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Topic: HDCD Alterative? (Read 1328 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: HDCD Alterative?

Reply #1
Why is it dead? Pretty much all old/abandoned components work on 32bit fb2k v2. There are a few exceptions like foo_plorg.

Besides, a 64bit build is here,79427.msg1015635.html#msg1015635

You only had to check the last page of the thread.

Re: HDCD Alterative?

Reply #2
You can also consider using dBpowerAmp (with HDCD converter plugin activated). It converts the source 20bit in a 24bit FLAC container.

Re: HDCD Alterative?

Reply #4
The point about a player plug-in is not having to do that irreversible conversion.

I said consider.

It's lossless and stays lossless. Result is lossless 20bit inside a lossless 24bit container. The bonus would be you can see straight away in your ELP/NGP whatever that you have a HD source instead of having to play it to see that that particular track is more than 16bit.

I don't convert it myself but you might consider to do just that.

Re: HDCD Alterative?

Reply #5
I just added a tag to all my HDCD tracks which I display alongside the codec. Upon playback it only keeps showing HDCD if it truly is HDCD, meaning it's easy to see if I mistagged something.
Think millionaire, but with cannons.

Re: HDCD Alterative?

Reply #6
I just added a tag to all my HDCD tracks which I display alongside the codec. Upon playback it only keeps showing HDCD if it truly is HDCD, meaning it's easy to see if I mistagged something.

I do the same thing :-)

Re: HDCD Alterative?

Reply #7
Are you people certain you need to bother with HDCD? In my opinion that tech has always been dead. For example that Van Halen album shown in Defender's screenshot doesn't seem to use any HDCD features:,61731.msg551062.html#msg551062. If that's the case, it will just be quieter when decoded with HDCD component, or with the volume boost enabled it will be identical to non-decoded one.

Re: HDCD Alterative?

Reply #8
With the x64 HDCD component the HDCD status lights up even when only the transient filters are applied (a lot of the Audio Fidelity releases), even though the 'Utilities > Scan for HDCD tracks' correctly reports the features.

I've always used ffmpeg to determine the features and where applicable created another copy for playback.

Re: HDCD Alterative?

Reply #9
Are you people certain you need to bother with HDCD? In my opinion that tech has always been dead. For example that Van Halen album shown in Defender's screenshot doesn't seem to use any HDCD features:,61731.msg551062.html#msg551062. If that's the case, it will just be quieter when decoded with HDCD component, or with the volume boost enabled it will be identical to non-decoded one.

This Van Halen HDCD only has transient filter upon playing. I'm not listening to it.
I stick to the Rhino 2015 HD remasters.


Re: HDCD Alterative?

Reply #10
It is possible to set the software to only attenuate when peak extension is present.
However, it sometimes happens that a CD contains both HDCD tracks and non-HDCD. (Compilations, you know?) And if the track boundaries are slightly off, you might get HDCD packets in the wrong track. You might have a bit of manual ReplayGain adjustments  coming up.

ffmpeg can do some analysis. Which sometimes can go wrong:,121723.0.html

Are you people certain you need to bother with HDCD? In my opinion that tech has always been dead.
About 1 in 70 in my collection.

Re: HDCD Alterative?

Reply #11
I am certain I need it. 181 tracks in my collection are HDCD, spanning several of my favorite albums, including two albums and several singles from my favorite artist.
Think millionaire, but with cannons.

Re: HDCD Alterative?

Reply #12
I didn't doubt that you have HDCD tracks. Last time I checked I had several "HDCD" albums too, but when reviewing the features used the decoder did absolutely nothing for them.

Re: HDCD Alterative?

Reply #13
Ah, that makes sense. It looks like most of mine have "Peak extension".
Think millionaire, but with cannons.