking up from sleep, or handle such errors in a different way so that the song playback timestamp is not lost.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: oblikoamorale on 2023-05-20 12:27:30
ReFacets is missing right alignment for statistics columns values. And stats values shouldn't display zeros (0).
These two modifications alione will improve usability a lot.

Also, I'm heavily missing autoshading of text contained in brackets. It's a great help to differentiate similar yet different lines.

Attaching screenshots of Facets and ReFacets to highlight the difference in most obvious way.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Raznurok on 2023-05-20 19:25:21
Whilst ReFacets is being mentioned, could we have a way to disable its sorting when it comes to ignoring "The" at the start of artist/album names?
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: NulNulNix on 2023-05-22 12:40:42
Made a work-around myself: Edit/Clear does the same...
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: grimes on 2023-05-23 11:35:33
MIDI identification: Toolbar | Audio track shows [unknown codec], 2ch.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: roops on 2023-05-23 16:31:30
+1 for album art, but in particular I would like the option to view ONLY the album art zoomed to fill the screen top-to-bottom on a blank (black) screen, with no title bar, window controls, or border--this is how I like to listen to .flac of the older albums, because back in the vinyl days THAT'S ALL I HAD :-)  (example attached)

It frees the mind to just chill and absorb the music. Try it--it works :-)

When I don't use Foobar2000, I use my own home-made player, which is crude, because it's the only way I can get the old-school effect.

Ideally, for files such as my .flac collection, it could be set to show the front cover first, full-screen on black, and any distractions (such as left-right arrows to view the back cover, progress bar or lyrics, (or the famous type 17 Brightly coloured fish :-) ) would fade away within seconds. All other images should be available, maybe with a key press?
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: grimes on 2023-05-23 16:42:24
roops: A variant could be the implementation of a Full-Screen Mode for foobar2000 picture viewer.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: roops on 2023-05-23 20:13:33
Yes, that'd be intuitive for me, as well.  Especially if "picture viewer" remembered my preference. <Esc> already gets us back out of that, so that looks like a nice way to work.

Also being able to move between all images of any type in picture viewer would be nice--I'm thinking of my .flac files again, which may have several 'booklet' images for lyrics, as well as front, back etc. But the fullscreen-on-black image is the big thing, for me.

roops: A variant could be the implementation of a Full-Screen Mode for foobar2000 picture viewer.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: grimes on 2023-05-23 20:33:39
For displaying more images, you could try JScripts Panel 3's sample script "Thumbs".
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Leo999 on 2023-05-24 09:48:06
It would be great to be able to have columns "Composer" and "Performer". It would be very useful to be able to sort tracks, but now there is no such option.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: grimes on 2023-05-24 10:21:03
Add custom columns.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Leo999 on 2023-05-24 10:32:24
Thank you!
Not quite obvious though.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Gus. on 2023-05-26 19:10:06
Could you please add support for the streams listed here:
Thank You.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: kahel on 2023-05-31 14:36:50
Tweaking my foobar... I remembered that 'output swticher' is missing on the menu bar itself (file edit view playback etc...)

I know we can add it to the tool bar with 'output switcher'... but it would made sense to also have it under 'playback'... just like we have 'order', would make sense to have 'output' right above... I think.

Not a big deal... but, along the years of using foobar, often felt like it was missing there.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Air KEN on 2023-05-31 14:45:07
Shift key + menu "Playback" > Device
Title: [Suggestion] Add icons in context menu
Post by: Ojos Azules on 2023-06-07 07:20:32
Add icons in context menu
Title: Re: [Suggestion] Add icons in context menu
Post by: Air KEN on 2023-06-07 08:24:28
Maybe an icon for the context menu?
I don't need it.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: stevehero on 2023-06-08 00:46:58
Any word if regex is planned for title formatting? I've asked prior to v2 but hopefully, it can for this new version.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: stevehero on 2023-06-18 16:04:51
Export playlist(s) function with dialog to choose which ones.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: DClaville on 2023-07-08 22:51:17
To make Refacets able to show album art same as Facets could
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Jul2323 on 2023-07-13 12:27:08
Refacets need also dynamic color . Very ugly in white.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Air KEN on 2023-07-14 13:40:31
foobar2000 v2.0 Playlist View: Could you please add Subgroup feature?
(It seems that there are many requests)

Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: JohnBuckWLD on 2023-07-14 16:06:59
foobar2000 v2.0 Playlist View: Could you please add Subgroup feature...
Add this in Preferences / Playlist View / Custom grouping scheme
[$swapprefix(%album artist%)] [- %album%] ['('[Disc [%DISCNUMBER%][/%TOTALDISCS%]]')']
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Air KEN on 2023-07-14 16:47:44
foobar2000 v2.0 Playlist View: Could you please add Subgroup feature...
Add this in Preferences / Playlist View / Custom grouping scheme
[$swapprefix(%album artist%)] [- %album%] ['('[Disc [%DISCNUMBER%][/%TOTALDISCS%]]')']
But not Subgroup.


Are you using foobar2000 v1.6.xx SImPlaylist (Subgroup)?

Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Jelges on 2023-07-20 08:56:06
it's great to be here. The Features I would like to see in foobar2000:

1) I would like to be able to configure different file types in different directories to be handled specifically. For example having a .flac Image database requires me to set foobar2000 to read the .cue files, but also having multitrack flac albums even without a playlist (m3u for example) would require me to locate these in a different directory and tell foobar2000 to manage them differently than the flac-image .cue-files.

2) I love to use the component Kernel Streaming support 1.22 with my Creative Soundblaster Audigy 2 ZS Platinum Pro and other PCI Cards. The quality is great, even better than using exclusive mode.
I would love to see this being ported to the 64 Bit Version.  In comparison exclusive mode is very analytic but Kernel Streaming support sounds more natural like being on a stage with a natural spectrum. It is very audiophile. This keeps me away from changing to the x64 version.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Porcus on 2023-07-24 23:56:08
Would there be any sense for fb2k to use FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY for temp files when converting? I don't know the whereabouts of it, or whether the files will be so big that they are flushed to disk anyway, but wouldn't that reduce I/O when that option is checked?
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Albicocche on 2023-07-25 14:36:18

It seems to me that one of the things that is most missing in FB for Mac is the ability to group tracks in playlists according to certain titleformatting strings.

The playlist takes up almost the entire screen to show data that repeats the same for each track, while grouping the fixed data for each album like it does with FB on windows would not only make the playlists take up less space, but also make the tracklist easier to read.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Drybonz on 2023-07-25 20:34:55
If possible, I would like to see all of the library options from the original Facets (such as and especially "send to selection playlist, keep playing playlist" added to ReFacets.  Without these, there are things that aren't possible any more.  This and lack of SimPlaylist are the things keeping me from using x64.  Thanks.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Dave.L on 2023-07-30 06:59:49
Please add update new version flac 1.4.3.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Shot2 on 2023-07-31 00:34:38
The ability en embed .cue files in .flac files would be great (it used to be possible in pre-2.0 versions)
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: sveakul on 2023-08-01 06:04:30
Please add update new version flac 1.4.3.
If you mean the flac.exe encoder, version 1.4.3 was already supplied with the Free_Encoder_Pack-2023-07-05 (https://www.foobar2000.org/getfile/Free_Encoder_Pack-2023-07-05.exe (https://www.foobar2000.org/getfile/Free_Encoder_Pack-2023-07-05.exe)).
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Sergey77 on 2023-08-04 15:29:08
Favicon for a radio station.

