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Topic: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme (Read 248196 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #925
I started 25 minutes ago and I still don't have the ok, always: Initializing… .Reading tags. I will wait

Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #926
All over
7: I would like that instead of those images that "turn" there is the artist image I have in the folder/album of the various songs. Each artist has its own image on any album
8-9 Now I see the image of the disc but only half that comes out of the "package."
10 I had installed vu meter (directx12), maybe it only works for x64? I have a "clean" installment by Foobar2000 x64 and works Very well, Peakmeter bar "normal" is an obscene thing: 2 white lines
11 yes I know about the problem of indexing the bookcase again, but that is the "minor" work soon I will get a key 1 TB USB and I will put Foobar (I hope Georgia-Reborn) and my music will be a "hard work": I have to put all the images back with the new paths. Each artist/group has its own like all albums and if in the album there are more discs each disc has its own, so I don't have to read the name of each folder but at the "glance" you immediately understand what you are " Looking at "I would have more 1000 questions to ask but at the moment that's okay. Examples: artists/bands, albums, disc

Grazie Grazie Grazie Thanks Thanks Thanks @TT

P.S. I have noticed now that if they are in "details" in the playlist you can see the artist, front, back images in the background.
I would like the image of the artist to be seen in the background and not the images that turn Lastfm or Wikipedia, is it possible?

Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #927
I had installed vu meter (directx12), maybe it only works for x64?

It works for 32 bit as well. The problem you're having is it does NOT work for Georgia Reborn, so don't install it.

Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #928
Biography never downloaded images from anywhere except That's said, it's pretty trivial to download images from Spotify or other places too, not sure why it was never added. Something similar happens with the artist locale and flags, they are not properly updated even if wikipedia has the right info. Personally, I am not going to add it because I find Wilb scripts not exactly "easy" to grasp (and I'm not a fan of having 10 classes for a single thing or maybe this is simply what happens when you try to maintain someone else's code xd); but if I find an unobtrusive way to add spotify images as I do in my wrapped script, I may update the mod.
Looking forward to that mod!  :)

Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #929

you can not install the directx 12 vu meter, as Majestyk already pointed out, it is not compatible.
Georgia-ReBORN has its own peakmeter with 3 different styles, "Horizontal", "Horizontal center" and "Vertical".
You can find it in top Menu > Options > Player controls > Seekbar > Peakmeter bar > Style.
Also in the seekbar's context menu, right click on the seekbar for context menu > Peakmeter bar.
Right click again and select Style.

For the disc art, you have various options, how about you get familiar with these first?
Go to top Menu > Options > Details > Disc art > Spin disc while songs play.
Go to top Menu > Options > Details > Disc art > Display disc art above cover.
Go to top Menu > Options > Details > Disc art > Disc art display amount > Auto.
( On the left edge of the player, try with your mouse increase the horizontal player size width )
These options can be quick accessed when you right click in the Details panel on the album cover for
Details context menu > Details options menu.


Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #930

now available in the master DEV version here:
download and replace the files from the zip.

You wanted to display artist images for current playing album in the background image feature? Now you can!
Check this out how to do it and read carefully, it is meant for advanced users:

Code: [Select]
- Implemented custom configurable album art filtering:
  * Users can now set their own album art filtering via their `georgia-reborn-config.jsonc` config file.
  * Filtering patterns can be set in the `foobar2000\profile\georgia-reborn\configs\georgia-reborn-config.jsonc` file
    in the "artworkPatterns" section. The default pattern filters out disc art from the album art:
    "albumArt": "!/(cd|disc|vinyl)([0-9]*|[a-h])\\.(png|jpg)/i",
    "playlistBgAlbumArt": "!/(cd|disc|vinyl)([0-9]*|[a-h])\\.(png|jpg)/i",
    "libraryBgAlbumArt": "!/(cd|disc|vinyl)([0-9]*|[a-h])\\.(png|jpg)/i",
    "lyricsBgAlbumArt": "!/(cd|disc|vinyl)([0-9]*|[a-h])\\.(png|jpg)/i"

    The `albumArt` property handles the large album art displayed on the left side.
    The `playlistBgAlbumArt`, `libraryBgAlbumArt`, and `lyricsBgAlbumArt` properties handle
    the background image filtering for the Playlist, Library, and Lyrics panels respectively.

