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General Audio / Re: ReplayGain metadata formatting
Last post by bennetng -23
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: Columns UI
Last post by Skeebadoo -E.g. my playlist groups before:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
...and after:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
I understand that the tab now renders correctly, but this comes at the cost of a unique functionality that I can no logner reproduce. I know I'm not alone in this, because I borrowed this idea from someone else's theme over a decade ago and I've seen it used in many custom themes since.
General Audio / Re: ReplayGain metadata formatting
Last post by Case -25
General - (fb2k) / Re: Found bug in component "ASIO Output" foo_out_asio v2.2.4
Last post by Case -I'm not claiming the foobar2000 ASIO component to be perfect. I don't know if the freezing playback that requires hitting Stop is a bug in ASIO drivers or a bug in the component. How certain are you that the only solution to your freeze is task manager and killing foobar2000? Did you actually try pressing Stop? The entire reason foobar2000 uses the ASIOHost exes for ASIO is to circumvent buggy ASIO drivers and keep foobar2000 stable despite any possible issues in them.
Are you using latest ASIO drivers for your device? It sounds scary and weird to me that a device that pretends to lock its output to a certain sample rate would allow another outside process to alter the frequency and ruin all output. Imagine using that device for professional purposes, like recording a live performance, and suddenly sample rate changed in the middle of the act.
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / foo_youtube_3.9.6 - Server returned 403 Forbidden (access denied)
Last post by IT625 -Source: "www.youtube.com/watch?v=3mg0wKRmtgs"
Unable to open source file: Youtube Source: foo_youtube: server error (403) from rr2---sn-cp1oxu-q2ns.googlevideo.com | ffmpeg: Server returned 403 Forbidden (access denied) | foobar2000: Forbidden (403)
Conversion failed: Youtube Source: foo_youtube: server error (403) from rr2---sn-cp1oxu-q2ns.googlevideo.com | ffmpeg: Server returned 403 Forbidden (access denied) | foobar2000: Forbidden (403)
Is anyone experiencing the same problem?
Thank you :-)
General Audio / Re: ReplayGain metadata formatting
Last post by bennetng -You must have had a means to generate that selection of malformed RG tags in order to see what worked and what didn'tIt's exactly why I made this thread - asked if someone knows some software writes strange RG tags. But now because MP3Tag seems to be a suitable tool so I would just use it. If I already have some malformed files to try out then I would not have started this thread.
For example, years ago I also made a tool to inspect MIDI data and I asked questions when I found some abnormal files:
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: Made with foo_uie_webview
Last post by Sergey77 -- Added option to cache country flag images on local disk. The file <countrycode_flag.jpg> will be saved if the checkbox is enabled in the "Options" menu.
Saving by clicking on the flag image when it is highlighted.
The path to the local directory for <countrycode_flag.jpg> is specifying in the "Options" menu. The same path is specifying when saving the <countrycode_flag.jpg>.
- Minor changes in the layout design.
- Other improvements and bug fixes.
I'm using foo_uie_webview- and it can't display the artist image. Thank you!- check if the "Read files" and "Read directories" options are selected in the "Preferences" menu of the WebView component.
- check if the path to the image files on the local disk is specified correctly. (The script can read image file directories created by Biography (by WilB). The path is specified for the directories starting with the first letter of the artist's name).
- check if your API key and LastFM website username are entered correctly.
- check if the artist's images are available to you on the LastFM website.
- console messages can also help to identify the problem.
- all saved script settings can be reset after fb2k restart if the "Clear browsing data on startup" option is checked in the "Preferences" menu of the WebView component. In this case, you can reconfigure the script again.
General - (fb2k) / Re: Found bug in component "ASIO Output" foo_out_asio v2.2.4
Last post by jeps -In other words: when i toggle between the DAW and foobar, the internal samplerate of my audiointerfaces will change each time. This change goes well as long as the switch is between 44.1k and 48k samplerate. But as soon as this happens between e.g. 44.1k(Reaper) and 96k(foobar), foobar goes into deadlock. I would guess that the source of the issue is somewhere within this foo_out_asio component as it loooks to me foobar cannot change the samplerate back up to 96k again (Reaper itself always does the ASIO samplerate change in every direction properly, no matter what). If i then kill foobar via TaskMgr and click on the 96k PCM file to playback, foobar will change the samplerate from 44.1k to 96k as expected and plays the file properly. (Sorry if i had not been clear on this subject the first time)
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: foo_vis_vumeter
Last post by p.h. -As for WARP, try removing other components in foobar2000. In my case, the stuttering magically got better when I removed JSP3.
I have tested on o portable version with just one custom component - foo_vis_vumeter and foobar2000 was stuttering.
To use the full DirectX 12 version on that machine, you'll need to "fix" the driver. It turns out DirectX 12 was deprecated on 4th Generation Core processors due to security vulnerabilities. So you'll have to downgrade the driver version if you want to get back functionality.
I downgraded the driver to one earlier version. To my surprise, it did the trick! Thank you.