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Topic: foo_youtube (Read 558772 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: foo_youtube

Reply #625
Possible bug: when a video is stopped and restarted later, video does not work anymore. I don't think it happened with previous versions too.

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #626
Yes, thank you 3dyd for all your hard work. foobar2000 is now my favourite videoplayer   :D 
- have a nice easter holiday!

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #627
@MaCs, cannot reproduce this yet. Do you mean you stop playback then start the same track and video is not playing? Or you hit 'Stop video' in video frame context menu and then while track is playing select some video in Source popup menu from video frame context menu? Or something different? Also, do you use separated frame or UI element?

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #628
hi 3dyd

i have problem with run foo_youtube on XP SP2...
sound work ok, but video not working

latest version lavfilters not install on XP SP2
previous version lavfilters install sucess but foo_youtrube with him not working say "need install lav filters"

previous version foo_youtube not working with error 403 when attempt run any youtube link

sorry for my bad english

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #629
New version 1.15.1 beta 1

- video as UI element. Finally. And as usual, both for DUI and CUI. Multiple instances are allowed. Fullscreen view from UI element is possible. This is additional functionality, i.e. current separated video frame (menu View -> Visualisations -> Youtube Video) stays as is and will be the only way to have video UI separated from main window (at least within the component, using popup panels theoretically this should be possible)
- video autoplay (configured per UI element). Enabled by default. Can be disabled using video frame context menu. If disabled, video wont start playing until it will be manually selected using video frame context menu
- local video caching has been changed a bit. Now at switching to different quality the previous one will be freezed (instead of removing) until track is playing. If any UI element or separated video frame will need the same quality, it will pick up existing one. Use Activity UI element if you wonder about details what is going on with media data that is being downloaded by the component
- (DUI-only) UI elements configuration related to UI element itself (rather than to functionality represented by it) is now available only in editing mode (UI element border etc)
- fixed subtitles downloading. Embedded lyrics source also has been improved. Now it is possible to search subtitles on Youtube for tracks that are not Youtube tracks (disabled by default, should be enabled in 'Youtube Source' lyrics provider settings). Well, I expected more lyrics from it, though tests were not too deep so this may depend of what you are listening. Also this is quite expensive feature in terms of Youtube API usage so it might be removed in further component versions
- check for beta version when running stable (disabled by default). Current version is an example, it will be not reported by embedded 'check for update' mechanism. Purpose is quite obvious and not new - there are no way for me to test everyting, so when one thing it getting fixed or improved, some other things may become broken. Beta is a period for few weeks to find these issues. If you want to get new features earlier by the price of possible problems then welcome to beta testers (check appropriate option in Advanced component preferences). If not, then you will face your problems after release ;)

Thank you, who was said that this is not possible :)

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #630
@MaCs, cannot reproduce this yet. Do you mean you stop playback then start the same track and video is not playing? Or you hit 'Stop video' in video frame context menu and then while track is playing select some video in Source popup menu from video frame context menu? Or something different? Also, do you use separated frame or UI element?

It is strange, it seems that if a video has been played once, it will not start again (the audio plays but there is no video, just the description). I didn't hit "stop video". It happens with both separated frame and UI element.

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #631
Could you try fresh portable install with just this one component? To eliminate possible issue with the settings or other components. If there will be no issue then, paste here or via PM your component settings (menu Help -> Youtube Source -> Copy settings)

@foo_best, I checked SP2. LAV Splitter filter is running fine on it. The problem is in LAV Video filter, last supported version of which is 0.59.1.
Minimum required version is here to ensure that filter will fully support MPEG DASH which is actually up to splitter only. So minimum required version for video filter can be lowered, this will be done in next beta.

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #632
@foo_best, I checked SP2. LAV Splitter filter is running fine on it. The problem is in LAV Video filter, last supported version of which is 0.59.1.
Minimum required version is here to ensure that filter will fully support MPEG DASH which is actually up to splitter only. So minimum required version for video filter can be lowered, this will be done in next beta.

ok, good news
when next beta will be available?

