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Topic: CUETools.ARCue.exe reports a bad rip as accurately ripped. What's going on here? (Read 2039 times) previous topic - next topic
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CUETools.ARCue.exe reports a bad rip as accurately ripped. What's going on here?

My process includes running CUETools.ARCue.exe against each rip I do; if the analysis comes back with sample differences and no accurate rips at the CTDBID level, that extraction is filed separately for repair.

A recent rip of this disc got flagged as needing repair due to this block in the log:
Code: [Select]
        [ CTDBID ] Status
        [694191f3] (275/285) Differs in 3414 samples @36:25:74-36:26:04
        [873d51b7] (006/285) Has pregap length 00:00:00, Differs in 3425 samples @36:25:74-36:26:04
        [5d8f06ea] (001/285) No match
        [ee30693b] (001/285) No match
        [88d75623] (001/285) No match
        [be3f4c65] (001/285) Has pregap length 00:00:00, No match
Fair enough. But! The log also contains this output in the per-track analysis:
Code: [Select]
Track | CTDB Status
  1   | (285/285) Accurately ripped
  2   | (285/285) Accurately ripped
  3   | (285/285) Accurately ripped
  4   | (284/285) Accurately ripped
  5   | (285/285) Accurately ripped
  6   | (285/285) Accurately ripped
  7   | (283/285) Accurately ripped
  8   | (285/285) Accurately ripped
  9   | (285/285) Accurately ripped
 10   | (281/285) Accurately ripped
The AccurateRip analysis in the same log indicates consistently that T10 is bad.

A second rip on a different drive comes back as fully accurate across the board, in the per-CTDBID results, the per-track CTDB results (with T10 at 284/285 -- no idea where the "284" comes from, see the full log below) and the AccurateRip results.

Bit-comparing the first and second rips in foobar2000 shows differences in 5342 values (fb2k counts differences in the L and R channels at a given sample position separately) but by my count there are actually 3543 sample positions with differences between the bad rip and the good one so I'm not sure what the "differs in samples" value is actually counting. (Not saying that's directly relevant, just calling it out.)

Worse: CUETools doesn't see the first rip as needing repair even though it doesn't match the fully-verified second rip. A Verify run in CUETools shows the first (bad) rip as accurately ripped at the track level and a fix-and-encode run on the bad rip results in a bit-identical output file, which CUETools.ARCue.exe still reports the same sample differences in. If not for my using the --verbose option in CUETools.ARCue.exe, which forces output of the per-CTDBID results, the initial bad rip would pass as accurate.

Complete log files follow. Results are identical in v2.2.2, v2.2.0 and v2.1.8. Any thoughts on what's going on here would be appreciated.

