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General - (fb2k) / Re: Friendly formatting of frequency
Last post by Defender -
I cannot really test that %output_samplerate% thing at the moment, but I suspect it will return 0 if you aren't playing? Anyway, without that, it would be the following that works for sample rates less than a million:


This will output e.g. 2822,200 (with no comma before the "8"). If you want a separator for the millions too, then I think you must do something like the following:

assuming that you have nothing that is sampled at merely three-figure rates ;)
Output samplerate is empty when not playing or outinfo not installed.

$puts(txt,$if([%output_samplerate%],Output $div(%output_samplerate%,1000)/%output_bitdepth%/%output_channels%,- Not Playing -))
General - (fb2k) / Re: Friendly formatting of frequency
Last post by Porcus -
I cannot really test that %output_samplerate% thing at the moment, but I suspect it will return 0 if you aren't playing? Anyway, without that, it would be the following that works for sample rates less than a million:


This will output e.g. 2822,200 (with no comma before the "8"). If you want a separator for the millions too, then I think you must do something like the following:

assuming that you have nothing that is sampled at merely three-figure rates ;)
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: Columns UI
Last post by Defender -

Two requests for layout mode:

1) Possibility to pick up a panel in layout mode by clicking and holding left mouse and drag it to the position you want instead of clicking move up and down a lot.

2) Show the captions of the elements/panels with a mouseover (or when left clicked).
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: foo_vis_milk2
Last post by Defender -
Updated release: 0.3.0

Ported over all the (applicable) Columns UI learnings from foo_vis_vumeter. See release page for change log.

I can confirm the CUI layout editing bug has been resolved.

I have two issues with this build.

Issue 1:
This component suffers from the same issue (even worse) as the non-wrapped version of foo_vis_vumeter.
It doesn't listen/comply to the coordinates it has been told.
In the case of foo_vis_vumeter that only happens after returning from fullscreen.

1) Milkdrop opens up (before fullscreen) not using the correct height (xyw are correct).
2) After fullscreen x=0, y=0, h=full height ... all of those are wrong, w is correct but shifted because of wrong x. Only after resize/track change the situation under 1 (with wrong height) is restored.

Shpeck and Oscilloscope use the same unwrapped construction both use correct coordinates after returning from fullscreen.
Please fix the issue.

I attached 3 images: 0 minibar to show correct panelsize, 1 milkdrop wrong height before fullscreen, 2 milkdrop all coordinates wrong after fullscreen.

Issue 2:
I use Shpeck panels in different spots (one intended for horizontal use and the two others vertical). It does not accept two instances running at the same time, So you have to unselect one of the panels to automatically enable the other one.

I want to be able to define milkdrop in more than one place (actually I want 3 spots). And preferable be able to run those instances at the same time.

Is this on your todo list?
General - (fb2k) / Re: output/outgoing sample rate
Last post by Cannonaire -
I made a simple script to change the display of channels from just a number like 8 to a formatted number like 7.1 based on the output channel mask. Maybe someone else will appreciate it:
Code: [Select]
$put(outchan,$if($stricmp($replace(%output_channel_mask%,LFE,yes),%output_channel_mask%),%output_channels%'.0',$sub(%output_channels%,1)'.1'))$if($stricmp($get(outchan),1.0),' Channel',' Channels')$if($and(%output_channels%,%output_channel_mask%),: ,)[%output_channel_mask%]