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Topic: iPod manager (Read 2357704 times) previous topic - next topic
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[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #125
Does it play the files through the iPod, with the iPod as the player, or does it load them into foobar2000 to play them? Under the first scenario it might just play my ALAC files, but it won't under the second


[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #126
Does it play the files through the iPod, with the iPod as the player, or does it load them into foobar2000 to play them? Under the first scenario it might just play my ALAC files, but it won't under the second

It loads them into a regular foobar2000 playlist with the metadata from the DB file.  But there is an alac decoder component so foo should handle them...

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #127
Does it play the files through the iPod, with the iPod as the player, or does it load them into foobar2000 to play them?

I don't believe its possible to control the Ipod via the firewire or USB connector.  I think you need to use the serial interface on the dock connector to do that.

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #128
0.2.8 TEST released. Details in changelog. Main thing that needs testing is how new drive scanner works. The drive scanner is the first step in most of the iPod commands.

You can see the same in foobar by loading your library, and seeing the difference when you sort by:
or "%artist%|%album%|%discnumber%|$num(%tracknumber%,2)|%title%".

o.O  Interesting weirdness, I see what you mean.  Never noticed it before since I generally don't sort my playlists in foobar.  Thanks for your time on getting this straightened out, really appreciate it since I can't honestly say it'll come up for many users.

Yeah, I mean the string should have really been something like:
"%artist% | %album% | %discnumber% | $num(%tracknumber%,2) | %title%"
But that doesn't help here anyway.

In anycase, the problem should be resolved in 0.2.8 TEST.

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #130
Well, then it IS required. Or am I missing something?

1. What is the problem with installing iPodService? I must be missing something.
2. Otherwise, just don't use the Mount/Unmount commands? If you need to unmount you can do it from Safely Remove Hardware in the notification area, or even through My Computer / iPod context menu / Eject.
3. iPodService is a permanently running service with admin priveledges. You can't replace that with a foobar2000 component. Neither do I know the specifics of how it does its "soft/warm" eject/mount on the iPod: but I will guess it needs admin priviledges.

For the record, foo_pod does NOT require the service: it mounts/unmounts the device regardless.


1. This is not foo_pod, nor is it in competition with foo_pod, or intended as a replacement.
2. I'd like to see you mount the iPod using foo_pod without iPodService installed.
3. You don't need iPodService to use foo_dop either. And it will stay that way for the forseable future. Because iPodService is an undocumented API and I can't have that kind of dependency.

In short: did you actually try and use the component?

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #131
I think that avoiding iPod service is not worth the hassle.
It's installed with iPod updater wich is really a must have tool if something goes wrong with your device.
Even Rockbox developers recommend using it in case it fails to load properly or freezes.
In any case I don't notice it running except it's listed in task manager.

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #132
When sending files to iPod, the plugins always read floppy disk, any body confirm?
foo_dop 0.2.7
foobar2000 v0.9.2

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #133
0.2.8 TEST released. Details in changelog. Main thing that needs testing is how new drive scanner works. The drive scanner is the first step in most of the iPod commands.

Installed, drive scanner worked fine here.  Couldn't tell if it was faster since the old one wasn't noticably slow for me ever.  Did a reload info on the DB to clear up any possible lingering sort issues.  Seems to be working fine.

Also deleted everything I've added with foo_dop so far and then readded them.  All of my "recently added" smart playlists work right now, all tracks showed up regardless of last modified date on files.

Thanks again.

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #134

Well, then it IS required. Or am I missing something?

1. What is the problem with installing iPodService? I must be missing something.
Sometimes (at work, for example) you are not allowed to install software at will.
1. This is not foo_pod, nor is it in competition with foo_pod, or intended as a replacement.
I wasn't trying to compare the two products: I just wanted to say that it should be possible (if another component can do it). Please accept my apologies.
2. I'd like to see you mount the iPod using foo_pod without iPodService installed.
I don't have my iPod to do a test now, but I'm pretty sure I never needed to specifically mount the device to do file transfer (perhaps foo_pod does that automatically somehow).
In short: did you actually try and use the component?
In short, yes.

If I try Check if up-to-date on iPod or Find songs on iPod I receive a No iPod found! error (and yes, I can access my iPod from Windows Explorer). This is with 0.2.8 TEST.


[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #135
If I try Check if up-to-date on iPod or Find songs on iPod I receive a No iPod found! error (and yes, I can access my iPod from Windows Explorer). This is with 0.2.8 TEST.

