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Topic: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme (Read 205924 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #801
I forgot to add an automatic rename for an old config setting ( happened because I already had it automatically renamed when I did changes ).
Open your "foobar2000\profile\georgia-reborn\configs\georgia-reborn-config.jsonc" and go to line ~769:
"lyricFilenamePatterns": [
rename it to "lyricsFilenamePatterns": [
there is a missing "s" letter.
Save and reload it.


Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #802
I forgot to add an automatic rename for an old config setting ( happened because I already had it automatically renamed when I did changes ).
Open your "foobar2000\profile\georgia-reborn\configs\georgia-reborn-config.jsonc" and go to line ~769:
"lyricFilenamePatterns": [
rename it to "lyricsFilenamePatterns": [
there is a missing "s" letter.
Save and reload it.


FYI: You do not need this anymore, I have added support for old configs when restoring theme backup.
It will do it for you automatically when you start foobar, all should be good now. Available now in the latest master.


Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #803

In the details section, how do I get the CD placeholder to show the actual album disc? Or is that possible.

Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #804

In the details section, how do I get the CD placeholder to show the actual album disc? Or is that possible.

Hi @nputra,

you can download disc art from and then put the disc art as a cd.png in your album folder.
You can also right click on the big album art for context menu > Get disc art.
More information can be also found in the FAQ 'How do you display the disc art in Details?'.


Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #805
Thanks for the info. It does not work. Worked once, then will not replicate the first instance.

Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #806

can you try right click on the big album art for
context menu > Details options menu > Disc art placeholder > Show placeholder if no disc art is found ( checked ).

There seems to be an issue when this option is deactivated, will try to fix it...


Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #807
Works now. Thanks for that bit of information. Much appreciated.


Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #808
Just a notice for people who are using the DEV version I've posted few day ago:
The latest master version contains some improvements and bug fixes people have reported in the
DEV TESTING thread on Github discussions:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

If you are using the latest DEV version and encounter any bugs, please post them in the DEV TESTING thread on Github:
and not here, thanks!


Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #810
Trying the latest dev version as of today, I only skimmed the changelog but right off the bat I noticed my custom playlist loads much more smoothly. I was having a lot of trouble with the details view becoming super laggy with anything more than 10 tracks across different albums. A grid view would be kind of a neat experiment for the future, maybe? I remember esplaylist had something like that, years ago.

I used the "restore backup" function, and at first my player crashed a couple of times (I have a huge collection), but the 2nd or 3rd time it worked - the only difference was my custom font sizes were not remembered.

As I said earlier, I found that there wasn't a lot of room on the left side pane for details such as composer credits, or even more than 2 record label names without it appearing cluttered. So, on my 4K monitor, my strategy is to set Georgia to HD (1080p) size and turn all of the fonts all the way up. I think that should be a preset because it actually looks really nice this way. Personally I like to have foobar on display in one corner while I have my internet browser or IDE or something else on the other half of the screen. I can't be the only one!

I will be reading more about what changes you made, but good job on the theme, TT, I like it a lot. If there was one request I could make it would be if you could maybe make a short video on how to navigate the playlist manager, because I was having some trouble with it on the previous versions. This new feature of having a drop-down menu when I click on the playlist seems a lot more intuitive, so that's good.

Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #811
Hi @NewLeaf42,

glad you like the new Georgia-ReBORN and you noticed it has faster performance.

A grid view would be kind of a neat experiment for the future, maybe? I remember esplaylist had something like that, years ago.

I'm not sure what you mean by that? Actually the metadata display in the Details panel was designed as a grid.

I used the "restore backup" function, and at first my player crashed a couple of times (I have a huge collection), but the 2nd or 3rd time it worked - the only difference was my custom font sizes were not remembered.

I have made a test backup with various different font sizes changed, then reset to default font sizes, and after I restored the backup
all font sizes were correct as previously set. Plus I never had any crashes during making a backup or restoring it.