I request the Developer to consider adding to the "Internet Radio" panel the column with a path to favicon of the radio station from the radio-browser database and display this favicon using the "Album Art Viewer" panel.
In case the user specified a path to a local favicon file, display that file instead of the favicon from radio-browser.
For example, a radio with favicon from the radio-browser is: https://www.radio-browser.info/history/7481adce-989e-4692-bfcf-07774ed1ced9 (https://www.radio-browser.info/history/7481adce-989e-4692-bfcf-07774ed1ced9).

Thank you.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Sergey77 on 2023-08-05 21:33:37
Rating stars for the Internet Radio panel

For the "Internet Radio/Known stations" panel, add a column with the rating stars of the "Playback Statistics" component.
The rating changes in the playlist, and in the panel "Internet Radio" is only displayed for the sorting.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Particle Man on 2023-08-12 23:30:01
Enhance update checking

* Instead of opening the Information dialog to report "No new version available at this time," display "No update found." in the lower right of the main window for several seconds.

* When an update is found (matching the architecture and the "Check for beta versions" setting), populate the Information dialog with (1) a link to new version and (2) a link to the change log.

* Add a setting, in days, for automatic update checks.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Melchior on 2023-08-12 23:48:44
Enhance update checking

* Instead of opening the Information dialog to report "No new version available at this time," display "No update found." in the lower right of the main window for several seconds.

* When an update is found (matching the architecture and the "Check for beta versions" setting), populate the Information dialog with (1) a link to new version and (2) a link to the change log.

* Add a setting, in days, for automatic update checks.
great ideas, I second them.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: boxerfan88 on 2023-08-14 02:25:30
Built-in subwoofer digital crossover

Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: princearfi on 2023-08-14 05:29:06
I need a community of friends who will be able to modify or recreate the popular EasyChords winamp plugin which is currently in development known as Chords!. because with this plugin we can know what chords are used when playing a song.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: seongbin on 2023-08-14 09:26:28
If possible, I'd like to see a [filter search] in active playlist view, rather than creating another playlist via [Playlist search] or [Library search].
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: StuPC on 2023-08-14 10:00:17
If possible, I'd like to see a [filter search] in active playlist view, rather than creating another playlist via [Playlist search] or [Library search].
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: sl23 on 2023-08-14 20:07:06
I use  foobar for many years and found it the best and easiest to use for so many things! Arranging playlists, renaming tracks and filenames, adding cover art, editing metadata is great too, searching for artist track titles via web and discogs, etc. Thanks for such a great and feature packed music player.

However, you knew that was coming eh? I control basic foobar functions via Rainmeter. But with the update of foobar to x64 I have lost that control. Like many other users probably having trouble finding or adapting new x64 plugins.

As there was a new plugin developed for Rainmeter called MediaPlayer, I have tried to get that to do what the older CAD plugin does. It's not going too well so far, though the dev of that plugin is great and is fixing issues very quickly.

The only issue that has arisen, is the lack of support for certain track info's. Things like track position, duration, album name and year are my most wanted.

Could we have support for all playing info (or at least, all info that can be) is communicated to the System Media Transport Controls aka the SMTC API, for easy usage by 3rd party applications displaying such things or even Windows itself. Complete SMTC support would be great, but failing that, even just the basics as I mentioned, I would be happy with.

Tbh, the foo_cad_plus plugin was the best for my needs, and I would love to see that updated to 64bit. Maybe one day it will...?

Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Particle Man on 2023-08-16 00:44:45
Toggle DSPs

In DSP Manager, It would be helpful to:
1. Toggle instead of having to remove and re-add each DSP.
2. Toggle each DSP when adjusting its settings, perhaps by adding a toggle in the lower left corner on the buttons row.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Cidwel on 2023-08-21 16:18:24
If possible, I'd like to see a [filter search] in active playlist view, rather than creating another playlist via [Playlist search] or [Library search].

Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Air KEN on 2023-08-21 16:24:05
[Playlist search] How about copy and paste search results?
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: mpsoerensen on 2023-08-21 23:54:55
Really love Foobar - best control I've ever had of my music collection.

One request: I can't install the "Free Encoder Packs" on my company-managed Windows machines, as no recognized author of the .exe was found. Can the encoder pack not just be part of an upcoming release, instead of requiring a separate download? As it is, I can't rip to Apple Lossless, as I can't get the free encoder pack installed :(

Thanks for a great initiative - love Foobar2000!!
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: sveakul on 2023-08-22 06:27:32
Really love Foobar - best control I've ever had of my music collection.

One request: I can't install the "Free Encoder Packs" on my company-managed Windows machines, as no recognized author of the .exe was found. Can the encoder pack not just be part of an upcoming release, instead of requiring a separate download? As it is, I can't rip to Apple Lossless, as I can't get the free encoder pack installed :(

Thanks for a great initiative - love Foobar2000!!
If you want to encode to ALAC, just download the qaac package here: https://github.com/nu774/qaac/releases/download/v2.80/qaac_2.80.zip (https://github.com/nu774/qaac/releases/download/v2.80/qaac_2.80.zip)

Unzip and use either qaac.exe (has an iTunes files requirement--search forum) or just refalac.exe to encode to ALAC after placing them in Foobar2000/encoders.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Porcus on 2023-08-22 13:29:33
@mpsoerensen : You might think twice about ripping fb2k -> ALAC

* fb2k has a decent ripper, but you might want to try e.g. CUERipper (at least it is possible to run portable, without installer). Comparison charts: https://wiki.hydrogenaud.io/index.php?title=Comparison_of_CD_rippers#Comparison_charts .
If you indeed want to use fb2k, then at least get the Musicbrainz component.

* ALAC would not be your first choice - but it is Apple's, so you might resort to it if you are to play it on Appleware and cannot get support for anything better. 
Even if you don't care much about compression performance (differences are small nowadays when TB drives are cheap), ALAC offers the worst error management among codecs in widespread use (depending on whether you think "widespread use" includes TTA, or if that is to be relegated to the valley of the shadows of WMAL): https://hydrogenaud.io/index.php/topic,122094
If you want to use ALAC still, then CUETools/CUERipper can do that too. And has its own ALAC encoder which compresses better than the reference (https://hydrogenaud.io/index.php/topic,123511.0.html), but the reference is of course a safe bet - and if you care that much about performance, then you might consider a different format.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: TF3RDL on 2023-08-24 01:18:31
An option to set frequency range for built-in spectrum and spectrogram visualizations to 20Hz-20kHz range something like this for the first:

It would be nice but obviously, other features to add on spectrum visualization should be taken elsewhere as a third-party component like Enhanced Spectrum Analyzer
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: extract on 2023-08-28 13:37:25
Would it be possible to have an option that lets us right-click a track and select "Stop after Track". I know a similar feature already exists in the Playback menu, but that is for only the currently playing track.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Air KEN on 2023-08-28 13:49:56

Stop After Queue

Queue Viewer
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: anamorphic on 2023-08-28 14:07:10
@extract Also Playlist Attributes (https://www.foobar2000.org/components/view/foo_playlist_attributes) > right-click track > 'Stop after focused track'.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: extract on 2023-08-28 14:17:05

Stop After Queue

Queue Viewer

Thanks Air Ken but that doesn't seem to  be quite what im after since it stops at the end of your queued playlist. I want it to stop after a specific track within the queued playlist.

@extract Also Playlist Attributes (https://www.foobar2000.org/components/view/foo_playlist_attributes) > right-click track > 'Stop after focused track'.

Thanks anamorphic, this seems to be exactly what im after!.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Cannonaire on 2023-08-28 14:57:00
@extract Also Playlist Attributes (https://www.foobar2000.org/components/view/foo_playlist_attributes) > right-click track > 'Stop after focused track'.
About that— will it always stop on that track from then on after doing that, since it's now an attribute of the playlist? (I don't use Playlist Attributes)
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: anamorphic on 2023-08-28 21:08:24
^ No, it resets after stopping.