Does 0.2.7 work? If so it must be problem with new drive scanner, let me know and I'll make you a test version to find out the cause. What OS also?

Edit: Actually, if this is Windows 2000 I found one probable cause of this.

Try this test version. Check if it works, and either way post all the info under "File/iPod/Debug" here (with your iPod connected).


[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #136
I'm having playlist issues again. (see my earlier posts). this time all of the "smart" playlists are entirely changing when i mount the ipod.

i'm not sure how to attach the DB files to this post or even where to send them (all together they're 14 MB)

music music how would you like me to get you these files?

also- regardless of this- as soon as playlist managment is implemented i'm kissing itunes goodbye.

thank you so much MM.

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #137
I used latest "test version" and it went smoothly except for some files which produced the following failed to transfer error "gave up searching for a reasonable file name"

does this mean that the filename on my computer is too long?

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #138
I don't know if this is an issue with foo_dop, but recently my iPod has started behaving strangely. When I skip to the next track, sometimes it will start playing that track at a random point, sometimes half way through, sometimes near the end, sometimes a few seconds after the start. Pressing the 'previous track' button causes it to start playing from the start, but it's still very annoying.
I'm using 0.2.7. I'll try 0.2.8 now.

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #139
I don't know if this is an issue with foo_dop, but recently my iPod has started behaving strangely. When I skip to the next track, sometimes it will start playing that track at a random point, sometimes half way through, sometimes near the end, sometimes a few seconds after the start. Pressing the 'previous track' button causes it to start playing from the start, but it's still very annoying.
I'm using 0.2.7. I'll try 0.2.8 now.

I had exactly the same problem with 0.2.7 but since upgrading to 0.2.8 the issue has been sorted for me.  In fact the way things stand I can't think of anything that is causing me any problems now, so much so I uninstalled ITunes today

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #140
I'm having playlist issues again. (see my earlier posts). this time all of the "smart" playlists are entirely changing when i mount the ipod.

i'm not sure how to attach the DB files to this post or even where to send them (all together they're 14 MB)

music music how would you like me to get you these files?

also- regardless of this- as soon as playlist managment is implemented i'm kissing itunes goodbye.

thank you so much MM.

Mounting the iPod shouldn't really change anything. I don't really use smart playlists, so I don't have much experience of them (and when exactly they are meant to refresh). But I think the iPod checks if the DB changed after you mount/unmount, maybe that relates to it.

Also just opening iTunes will cause iTunes to rewrite the database. Im not sure why, but I have ideas. But maybe this is related?

If you want to upload the DB you can compress the files, it should compress to something like 8% of original size using 7-Zip/LZMA/Ultra. There's an upload forum on this forum, I'd prefer that actually. But Im not sure how useful they would be anyway.

Otherwise I'll put some smart playlists on my iPod and see what I notice.

I used latest "test version" and it went smoothly except for some files which produced the following failed to transfer error "gave up searching for a reasonable file name"

does this mean that the filename on my computer is too long?

Were they files with "non-ascii" characters? (ASCII characters)

If when it tries to transfer the file, the dest filename exists it tries appending (n) to the filename, n=1,2,...,99. If all of those exists it gives up with that error. If the original filename is non-ascii there would be some chance of it being hit since those characters would be replaced with underscores. But there are 100 directories it sends files to so it would need a lot of files on your iPod for you to hit it. So Im somewhat skeptical that actually happened.

So check if you see anything like that (i.e. files with (1), (2) upto (99)) in your iPod music folders (the Fxx dirs under iPod_Control/Music I think, just go there and do a search for * to get a quick list of all the files there). If so Ill bump the number of filenames it tries. Otherwise there must be a bug in the code that handles this.

I don't know if this is an issue with foo_dop, but recently my iPod has started behaving strangely. When I skip to the next track, sometimes it will start playing that track at a random point, sometimes half way through, sometimes near the end, sometimes a few seconds after the start. Pressing the 'previous track' button causes it to start playing from the start, but it's still very annoying.
I'm using 0.2.7. I'll try 0.2.8 now.

Yes, it was discussed a bit earlier. Its fixed for new files sent using 0.2.8. I don't think it shouldn't be random time but last position your left that track at. For existing tracks you can toggle the "Remember playback position" setting using iTunes.

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #141
i'm sorry- not smart playlists.

the OTG playlist. when i mount my ipod it is saved as OTG1, OTG2 etc.

everytime i plug in my ipod the contents of OTG change when it switches to OTG1. and even the previously saved OTG2,3,4 change when i mount the ipod.