First rip:
Code: [Select]
[CUETools log; Date: 2022-06-25 15:16:07; Version: 2.2.0]
Pregap length 00:00:33.
[CTDB TOCID: NWgGY1LN2Xn4wI0u0d5hkuyxiQE-] found.
        [ CTDBID ] Status
        [694191f3] (275/285) Differs in 3414 samples @36:25:74-36:26:04
        [873d51b7] (006/285) Has pregap length 00:00:00, Differs in 3425 samples @36:25:74-36:26:04
        [5d8f06ea] (001/285) No match
        [ee30693b] (001/285) No match
        [88d75623] (001/285) No match
        [be3f4c65] (001/285) Has pregap length 00:00:00, No match
Track | CTDB Status
  1   | (285/285) Accurately ripped
  2   | (285/285) Accurately ripped
  3   | (285/285) Accurately ripped
  4   | (284/285) Accurately ripped
  5   | (285/285) Accurately ripped
  6   | (285/285) Accurately ripped
  7   | (283/285) Accurately ripped
  8   | (285/285) Accurately ripped
  9   | (285/285) Accurately ripped
 10   | (281/285) Accurately ripped
[CTDB TOCID: NWgGY1LN2Xn4wI0u0d5hkuyxiQE-] found.
        [ CTDBID ] Status
        [694191f3] (275/285) Differs in 3414 samples @36:25:74-36:26:04
        [873d51b7] (006/285) Has pregap length 00:00:00, Differs in 3425 samples @36:25:74-36:26:04
        [5d8f06ea] (001/285) No match
        [ee30693b] (001/285) No match
        [88d75623] (001/285) No match
        [be3f4c65] (001/285) Has pregap length 00:00:00, No match
Track | CTDB Status
  1   | (285/285) Accurately ripped
  2   | (285/285) Accurately ripped
  3   | (285/285) Accurately ripped
  4   | (284/285) Accurately ripped
  5   | (285/285) Accurately ripped
  6   | (285/285) Accurately ripped
  7   | (283/285) Accurately ripped
  8   | (285/285) Accurately ripped
  9   | (285/285) Accurately ripped
 10   | (281/285) Accurately ripped
[AccurateRip ID: 000e1076-0070ad88-7f088a0a] found.
Track   [  CRC   |   V2   ] Status
 01     [ebcc8e8e|4335820e] (013+054/179) Accurately ripped
 02     [f5b487ab|9a83df0b] (013+053/179) Accurately ripped
 03     [18dc370f|9693b3a5] (013+053/177) Accurately ripped
 04     [463c795d|8c91c52f] (013+054/180) Accurately ripped
 05     [dc345fc8|fb18ef72] (013+054/180) Accurately ripped
 06     [ecd16e82|a6c8bb11] (013+054/182) Accurately ripped
 07     [6e8c9d04|60091e55] (013+052/178) Accurately ripped
 08     [c6564523|8332c72b] (013+054/181) Accurately ripped
 09     [45356dc0|88b86709] (013+053/180) Accurately ripped
 10     [d2ec80e2|56965bab] (000+000/177) No match
Offsetted by -12:
 01     [d70c77c2] (000/179) No match (V2 was not tested)
 02     [ca317a73] (000/179) No match (V2 was not tested)
 03     [f9b8449f] (000/177) No match (V2 was not tested)
 04     [6c83efad] (000/180) No match (V2 was not tested)
 05     [78f7bdb0] (000/180) No match (V2 was not tested)
 06     [afe99da6] (000/182) No match (V2 was not tested)
 07     [12fb730c] (000/178) No match (V2 was not tested)