Also useful that you can add an indicator (stop symbol for example) in a playlist column to mark the track after which playback stops -

Code: [Select]
$ifequal(%list_index%,%pla_stop_focused_track_active%,◼ ,)
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: extract on 2023-08-29 09:15:35
Also useful that you can add an indicator (stop symbol for example) in a playlist column to mark the track after which playback stops -

Code: [Select]
$ifequal(%list_index%,%pla_stop_focused_track_active%,◼ ,)

Thanks for posting this info, i ended up creating 3 stop signs to make it stand out even more.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Albicocche on 2023-08-29 11:03:32
Also useful that you can add an indicator (stop symbol for example) in a playlist column to mark the track after which playback stops
Code: [Select]
$ifequal(%list_index%,%pla_stop_focused_track_active%,◼ ,)

Hi. Where can I find info about the field %pla_stop_focused_track_active%? In the title formatting reference I didn't find anything.
How many other useful information are missing from the title formatting reference?
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: anamorphic on 2023-08-29 14:00:18
^ That field is added by Playlist Attributes (https://www.foobar2000.org/components/view/foo_playlist_attributes). Unfortunately the documentation is no longer online, but the component download includes a help folder with the HTML help file. (The component download is just a renamed ZIP so you can open it in an archive reader like 7-zip, or once installed find it in the foobar profile \ 'user-components' folder)
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Albicocche on 2023-08-29 14:26:46
^ That field is added by Playlist Attributes (https://www.foobar2000.org/components/view/foo_playlist_attributes). Unfortunately the documentation is no longer online, but the component download includes a help folder with the HTML help file. (The component download is just a renamed ZIP so you can open it in an archive reader like 7-zip, or once installed find it in the foobar profile \ 'user-components' folder)

Are you talking about an external component? So nothing of interest to anyone using FB2k on Mac, right?
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Air KEN on 2023-08-29 15:28:12
^ No, it resets after stopping.

Also useful that you can add an indicator (stop symbol for example) in a playlist column to mark the track after which playback stops -

Code: [Select]
$ifequal(%list_index%,%pla_stop_focused_track_active%,◼ ,)

Hi :)

I am using it immediately.

$ifequal(%list_index%,%pla_stop_focused_track_active%,◼ ,$if(%isplaying%,>>,%list_index%))

Many thanks.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Cannonaire on 2023-09-02 04:08:31
When I use stop after focused track, it only enables "Stop After Current, and stops after whichever song is playing and not the one that was focused when I clicked the command (and indeed has the icon from that column script). It's probably user error, but I don't understand what's going on.

It seems to enable "Stop After Current" the moment I click on any other track. Why would it do that? I need to be able to change focus after marking the track where it should stop.

Never mind. In the options for Playlist Attributes, it changed Stop After Current to on instead of Global for some reason. I changed it back and now it seems to be working properly. I still have no idea what most of the things in this component do, but thanks for the info!
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: cwb on 2023-09-02 15:25:42
Never mind. In the options for Playlist Attributes, it changed Stop After Current to on instead of Global for some reason. I changed it back and now it seems to be working properly. I still have no idea what most of the things in this component do, but thanks for the info!

I don't know if it will help you but..it helped me when I got clear in my mind that in the fb2k main menu, Under "Edit", Playlist attributes is listed there and THOSE Playlist attributes settings under Edit are for the currently active playlist.

In the fb2k main menu under "Plaback", Playlist attributes is also listed there and those Playlist attributes settings under "Plaback" are for Global settings.

The above knowledge helped me with the component because it made clear that certain things done within the component cause global changes and certain things cause playlist specific changes. It became a learning process.

I also have a custom button to set "stop after focused track" and it is set by selecting the track in the playlist I desire to stop after, clicking the button, the indicator I have set up (an asterisk) appears next to the desired stop after track. Done

And yes setting "stop after focused track" does activate "Stop after current" when the stop after focused track is reached.

If I want to unselect the chosen stop after track I click the button again.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Sergey77 on 2023-09-03 07:42:02
Show Active DSPs on the console

I suggest reporting active DSPs to the console when an item starts playing.
(not the name of DSP chain presets)
Option to enable/disable this in the DSP Manager settings window.
A similar feature was requested in 2016: Reply #37 (https://hydrogenaud.io/index.php/topic,96094.msg917682.html#msg917682)
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: The ol soundman on 2023-09-10 20:47:06
I have a suggestion for you. Could you add a loop function to Foobar2000 please. I would like to have it like the volume slider. It would take 2 sliders, one for the beginning of the loop and the other for the end. That would be so awesome fore when I practice my guitar with my favorite songs and when I learn to sing difficult passages. Thak you for your consideration.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Porcus on 2023-09-10 20:56:15
a loop function
Will https://www.foobar2000.org/components/view/foo_loop do the work?

There are lots of functionality available as components.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: DClaville on 2023-09-10 23:02:19
What is needed most of all for Foobar is for Refacets to be updated to the full set of functions Facets had, especially to have album art view possible

Should take priority over everything else foobar 2.0 already works so brilliantly well for everything other then this
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: s3n0 on 2023-09-16 10:07:41

I really miss the possibility to reload all playlists from the selected directory for the "Container -> Playlist Tabs" (if the name of the playlist matches the name of the .pls / .m3u8 file).

There is, of course, the option to save all playlists - to files in a specific folder... but... there is no reloading or loading them into Foobar2K (into "Playlist Tabs").


^ That field is added by Playlist Attributes (https://www.foobar2000.org/components/view/foo_playlist_attributes). Unfortunately the documentation is no longer online, but the component download includes a help folder with the HTML help file. (The component download is just a renamed ZIP so you can open it in an archive reader like 7-zip, or once installed find it in the foobar profile \ 'user-components' folder)

Are you talking about an external component? So nothing of interest to anyone using FB2k on Mac, right?

Exactly so.

You have to download and add this component foo_playlist_attributes to Foobar2K: https://www.foobar2000.org/components/view/foo_playlist_attributes

This component then adds the %pla_stop_focused_track_active% variable available.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: elcosomalo on 2023-09-17 16:20:49
Using the search inside foobar [ctrl+F]; be able to remove the searched tracks from playlists.

To achieve what?
* Filter/curate your massive playlists by using known unwanted words.

Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: eurekagliese on 2023-10-07 04:55:34
(UI) Tabs Customization
Tabs are an important aspect of fb2k, and it would be nice if they received more attention.

Fit Center

Auto Fit



Custom Shape
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: JoeSyr on 2023-10-12 21:28:38
I'm struggling with updating myself to V2+ with the differences between Facets and ReFacets seeming to be the final thing I just can't work around. To be honest, I've been burning out trying to grasp where the basic behaviors of the program are being driven over this, so I'll try to stick to describing my user experience.

Facets: I use this as the primary way I browse my library. Single-click sends the selection to my primary playlist viewer. From there I either play music directly (enjoying the default behavior that the rest of the selection will continue autoplaying while I continue to browse, with further interactions with Facets NOT disrupting this directly). Or I use my playlist viewer to create manual playlists with drag&drop from a Playlist Viewer panel, into a Playlist List panel. Additionally, I use EsPlaylist (I realize this is an old/unsupported component; it is the primary thing keeping me on 32bit builds as it works fine and I have yet to find anything else to replicate this functionality), so that I can have a secondary Playlist Viewer panel, which keeps the Currently Playing selection on the screen so I can just have it for viewing, or interact with it directly, while continuing to otherwise browse via Facets/<Primary Playlist viewer panel>.

