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Topic: Android app only indexes the first 4 tags from %album artist% tag (Read 1348 times) previous topic - next topic
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Android app only indexes the first 4 tags from %album artist% tag

I use the Android app exclusively playing files from an SMB share.

I have some compilation albums with various artists, and have these albums listed under every one of those performing artists on PC side of things; for example with a 11 artist album, I just tag every artist playing on the compilation to "album artist" tag of the tracks with MP3Tag as "artist1 / artist2 / artist3..." and so forth. This allows the whole album to show under every tagged artist on PC version of F2K, and works atleast with 20+ artists listed in the album artist section of the tracks. My sorting I use on PC:

%<album artist>%|%year% - %album%|[[%discnumber%.]%tracknumber%.
][%track artist% - ]%title%

On the Android app, I've noticed a peculiarity with these same albums which show correctly on PC: Everything shows just as it does on PC, until the tracks have more than 4 artists listed in the "album artist" tag. The app seems to only read the first 4 artists from the tag correctly. To clarify further with an example: I have that compilation album of 11 artists, so I proceed to tag every one of those 11 artists on the .mp3 files "album artist" tag as follows: artist1 / artist2 / artist3 / artist4 / artist5... In the Android apps "Album Artist / Album" default view, every one of these tracks show correctly under artist1, artist2, artist3 and artist4 but beyond that, nothing. So beyond artist4, the compilation album nor the tracks do not show anywhere within the "Album Artist / Album" view. The tracks from artist5 and onward can only be found under the artist5, artist6.. and so on if I go to "Advanced Search > Artist / Album" view.

This behaviour can be reproduced across the board with every compilation which has its tracks tagged with more than 4 artists in the "album artist" tag. Is this something that could be fixed?