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Topic: Wavpack CCAS plugin ready for testing (Read 5068 times) previous topic - next topic
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Wavpack CCAS plugin ready for testing

The plugin is ready for testing and is reported to work fine, means that TCMP supports 2 different lossless codecs with FLAC and WavPack now ...

EDIT : of course, you need to download the player first from

EDIT2 : and another fancy plugin for old audio formats from DeXT :

Wavpack CCAS plugin ready for testing

Reply #1
Weeee! Finally, a good reason for me to start dealing with TCMP.

Edit: "and another fancy plugin for old audio formats from DeXT"

Not really old audio formats. As it seems, it's just a wrap around good ol' libsndfile. Old and new audio formats are mixed there.

Wavpack CCAS plugin ready for testing

Reply #2
EDIT3 : I was posting rubbish, with the Monkey ( APE ) plugin that is around for some time now TCMP supports 3 lossless formats already  ....