I've moved on somewhat but my desired functionality is pretty succinctly designed around in the Theme Strigui 2.0, which is documented here (even without loading it, perhaps a picture is worth a thousand words): https://theqwertiest.github.io/foo_spider_monkey_panel/docs/script_showcase/full_themes/

ReFacets: Two things are disrupted compared to my facets usage: One, it does not have the same single-click behavior, which frankly I do not really understand what it is doing under the hood, but whereas Facets automatically maintains both a "Library Viewer Selection" and "Library Viewer Selection (now playing)" playlist, as a product of its default settings, ReFacets seems to simply lack this functionality. EsPlaylist functionality is thus broken. Additionally, if I have music playing, continuing to browse my library via ReFacets hijacks the active queue (oh god I'm having flashbacks to trying and failing to understand exactly what the "queue" is in fb2k so I apologize if I'm incorrectly invoking a specific meaning here). E.g. I select an album by Artist A in Refacets. I start playing Track 1 (by double clicking from my playlist viewer panel). It automatically goes on to Track 2, then Track 3 etc. While Track 3 is playing, I click on Artist B in ReFacets. When Artist A Track 3 ends, Track 1 by artist B will automatically play, whereas I wanted it to continue on to Track 4 by A.

I'll just add that I have noted the settings under Media Library for "Library viewer selection playlist" and, these have only ever brought me confusion, as they seem like they would drive the things I am attributing to Facets, and would like to see implemented in Refacets, but toggling them only seems to change the names of the relevant playlists a bit, or frankly I get burned out trying to find the right permutation of all these things.

In conclusion I'd really like it if ReFacets could simply duplicate the behavior I'm very accustomed to in Facets (ReFacets certainly looks prettier in my attempts to theme v2+ to my liking), although if it's possible for someone to explain to me that my usage is overwrought and there's other ways to use all of this and be less confused, that might be nice too.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: anamorphic on 2023-10-14 03:37:09
^ @JoeSyr - To explain a bit, in Preferences > Media Library > Library Viewer Selection Playlist > Enabled - this is the single-click option for both ReFacets and Album List. It creates / updates a "Library" playlist when you click on something. (Also enable 'Activate When Changed' to switch to this playlist automatically)

Facets (and all other third-party components) do not use this option, they use their own - the equivalent in Facets is the 'Selection action: Send to selection playlist' (where 'Selection action' = single-click, sending to a "Library" playlist)

The option you have noted is missing in both ReFacets and Album List, is 'Selection action: Send to selection playlist, keep playing playlist'. It keeps a "Library (playing)" playlist. Without that, what ends up happening is that you are over-writing the "Library" playlist with new tracks, and if it was playing at the time, you just replaced the tracks you wanted to play.

If you want to keep using ReFacets, you have to send what you want to play to a new playlist, set 'Double-click action: Send to new playlist'. Then unfortunately you have to manually start playback, because the 'Start playback when sending...' option does not work here (clearly a bug, the identical options work for Album List). Theoretically - EsPlaylist should display the "Now Playing" tracks, and you can single-click in ReFacets to continue browsing (switching to "Library" playlist) and drag tracks over. This unfortunately also means you have to manually delete the accumulated playlists afterwards.

(None of this is ideal, and the issue has been mentioned since v2 came out)

You might consider using Library Tree (https://github.com/Wil-B/Library-Tree) instead, which already does "Facets" better - though it has tons of view options that take some time to experiment with. (It also has a 'Keep playing playlist' mode)
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: audio2021 on 2023-10-21 15:32:12
foobar2000 v2.0 Playlist View: Could you please add Subgroup feature?
(It seems that there are many requests)


I definitely second this request! Subgroups are the only way to organize the physical components of an album (such as its individual physical disks) in the playlist view, which allows me to clearly see where a new disk begins. I would therefore appreciate it if a solution like the one SimPlaylist provides could be incorporated into foobar2000 itself. (Currently not having that in foobar2000 2.x due to that plugin not being updated is my number one reason for not upgrading.)
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Erik76 on 2023-10-21 16:51:18
Hi, I'm new to this forum, and i very much like Foobar2000.
What i would like to submit as a new idea to a future update is a new Playback Order.

What i would consider as a really nice feature is to play music at a given amount of time, so it can be used as a countdown timer.
For example. it can set the total amount of playime to 60 min. and it will play my music for that given time.
For me it could be a very nice way to be used as an alarm function, but the silence is the signal.
I think i would not want to set it as "Randomly" playing through all my playlist, but maybe there could be an option to choose from.

I dont know if this feature is already submitted by anyone but i hope it will be read.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: RVA on 2023-10-21 23:21:54
50 Hz limit for the Spectrum and for the built in equalizer simply doesn't cut it in 2023. Almost every song I listen plays low-frequency tones which are below 50Hz. Very often it goes under 30Hz. Not sure what was the reason for the decision to limit "low" frequencies at 50Hz. Seams like a step back, not forward.
In general I really like foobar2000 player and I'm really thankful to the developers for providing such a great player for free, while actively supporting it. It's just sad to see strange decisions that may lead to decreased popularity of the player.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: deter on 2023-10-22 13:35:17
Dear Colleagues, please support my suggestion described below (keyboard shortcuts to equalizer presets and next/previous album).
I am an audiophile, but many years ago my vision about this hobby changed seriously.
I realised that instead of chasing the perfect sound, a "pleasant sound at high volume" system is my way. Then I built an A/B loudspeaker/amplifier switch, and was shocked to find that there was no difference between the sound of amplifiers and DACs. But the sound of the speakers is very different: I currently use 6 pairs of speakers with a LUB-27 type loudspeaker/amplifier switch. They all sound different depending on placement, volume, track, and it's meaningless to say "best". I have also found that the foobar equalizer does not degrade the sound image like an analogue tone control. So I now use the equalizer with confidence, and the only extra I wish for is the keyboard shortcut option to change between preset settings.
Also,would be nice to be able to switch between albums with a keyboard shortcut: even a cheap car stereo can do that, but not foobar?
Title: shuffle and random: no restart when skipping
Post by: elcosomalo on 2023-10-24 01:26:44
Make the random/shuffle modes take a skipped song as "played" so it doesn't restart the shuffle/random playlist again playing already played songs.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: elcosomalo on 2023-10-24 01:33:47
Hi, I'm new to this forum, and i very much like Foobar2000.
What i would like to submit as a new idea to a future update is a new Playback Order.

What i would consider as a really nice feature is to play music at a given amount of time, so it can be used as a countdown timer.
For example. it can set the total amount of playime to 60 min. and it will play my music for that given time.
For me it could be a very nice way to be used as an alarm function, but the silence is the signal.
I think i would not want to set it as "Randomly" playing through all my playlist, but maybe there could be an option to choose from.

I dont know if this feature is already submitted by anyone but i hope it will be read.