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #633
Could you try fresh portable install with just this one component? To eliminate possible issue with the settings or other components. If there will be no issue then, paste here or via PM your component settings (menu Help -> Youtube Source -> Copy settings)

Same thing with a portable install. Maybe something is wrong with my network connection? Anyway here are the settings:

(int)libcurl/7.45.0 WinSSL zlib/1.2.8

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #634
Yep, settings are ok. If there is some network problem, log should say about that. Paste here your log after video does not start second time (to get it hold Shift key and press menu View -> Youtube Source Log)

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #635
Here is a log:

Code: [Select]
10:54:54, Video: LAV Splitter 0.68.0 (int), LAV Video 0.68.0 (int), VSFilter 3.0.0 (int, alt: 3.0.0 (ext))
11:11:15, #01, Page analysis,
11:11:15, #01,     Opening given Youtube URL...
11:11:16, #01,     Getting info about clip, processed 0 of 19 clip(s)...
11:11:16, #01,     01/19: MP4 240p 426×240 30fps 7.06 MB VO
11:11:16, #01,     02/19: MP4 360p 640×360 30fps 12.73 MB VO
11:11:16, #01,     03/19: MP4 480p 854×480 30fps 24.25 MB VO
11:11:16, #01,     04/19: MP4 720p 1280×720 30fps 45.16 MB VO
11:11:16, #01,     05/19: MP4 1080p 1920×1080 30fps 96.64 MB VO
11:11:16, #01,     06/19: M4A 44100Hz Stereo 129kbps AO 3.70 MB
11:11:16, #01,     07/19: MP4 144p 256×144 15fps 3.08 MB VO
11:11:16, #01,     08/19: 3GP 144p 176×144 10fps
11:11:16, #01,     09/19: OGG 44100Hz Stereo 121kbps AO 3.48 MB
11:11:16, #01,     10/19: MP4 360p 640×360 30fps
11:11:16, #01,     11/19: MP4 720p 1280×720 30fps
11:11:16, #01,     12/19: WebM 240p 426×240 30fps 4.55 MB VO
11:11:16, #01,     13/19: WebM 360p 640×360 30fps 8.70 MB VO
11:11:16, #01,     14/19: WebM 480p 854×480 30fps 16.97 MB VO
11:11:16, #01,     15/19: WebM 720p 1280×720 30fps 33.52 MB VO
11:11:16, #01,     16/19: WebM 1080p 1920×1080 30fps 54.05 MB VO
11:11:16, #01,     17/19: 3GP 240p 320×180 30fps
11:11:16, #01,     18/19: WebM 360p 640×360 30fps
11:11:16, #01,     19/19: FLV 240p 426×240 30fps
11:11:16, #01,     Total time consumed: 0.969 seconds
11:11:16, #01,     Ready
11:11:16, Audio opening m4a (https): download - foo_youtube, decode - ffmpeg
11:11:16, Activity#1 ( M4A 44100Hz Stereo 129kbps AO | 3.70 MB
11:11:16, Audio opening finished in 0.188 seconds
11:11:16, Video: opening (https): download - foo_youtube
11:11:16, Video: opening (https): download - foo_youtube
11:11:16, Activity#2 (video): WebM 480p 854×480 30fps VO | 16.97 MB
11:11:16, Activity#3 (video): WebM 480p 854×480 30fps VO | 16.97 MB
11:11:18, Video: opening finished in 1.422 seconds
11:11:18, Video: opening finished in 1.500 seconds
11:11:26, Activity#1 removed (lifetime 10.688s)
11:11:26, Activity#2 removed (lifetime 9.906s)
11:11:26, Activity#3 removed (lifetime 9.906s)
11:11:33, Audio opening m4a (https): download - foo_youtube, decode - ffmpeg
11:11:33, Activity#4 ( M4A 44100Hz Stereo 129kbps AO | 3.70 MB
11:11:33, Audio opening finished in 0.203 seconds
11:11:33, Video: opening (https): download - foo_youtube
11:11:33, Video: opening (https): download - foo_youtube
11:11:34, Activity#5 (video): MP4 480p 854×480 30fps VO | 24.25 MB
11:11:34, Activity#6 (video): MP4 480p 854×480 30fps VO | 24.25 MB
11:11:34, Video: opening finished in 0.672 seconds
11:11:34, Video: Cannot start playback
Connect source to the splitter: Il n’y a pas de type de média commun à ces broches.
11:11:34, Video: opening finished in 0.875 seconds
11:11:34, Video: Cannot start playback
Connect source to the splitter: Il n’y a pas de type de média commun à ces broches.
11:11:34, Activity#5 removed (lifetime 0.594s)
11:11:34, Activity#6 removed (lifetime 0.485s)

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #636
At second time it opens different format (MP4 instead of WebM). This is actually a bug, but it also means that you may just have problem with MP4. Enter mp4-vo in component preferences Video tab 'Priority of formats' and check 'Format takes precedence over quality'. Now open the clip from your example. Does it show the same error, but now at first time when you open the video?

