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Topic: Columns UI appearance (Read 3397115 times) previous topic - next topic
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Columns UI appearance


Since the topic 'Columns UI / Panels UI appearance' is closed, there is no place to post screenshots of ColumnsUI based config for foobar, so here is a fresh new start

!!! NO panelsUI USE PLEASE !!!, cause your post will be deleted by Admins ...


here is the config i'm working on :

<> - <>

foobar + ColumnsUI (NG Playlist)+ Panel Stack Spiltter + Chronflow ...

it's your turn now 

EDIT: just added a button to hide/show Toolbars & status bar (unlock/lock button), see below :

<> --- lock button to hide toolbars ---> <>

Moderation: Replaced outdated no longer existing images with text URLs only.

Columns UI appearance

Reply #1
What about using this thread?

Columns UI appearance

Reply #3
There is a special Default ui topic. Why not have a topic only for Columns ui configs?

@ Falstaff: This looks quite nice. Maybe you could upload your .fcl ?

here is mine:

The rating image shows the rating but you can also use it to change the rating using the Playback Statistics.
I want to change the layout of the El playlist. So Il will put some work on it :9

Columns UI appearance

Reply #5
Nice config falstaff.
Here is mine, nothing special simple for me and works great.

All buttons belong to Falstaff except the last foobar restart.
Made tgpo really simple layout without any extra dlls that i didn't need
SPCL, code for playlist is by tgpo tgpo Columns Ui Skin
Navigator for columns ui as well

Columns UI appearance

Reply #6
Here's mine.
Basically: EL Playlist + Track Display + Library (Hidden) + Lyrics Panel (Hidden)

Showing Panels

Hidden panels

Columns UI appearance

Reply #7
Hi, here's mine. It's quite a minimal layout, but it works how I want it to. I won't bother posting the other tabs, they're fairly obvious...

Falstaff, how did you make that button to show/hide the toolbar? It looks great.

Columns UI appearance

Reply #8
Hi, here's mine. It's quite a minimal layout, but it works how I want it to. I won't bother posting the other tabs, they're fairly obvious...

Falstaff, how did you make that button to show/hide the toolbar? It looks great.


i like the background of the now playing track (bg and progression bar mode), nice.

Columns UI appearance

Reply #9
tom barlow how did you expand and contract your albums.. is this with columns ng playlist or something else?

Columns UI appearance

Reply #10
tom barlow how did you expand and contract your albums.. is this with columns ng playlist or something else?

He must use ELPlaylist which is for now (i think...) the only playlist that can do this

Here is a new preview of my 'work in progress' CUI config (added scrolling text for track title using trackinfo module :

Columns UI appearance

Reply #11
Seems like i missed the newest update of CUI, it now can anything that is needed in PUi it seems, and much faster i guess?

Looking forward for your release falstaff!

Columns UI appearance

Reply #13

CUI, Single Column Playlist, Track Info Panel Mod

Columns UI appearance

Reply #14
Hi there 

After lurking awhile, here's my using:

Columns UI 0.3 beta 2 preview 9
Album Art Panel
Lyric Show Panels
Track info panel mod 0.8.0 beta
Music Browser 1.2.3b
Continuator 0.6.1
Peakmeter Spectrum Visualisation beta
Quick Search Toolbar 2.8l

After testing endless color themes, I finally like most the black/grey background (118,118,118).


Columns UI appearance

Reply #15
CUI with NG playlist


album art
track info
lyric show
explorer tree

Columns UI appearance

Reply #16
Simple, the way I likes it.

Columns UI appearance

Reply #17
If I'm not wrong, you can have exactly the same appearance with Default_UI.

Columns UI appearance

Reply #18
somewhat a simple and sleek style, just started using foobar2k afew days ago.

just noticed elplaylist screenshots, looks nice, might try it.

Columns UI appearance

Reply #19
It's a work in progress (aren't they all?) using that Panel Splitter thing. I was able to get foo.uie.powerpanels to work without panels UI installed at all, for the seekbar, which makes me happy. I could probably squeeze an old-style Track Info panel in there somewhere, but I'm honestly not sure it's needed.

Columns UI appearance

Reply #20
[a href="" target="_blank"]

Columns UI appearance

Reply #21
Been playing more with Panel Splitter. The small button in the bottom right shows/hides the album list and resizes the window.

Columns UI appearance

Reply #22

There's mine. It's more about my music library than looks. It works great for me though.

Columns UI appearance

Reply #24
My tabbed layout with lots of use of custom buttons