I use this https://www.foobar2000.org/components/view/foo_scheduler
It lets you program foobar with many options, time based and event based.  I for example, use it to play ambient sounds at different times of day, like birds singing, wind through leaves and rain at night. Yeah, a weirdo, but I´m happy with it.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: ojdo on 2023-10-29 19:46:39
[DUI / Playlist view]

With the new column types like "album cover", one can finally implement different playlist view types. Given that the application even allows to "Remember layout for this playlist", a way to

between playlists would be very helpful. So far, I have the need for two layouts:

Or does anybody have a clever workflow to quickly create a new playlist (auto or manual) with a desired column layout?
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: jpgosna on 2023-10-31 10:34:08
I'm wishing to have the option "send/add to playlist xyz" in context menu for 64bit like in 32bit version. Nice with button and shortcut.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: TF3RDL on 2023-11-05 21:05:15
The ability to visualize DSD signals without having to do DoP nor converting to PCM first would be cool, since DSD signals are 1-bit (essentially an array of false/true boolean values, at least for 1-bit DSD) with much higher sampling rate unless otherwise stated, which mean I can do a 1D Walsh-Hadamard transform (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hadamard_transform) (which is basically a Fourier transform on array of booleans) on DSD audio data to visualize spectrum without having to convert it to PCM first

Disclaimer: I don't have experience with DSD audio nor SACD-related thing (and WASAPI doesn't support DSD anyway at least without having to convert to PCM, but that's fine for most if not all parts), just an idea for fun addition to see for extending visualization support for non-PCM audio especially DSD, and therefore idk the one-dimensional Hadamard transform of DSD (or 1-bit delta-sigma/pulse-density modulation thing) data is the same as FFT of PCM data or it is completely different from eachother
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: 2tec on 2023-11-05 21:58:46
It sure would be great if foo_vis_vumeter was internalized or updated, anybody please?

yes, i'm beggin ...
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Defender on 2023-11-05 23:25:48
It sure would be great if foo_vis_vumeter was internalized or updated, anybody please?

yes, i'm beggin ...

Yes! I love the VU's :-)

And the original Peakmeter en Channel Spectrum.

Cannot move to x64 before conversion of these and spidermonkey.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: ligerpants on 2023-11-07 14:29:16
Hi. I'm on the latest preview version, x64. I keep streaming radio stations in a playlist and I'm on a hinky connection.

Whenever there's a network hiccup, Foobar jumps to the next playlist entry, even if it's for less than the "keep reconnecting" value in Networking. Any chance for an option to stay on the same playlist entry/audio stream?
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: manmower on 2023-11-08 18:43:23
Would be nice to have the default UI seekbar slider adapt to the Windows 11 accent color or, alternatively, the highlight color selected in Preferences. Mine stays blue no matter what.

And actually the same is true when using the >>text<< highlighting syntax in the status bar, it always seems to use blue as the highlight color, regardless of the selected highlight color or Windows accent color, whereas the playlist view uses the highlight color from Preferences if set.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Scoox on 2023-11-09 10:03:39
Please make sorting options for autoplaylists less confusing. The "Sort pattern" box seems redundant since the sort pattern can also be specified in the "Query pattern" box, so personally I don't see the point in providing two places to specify a sort pattern right next to each other on the same window. It's actually a source of confusion for new users, especially in combination with the force-sorted checkbox (see my next point).

Another problem is that specifying a sort pattern in either the "Query pattern" or the "Sort pattern" boxes doesn't do absolutely anything unless the "Force-sorted" box is checked. This is very confusing. Most users would expect that, as long as a sort pattern is specified, the list will be sorted accordingly, with the possibility of altering the sort manually after invoking the autoplaylist by clicking column headers. To restore the original sort, users can simply re-invoke the same auto-playlist. Most users would expect the Force-checked option to prevent manual sorting. That, however, is not the case. If Force-checked is not checked, no sort is applied at all, and if it is checked the sort is applied but it cannot be changed manually. As you can see, there is a gap in the UX. It's all or nothing, no in-between.

Here's how I think it should work:

Force-sorted checked: If a sort pattern is specified, apply it and don't allow the list to be manually sorted by clicking column headers.
Force-sorted not checked: If a sort pattern is specified, apply it and allow the list to be manually sorted by clicking column headers.

Here's something I posted a while back, when I was starting with foobar2000.

I would like to create a playlist that sorts when first activated (e.g. by clicking it in the playlist manager) but also allows me to change the sort manually by clicking the headers. I'm not sure what the various options do:

Query pattern: The sort pattern can be specified here e.g. rating IS 5 SORT DESCENDING BY %play_count%
Sort pattern: What is the difference between specifying sort order in Query pattern and here?
Force-sorted: If I uncheck this box, the sort pattern specified in either of Query pattern or Sort pattern doesn't work.

Is there a way to do what I want to do? What is the correct way to specify sort order?
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: TF3RDL on 2023-11-11 03:49:08
Feature request for Utility DSP Array (foo_dsp_utility): Mid/Side balance and conversion (since @xnor hasn't been active anymore, so no x64 support for his component foo_dsp_midside)

A M/S balance is an equivalent of the Stereo Balance effect that we already have on this DSP array component, except doing in Mid/Side representation instead of usual L/R, which can change the stereo width just by adjusting the slider towards Mid-only or Side-only channels

As for the M/S conversion, my proposal is the addition of "Mid/Side conversion" effect, which can either encode (with approximately -6dB lower since doing M/S encode divides the signal by two), decode (0dB or no attenuation since it doesn't divide the signal by two), or 2-way encode/decode (divided by square root of 2, which is approximately 3dB attenuation) the audio channel to M/S or L/R representations

Of course, a downmix to side channel (instead of (L+R)/2, we can downmix channels to mono by (L-R)/2, which extracts only the out-of-phase signals for the resulting mono output) would be cool to have for Utility DSP Array component
Title: Copy and past from one playlist to another one (FB2k for MAC)
Post by: Albicocche on 2023-11-15 10:22:21
Copy and past from one playlist to another one.


On FB2K for mac it would be very useful to be able to copy groups of tracks from one playlist to another, either by dragging a selected group from one playlist to another or with a contextual menu command.

For example: I search for a group of tracks in the library and then I copy that group into an existing playlist (not an automatic playlist).
Then I search for another group of tracks that match different search criteria and copy this new group into the same playlist as before.

It's such a natural thing that it's a wonder it hasn't been implemented already.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: ojdo on 2023-11-23 09:51:10
For example: I search for a group of tracks in the library and then I copy that group into an existing playlist (not an automatic playlist).
Then I search for another group of tracks that match different search criteria and copy this new group into the same playlist as before.
This just works by drag'n drop any selection, from any playlist, library viewer, search results list to a target playlist (here: playlist tabs) by hovering over the target playlist for a bit, then dropping the items where I want them. I can even create a new playlist by dropping them right next to the last tab. I assume the other playlist selection widgets behave similarly.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Albicocche on 2023-11-23 12:14:03
This just works by drag'n drop any selection...

What you say doesn't work on FB2K for mac.
In fact, I had asked for that feature for FB2K for Mac, but perhaps I wasn't clear enough.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Cannonaire on 2023-12-03 07:09:17
I have (hopefully) a very simple request. I would like to add a button to toggle "Reset the above when stopping" (for "Stop playback after the current track" in the Playback options screen) in the toolbar where the playback controls are located please.

Screenshot provided. This option, as a button.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Cannonaire on 2023-12-04 06:28:38
Just double-checked, and it's not possible to do yet. The option would need to be in the main menu or context menu I believe.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: JoeSyr on 2023-12-04 07:40:47
^ @JoeSyr - To explain a bit, in Preferences > Media Library > Library Viewer Selection Playlist > Enabled - this is the single-click option for both ReFacets and Album List. It creates / updates a "Library" playlist when you click on something. (Also enable 'Activate When Changed' to switch to this playlist automatically)

Facets (and all other third-party components) do not use this option, they use their own - the equivalent in Facets is the 'Selection action: Send to selection playlist' (where 'Selection action' = single-click, sending to a "Library" playlist)

The option you have noted is missing in both ReFacets and Album List, is 'Selection action: Send to selection playlist, keep playing playlist'. It keeps a "Library (playing)" playlist. Without that, what ends up happening is that you are over-writing the "Library" playlist with new tracks, and if it was playing at the time, you just replaced the tracks you wanted to play.

If you want to keep using ReFacets, you have to send what you want to play to a new playlist, set 'Double-click action: Send to new playlist'. Then unfortunately you have to manually start playback, because the 'Start playback when sending...' option does not work here (clearly a bug, the identical options work for Album List). Theoretically - EsPlaylist should display the "Now Playing" tracks, and you can single-click in ReFacets to continue browsing (switching to "Library" playlist) and drag tracks over. This unfortunately also means you have to manually delete the accumulated playlists afterwards.

