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Topic: Accessibility problems with Foobar2000 for iOS (Read 1293 times) previous topic - next topic
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Accessibility problems with Foobar2000 for iOS


my name is Adrian Kurz and I am blind. I use Foobar2000 on Windows for many years now.
On mobile, I use iOS 18.2 on an iPhone 11. The most parts of Foobar2000 mobile are very accessible. But there are two problems.
1. The playback screen, after activating a media file, isn't accessible. Voice Over (Screen Reader of iOS) don't recognices any element, the screen looks completely empty to me.
2. The Button to open the Menu (tools, settings) isn't clearly labeled, the labels is not meaningful.
Would it be possible to fix these problems? It would be great, because Foobar2000 has all features I need.

Re: Accessibility problems with Foobar2000 for iOS

Reply #1
Problems noted, thanks for reporting.
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