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Topic: Ripping+Encoding with RubyRipper and Shorten (Read 2392 times) previous topic - next topic
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Ripping+Encoding with RubyRipper and Shorten

seeking the encoding line for shorten in rubyripper      using ubuntu Lucid

the closest i have got is

Code: [Select]
shorten "%i" -o "%o".shn

it does some of the encoding then stops

any clever thoughts?

I have shorten 3.6.1 in my  /usr/bin    and also    /usr/local/bin

and have made it executable

the line of code probably needs minor tweeking but i do not know how to proceed and need help

yea yer roight !

Ripping+Encoding with RubyRipper and Shorten

Reply #1
ok got the answer from 2 sources and the code is 
Code: [Select]
shorten  "%i"  "%o".shn

yea yer roight !


Ripping+Encoding with RubyRipper and Shorten

Reply #2
any clever thoughts?

Any reason why you are or have to use Shorten over FLAC or Wavpack even? 
budding I.T professional