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Topic: FB2k on Android 15/ GrapheneOS (Read 2071 times) previous topic - next topic
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FB2k on Android 15/ GrapheneOS


there is no audio when using foobar2000 on Android15 Grapheneos. 

Foobar version 1.6.6
versionCode 944
targetSdk 34
minSdk 24

I tried with .m3u radio streams (bbc world service)/and an mp3.

Both souces played in VLC.

How can I get the logs from foobar to post here? Because these do not look detailed enough:

Code: [Select]
Monitoring: foobar2000 Music Folder : /data/user/0/com.foobar2000.foobar2000/data/Music
Monitoring: Music on Internal Storage : /storage/emulated/0/Music
FFmpeg version: 6.1.1
Build info: ARM 64-bit
Startup time : 0:00.047240
Android device info:
Opening track for playback: " "
Manufacturer: Google
Product: redfin
Model: Pixel 5
API level: 34
Media library: scan beginning
Pointing input: YES
Supported ABIs: arm64-v8a,armeabi-v7a,armeabi
Last browse view session path: Playlists [Music on Internal Storage]|radio-AU-playlist.m3u
Media library: scan ended, changed: no, time: 0:00.012
Image cache: 89 files, 307 KB
Button clicked, time since init: 1424595
Opening track for playback: ""
Opening track for playback: ""
Opening track for playback: ""
Button clicked, time since init: 20264
Saving console logs. Use FTP server to retrieve saved logs.
Opening path handed by system: content://media/external/file/69
Opening track for playback: "[android document] mixkit-vintage-telephone-ringtone-1356.wav"
No longer saving console logs.
Saving console logs. Use FTP server to retrieve saved logs.
FB2K love it.

Re: FB2k on Android 15/ GrapheneOS

Reply #1
Tested these radio streams in Android 15 emulator, everything seems to be in working order.
Unfortunately I do not own any Graphene OS supported device and can't test it.

Is the playback progress time moving when trying to play these streams & files?

In Advanced Settings please toggle OpenSL audio output (first setting on top), it will use a different audio playback interface which was known to fix similar problems with many old devices.
Microsoft Windows: We can't script here, this is bat country.

Re: FB2k on Android 15/ GrapheneOS

Reply #2
Are you, by chance, using some additional audio processing, like ?
It has this problem on A 15 specifically.
Where OpenSL output is also not affected (but/because) it's also not processed.
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