(None of this is ideal, and the issue has been mentioned since v2 came out)

You might consider using Library Tree (https://github.com/Wil-B/Library-Tree) instead, which already does "Facets" better - though it has tons of view options that take some time to experiment with. (It also has a 'Keep playing playlist' mode)

Sorry for long delay but just wanted to say thanks for this thoughtful response!

I did end up loading the Library Tree panel script and it's working pretty great - thank you especially for highlighting the Keep Playing Playlist behavior. By following the in-program documentation to make it imitate facets (Options->Views->Button at the bottom), and setting all panels to Browser mode under Options->Behavior, I've landed on an extremely satisfactory setup. At the risk of being overdramatic, for the first time in years I feel like my FB2K setup is both up to date with development and not compromising some basic functional or aesthetic element.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: misio on 2023-12-12 13:18:39
Please update RMS meter in foobar to a VU meter.
For more details about this suggestion, please see https://hydrogenaud.io/index.php/topic,124710.0.html
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: seongbin on 2023-12-13 04:57:11
Please set the "toolbar background" and "status background" link to the DUI background. I think it would be nicer have a identical color like font config.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: eurekagliese on 2023-12-13 05:08:01
Please set the "toolbar background" and "status background" link to the DUI background. I think it would be nicer have a identical color like font config.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: bsleeth on 2023-12-13 14:37:57
I have two suggestions related to the check for update options:

If the two check for update options are combined, perhaps a new dialog would need to be created which would have the options for the user to download the updated application and another to download and update the components.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Albicocche on 2023-12-17 10:01:17
Just a curiosity.

I hope this post of mine doesn't seem provocative.
I would like to know if it has ever happened in the history of foobar that a suggestion posted in this thread was actually implemented.
Or at least that a post made in this thread received a response by one of the foobar developers.
Thank you.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Cannonaire on 2023-12-17 10:18:18
I would like to know if it has ever happened in the history of foobar that a suggestion posted in this thread was actually implemented.
I'm pretty sure this thread is where wishes go to die. But it wouldn't be any better making a thread for each and every wish you have, because that would clutter up the forum, and none of the program or component developers are under any obligation to grant our wishes since they're doing this for free. The best thing you can do (barring learning to code components for yourself) would be to post any bugs you find and make suggestions in the appropriate thread for components which have relevant functionality to what you want to see.

That said, I am unable to learn to code right now due to health reasons, and I have a few wishes that seem like they would be very easy to implement if the primary developer or any component developer would like.

1. Add the "Reset the above when stopping" (for "Stop playback after the current track" in the Playback options screen) to a menu so it can be made into a visibly-active button on the toolbar.
2. Add an option to reset volume to a specific level after program restart.
3. Add Playback/Seek/Back to beginning (Main menu item) among the back by 30 seconds, etc.
4. Add Playback Order: Repeat (Album).

Aside from a few minor or major appeals regarding component functionality I have made in their respective threads, that is the entirety of my wishlist for foobar2000 now. (Though getting some abandoned 32 bit-only components to work on 64 bit foobar would be nice too, as a pipe dream...)

To be fair, these wishes are all incredibly minor, and foobar2000 is magnificently functional and useful to me, so I want to say thank you to Peter and all of the other developers. No other music player could come even close.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: dpr on 2023-12-17 15:03:48
Add support for DISCNUMBER and TOTALDISCS in CUE file.

They are standard items in a cue file. Seems like it would be very quick and simple to add support.
If they are not supported, update wiki to indicate they are not.

Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: DClaville on 2023-12-21 11:07:20
great with the final release of v2.1
Now we just need album art added to Refacets, please!
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: srdn on 2023-12-21 13:31:18
1) When Native DSD support?
2) Real-time all to DSD convert?
3) Playback from memory?
4) Lastfm, Allmusic, wiki, musicbrainz support?
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Porcus on 2023-12-21 15:12:56
I wonder if there is a single DSD in the retail that isn't just lossy-converted from PCM, but anyway:
1. If you really want DSD, use WavPack. Except if it is DST or in the WSD format (did you ever see that?)
2. If you want to do that lossy operation, then I guess you can get a SoX port that can generate DSF/DFF, (https://github.com/turbulentie/sox-dsd-win/blob/main/README.md) and then set it up as an external converter.
3. https://www.foobar2000.org/components/view/foo_ramdisk
4. Two here: https://www.foobar2000.org/components/tag/MusicBrainz , https://www.foobar2000.org/components/view/foo_enhanced_playcount

Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Aliaksandr_by on 2024-01-07 01:44:17
to add history for searching / bookmarks for favorite search pattern

Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: always.beta on 2024-01-24 11:13:30
 Currently playlists already support ratings, and hopefully the status bar will support ratings as well.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Frank Zippo on 2024-01-26 22:30:18
A resizable Preferences windows would be nice.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: PaperBoat on 2024-01-27 00:07:47
Audio signal path like Jriver with output details (bit depth/ rate, channels, etc.) Please?
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Zachery on 2024-01-27 05:43:26
Hello, developer!
Let me ask you To draw your attention to different album list selection items colour which not accorded from purposive defined by colour and fonts at default Uset Interface option, which not let to get enough contrast ballance with my own defined foobar colour scheme (its always blue).
Thank you!
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: eurekagliese on 2024-02-03 02:38:01
Text as Button in toolbar.
It would be nice to have an option to just using a editable string text as toolbar button instead of forcefully to use a .ico file format.
Like the "Layout Editing Mode" toolbar button.
Thank you!
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: pawel_na_a on 2024-02-07 22:23:15
Now foobar has Ogg chapter support (v2.2 preview) so please add context menu commands for Ogg files (Utilities -> Edit Ogg chapters... & Strip Ogg chapters...)
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: pqyt on 2024-02-14 10:25:10
Please make the main foobar2000 window detect it wants to open using screen coordinates that are not mapped to a currently attached monitor and move to the main screen.

E.g. when the window was on an external monitor attached to a laptop, the window restores to those coordinates even if the monitor is no longer attached to the laptop.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Bertilak on 2024-02-24 01:38:31
The issue with the highlighted album selection being dark on dark needs to be fixed. described here: https://hydrogenaud.io/index.php/topic,125144.msg1036209.html#msg1036209
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Porcus on 2024-02-24 07:49:12
Most likely I've wished for this already:

When formatting from other fields, a %this_field%. (For when doing the same reformatting on several fields in succession.)
I see that %% returns a single percentage sign, so it already behaves different than under "Automatically fill values".
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Case on 2024-02-24 08:55:06
The issue with the highlighted album selection being dark on dark needs to be fixed. described here: https://hydrogenaud.io/index.php/topic,125144.msg1036209.html#msg1036209
And as mentioned in the thread you linked, it was fixed in 2.1.2 and it remains fixed in 2.2 previews.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: marc2k3 on 2024-02-24 09:04:39
The fix is for light mode only.

edit: oh fudge, the screenshot in that thread is light mode.  :D I've been on a roll the last few weeks and it's going rapidly downhill...

Dark mode still need fixing...

Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: seomanakasimon on 2024-02-24 12:09:45
Midi transport support

play,pause, stop next prev, on a "note on"
Volume on a "CC" etc
DSP config selector on a CC or individual config selections on a "note on"
etc etc
How this missed the default program is beyond me.

Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: vr2sch2 on 2024-03-03 17:19:19
I would like to be able to install the fb2k-component file by double-clicking on the macOS version.
At the moment the file is not associated with foobar2000, which is inconvenient.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Loch_Less on 2024-03-03 17:53:14
I would like to see an "automatic fast flip through" mode,
that plays a song letting me jump to 3 locations (like near start, middle & near  end) 
and then lets me swipe KEEP or DELETE.
Then auto plays next song

i got so many songs i would like to go through to keep only the favs
so such a function would be really helpful
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] foo_wavpack_encode
Post by: planet on 2024-03-03 21:03:25
Embracing the new neat multithreading feature of Wavpack v5.7.0 (https://hydrogenaud.io/index.php/topic,125574.0.html) and expanding the encoder window by a MT slider or input field.

Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: EpicForever on 2024-03-03 21:40:32
Tag Sanitizer:
* Button to keep all album art.
* "Delete other tag sets" [than the primary one]. I guess, not to be implemented until fb2k can reliably nuke EAC's ID3 from FLAC.

Oh yes. I like that foobar is now so much accurate, that it detects "ID3 garbage" both before and after FLAC streams of my very own CD rips made using EAC some years ago. I like that it can remove the portion before the stream now using "Rewrite tags" function. But I am continuously bothered by the message saying "File verification warning: Garbage at the end of file (ID3 tag?)" in most of my rips...
PLEASE - can we have added option to rewrite tags or even rewrite entire file, but in such way that this said garbage will be dropped?
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Porcus on 2024-03-03 22:21:52
@EpicForever : Meanwhile, there are solutions like Mp3tag. But if you want to have a "tags backup" in case your computer crashes midway in the undo, then foo_external_tags is your friend.
How to use Mp3tag for it:

@planet : To encode several files, one should not use that kind of multithreading functionality. Instead, the Right Thing is to do what fb2k does already: spawn a conversion thread per file until the CPU is busy, and when a CPU thread is done, spawn a new. Reducing multithreading overhead to a minimum. Sure you might have to wait longer for "the last one", but an application like fb2k should "at most" only multithread when you are converting one to two or three files.
For WavPack specifically, you can make a renamed executable for drag and drop. Like described in https://hydrogenaud.io/index.php/topic,122626.msg1012159.html#msg1012159 , just add a {--threads} to the name. Easier than CLI.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: always.beta on 2024-03-09 01:53:18
Hope to add functions: 1. Main menu-Edit-Remove songs that are not in the media library in the list;  2. Sanitize Tags currently supports reducing dates to 4-digit years, request support for reducing dates to retention dates ($date(%date%))
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Aliaksandr_by on 2024-03-14 11:51:20
Disagreement in stream select : in utilities of "alternate select stream" and the panel of "stream selection"

Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: wojak on 2024-03-25 08:16:33
I would like to see an option to display an album art as a background for playlist window in DUI.

And I would also like to see foobar handling DSD signal natively in order not to have to disguise DSD as DoP and then strip the DoP in order to send DSD as Native DSD to DAC via USB.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: x.dll on 2024-03-25 16:39:33
A feature where you can change the order of the playback queue would be nice! - Like the feature in Spotify.
(At this point you have to put the songs in the playback queue in the right order, it's not possible to change the order.)
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: marc2k3 on 2024-03-25 16:58:23
I have a component for that... :P


You can simply drag/drop to re-arrange or right clicking on the list header shows this menu..


Title: Simplify foobar setup/layout/configuration
Post by: superuseryanah on 2024-03-26 01:44:32
Is there anyone out there who can simplify Foobar please?
Foobar supports all audio formats, which is great, but how come that nothing is easy when it comes to making this player look fancy?
Sorry to say but even installing a theme takes too many many manipulations.
And apparently installing components can be annoying since many components are only for 32-bit architecture.
Is there not a single soul out there who wants to simplify Foobar on many different levels so that it can become the best music player for the whole world?
Title: Re: Simplify foobar setup/layout/configuration
Post by: 2tec on 2024-03-26 02:04:23
Maybe try Boom

Boom is an easy to use audio player intended for casual computer users who do not wish to spend their time on figuring more sophisticated software out. All of its most important features are easily accessible out-of-the-box. ~ https://perkele.cc/software/boom
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: widemediaphotography on 2024-03-26 04:13:02
What makes Foobar2000 less usable than other bit-perfect players is the possibility of installing an Android or IOS app that is comparable to what can be done with other bit-perfect players such as Volumio, Daphile, MoOde Audio, Roon, etc. etc. MonkeyMote is very limited, its searches are not effective and it is too sparse. It should be produced and managed directly by the Foobar Development Team.
With streaming becoming increasingly widespread, a good app tends to prevail over the player!
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Ojos Azules on 2024-03-26 10:29:48
AlbumArt: Multi images per type, Change type, More types, Description, Extract cover.
Features I miss from MP3Tag

1. Description


2. Change Cover types of a image


3. Multiple Covers


4. More Cover Types


5. Extract Cover

Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: DClaville on 2024-04-13 12:19:05
It would be fantastic if we could get Refacets updated to allow for custom-made statistics same as we already can in playlist view and pretty much everywhere else

and still also album art view as an option  O:)
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: marc2k3 on 2024-04-13 12:53:55
It would be fantastic if we could get Refacets updated to allow for custom-made statistics same as we already can in playlist view and pretty much everywhere else

Eh? There's not really any such thing as "statistics" outside of ReFacets/original facets. Those totals are calculated for multiple items. This is impossible in playlist viewers/other components which use title formatting to display tags (or database fields) for a single item only.

edit: of course other components are not limited to title formatting. They can utilise the fb2k SDK to do whatever ReFacets does but I'm not really aware of anything pre-existing for that. Some playlist/library viewers can display total length/item count for a given group of items but I've not seen anything else "statistic" related.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: DClaville on 2024-04-13 13:26:42
It would be fantastic if we could get Refacets updated to allow for custom-made statistics same as we already can in playlist view and pretty much everywhere else

Eh? There's not really any such thing as "statistics" outside of ReFacets/original facets. Those totals are calculated for multiple items. This is impossible in playlist viewers/other components which use title formatting to display tags (or database fields) for a single item only.

edit: of course other components are not limited to title formatting. They can utilise the fb2k SDK to do whatever ReFacets does but I'm not really aware of anything pre-existing for that. Some playlist/library viewers can display total length/item count for a given group of items but I've not seen anything else "statistic" related.

well what's the fields where you can have information shown like playcount and all those with %% those things yes those are available everywhere

those info fields used for sorting is just called statistics in refacets

More specifically the  problem is that the play counter in refacets arent synched or cant be changed to the ones using lastFM data also
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: wojak on 2024-04-14 09:34:46
Please put an exact version of fobar on the upper bar. Now it says ex. foobar2000 v2.1.4. It is sometimes impotant to be able to quickly distinguish id it is 32 bit or 64 bit or portable. I often run two instances (normal 64 and portable 32) and play/check different versions of the same tracks. Without being able to distinguish FB versions at a glance it is easy to confuse which track is which etc.
Just put 64 bit or 32 bit or portable behind foobar2000 v2.1.4. on the main upper bar. It shoulkd be visible when the tracks are playing and when not (now it only says foobar2000 while playing).
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: DClaville on 2024-04-14 09:56:47
Please put an exact version of fobar on the upper bar. Now it says ex. foobar2000 v2.1.4. It is sometimes impotant to be able to quickly distinguish id it is 32 bit or 64 bit or portable. I often run two instances (normal 64 and portable 32) and play/check different versions of the same tracks. Without being able to distinguish FB versions at a glance it is easy to confuse which track is which etc.
Just put 64 bit or 32 bit or portable behind foobar2000 v2.1.4. on the main upper bar. It shoulkd be visible when the tracks are playing and when not (now it only says foobar2000 while playing).