 08     [62a1ce87] (000/181) No match (V2 was not tested)
 09     [bcfffa04] (000/180) No match (V2 was not tested)
 10     [a06f2bd2] (000/177) No match (V2 was not tested)
Offsetted by 340:
 01     [37b9bf22] (003/179) Accurately ripped
 02     [c68afe33] (003/179) Accurately ripped
 03     [8b2c0c1f] (003/177) Accurately ripped
 04     [5efe612d] (003/180) Accurately ripped
 05     [d7ea5070] (003/180) Accurately ripped
 06     [ffcee186] (003/182) Accurately ripped
 07     [90f2eccc] (003/178) Accurately ripped
 08     [79fa1067] (003/181) Accurately ripped
 09     [58753ce4] (003/180) Accurately ripped
 10     [69764052] (000/177) No match (V2 was not tested)
Offsetted by 664:
 01     [67fc26a6] (010/179) Accurately ripped
 02     [5d5d631b] (010/179) Accurately ripped
 03     [d3f69def] (010/177) Accurately ripped
 04     [5574e6bd] (010/180) Accurately ripped
 05     [4f4f68f8] (010/180) Accurately ripped
 06     [6c41e8ba] (010/182) Accurately ripped
 07     [394259f4] (010/178) Accurately ripped
 08     [fe0292db] (010/181) Accurately ripped
 09     [b61871b8] (010/180) Accurately ripped
 10     [bcae3902] (000/177) No match (V2 was not tested)
Offsetted by 999:
 01     [6b43f865] (017/179) Accurately ripped
 02     [dc129421] (017/179) Accurately ripped
 03     [f94ccdfb] (017/177) Accurately ripped
 04     [537f3fd9] (017/180) Accurately ripped
 05     [61ac1616] (017/180) Accurately ripped
 06     [7b341a0d] (017/182) Accurately ripped
 07     [758182ea] (017/178) Accurately ripped
 08     [32c5d75e] (017/181) Accurately ripped
 09     [109750a3] (017/180) Accurately ripped
 10     [fe2e6a56] (000/177) No match (V2 was not tested)
Offsetted by 1017:
 01     [0a641a97] (000/179) No match (V2 was not tested)
 02     [9d5727f5] (000/179) No match (V2 was not tested)
 03     [a802b9a3] (000/177) No match (V2 was not tested)
 04     [1a140e61] (000/180) No match (V2 was not tested)
 05     [7687093a] (000/180) No match (V2 was not tested)
 06     [568fd357] (000/182) No match (V2 was not tested)
 07     [7edb41de] (000/178) No match (V2 was not tested)
 08     [c8548948] (000/181) No match (V2 was not tested)
 09     [dce77e3d] (000/180) No match (V2 was not tested)
 10     [c9ea69ee] (000/177) No match (V2 was not tested)
Offsetted by 1328:
 01     [e42bbebe] (003/179) Accurately ripped
 02     [c5063e8b] (003/179) Accurately ripped
 03     [8f1104cf] (003/177) Accurately ripped
 04     [64ad541d] (003/180) Accurately ripped
 05     [c26a7228] (003/180) Accurately ripped
 06     [ebb262f2] (003/182) Accurately ripped
 07     [03f816e4] (003/178) Accurately ripped
 08     [35aee093] (003/181) Accurately ripped
 09     [26fb75b0] (003/180) Accurately ripped
 10     [a66ff122] (000/177) No match (V2 was not tested)

