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Topic: "External Storage" option not available in Android. (Read 1379 times) previous topic - next topic - Topic derived from Re: "External Storage...
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"External Storage" option not available in Android.

Thanks for reporting.
The new version has a workaround for these issues - effectively bringing back the old file system behaviors.
Go to advanced settings, enable "use old folder picker". Then remove your library folders and add them back. You should not see any of those bugs again, though you will not be able to write to external storage this way.
i have currently the current version of foobar 2000 mobile on my phone ( dec 2024) and from foo bar app opened on my phone, i cannot see the external memory folders to play from, it requires from me some kind of address to input which i cannot do, we don't get so far  to ai and bluetooth to go back of inserting location or path, i don't even know what to insert so foobar2000 mobile can get to my sdhc on my phone clearly specified as external storage as his setting

Re: "External Storage" option not available in Android.

Reply #1
i have currently the current version of foobar 2000 mobile on my phone ( dec 2024) and from foo bar app opened on my phone, i cannot see the external memory folders to play from, it requires from me some kind of address to input which i cannot do, we don't get so far  to ai and bluetooth to go back of inserting location or path, i don't even know what to insert so foobar2000 mobile can get to my sdhc on my phone clearly specified as external storage as his setting
Press the +Folder button and select the storage directory location for your files. If you don't see that, please confirm what device and version of Android you are using.