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Topic: Panels UI (Read 6151 times) previous topic - next topic
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Panels UI

ok so i have this custom interface installed, unsure of the name but check the screenshots. its all working fine, but id like to make 2 changes to it. problem is i do not know any programming and do not know how to make the changes i want. so im wondering if anyone could help me.

ok this first image is just the default expanded interface like normal.

ok in this 2nd picture. the red highlighted area i believe is for lyrics, but i dont want or use that feature and would like it to be gone, allowing the playlist selection area down the bottom to expand to fill that whole space, like the green arrow implies.

3rd picture, the progress bar. currently it is just visual, id like to be able to make it so i can seek in the bar. doesnt have to change visually though.

if anyone knows how to do this, or can offer me any help itd be much appreciated. if you need any further info such as the code for the interface and such just let me know where to go in preferences to get it and ill paste it in.

edit: with the lyrics area and playlist list thing, the same applies for when in this view mode:

Panels UI

Reply #1
ok this thread doesnt seem to be getting noticed, but ill post an update just incase someone will come along to help.

so i figured out how to get the seekbar working, a switch i found while looking through the code. so thats sorted.

but i still cannot for the life of my figure out how to remove the large grey space i assume is for lyrics. so if anyone can still help me to remove that one and have my playlist list expanded in its position, ill very much appreciate it.

Panels UI

Reply #2
If you can find where this config was downloaded, I can help you out with removing that panel and moving the rest of your stuff up. It looks fairly easy.

Alternatly, if you can right click on the config (in a 'background' area, such as between the panels) and click settings and post the code you see, that should contain what I need to help you out. However, I'd like to give this config a test run myself ;p.
Song List:

Panels UI

Reply #3
If you can find where this config was downloaded, I can help you out with removing that panel and moving the rest of your stuff up. It looks fairly easy.

Alternatly, if you can right click on the config (in a 'background' area, such as between the panels) and click settings and post the code you see, that should contain what I need to help you out. However, I'd like to give this config a test run myself ;p.

Code: [Select]
// Global
$puts(width,$eval($get(albumwidth) + 4))

    $puts(yoffset,$eval($get(width) + 18))

$puts(yoffset2,$eval($get(width) + 18))

$setpvar(tinyview,WINDOWSIZE:$eval($get(width) + 22):137:LEFT:TOP)
$setpvar(compactview,WINDOWSIZE:$eval($get(width) + 22):$eval($get(width) + 140):LEFT:TOP)
$setpvar(fullview,WINDOWSIZE:$eval($get(width) + 22):$get(fullheight):LEFT:TOP)

// Background

$drawrect(0,0,0,0,brushcolor-$get(background2) pencolor-$get(outline3))
$drawrect(0,0,0,4,brushcolor-$get(outline3) pencolor-null)
$drawrect(0,$eval(%_height% - 4),0,4,brushcolor-$get(outline3) pencolor-null)

// PerTrack
$select($eval($getpvar(layout) + 1),

    $select($eval($getpvar(panel_1) + 1),
        $panel(album art,Track Display,11,14,$get(width),$get(width),)

        $drawrect(11,14,$get(width),$eval($get(yoffset) - 69),brushcolor-$get(outline1) pencolor-$get(outline2))
        $panel(album list,Album list,12,16,$eval($get(width) - 2),$eval($get(yoffset) - 73),)
        $panel(playlist order,Track Display,$eval({$get(width) + 22 - 254} / 2),$eval($get(yoffset) - 44),254,14,)

        $select($eval($get(volume) + 1),
            $panel(volume2,Volume,$eval({{$get(width) + 22 - 254} / 2} + 186),$eval($get(yoffset) - 44),68,14,)

        $drawrect(11,$eval($get(yoffset) - 20),$get(width),91,brushcolor-$get(outline1) pencolor-$get(outline2))
        $panel(playlist switcher,Playlist switcher,12,$eval($get(yoffset) - 18),$eval($get(width) - 2),65,)
        $panel(quicksearch,Quick Search Toolbar,12,$eval($get(yoffset) + 47),$eval($get(width) - 2),22,)

        $panel(now playing,Track Display,11,$get(yoffset),$get(width),71,)
        $select($eval($get(progress) + 1),
            $panel($get(seekbar),WSH panel,$eval({$get(width) + 22 - 148} / 2),$eval($get(yoffset)+ 66),148,4,)