As I said earlier, I found that there wasn't a lot of room on the left side pane for details such as composer credits, or even more than 2 record label names without it appearing cluttered. So, on my 4K monitor, my strategy is to set Georgia to HD (1080p) size and turn all of the fonts all the way up. I think that should be a preset because it actually looks really nice this way. Personally I like to have foobar on display in one corner while I have my internet browser or IDE or something else on the other half of the screen. I can't be the only one!

There are actually already size presets, for all resolutions modes ( Options > Display ), they are the predefined player sizes ( Options > Player size ).
You can also use another layout ( Options > Layout > Artwork or Compact ).

I will be reading more about what changes you made, but good job on the theme, TT, I like it a lot. If there was one request I could make it would be if you could maybe make a short video on how to navigate the playlist manager, because I was having some trouble with it on the previous versions. This new feature of having a drop-down menu when I click on the playlist seems a lot more intuitive, so that's good.

Yes, the Georgia-ReBORN website with its documentation is in the works, but it is a lot of work...
In the meantime, if you want to learn about the playlist manager, you can check the FAQ:
How do I create playlists and access the playlist manager?


Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #812
TT, I notice you're using Biography 1.4.2, which has the fixed AllMusic. But as noted in the Biography thread, 1.4.2 can sometimes crash fb2k on exit. Was there ever a fix for this?

Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #813
TT, I notice you're using Biography 1.4.2, which has the fixed AllMusic. But as noted in the Biography thread, 1.4.2 can sometimes crash fb2k on exit. Was there ever a fix for this?

I think you are talking about regor's fix here:
The fix is already included in Georgia-ReBORN when I updated the Biography scripts to v1.4.2.

Other foobar users who are using the original Biography v1.4.2 and not Georgia-ReBORN should also clear the interval
in their scripts/allmusic.js -> send function.


Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #814
TT, I notice you're using Biography 1.4.2, which has the fixed AllMusic. But as noted in the Biography thread, 1.4.2 can sometimes crash fb2k on exit. Was there ever a fix for this?

I think you are talking about regor's fix here:
The fix is already included in Georgia-ReBORN when I updated the Biography scripts to v1.4.2.

Other foobar users who are using the original Biography v1.4.2 and not Georgia-ReBORN should also clear the interval
in their scripts/allmusic.js -> send function.


That slipped under my radar. Thanks!

Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #815
Hi Everyone,
is there a way to skip lyrics search with genre 'instrumental'?
If not, new feature?

Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #816
TT, I notice you're using Biography 1.4.2, which has the fixed AllMusic. But as noted in the Biography thread, 1.4.2 can sometimes crash fb2k on exit. Was there ever a fix for this?

I think you are talking about regor's fix here:
The fix is already included in Georgia-ReBORN when I updated the Biography scripts to v1.4.2.

Other foobar users who are using the original Biography v1.4.2 and not Georgia-ReBORN should also clear the interval
in their scripts/allmusic.js -> send function.


Just an FYI... Biography's Allmusic is still crashing fb2k on exit. If you click on an artist and exit while it's loading (1 to 2 seconds after loading is best), it can crash. I'd say it does this 20 to 30% of the time. Of course, be sure you don't have the artist/album files already downloaded.

It's doing it with your theme and my Darkone tweak theme. I even used your allmusic file on my Darkone tweak theme (yes, I removed all the modded 'bio' references) and it does the same thing.

The crash on exit goes away when Allmusic is disabled.

Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #817
TT, I notice you're using Biography 1.4.2, which has the fixed AllMusic. But as noted in the Biography thread, 1.4.2 can sometimes crash fb2k on exit. Was there ever a fix for this?

I think you are talking about regor's fix here:
The fix is already included in Georgia-ReBORN when I updated the Biography scripts to v1.4.2.

Other foobar users who are using the original Biography v1.4.2 and not Georgia-ReBORN should also clear the interval
in their scripts/allmusic.js -> send function.


