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Movie/Multichannel audio / Re: Changing Pitch -0,1% - 4,271% (PAL/NTSC) without changing length, artefact-free
Last post by fooball -
There's an "oops" in the above, next rev (all I've done is wrap a %%G in double-quotes, add an EXIT, and add to the comments):

Code: [Select]

REM **********************************************************************
REM Drag&drop pitch shifter.  Supports selecting and dropping up to 255
REM files and/or folders.  For folders, all files within that folder are processed
REM (non-recursive).  Any file that is not .wav is ignored.  Output filenames
REM are the same as the input plus a suffix.
REM The .bat can also be run on the command line, with files and folders
REM listed as input parameters.  Filenames can include wild cards.
REM **********************************************************************

SET PROCESS="C:\Program Files\Audio-Resampler\art.exe"
SET SUFFIX="-24-down-pitch"
SET SWITCHES="-4 --pitch=-72"


REM Exit if parameter list is empty.
IF [%1]==[] GOTO end

REM Loop over all entities within a folder or which match the filename specification...
FOR %%G IN ("%1") DO (

  REM ...and ignore any non-wav file extension
  IF -i [%%~xG]==[.WAV] (

    REM Preserve original working directory and change to directory of
    REM current file.
    PUSHD "%%~dpG"

    REM Run the process on the current file.
    "%PROCESS%" "%%G" "%%~dpnG%SUFFIX%.wav" %SWITCHES%

    REM Restore original working directory.


REM Shift all parameters down (discarding %1), and loop.
REM NB: files/folders dropped onto the .bat are assigned to
REM %1-255.
GOTO mainloop

Support - (fb2k) / Suddenly lost all sound
Last post by itsonlydanny -

Yesterday suddenly lost all sound to Foobar2000, version 2.241 (x64). It had worked fine earlier in the morning and I hadn't installed or uninstalled anything, changed anything - but zilch, even though all my other media players like VLC and Media Player Classic work fine. Checked Audio Output in settings - every seems fine as it was hooked up to my Asus Asus STRIX SOAR PCIe 7.1 soundcard with headphones. Yes, I completely reinstalled the program twice and rebooted twice - but still nothing. I have Windows 10 Home 64-bit with the latest updates.

Any idea what might be wrong?

3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: JSplitter (splitter + SMP x64 alternative)
Last post by sveakul -
Hello, everybody. Just released a new version (delayed due to heavy busyness). Updated the codebase and JS engine, and fixed some issues found in this thread.
Wow, THANK YOU LUR so good to see you in the Forum and that you are still developing JSplitter!

I am running Foobar v2.24.1 x64 Portable on Windows 11.  I updated to JSplitter directly over, which I used together with an existing JSPanel 3 "lastfm bio+images" to create the WilB Biography panel. After updating, I lost use of the API_key from the original version.  Users should be careful to backup their original version until we find a way to sort that.
FLAC / script to copy a cd then metaflac to import cover - make a error
Last post by vinc14 -
use a Laptop with linux debian

with abcd -0 flac i copy a MusicCD to ~/Musik/rip-CD/ there it make the subdirectory of artist and album name so far OK

in the ~/Musik/rip-CD/
i add a cover.jpg file

find ~/Musik/rip-CD/ -name "*.flac" -print0 |xargs -0 metaflac --import-picture-from="3|~/Musik/rip-CD/cover.jpg"

and now i got a
ERROR: while parsing picture specification "3|~/Musik/rip-CD/cover.jpg": invalid picture specification

so the question what did i wrong?

have a nice day
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: JSplitter (splitter + SMP x64 alternative)
Last post by paregistrase -
After updating to JSplitter v3.6.1.12 all my panels begins to works buggy.
The scroll didn't works, the filmstrip foesn't load images, etc.
Downgrading to 10 version makes all panels to crash.

To avoid crashes when downgrading you can delete the foo_uie_jsplitter.dll.cfg in ../profile/configuration/
Support - (fb2k) / Re: White noise from my PC
Last post by Case -
Getting off topic, but if your PC runs non-home Windows you can use Remote Desktop to access your PC from the phone and see foobar2000 100% as it runs natively. No third party software needed on the PC. For home version and other OSes you can achieve pretty much the same with VNC for free, and if you don't mind paying there are tools like TeamViewer and AnyDesk.

If you don't need identical UI you can take a look at foo_beefweb.