    $panel(toolbar,Track Display,$eval({$get(width) + 22 - 226} / 2),$eval($get(yoffset) + 81),226,14,)

        $drawrect(1,$eval($get(yoffset) + 118),$eval(%_width% - 2),4,brushcolor-$get(outline3) pencolor-null)
        $drawrect(1,$eval($get(yoffset) + 122),$eval(%_width% - 2),$eval(%_height% - $get(yoffset) - 126),brushcolor-$get(background) pencolor-null)

    $select($eval($getpvar(panel_2) + 1),
        $panel($get(scpl),Single Column Playlist,11,$eval($get(yoffset) + 132),$get(width),$eval(%_height%- $get(yoffset) - 146),)
        $select($eval($get(lyrics) + 1),
            $panel(lyrics,Track Display,11,$eval($get(yoffset) + 132),$get(width),$eval(%_height%- $get(yoffset) - 146),)
            $panel(lyrics2,Lyric Show,11,$eval($get(yoffset) + 132),$get(width),$eval(%_height%- $get(yoffset) - 146),)

    $panel($get(spectrum),Egoh Spectrum analyser,1,$eval($get(yoffset) + 105),$eval(%_width% - 2),13,)

    $panel(album art,Track Display,11,14,$get(width),$get(width),)
    $panel(now playing,Track Display,11,$get(yoffset2),$get(width),71,)
    $select($eval($get(progress) + 1),
        $panel($get(seekbar),WSH panel,$eval({$get(width) + 22 - 148} / 2),$eval($get(yoffset2)+ 66),148,4,)

    $panel(toolbar,Track Display,$eval({$get(width) + 22 - 226} / 2),$eval($get(yoffset2) + 81),226,14,)

    $select($eval($getpvar(panel_3) + 1),
        $drawrect(11,$eval($get(yoffset2) + 105),$get(width),$eval(%_height% - $get(yoffset2) - 244),brushcolor-$get(outline1) pencolor-$get(outline2))
        $panel(album list,Album list,12,$eval($get(yoffset2) + 107),$eval($get(width) - 2),$eval(%_height% - $get(yoffset) - 248),)
        $panel(playlist order,Track Display,$eval({$get(width) + 22 - 254} / 2),$eval(%_height% - 129),254,14,)

        $select($eval($get(volume) + 1),
            $panel(volume2,Volume,$eval({{$get(width) + 22 - 254} / 2} + 186),$eval(%_height% - 129),68,14,)

        $drawrect(11,$eval(%_height% - 105),$get(width),91,brushcolor-$get(outline1) pencolor-$get(outline2))
        $panel(playlist switcher,Playlist switcher,12,$eval(%_height% - 103),$eval($get(width) - 2),65,)
        $panel(quicksearch,Quick Search Toolbar,12,$eval(%_height% - 38),$eval($get(width) - 2),22,)
        $drawrect(11,$eval($get(yoffset2) + 105),$get(width),$eval(%_height% - $get(yoffset2) - 119),brushcolor-$get(outline1) pencolor-$get(outline2))
        $drawrect(12,$eval($get(yoffset2) + 107),$eval($get(width) - 2),$eval(%_height% - $get(yoffset2) - 123),brushcolor-$get(background) pencolor-null)
        $select($eval($get(lyrics) + 1),
            $panel(lyrics,Track Display,22,$eval($get(yoffset2) + 117),$eval($get(width) - 22),$eval(%_height% - $get(yoffset2) - 143),)
            $panel(lyrics2,Lyric Show,22,$eval($get(yoffset2) + 117),$eval($get(width) - 22),$eval(%_height% - $get(yoffset2) - 143),)

    $drawrect($eval($get(width) + 21),0,1,0,brushcolor-$get(outline3) pencolor-null)
    $drawrect($eval($get(width) + 22),4,$eval(%_width% - $get(width) - 23),$eval(%_height% - 8),brushcolor-$get(background) pencolor-null)

    $panel($get(scpl),Single Column Playlist,$eval($get(width) + 32),14,$eval(%_width% - $get(width) - 43),$eval(%_height% - 73),)

    $drawrect($eval($get(width) + 32),$eval(%_height% - 49),$eval(%_width% - $get(width) - 43),35,brushcolor-$get(outline1) pencolor-$get(outline2))
    $panel($get(spectrum2),Egoh Spectrum analyser,$eval($get(width) + 33),$eval(%_height% - 47),$eval(%_width% - $get(width) - 45),31,)


theres the code from right clicking the area i want removed.

as for where i got the config. i was sent it by a friend, so im not sure.

i was just searching through the boards here and i cannot find it anywhere... ill check if theres any readme located somewhere in my foobar folder that may give me a hint as to where it is

cant find a URL or anything, but the readme says this:

layout: gsm_flavored_mod
author: jclim00

hopefully thatll help you find it.