Just an FYI... Biography's Allmusic is still crashing fb2k on exit. If you click on an artist that you've never loaded before, and exit while it's loading, it can crash. I'd say it does this 20 to 30% of the time.

It's doing it with your theme and my Darkone tweak theme. I even used your allmusic file on my Darkone tweak theme (yes, I removed all the modded 'bio' references) and it does the same thing.

The crash on exit goes away when Allmusic is disabled.
Supposing it's related to the fetch function and a crash due to wrong activex handling, adding a signal at the on_unload callback to stop fetching could solve the issue.
Code: [Select]
		const checkResponse = setInterval(() => {
if (window.IsUnload) {
clearInterval(checkResponse);, resolve, reject, () => void(0));
try {xmlhttp.Status && xmlhttp.ResponseText} catch(e) {return;}
clearInterval(checkResponse);, resolve, reject, func);
}, 30);
On callbacks file
Code: [Select]
function on_script_unload() {
window.IsUnload = true;

Anyway, if you have a crash, share the report.

Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #818
Hi Everyone,
is there a way to skip lyrics search with genre 'instrumental'?
If not, new feature?

Hi @bkh,

in ESLyric, you can actually filter out words, check this post here:


Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #819

I do not get any script crash but I do get a foobar crash, don't know if it's the same you're reporting.
I can reproduce the foobar crash with fb.Exit();

Code: [Select]
		const checkResponse = setInterval(() => {
try { xmlhttp.Status && xmlhttp.ResponseText } catch (e) { return; }
clearInterval(checkResponse);, resolve, reject, func);
fb.Exit(); // Add this line here
}, 30);

Can you confirm this?

Edit: What I have posted does not seem to be related to allmusic at all, if you put it outside the function, like this:
Code: [Select]
setTimeout(() => {
}, 4000);

it also crashes foobar. Seems to be that foobar with its user-components has not finished all processes and you early exit
right in the middle of it, that's why you get a foobar crash. If this is not the same issue, please post the crash log because I can not
reproduce any other related issue you've reported...

Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #820

Anyway, if you have a crash, share the report.

It still crashes after adding your above modulations.  How do I leave a crash report? If I past it here it exceeds the number of allowed characters.
Edit... modulations? That should be modifications.

Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #821

I do not get any script crash but I do get a foobar crash, don't know if it's the same you're reporting.
I can reproduce the foobar crash with fb.Exit();

Code: [Select]
		const checkResponse = setInterval(() => {
try { xmlhttp.Status && xmlhttp.ResponseText } catch (e) { return; }
clearInterval(checkResponse);, resolve, reject, func);
fb.Exit(); // Add this line here
}, 30);

Can you confirm this?

Edit: What I have posted does not seem to be related to allmusic at all, if you put it outside the function, like this:
Code: [Select]
setTimeout(() => {
}, 4000);

it also crashes foobar. Seems to be that foobar with its user-components has not finished all processes and you early exit
right in the middle of it, that's why you get a foobar crash. If this is not the same issue, please post the crash log because I can not
reproduce any other related issue you've reported...

I don't get a script crash. I get "foobar2000 has crashed" on exit. It happens almost every time I close fb2k while Biography is loading text and images. I never get a crash if I disable Allmusic.

What I do is I click on a track, hit Biography real quick (don't know if I have to do that step or not), and then I close the program.

Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #822
It doesn't matter at all if it's a foobar or smp crash to apply a workaround; SMP is known to do weird things sometimes, and it can be avoided with extra JS code. I mean, if that's the real problem!

Since a foobar crash does create a report, that's the thing you should share.

Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #823

you click on the eye icon ! when you write a message or you can use [.spoiler]Your pasted log here[./spoiler] without the red dots like this:
These are the crash logs but they won't help us, explanation is down below.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Spoiler (click to show/hide)


Yesterday I thought that the AllMusic fetching wasn't the actual cause of this problem, but it is indeed triggered by that.
When HTTP requests for AllMusic are initiated, fetching text/images and you exit foobar during this process,
foobar threads are still active and not properly disposed of, causing foobar to crash when an exit is attempted.

