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Topic: 32-bit ver and 64 bit ver have different rounding behaviors (Read 1995 times) previous topic - next topic
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32-bit ver and 64 bit ver have different rounding behaviors

When converting 32-bit floating-point PCM to 24-bit fixed-point PCM, the 32-bit version rounds half to even and the 64-bit version rounds half away from zero.
When converting 32-bit floating-point PCM to 16-bit fixed-point PCM, both round half to even.
Why is there such a difference?

Re: 32-bit ver and 64 bit ver have different rounding behaviors

Reply #1
Thanks for the bug report.

The difference comes from different CPU optimizations used in different builds.

These differences in output are not an intended behavior and will be addressed in a future update, though I can't think of actual harm caused by this, only synthetic test signals can ever expose them?
Microsoft Windows: We can't script here, this is bat country.

Re: 32-bit ver and 64 bit ver have different rounding behaviors

Reply #2
Fixed in today's build.
Microsoft Windows: We can't script here, this is bat country.