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Topic: [Feature Request] Add to Playback Queue Looped (FB2K PC exclusive function) (Read 2913 times) previous topic - next topic
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[Feature Request] Add to Playback Queue Looped (FB2K PC exclusive function)

I'm searching for an android player that does what Foobar2000 on PC does: plays a LOOPED song/beat until i click 'Add to Playback Queue' on a new song/beat so it starts playing when previous one finish, automagically.

Every player i've tried can't do this. Lots of them have an 'Add to Playback Queue' option but wont start playing that song/beat until i stop looping the previous one AKA disabling looping.

But i need em' to play looped non stop and seamlessly gaplessly play the next loop, like the Foobar2000 on PC which is the only player i know that can do that.

Thanks much!  :)

Re: [Feature Request] Add to Playback Queue Looped (FB2K PC exclusive function)

Reply #1
Bump. I will remark this is an exclusive FB2K functionality.
So why anyone bother choosing one between tens of mobile music players if not for the exclusive stuff that software provides?

I just want FB2K magic on Android.

Re: [Feature Request] Add to Playback Queue Looped (FB2K PC exclusive function)

Reply #2
Make mobile FB2K like PC version again!

Re: [Feature Request] Add to Playback Queue Looped (FB2K PC exclusive function)

Reply #3
New version (1.5) and still not like the PC version.

Re: [Feature Request] Add to Playback Queue Looped (FB2K PC exclusive function)

Reply #4
Seems we need to wait more so this PC feature make it on mobile Foobar too..

Re: [Feature Request] Add to Playback Queue Looped (FB2K PC exclusive function)

Reply #5
I can wait, no problem. Wanna see the WHOLE foobar working on mobile app.