    The `!` prefix at the start of the pattern is used for exclusion.
    When no `!` prefix is used, the pattern uses inclusion.
    Example to only display `artist.jpg` images for the Playlist background image:
    "playlistBgAlbumArt": "/(artist)\\.(jpg|png)$/i"

    All filtering options must be enabled to use the album art filtering:
    * For large album art: `Options` > `Player controls` > `Album art` > `Filter album art images`.
    * For Playlist background image: `Options` > Playlist` > `Background` > `Image source` > `Filter album art images`.
    * For Library background image: `Options` > Library` > `Background` > `Image source` > `Filter album art images`.
    * For Lyrics background image: `Options` > Lyrics` > `Background` > `Image source` > `Filter album art images`.

    When using background image filtering, ensure the `Image source` is set to `Album` for Playlist, Library, and Lyrics.

This is it for now, I need to focus on important stuff.


Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #931
I forgot to tell that after you downloaded and installed the latest master version from here:

You need to start foobar and after loading, close foobar. It will automatically write the new "artworkPatterns" section
in the "georgia-reborn-config.jsonc" config file and then you can edit it.


Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #932
Just wanted to say thank you for this awesome theme! I am really grateful for your work.

Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #933
Hi and thanks @jazzfudge, I'm glad you like it =)

It's a good change to sometimes read these kind of posts.



Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #934
Good news,


I have successfully implemented the COM/ActiveX interface.
Take a look here:

This COM Automation and ActiveX Interface template has two methods:
- Registration-free with MinHook ( default ).
- Registration with one registry entry for CLSID mapping.

I have also tested it in Wine, and it works.

Feel free to use it as you wish.
Other foobar2000 user-component developers are also welcome.


Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #935
First off I want to say that I've been using this theme for quite a while now and I absolutely love it!

I just made an account to ask this question as I cannot for the life of me find a setting for a rather odd thing.
So ever since the RC3 version something seems to have changed, I don't know if it's on the foobar side or your theme or one of the plugins but I use the tree library view to pick a song/album to play and whenever the playback stops, the player automatically switches back to playlist view.
Does not seem to matter if I had the details screen, library screen or any other view open, when the song stops it just switches back to the playlist. On the older version of your theme it used to stay on the screen it was on, in my case I liked it staying on the library screen.

Any idea what setting this might be? I've spent days trying out configurations and cannot figure it out.

Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #936
Hi @Lif3less,

thanks for reporting! There was indeed an issue introduced in the last rewrite but I have fixed it now.
First, please download and replace your files with the latest DEV version from here:

Then the feature you are looking for is the panel jump that can be deactivated in:
Code: [Select]
Top Menu > Options > Player controls > Panel > Return to home on playback stop
Then it will not automatically jump to the default Playlist and stays on the current active panel.

You could also have the panel jump enabled
Code: [Select]
Top Menu > Options > Player controls > Panel > Return to home on playback stop
but change the home panel in
Code: [Select]
Top Menu > Options > Player controls > Panel > Show panel on startup
With this setup, the home panel will be displayed on startup and will also jump to the active set home panel on playback stop.

Hope this helps.


Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #937

Forgot to report but was exactly it and this fixed it, thank you!

Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #938
just updated to 3.0 rc2
seeing some ui issues, maybe due to my screen (16:10 2560x1600)

edit: idk how to delete post but just realized i had accidentally downgraded instead of upgraded.
i went from old dev version to older official version. now i am on the latest dev and ui is back to normal. sorry

Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #939
why the removal of album art filled?
i liked that option because i have a weird screen that causes a misalignment between the two panels, but with that option (plus auto panel width) that misalignment is greatly minimized without crop/stretching the album art

Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #940
Hi @hello9757,

I have not removed the "album art filled" option, it was just renamed to "Scaled album art cropped"
as you have displayed your menu, you just need to select and activate it.
The newer version is improved and has additional features with better names.

