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Topic: WSH Panel Mod script discussion/help (Read 1488508 times) previous topic - next topic
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WSH Panel Mod script discussion/help

Reply #3050
Thanks a lot marc. Now I can work on my script and hopefully will get better/more matches.

One question: Does the Allmusic script only look for matches with an artist's albums? It seems like it because I don't think I've ever got matches for any artist compilations/anthologies.

WSH Panel Mod script discussion/help

Reply #3051
it looks up albums without an artist name first. it then tries to match artist/album on only the first page of results. the more generic the album title is (like greatest hits), the less likely you are to get a result.

WSH Panel Mod script discussion/help

Reply #3052
Just a thought: in the VBS script he created for the same kind of allmusic searches, Romor added a feature that would include both album artist and album in the search string if the album tag field had fewer than a certain number of characters.  It is very effective in bringing up the desired result to the first page of results for short album tag fields or album tag fields that contain common words like "greatest" or "best of" or similar, if the number of characters to trigger appending is less than 8 for these two examples or another user-set number to subsume other common terms.  Perhaps consider creating a variable reachable via the properties menu to set the minimum number of characters in the album tag field to trigger the appending action.

WSH Panel Mod script discussion/help

Reply #3053
it's working fine for me at the moment so hopefully it was just a temporary glitch at the time you posted??

You were right marc2003, it was a temporary glitch. Thank you

WSH Panel Mod script discussion/help

Reply #3054

WSH Playlist Viewer v2.0 (final)
WSH CoverFlow v1.4

* Scripts available at

* I have included them in a simple DefaultUI config (just a .fth to import), for those who are interested, get it at

I have a general question about Coverflow. maybe for Brett or for Marc?

When a cover is selected in coverflow, simplaylist will update to show the selection, but not other (marc2003) WSH panels; those panels remain on now playing and not the selection. I need to select the item again in simplaylist before other WSH panels are updated.

Is this a WSH limitation?

WSH Panel Mod script discussion/help

Reply #3055
i don't usually use the falstaff's coverflow script but i did a quick test and it behaved exactly as expected with my scripts.

are you sure you have the right setting set on the right click menu>Selection mode? this setting is not shared - they need to be set on a per panel basis.


WSH Panel Mod script discussion/help

Reply #3056
Just a thought: in the VBS script he created for the same kind of allmusic searches, Romor added a feature that would include both album artist and album in the search string if the album tag field had fewer than a certain number of characters.  It is very effective in bringing up the desired result to the first page of results for short album tag fields or album tag fields that contain common words like "greatest" or "best of" or similar, if the number of characters to trigger appending is less than 8 for these two examples or another user-set number to subsume other common terms.  Perhaps consider creating a variable reachable via the properties menu to set the minimum number of characters in the album tag field to trigger the appending action.

i've updated the script so it appends the artist to all searches. right click panel>Update script.

WSH Panel Mod script discussion/help

Reply #3057
are you sure you have the right setting set on the right click menu>Selection mode? this setting is not shared - they need to be set on a per panel basis.

I had chosen: selection mode>use display preferences.

my display prefs are: "Prefer current selection"

with those settings, your/my discogs script (update script says most current version is running) does not change when a coverflow item is selected.
However, simplaylist does update and if I make a selection in simplaylist, only then will the discogs view also update.

If I change: selection mode>prefer now playing, discogs always displays the now playing regardless of selection

If I change: selection mode>follow selected track, discogs *will* display the coverflow item when selected.


I guess the behaviour 'issue' is that:

selection mode>use display preferences

with simplaylist: clicking in the playlist, the discogs panel will update to show selection. clicking off of the playlist (on app edges for example) reverts the discogs panel to the now playing info. so you can switch back and forth easily between a selection and now playing.

coverflow interaction does not follow this behavior for some reason?

WSH Panel Mod script discussion/help

Reply #3058
clicking off of the playlist (on app edges for example) reverts the discogs panel to the now playing info.

are you sure that's with the main foobar preference to prefer the selected track? that's different from what i experience. i find doing that makes my panel makes my panel display details of the first item in the playlist.

anyway, using coverflow doesn't update the default UI selection properties either so it looks to be a limitation of the WSH component as a playlist viewer/default UI preferences set to prefer current track.

WSH Panel Mod script discussion/help

Reply #3059
clicking off of the playlist (on app edges for example) reverts the discogs panel to the now playing info.

are you sure that's with the main foobar preference to prefer the selected track?

yep, clicking on any interface edges (hastily drawn in red for example)

thanks for checking.


btw, I do have another interesting undocumented feature in your scripts.

with "Enable layout editing mode" on and selecting 'properties' of your scripts, enhanced custom settings can be made - such as setting custom thumbnail sizes for example.

One tweak I'm wondering about is on your "Simple Tag Reader" script.

If I edit the properties as described above, I can use a really long custom tag, but if I try the same custom tag in the normal interface settings, I get a tag too long error, visit forums.

Just wondering why the restriction?

WSH Panel Mod script discussion/help

Reply #3060
yes you can use the properties dialog to enter strings that are long. the dialog i use has a max limit of 254 characters which is why you get a message.

also, you don't have to enable layout editing mode. you can hold shift before right clicking and you'll get the Properties option on the right click menu.

WSH Panel Mod script discussion/help

Reply #3061
I had a trouble getting panel to work. When I start foobar I get

Scripting Engine Initialization Failed (WSH panel, CODE: 0x80020101)

and console says

Error: WSH Panel Mod (WSH panel): Error compiling Microsoft JScript:
Assumed presence of identificator, line or number
File <main>
Ln: 381, Col: 9

That's not a direct quote but close translation of it. I've looked around and found no solution to this problem

Not sure if this is the wrong place to post this, I am sorry if it is.