Track Peak [ CRC32  ] [W/O NULL] [  LOG   ]
 --   85.2 [33BA4864] [673D87E1]  W/O NULL
 01   85.2 [730C8E4A] [1F941916]
 02   75.7 [CF5931D0] [A6C14BE3]
 03   62.0 [C18E3ACE] [8790F954]
 04   72.2 [8337E575] [06B7F47B]
 05   72.4 [61670F12] [C5FCE5AA]
 06   76.4 [EA53883F] [D1BDD789]
 07   75.5 [0CBFAFC0] [EBCFF13A]
 08   71.6 [5E8B44B6] [17884E3E]
 09   55.8 [6F01EA80] [A8D9391E]
 10   72.6 [5FC9B638] [2284CC46]

Second rip:
Code: [Select]
[CUETools log; Date: 2022-06-25 17:32:04; Version: 2.2.0]
Pregap length 00:00:33.
[CTDB TOCID: NWgGY1LN2Xn4wI0u0d5hkuyxiQE-] found.
        [ CTDBID ] Status
        [694191f3] (275/285) Accurately ripped
        [873d51b7] (006/285) Has pregap length 00:00:00, Accurately ripped
        [5d8f06ea] (001/285) No match
        [ee30693b] (001/285) No match
        [88d75623] (001/285) No match
        [be3f4c65] (001/285) Has pregap length 00:00:00, No match
Track | CTDB Status
  1   | (285/285) Accurately ripped
  2   | (285/285) Accurately ripped
  3   | (285/285) Accurately ripped
  4   | (284/285) Accurately ripped
  5   | (285/285) Accurately ripped
  6   | (285/285) Accurately ripped
  7   | (283/285) Accurately ripped
  8   | (285/285) Accurately ripped
  9   | (285/285) Accurately ripped
 10   | (284/285) Accurately ripped
[AccurateRip ID: 000e1076-0070ad88-7f088a0a] found.
Track   [  CRC   |   V2   ] Status
 01     [ebcc8e8e|4335820e] (013+054/179) Accurately ripped
 02     [f5b487ab|9a83df0b] (013+053/179) Accurately ripped
 03     [18dc370f|9693b3a5] (013+053/177) Accurately ripped
 04     [463c795d|8c91c52f] (013+054/180) Accurately ripped
 05     [dc345fc8|fb18ef72] (013+054/180) Accurately ripped
 06     [ecd16e82|a6c8bb11] (013+054/182) Accurately ripped
 07     [6e8c9d04|60091e55] (013+052/178) Accurately ripped
 08     [c6564523|8332c72b] (013+054/181) Accurately ripped
 09     [45356dc0|88b86709] (013+053/180) Accurately ripped
 10     [695cad4b|b830efd4] (012+053/177) Accurately ripped
Offsetted by -12:
 01     [d70c77c2] (000/179) No match (V2 was not tested)
 02     [ca317a73] (000/179) No match (V2 was not tested)
 03     [f9b8449f] (000/177) No match (V2 was not tested)
 04     [6c83efad] (000/180) No match (V2 was not tested)
 05     [78f7bdb0] (000/180) No match (V2 was not tested)
 06     [afe99da6] (000/182) No match (V2 was not tested)
 07     [12fb730c] (000/178) No match (V2 was not tested)
 08     [62a1ce87] (000/181) No match (V2 was not tested)
 09     [bcfffa04] (000/180) No match (V2 was not tested)
 10     [3e46d753] (000/177) No match (V2 was not tested)
Offsetted by 340:
 01     [37b9bf22] (003/179) Accurately ripped
 02     [c68afe33] (003/179) Accurately ripped
 03     [8b2c0c1f] (003/177) Accurately ripped
 04     [5efe612d] (003/180) Accurately ripped
 05     [d7ea5070] (003/180) Accurately ripped
 06     [ffcee186] (003/182) Accurately ripped
 07     [90f2eccc] (003/178) Accurately ripped
 08     [79fa1067] (003/181) Accurately ripped
 09     [58753ce4] (003/180) Accurately ripped
 10     [2e1cb113] (003/177) Accurately ripped
Offsetted by 664:
 01     [67fc26a6] (010/179) Accurately ripped
 02     [5d5d631b] (010/179) Accurately ripped
 03     [d3f69def] (010/177) Accurately ripped
 04     [5574e6bd] (010/180) Accurately ripped
 05     [4f4f68f8] (010/180) Accurately ripped
 06     [6c41e8ba] (010/182) Accurately ripped
 07     [394259f4] (010/178) Accurately ripped
 08     [fe0292db] (010/181) Accurately ripped
 09     [b61871b8] (010/180) Accurately ripped
 10     [b96a423b] (010/177) Accurately ripped
Offsetted by 999:
 01     [6b43f865] (017/179) Accurately ripped
 02     [dc129421] (017/179) Accurately ripped
 03     [f94ccdfb] (017/177) Accurately ripped
 04     [537f3fd9] (017/180) Accurately ripped
 05     [61ac1616] (017/180) Accurately ripped
 06     [7b341a0d] (017/182) Accurately ripped
 07     [758182ea] (017/178) Accurately ripped
 08     [32c5d75e] (017/181) Accurately ripped
 09     [109750a3] (017/180) Accurately ripped
 10     [2c368231] (017/177) Accurately ripped
Offsetted by 1017:
 01     [0a641a97] (000/179) No match (V2 was not tested)
 02     [9d5727f5] (000/179) No match (V2 was not tested)
 03     [a802b9a3] (000/177) No match (V2 was not tested)
 04     [1a140e61] (000/180) No match (V2 was not tested)
 05     [7687093a] (000/180) No match (V2 was not tested)
 06     [568fd357] (000/182) No match (V2 was not tested)
 07     [7edb41de] (000/178) No match (V2 was not tested)
 08     [c8548948] (000/181) No match (V2 was not tested)
 09     [dce77e3d] (000/180) No match (V2 was not tested)
 10     [ecd74325] (000/177) No match (V2 was not tested)
Offsetted by 1328:
 01     [e42bbebe] (003/179) Accurately ripped
 02     [c5063e8b] (003/179) Accurately ripped
 03     [8f1104cf] (003/177) Accurately ripped
 04     [64ad541d] (003/180) Accurately ripped
 05     [c26a7228] (003/180) Accurately ripped
 06     [ebb262f2] (003/182) Accurately ripped
 07     [03f816e4] (003/178) Accurately ripped
 08     [35aee093] (003/181) Accurately ripped
 09     [26fb75b0] (003/180) Accurately ripped
 10     [0977d72b] (003/177) Accurately ripped