If you think about it, how do you think you can completely fill the album art cover in the album art area?
If it cannot be proportional, you need to either scale the image ( zoom in ) and then crop it from all edges,
or you can stretch it to fill the area. There is no magic involved ;)


Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #941
Hi @hello9757,

I have not removed the "album art filled" option, it was just renamed to "Scaled album art cropped"
as you have displayed your menu, you just need to select and activate it.
The newer version is improved and has additional features with better names.

If you think about it, how do you think you can completely fill the album art cover in the album art area?
If it cannot be proportional, you need to either scale the image ( zoom in ) and then crop it from all edges,
or you can stretch it to fill the area. There is no magic involved ;)


i just tested it and the results do not reflect what you've described
there is definitely no cropping with the settings i've described in my post
i tested with many albums just now to see if it cropped any and it did not
even in the picture in my last post (gr old) you can see that it is not cropped, as the thin black border of the album cover is visible on all sides
you said the only ways to solve the misalignment is cropping, stretching, or magic, but thats not true

if you look at the gr new picture you will see that the left and right panel meet dead in the middle of the screen, right between the middle two transport buttons
if you look at gr old however, the settings applied have shifted the meeting point to the right, all the way past the last transport button
this allows for the album art to expand horizontally and vertically, without cropping or changing its aspect ratio
in fact i have always been confused as to why this expansion stopped short. i did not understand why the setting did not simply move the meeting point even a bit further to the right to allow the album arts bottom edge to align flush with the right panel

to reiterate the exact settings involved:
player controls > album art > when player size is not proportional > align album art left
player controls > album art > when player size is maximized/fullscreen > scale album art filled
player controls > panel > width > use auto panel width

Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #942
I understand now what you mean.

Try the following settings:
Menu > Options > Player controls > Album art > When player size is not proportional > Align album art left
Menu > Options > Player controls > Album art > When player size is maximized/fullscreen > Scale album art proportional
Menu > Options > Player controls > Panel > Mode > Auto panel width

When the player is now maximized or on fullscreen mode, the panel will adjust so that the album art has full size.
At least this works on my full HD monitor.


Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #943
I understand now what you mean.

Try the following settings:
Menu > Options > Player controls > Album art > When player size is not proportional > Align album art left
Menu > Options > Player controls > Album art > When player size is maximized/fullscreen > Scale album art proportional
Menu > Options > Player controls > Panel > Mode > Auto panel width

When the player is now maximized or on fullscreen mode, the panel will adjust so that the album art has full size.
At least this works on my full HD monitor.


Does not work for me. Those are the settings I had applied in gr new pic
the old dev with those settings looked just like that too, which is why i used scale album art filled

Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #944
Ok, please tell me what desktop resolution you are using and I'll take a look when I have some free time.

Edit: I also need to know what display mode ( Options > Display ) you have activated and if the album art you have shown
in the screenshot has proportional dimensions ( e.g 1400 x 1400 ).


Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #945
Ok, please tell me what desktop resolution you are using and I'll take a look when I have some free time.

Edit: I also need to know what display mode ( Options > Display ) you have activated and if the album art you have shown
in the screenshot has proportional dimensions ( e.g 1400 x 1400 ).


desktop: 2560x1600 (16:10)
album art: 1425x1425
display mode: qhd

Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #946

so the only way to make the album art fully proportional and filled with the top and bottom album art area edges
is to adjust the right panels ( i.e decrease the Playlist, Library, Biography width ) so the album art can have larger
width than the maximum fifty-to-fifty ratio. With this increased album art width size ( larger than 50% total player size width )
when the player enters the maximized/fullscreen mode, the album art can then be fully filled.
This is an additional feature that needs to be implemented.

In HD and 4K resolutions there are no such issues as you shown in your screenshots. It seems this applies for QHD and other
weird resolutions because based on the player size, it can not always produce the best results.

Currently, I am very busy and focused on Georgia-ReBORN 64-bit. I have made some good progress,
and finishing it is now my highest priority. After that, I'll look into implementing this special feature.


Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #947
Understood. Appreciate your work TT. Good luck with everything

Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #948

Currently, I am very busy and focused on Georgia-ReBORN 64-bit. I have made some good progress,
and finishing it is now my highest priority. After that, I'll look into implementing this special feature.

Good to hear that a 64bit version is being worked on.  Thank you for all you do, TT.