WSH Panel Mod script discussion/help

Reply #3062
i've never seen that before. can you link to what script you're trying to use.

WSH Panel Mod script discussion/help

Reply #3063
It's a custom script based on the one made by so_kindly, it's a part of StrigUI.

WSH Panel Mod script discussion/help

Reply #3064
It's a custom script based on the one made by so_kindly, it's a part of StrigUI.

line 380, remove the comma set at the end, it has nothing to do here...

380:      CursorFollowMode: window.GetProperty("B01.Panel.CursorFollowMode", CursorFollowMode.OnlyStopped),


WSH Panel Mod script discussion/help

Reply #3065
It worked! Thank you very much!

WSH Panel Mod script discussion/help

Reply #3066
@Falstaff, WSH Playlist Viewer 2013
It would ne great if it was possible to rename playlist. It would be very useful for example to rename radio stations, like it is possible with eSPlaylist.

WSH Panel Mod script discussion/help

Reply #3067
i've updated the script so it appends the artist to all searches. right click panel>Update script.

This helps return more matches, esp. with generic album titles. My main nuisance now is various artist albums, but that's my problem to figure out. Anyway, thanks again for all the help.

WSH Panel Mod script discussion/help

Reply #3068
I'm curious as to whether %list_index% is accessible for the playing track and to know if anyone has contemplated or actually made a status bar script either as an adjunct (or a replacement for use in CUI) ?

I'm asking because of this thread and others in a similar vein.

WSH Panel Mod script discussion/help

Reply #3069
My main nuisance now is various artist albums, but that's my problem to figure out. Anyway, thanks again for all the help.

only one of my various artist albums exists on allmusic and it's rather odd that it's not found if various artists is sent as part of the search. it is found if i omit it and search for the album title only. if you want to try this yourself, open the file common7.js (inside the marc2003 folder) and find this line of code..

Code: [Select]
this.allmusic_search = "" + encodeURIComponent(this.album + " " + this.artist);

replace it with

Code: [Select]
this.allmusic_search = "" + encodeURIComponent(this.album + (this.artist.toLowerCase() == "various artists" ? "" : " " + this.artist));

here's a quick and dirty status bar which shows the playing item index.

(it is reliant on having the marc2003 folder from my pack of scripts being present)

WSH Panel Mod script discussion/help

Reply #3070
Hi guys. Is this a place to request a little something based on WSH? I hope so, because I'm in need of cover retriever. A one that would simply grab a cover image from junodownload, basing on Artist/Album info.

Though actually, I was thinking that it could be simpler to make it sweep across google images. For example - it runs a search on query "Artist - Title" or "Publisher - Catalog number"(which it automatically grabs from tags) plus it has a little configuration window where one can punch in some additional words like "junodownload", "bandcamp" or maybe "-itunes" to remove it from search and set dimensions and image size so that it would narrow the final results. Why then you just see the results, press the picture and it automatically saves it to a folder under name of "cover.jpg" or any other one, maybe the one you'd choose it configuration window of a Mod.

Would such thing take a long to make?

WSH Panel Mod script discussion/help

Reply #3071
Hi guys. Is this a place to request a little something based on WSH? I hope so, because I'm in need of cover retriever. A one that would simply grab a cover image from junodownload, basing on Artist/Album info.

Though actually, I was thinking that it could be simpler to make it sweep across google images. For example - it runs a search on query "Artist - Title" or "Publisher - Catalog number"(which it automatically grabs from tags) plus it has a little configuration window where one can punch in some additional words like "junodownload", "bandcamp" or maybe "-itunes" to remove it from search and set dimensions and image size so that it would narrow the final results. Why then you just see the results, press the picture and it automatically saves it to a folder under name of "cover.jpg" or any other one, maybe the one you'd choose it configuration window of a Mod.

Would such thing take a long to make?

I have already made ''biografy photos'' modified Marc ''thumbs script'' that use google or yahoo to search pic.
You can enter in search query ''custom search terms''- ''junodownload'' , '''' , ''itunes'' ex., it should work, but it's not perfect.
You don't have control what google will display in search results, so you must create filter...
Anyway this is possible..

Problem is that my script loads small pictures only (Marc can do this better..)

Did you try this?:

WSH Panel Mod script discussion/help

Reply #3072
Awesome. Thanks, mire777.
Now I just need to learn how to limit the dimensions and size.

Can't seem to set a hotkey to it - what's up with that? Using google component.

WSH Panel Mod script discussion/help

Reply #3073
Awesome. Thanks, mire777.
Now I just need to learn how to limit the dimensions and size.

Can't seem to set a hotkey to it - what's up with that? Using google component.

For hotkey you go here:
File>preferences>keyboard shortcuts>

Find: [context] download picture / cover

For dimensions and size limit, seems that there is no such option, so you must ask developer for this..

WSH Panel Mod script discussion/help

Reply #3074
Code: [Select]
this.allmusic_search = "" + encodeURIComponent(this.album + " " + this.artist);

Code: [Select]
this.allmusic_search = "" + encodeURIComponent(this.album + (this.artist.toLowerCase() == "various artists" ? "" : " " + this.artist));

How does the second line differ from the first in how a search is conducted? I could offer a guess but I already make myself look stupid on a regular basis without guessing lol.

here's a quick and dirty status bar which shows the playing item index.

(it is reliant on having the marc2003 folder from my pack of scripts being present)

Hmmm. That was fast. I don't use the status bar, but I might find a use for this even if those people I was asking for do not. Thanks.