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Movie/Multichannel audio / Re: Changing Pitch -0,1% - 4,271% (PAL/NTSC) without changing length, artefact-free
Last post by fooball -
But 72 cents gets noticed very often here. It's because people grew up watching their favorite movies in a specific pitch on TV, VHS, DVD and when then all of a sudden all the voices are deeper on the Blu-ray release a lot of customers go insane about it and companys even did replacement discs because of that.
That's nuts.  It ain't gonna happen with speech, *might* happen for music (but not for the vast majority of listeners).
CUETools / Re: How To Rip SACDs to DSD files?
Last post by Wickedfox -
Perhaps you can buy the tracks somewhere, maybe in hi-res PCM?
I guess the point about the SACD version would be the multi-channel remix. Luckily: apparently that is the same mix as the DVD edition that was released the same time (10th anniversary edition - does not match the OP's "2008" date, but looking it up it must have been that one.)

According to , the DVD has DVD-A content and DVD-V content.

Edit: Oh, and the SACD had a bonus disc. But ... rip the CD layer.
my bad, yeah it's the 2004 remaster
General Audio / Re: AAC vs. Musepack: which encoder do you think is better?
Last post by -
No painful install of iTunes, just place some dll's right beside qaac. Which ones can be tried with the script here:
So it's about downloading an approprite iTunes installer, either let the script get the files or manually grab them out of the installer (unpack with 7z).
Has to be done once. Thing is, people cannot distribute stuff in a handy package for copyright reasons.

Cannot no, Shouldn't. But people do it anyways :P
Just search qaac in google, you'll find the QTFiles[64] in a github page. Then you have to copy all the files in QTFiles or QTFiles64 folder inside the foobar2000's encoders folder.