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #142
I've found a bug that Im surprised no one else has found due to its impact of the use of your iPod (4g iPod 20gb in my case). What happens is that when selecting a song I can not select anything that has multiple words, I have to first select a song that is a single word and then go next. For example I can't play the song Dani California unless I select the song Charlie and press previous twice. I think this is why oldmate Apple renamed the files to four unspaced letters when sending them to the iPod. It would be great if this would be fixed in the next release so I can continue using foo_dop as my primary iPod thingy

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #143

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #144
neither have i.

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #145
i'm sorry- not smart playlists.

the OTG playlist. when i mount my ipod it is saved as OTG1, OTG2 etc.

everytime i plug in my ipod the contents of OTG change when it switches to OTG1. and even the previously saved OTG2,3,4 change when i mount the ipod.

Well, mounting itself shouldn't change anything.

Have you configured iTunes to open when you connect your iPod?

What other software are you using with your iPod?

Also, when using foo_dop, keep the console open, and check for any errors there. Because any error reading the OTG playlists are going to go there at the moment. If there is an error, it will maybe cause some problems.

For the backup, I need: OTGPlaylistInfo + iTunesDB before the OTG playlist is saved as regular playlist, and iTunesDB afterwards.

I've found a bug that Im surprised no one else has found due to its impact of the use of your iPod (4g iPod 20gb in my case). What happens is that when selecting a song I can not select anything that has multiple words, I have to first select a song that is a single word and then go next. For example I can't play the song Dani California unless I select the song Charlie and press previous twice. I think this is why oldmate Apple renamed the files to four unspaced letters when sending them to the iPod. It would be great if this would be fixed in the next release so I can continue using foo_dop as my primary iPod thingy

Also not here on 3G iPod.

Maybe the "remember playback position" bug in 0.2.7 is the cause?

Otherwise, could you explain what you mean by "can not select". And upload your iTunesDB, why not.

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #146
sorry for being so dumb but how do i get those files before the OTG is saved as a regular playlist- it does this every time i plug it in. i've never used anything but itunes and foo_dop for my ipod and itunes does not open automatically. but everytime i plug it in it changes the OTG playlist to regular one.

my ipod is a 5G (video)...

anyway i'll see what i can do to get these files for you-

one more stupid question- where is the attachment option for this forum?

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #147
sorry for being so dumb but how do i get those files before the OTG is saved as a regular playlist- it does this every time i plug it in.

i've never used anything but itunes and foo_dop for my ipod and itunes does not open automatically. but everytime i plug it in it changes the OTG playlist to regular one.

my ipod is a 5G (video)...

Hmm.. strange. I wonder what's conveting them. Because my 3G doesn't do that automatically (needs iTunes, or foo_dop or something to do it). It could be the iPod but Im not so sure. Maybe you could try stopping the iPodService service (or kill the process, doesn't matter to me) and then attaching your iPod.

The files are usually kept in the hidden dir iPod_Control/iTunes on your iPod.

Also, does this happen without any foo_dop intervention. I mean, does just a mount and eject mess it up, no foo_dop involved.

Also, looking at the other report about this, could you try this:
-Load your iPod library into foobar2000 (leaving the order of that tracks unchanged).
-Disconnect the iPod, add some tracks to your OTG playlist.
-Note the position ("playlist numbers") of those tracks in the foobar2000 playlist you loaded earlier. (You can add %playlist_number% to your playlist display to make it easier)
-Connect your iPod, eject it so that the playlist is saved messed up.
-Note the position of the tracks that now appear in the saved playlist on the iPod in the playlist in foobar2000.

Post the numbers before and after here if you could.

Thanks for your help with this.

one more stupid question- where is the attachment option for this forum?

You have to use the upload forum.

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #148
I'll do all of this and get back to you.

When i load the library i do change the sorting order in foobar- is that bad (at the moment *to be fixed later).

this all happens without me doing anything- however my ipod service center does run. I'll make sure it doesn't when i try this next.

thank YOU for all help.

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #149
Sorry for not being clear before. But for example if I wanted to play Dani California and I selected it, the iPod would stop for a second and go to the next song. I often find that selecting a song with one word as the title it plays with no questions though sometimes I can get a multiworded song to play, sometimes. Althought if I play a one word song and go back to the song I wanted it would play fine as well... its quite the mystery.