You can edit whats displayed there your self in preferences - Default User interface - Windows Title bar

So if there is a syntax code for showing version number or player info or something it might be possible ?
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: regor on 2024-04-14 09:58:03
Please put an exact version of fobar on the upper bar. Now it says ex. foobar2000 v2.1.4. It is sometimes impotant to be able to quickly distinguish id it is 32 bit or 64 bit or portable. I often run two instances (normal 64 and portable 32) and play/check different versions of the same tracks. Without being able to distinguish FB versions at a glance it is easy to confuse which track is which etc.
Just put 64 bit or 32 bit or portable behind foobar2000 v2.1.4. on the main upper bar. It shoulkd be visible when the tracks are playing and when not (now it only says foobar2000 while playing).

You can edit whats displayed there your self in preferences - Default User interface - Windows Title bar

So if there is a syntax code for showing version number or player info or something it might be possible ?
But that only applies during playback, otherwise is not editable.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: DClaville on 2024-04-14 10:01:05
ah shame
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: marc2k3 on 2024-04-14 11:02:47
Easiest thing to do is make them look different.  :o

Or pin them to the task bar so you whenever you open them, they're in the same place and don't move. The active window will obviously be highlighted.

Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: regor on 2024-04-19 12:29:22
- Undo action for statistics rating. Ctrl+z only reverts playlist changes, but nothing more. A simple menu entry at Playback statistics submenu would do.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

- Settings to switch tag caching for specific tags, or at least skip non needed tags.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: tiptoetan on 2024-05-11 20:51:32
i use "media library search" feature heavily. what i greatly miss there is to have a search history to be able to repeat a previous search. i am thinking of getting into the whole plugin development thing to at least create something like that myself. btw thanks everybody for an indispensable program.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Ojos Azules on 2024-06-04 08:42:18
Auto mute Windows notifications and Turn on DnD when foobar2000 starts. or A button within foobar2000 to do it
Title: list 'Individual Values' in TrackNumber order when present
Post by: Ojos Azules on 2024-06-09 10:13:56
Notice the TrackNumber is present but other tags like producer is listed in random order when batch editing tags
Title: Feature Request: Upmixer settings
Post by: Snuffy on 2024-07-16 22:22:53
The "Upmix to 5.1/7.1" DSP needs adjustable settings.  LFE level is too low, possibly nonexistent.  Surround level is too high.  Also needs Center Level, LFE crossover.
Title: f2k not reading opus tags sometimes
Post by: Ojos Azules on 2024-07-18 08:52:42
## f2k not reading opus tags sometimes
foobar2000 2.1.5 x86
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: s3n0 on 2024-07-29 09:24:08

Who developed or can modify this graphic EQ - component foo_dsp_xgeq ?

I would like to see in the title of the EQ window which preset was loaded and applied last - from the saved preset equalizer file.

Of course... after any change to the equalizer, the saved info about the last recorded + applied preset must also be deleted. If there has been a change, it is no longer valid that a specific file with an EQ-preset is recorded.

See these two screenshots here to see what I mean: https://imgur.com/a/soA1kHq

If I'm testing or if I often switch between EQ presets (headphones VS speakers), I'm never sure which of my presets I'm currently using.


Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Cannonaire on 2024-07-29 09:58:58
As far as I know, the creator of foo_dsp_xgeq hasn't updated it in a long time and no longer posts here. I don't believe the source code is available. (Please correct me if I am mistaken.) Link to the components repository page: https://www.foobar2000.org/components/view/foo_dsp_xgeq
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: marc2k3 on 2024-07-29 10:03:05
Use DSP chain presets for that. Give each one a name and then you can enable the switcher in a default UI or Columns UI toolbar.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: s3n0 on 2024-07-29 12:07:17
OK, thanks.

And will the DSP-chain-preset also take into account the configurations of these selected DSP components ? Because if I'm not mistaken, it's just the use of components. However, their configurations will not change either - they always compile the same (last set - global).
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Cannonaire on 2024-07-29 13:17:10
OK, thanks.

And will the DSP-chain-preset also take into account the configurations of these selected DSP components ? Because if I'm not mistaken, it's just the use of components. However, their configurations will not change either - they always compile the same (last set - global).
No, if you save a different preset after adjusting the GEQ, it will save the new settings to the preset. They are not global.

For clarity, each DSP preset you save can have different configurations for the DSPs in the list.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: s3n0 on 2024-07-29 20:25:06
Thanks guys. I tested it at home tonight. It seems to work OK.

I even added a drop-down MENU for selecting "DPS chain preset" in the top bar of Foobar2K, where the last selected one remains "lit". And as soon as I make changes, it stops "lighting", the last loaded preset is lost... and it's empty... because I made some DSP changes. It's great. Thanks. This will be enough for me.

BTW, I even added a DSP chain designed for my Koss Porta Pro headphones, with the plugin foo_headphone_eq (MathAudio Headphone EQ). It is a plugin that balances the inconsistencies in the frequency characteristics of headphones. I managed to find a preset configuration for my Koss Porta Pro headphones on the Internet + I loaded the preset into the mentioned plugin.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: s3n0 on 2024-08-02 09:28:39

I have one more small idea for improvement. I don't know exactly what "Album Art Viewer" belongs to.

There is a small trouble. Although there is a choice of displaying multiple images saved in MP3 TAG (or TAG in another format), there is no "Find the first and show it" option. It often happens that only 1 or 2 of the TAGs / images are used. That's why the "Find the first and show it" option would be very helpful there. Always better than a blank image :). If I choose to display the "Artist" image, it may not be stored in the file, while for example "Disk" image (CD cover) will be stored in the file. However, I will see an empty window, even if the "Disk" image is inserted there.


Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: sveakul on 2024-08-02 22:17:39
However, I will see an empty window, even if the "Disk" image is inserted there.
You won't see an empty window, but the image of your choice, if you set a "stub image" choice for the displayed choice.

However, it's true that if your display choice is set to "front cover", and there is none in the file tag but there IS a "back cover" embedded in the tag, it will not cycle to that tag but stay with whatever you have set the front cover, or its "stub image" to be.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: s3n0 on 2024-08-03 10:42:15
Hi @sveakul . I don't understand exactly, sorry. What do you mean by "stub image" ? Is there a way to make it so that the first found image is automatically selected and used for display ? Or what you want to say, I don't understand. Thanks.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: NetRanger on 2024-08-03 19:09:21
I would really like to see a backup function for the Converter profiles in foobar2000. That would be a great addition.
Would save a lot of time when setting up new foobar2000.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: sveakul on 2024-08-04 07:33:24
Hi @sveakul . I don't understand exactly, sorry. What do you mean by "stub image" ?

Quote from: s3n0
Is there a way to make it so that the first found image is automatically selected and used for display ?
No, there is not.  It will load the cover location selected in the context menu, or the stub defined for that location if the tag does not contain it.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Squeller on 2024-08-15 16:12:45
Converter, a new option. Instead of showing a transcode warning, copy file to target, respecting a new naming scheme.
Probably there's edge cases like collisions etc, but this would massively improve the workflow.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Aliaksandr_by on 2024-08-22 23:25:10
to add a sorting for all titles

Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Aliaksandr_by on 2024-08-22 23:31:13
to add filer by context for every of columns
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: musistring on 2024-09-17 19:26:21
Hi there,
an improved resume function would be great. Now the only way it works is to close foobar2000 while playback, but it won´t work if I just press "stop" and "play" again.
Title: Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates
Post by: Porcus on 2024-09-17 21:36:36
Search for unicode ranges (uh, if something like that isn't already possible).
I got lots of tags populated with junk I can identify by being outside ISO-8859, Chinese characters in tags where there rarely are any such, etc.