Track Peak [ CRC32  ] [W/O NULL] [  LOG   ]
 --   85.2 [59E475B4] [97F5EFAA]  W/O NULL
 01   85.2 [730C8E4A] [1F941916]          
 02   75.7 [CF5931D0] [A6C14BE3]          
 03   62.0 [C18E3ACE] [8790F954]          
 04   72.2 [8337E575] [06B7F47B]          
 05   72.4 [61670F12] [C5FCE5AA]          
 06   76.4 [EA53883F] [D1BDD789]          
 07   75.5 [0CBFAFC0] [EBCFF13A]          
 08   71.6 [5E8B44B6] [17884E3E]          
 09   55.8 [6F01EA80] [A8D9391E]          
 10   72.6 [35978BE8] [557C9267]          

foobar2000 bit-comparison results:
Code: [Select]
Differences found in compared tracks.
Zero offset detected.

"W:\audio\cdrips\AR_OK\Taste [1970-01-01] On the Boards\Taste [1970-01-01] On the Boards.flac"
"W:\audio\cdrips\AR_OK_CTDBFIX\Taste [1970-01-01] On the Boards on ASUS DRW-24F1ST (Burst)\Taste [1970-01-01] On the Boards.flac"
Compared 96414360 samples.
Differences found: 5342 values, 36:25.999864 - 36:26.093719, peak: 0.000031 (-90.31 dBTP) at 36:25.999864, 2ch
Channel difference peaks: 0.000031 (-90.31 dBTP) 0.000031 (-90.31 dBTP)
File #1 peaks: 0.852020 (-1.39 dBTP) 0.755798 (-2.43 dBTP)
File #2 peaks: 0.852020 (-1.39 dBTP) 0.755798 (-2.43 dBTP)
Detected offset as 0 samples.

Total duration processed: 36:26.267
Time elapsed: 0:05.956
367.04x realtime

Re: CUETools.ARCue.exe reports a bad rip as accurately ripped. What's going on here?

Reply #1
So this seems to be at the very end of the rip. Last tenth of a second. In a duration of 4139 stereo samples (8278), 5342 differ - in the least significant bit. 3543 differ either in L or R or both.

* This is the fade-out, where there is only dither noise.
* Your drive does not read lead-out? And replaces it by zeroes.
* Thus, for a tenth of a second, one rip has some -90.31 dB samples, that is, some noise considerably quite a bit lower than that, and your drive (at those settings) does not capture that.

Then you could ask why it verifies as accurate? For precisely the above reason - sometimes some samples at the very end are zeroed out, without any need to worry - AccurateRip does not take the very last samples into account. Nor the very first. What CUEToolsDB does ... I don't know.

Re: CUETools.ARCue.exe reports a bad rip as accurately ripped. What's going on here?

Reply #2
Saw the model from your folder name. Indeed, it does not overread:  But with an offset of only 6, I am a bit puzzled.

But anyway, this is a well-known phenomenon. And with a physical CD player you wouldn't notice precisely where it stops at the end of the last track.

Re: CUETools.ARCue.exe reports a bad rip as accurately ripped. What's going on here?

Reply #3
Regardless of how I ended up with this particular bad rip, CUETools isn't handling it correctly. It knows that the rip is inaccurate -- none of the AccurateRip checks report T10 as accurately ripped (so AccurateRip isn't having any problems with those end-of-disc samples) and the CTDB check even identifies how many samples it varies from two other rips in the CTDB. But the per-track listing still shows all tracks as accurate in the per-track listing (based on what?) and refuses to attempt a repair on the rip when run in Fix mode.

I don't doubt that this is some weird edge case but it's still very clearly a bug.


Re: CUETools.ARCue.exe reports a bad rip as accurately ripped. What's going on here?

Reply #4
AccurateRip ignores the last 2940 samples. CUEToolsDB ignores the last 5880 samples. These samples are usually inaudible or digitally silent. It is possible for the CUEToolsDB to report up to 2940 samples as accurate that AccurateRip reports as not accurate even after repair.
This does not explain the differences that the CUEToolsDB is reporting for track vs image accuracy. There is clearly something wrong and the reported differences are more than 5880 samples from the end of the image. I'm just pointing out that AccurateRip reporting the last track as not accurate (by itself) does not necessarily mean that the CUEToolsDB is doing something wrong.

but it's still very clearly a bug.
Or at very least there is some issue with this particular record / recovery file.