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Topic: Adding URL (http or WebDav) to the Media Library (Read 1174 times) previous topic - next topic
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Adding URL (http or WebDav) to the Media Library


Since I have no place to store terabytes of my favorite music while in emigration, I started thinking about organizing my own cloud playback. Currently, I have set up a combination of Oracle VPS < RClone > OneDrive. RClone can be configured to work over HTTP protocol or WebDAV. Inspired by this success, I wanted to tell my wife about it last night and installed the mobile version of Foobar on her phone. To my surprise, it was POSSIBLE to add a URL to the Media Library there. And it successfully scanned and created a database.

Why isn't this feature available in the PC version? I tried to add a link in the folder opening field in the Media Library menu in Settings, but an error occurs about incorrect data.