This does not work and you can reproduce the crash, if the artist has AllMusic review and it's not cached:
Code: [Select]
		const checkResponse = setInterval(() => {
if (window.IsUnload) {
xmlhttp.Abort();, resolve, reject, () => void(0));
try {xmlhttp.Status && xmlhttp.ResponseText} catch(e) {return;}
clearInterval(checkResponse);, resolve, reject, func);
setTimeout(() => {
}, 500);
}, 30);

Not sure yet how to prevent this, but foobar or SMP should kill all internal foobar processes immediately or wait until all processes have finished when the user closes foobar, then there won't be any crash...


Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #824

it seems there is nothing we can do on our side:
Code: [Select]
let activeRequests = [];
let isSafeToExit = false;

function checkAndExit() {
if (isSafeToExit && activeRequests.length === 0) {
} else {
setTimeout(checkAndExit, 100);

function bioOnStateChange(resolve, reject, func = null) { // credit regorxxx
if (this !== null) { // this is xmlhttp bound
if (this.Status === 200) {
return func ? func(this.ResponseText, this) : resolve(this.ResponseText);
} else if (!func) { return reject(this.ResponseText); }
} else if (!func) { return reject({ status: 408, responseText: this.ResponseText }) } // 408 Request Timeout
return null;

// May be used to async run a func for the response or as promise
function bioSend({ method = 'GET', URL, body = void (0), func = null, requestHeader = [], bypassCache = false, timeout = 5000 }) { // credit regorxxx
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject('WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1');
// Add ('&' + new Date().getTime()) to URLS to avoid caching
activeRequests.push(xmlhttp); // Add to active requests list

xmlhttp.Open(method, URL + (bypassCache ? (/\\?/.test(URL) ? '&' : '?') + new Date().getTime() : ''), true);
requestHeader.forEach((pair) => {
if (!pair[0] || !pair[1]) {
console.log(`HTTP Headers missing: ${pair}`);

if (bypassCache) {
xmlhttp.SetRequestHeader('Cache-Control', 'private');
xmlhttp.SetRequestHeader('Pragma', 'no-cache');
xmlhttp.SetRequestHeader('cache', 'no-store');
xmlhttp.SetRequestHeader('If-Modified-Since', 'Sat, 1 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT');

xmlhttp.SetTimeouts(timeout, timeout, timeout, timeout);
xmlhttp.Send(method === 'POST' ? body : void (0));

const timer = setTimeout(() => {
try {
xmlhttp.WaitForResponse(-1);, resolve, reject, func);
} catch (e) {
reject({ status: 408, responseText: e.message });
} finally {
activeRequests = activeRequests.filter(req => req !== xmlhttp); // Remove from active requests
}, timeout);

const checkResponse = setInterval(() => {
try {
if (xmlhttp.Status && xmlhttp.ResponseText) {
clearInterval(checkResponse);, resolve, reject, func);
activeRequests = activeRequests.filter(req => req !== xmlhttp); // Remove from active requests
} catch (e) {}
}, 30);
setTimeout(() => { // Simulate foobar exit during request
// Do cleanup

console.log('Aborting all active requests...');
activeRequests.forEach((request, index) => {
try {
console.log(`Aborting request ${index}`);
console.log(`Request ${index} aborted successfully.`);
} catch (e) {
console.log(`Failed to abort request ${index}:`, e);
activeRequests = [];
console.log('All requests have been aborted.');

// And exit
isSafeToExit = true;
}, 500);

Log shows everything is cleared:
Code: [Select]
[2024-05-19 15:14:38.321] Aborting all active requests...
[2024-05-19 15:14:38.321] Aborting request 0
[2024-05-19 15:14:38.619] Request 0 aborted successfully.
[2024-05-19 15:14:38.619] All requests have been aborted.
[2024-05-19 15:14:38.635] Shutting down...
[2024-05-19 15:14:38.734] Unloading Script