Movie/Multichannel audio / Re: Changing Pitch -0,1% - 4,271% (PAL/NTSC) without changing length, artefact-free
Last post by fooball -Code: [Select]
REM **********************************************************************
REM Drag&drop pitch shifter. Supports selecting and dropping up to 255
REM files and/or folders. For folders, all files within that folder are processed
REM (non-recursive). Any file that is not .wav is ignored. Output filenames
REM are the same as the input plus a suffix.
REM The .bat can also be run on the command line, with files and folders
REM listed as input parameters. Filenames can include wild cards.
REM **********************************************************************
SET PROCESS="C:\Program Files\Audio-Resampler\art.exe"
SET SUFFIX="-24-down-pitch"
SET SWITCHES="-4 --pitch=-72"
REM Exit if parameter list is empty.
IF [%1]==[] GOTO end
REM Loop over all entities within a folder or which match the filename specification...
FOR %%G IN ("%1") DO (
REM ...and ignore any non-wav file extension
IF -i [%%~xG]==[.WAV] (
REM Preserve original working directory and change to directory of
REM current file.
PUSHD "%%~dpG"
REM Run the process on the current file.
"%PROCESS%" "%%G" "%%~dpnG%SUFFIX%.wav" %SWITCHES%
REM Restore original working directory.
REM Shift all parameters down (discarding %1), and loop.
REM NB: files/folders dropped onto the .bat are assigned to
REM %1-255.
GOTO mainloop