Panels UI

Reply #4
I found the theme, unfortunatly the download doesn't work. The code you provided didn't work correctly in foobar, so it may be a bit hard to figure out exactly what to do but I will give it a go (would be easier with the config, maybe send it to me? Anyways, give this code a shot (but backup your current stuff):

Find the line:

Code: [Select]
        $panel(playlist switcher,Playlist switcher,12,$eval(%_height% - 103),$eval($get(width) - 2),65,)

and change it to something along the lines of:

Code: [Select]
        $panel(playlist switcher,Playlist switcher,12,$eval(%_height% - 5),$eval($get(width) - 2),65,)

Notice I changed "$eval(%_height% - 103)" to "$eval(%_height% - 5)". I think that should move the panel UP in the config. I also changed "65" near the end to "265". The larger that number, the longer the panel is. So that should stretch the panel out more. There are two instances of the playlist switcher however, so I am not sure which one is which without seeing the config. Now we need to remove the panel you think is for lyrics. Again, there are two instances of this panel, so I don't quite know which is which. Here goes:

Find the code:

Code: [Select]
        $select($eval($get(lyrics) + 1),
            $panel(lyrics,Track Display,22,$eval($get(yoffset2) + 117),$eval($get(width) - 22),$eval(%_height% - $get(yoffset2) - 143),)
            $panel(lyrics2,Lyric Show,22,$eval($get(yoffset2) + 117),$eval($get(width) - 22),$eval(%_height% - $get(yoffset2) - 143),)

And get rid of it.

That might work, but I am kinda doubting it. Again, since I am not a pro or anything with Panels UI, I'd need the config to be sure.
Song List:

Panels UI

Reply #5
ok i tried that, and its only affected it when in expanded mode, but all its done is basically remove the playlist view completely, and hasnt affected the empty space for lyrics.

i dont know exactly what you need, so ive zipped up the entire program folder, and also zipped up the documents and settings/user/application data/ folder as well. they are both in seperate zip files within this zip file: download hurrrr

thanks a lot for your help.

Panels UI

Reply #6
So do you want the config to look like this:
. Hopefully this is easy enough to understand .
Song List:

Panels UI

Reply #7
That should all work. If you need more help, let me know . Hopefully this is easy enough to understand .

awesome, that works great, thanks a lot!

only 1 more thing if you dont mind me being a bother. in the smaller view where the playlist view just goes over the top of the album art, all the buttons for shuffle track, replay gain and volume etc, is there anyway to get those to appear under the playlist list? so that they are just above the regular play control buttons. just so its easier to use cause atm theyre right up the top of the screen.

thanks a lot for your help, this is great.

Panels UI

Reply #8
Yes it is. Replace the code under the // PerTrack header just like last time, and use this code:
Code: [Select]
//        $drawrect(11,14,$get(width),$eval($get(yoffset) - 69),brushcolor-$get(outline1) pencolor-$get(outline2))
//        $panel(album list,Album list,12,16,$eval($get(width) - 2),$eval($get(yoffset) - 73),)
        $panel(playlist order,Track Display,$eval({$get(width) + 22 - 254} / 2),$eval($get(yoffset) + 65),254,14,)

        $select($eval($get(volume) + 1),
            $panel(volume2,Volume,$eval({{$get(width) + 22 - 254} / 2} + 186),$eval($get(yoffset) - 44),68,14,)

        $drawrect(11,$eval($get(yoffset) - 20),$get(width),74,brushcolor-$get(outline1) pencolor-$get(outline2))
        $panel(playlist switcher,Playlist switcher,13,$eval($get(yoffset) - 265),$eval($get(width) - 4),290,)
        $panel(quicksearch,Quick Search Toolbar,13,$eval($get(yoffset) + 30),$eval($get(width) - 4),22,)

Replace up to:
Code: [Select]

That will work good for you . If you check out the wiki it is really useful for learning panels UI.
Song List:

Panels UI

Reply #9
ok that worked perfectly. thanks again!
and i just bookmarked that wiki page. ill check it out later when i have more time.