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #637
Indeed, I did what you said and I seem to be a problem with MP4. Do you have an idea of what the cause could be?


Re: foo_youtube

Reply #638
Beta 2

- fixed two non-critical issues with caching
- minimal required version for LAV Video has been lowered to 0.59.1. Note, minimal version for LAV Splitter stays 0.67 to fully support MPEG DASH format
- advanced options to use Runtime Config mode for LAV Splitter and LAV Video (i.e. use default settings regardless of how the filters are configured in the system)

I have no idea why I initiated minor version change for this quite major update. So let's pretend this never happened and there are beta2 of 1.16.

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #639
@MaCs, it can be just an issue with splitter settings. To check this, install beta2, ensure that issue is still here, stop playback and check 'Switch LAV Splitter/Video to Runtime Config mode' in Advanced preferences Tools -> Youtube Source -> Video. Now start playback. If video plays ok now, then it is really up to splitter settings. You don't have it installed in the system, but the settings may still be there. And as possible reason (I reproduced the error by that) in its Input Format settings can be disabled mp4.

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #640
Beta 2

- fixed two non-critical issues with caching
- minimal required version for LAV Video has been lowered to 0.59.1. Note, minimal version for LAV Splitter stays 0.67 to fully support MPEG DASH format
- advanced options to use Runtime Config mode for LAV Splitter and LAV Video (i.e. use default settings regardless of how the filters are configured in the system)

I have no idea why I initiated minor version change for this quite major update. So let's pretend this never happened and there are beta2 of 1.16.

problem is solved! plugin on XP SP2 runned successfully!

my options:
LAV Splitter 0.67
LAV Audio 0.67
LAV Video 0.59.1

thanks for great plugin!

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #641
hmm one trouble exists

i look exist two connection, one for audio stream and one for video stream

audio stream work normal, ok.

video stream when 720p changed freeeze fps since provider change speed limit for one connection!
(but allow load in 2-3-4 connection on same speed limit for each connect)

possible load video stream in several connections, then overall speed limit wiil be upper
and will not affect on video stream and possible will look video in 720p

possible do it?

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #642
@MaCs, it can be just an issue with splitter settings. To check this, install beta2, ensure that issue is still here, stop playback and check 'Switch LAV Splitter/Video to Runtime Config mode' in Advanced preferences Tools -> Youtube Source -> Video. Now start playback. If video plays ok now, then it is really up to splitter settings. You don't have it installed in the system, but the settings may still be there. And as possible reason (I reproduced the error by that) in its Input Format settings can be disabled mp4.
Yes it works with the "Runtime Config mode". And what is the splitter?

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #643
Ok, I had an old installation of the LAV filters. I uninstalled it and will see if it solves the problem.

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #644
Everything seems to work well now, thanks for your help.

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #645
Glad to hear that.

I had an old installation of the LAV filters
Indeed, component will not display this. Moreover, it seems if filter is installed in the system, it will be used even when trying to load local filter from the file and there may be no way to prevent this. I need to check this more deeper.

possible load video stream in several connections, then overall speed limit wiil be upper
and will not affect on video stream and possible will look video in 720p

possible do it?
Unfortunately using current approach this is not possible. And it is more difficult that just downloading using simultaneous connections because need to provide sequential order of downloaded chunks to be able to play file. And chunks should have some balance between downloading speed and playback rate. I would not expect such functionality anytime soon.

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #646
in my system two monitors
i run plugin in fullscreen mode on first monitor
but if do click on second monitor then fullscreen mode off


Re: foo_youtube

Reply #647

Uncheck 'Turn video fullscreen off on program deactivation' in preferences Advanced -> Tools -> Youtube Source -> Video.

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #648

Uncheck 'Turn video fullscreen off on program deactivation' in preferences Advanced -> Tools -> Youtube Source -> Video.

aaa... ок:))
possible open video files with hard disk with foo_youtube?

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #649