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Topic: Facets (foo_facets) (Read 814721 times) previous topic - next topic
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Facets (foo_facets)

Reply #450
Hello, I'm having some problems with Foobar foo_facets. When I stick the window to the top or side in Windows 7 to dock it, all the facets info disappears. It comes back when I restart the program, but I'd like to be able to dock the window to a side and still have all my collection info at hand. Any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance

Facets (foo_facets)

Reply #451
Not a big deal, but I was flummoxed for a while in trying to use the "duplicate" function in trying to create a new playlist group preset.  I hit "duplicate" again and again and failed to see anything new appearing in the group presets screen.  In frustration, I finally left the presets screen and returned to the main layout...and thereupon found that when I right-clicked in a playlist column to select "groups", I had about a dozen new duplicate groups.

So it appears that upon creating a duplicate group, one must exit and then re-enter the group preset menu to configure it further.  If I'm missing something obvious to see the duplicate group in an easier fashion, please let me know.  If there is not an easier way currently, then for a future update I suggest that duplicate groups appear in the preset menu when they are created without having to leave and re-enter the preset menu.

But this is a small thing.  I just switched from CUI to DUI, mainly because I am very impressed with the superior flexibility and performance of facets library filtering and searches compared to what is available in CUI.  Thanks!

Facets (foo_facets)

Reply #452
Is it possible at all to return multiple values (not multivalue fields) in the same pane?

ie. Have columns Album and Track Artist columns disaplyed in the same pane. However Track Artist will group all the track artists for each album and display on the same row, rather than have multiple rows.

Facets (foo_facets)

Reply #453
My folders are organized in  : Music > Genre > Artist > Album .. but in foo facets it only show music folder with no sub directories. Is it possible to browse folder by folder structure in foo facets?

Facets (foo_facets)

Reply #454
Facets is a linked list library viewer. You can link as many facets panes as you like. Make your first pane show Genre, second Artist etc. Much information is available via docs.

Facets (foo_facets)

Reply #455
There seems to be a bug when using '<> ><' for coloring fields. If a field is colored you can no longer type to navigate?

e.g. colored %artist% will not let me type to go to the first letter of the artist name in facets panel

Facets (foo_facets)

Reply #456
I recently installed Facets and I really like it. Unfortunately I can't find a configuration that allows me to use the selection-playlist in a similar way as the album-list (standard component).

I want to send the currently selected files in the media library (on single click) to the selection playlist, but I *don't* want to automatically activate it.

Thus I set the appropriate option in the selection-playlist configuration (which is in the parent node of the facets subtree) as follows:

/Preferences/Media Library/Library viewer selection playlist/Enabled

  • /Preferences/Media Library/Library viewer selection playlist/Activate when changed [ ]

    The latter setting works as expected with the album list but Facets seems to ignore that setting and switches to the selection-playlist all the time (on each click in the album list).

    Since I've got used with that option in the album list for the last years I'm really worry about this issue.

    Thanks in advance for any help.

Facets (foo_facets)

Reply #457
Hi all,

I'm setting up foobar like this for the first time, and I thought I had everything exactly how I wanted it, if only the library viewer selection playlist would go away...

Here is a screen shot of my setup:

Basically I want to be able to use Facets to browse my library, but I want the far right column (playlist manager/viewer/art) to be static instead of hiding my current playlist with the Library Viewer Selection Playlist whenever I browse my library. I want the "now playing" cover art to stay the same in the bottom corner and my "playlist queue" or "current playlist" to stay on top.

Library viewer selection playlist is NOT enabled in preferences.

Hope this all makes sense..

Any tips?


Facets (foo_facets)

Reply #458
Ok I just figured out how to change the 'selection action' when browsing the library. So the library viewer playlist doesn't always jump to the front when browsing. Good.

But now is there any way to apply that same setting to the album art?

Facets (foo_facets)

Reply #459
In preferences -> display -> selection viewers you can choose what to show

Facets (foo_facets)

Reply #460
Thank you so much!

Facets (foo_facets)

Reply #461
Great tool, Thank you!

Facets (foo_facets)

Reply #463
it is not a subsection under Display. Are you saying you see no Selection Viewers ON the Display tab?

User interface module
Selection Viewers
Album Art

Facets (foo_facets)

Reply #464
Why does $meta_branch_remap_stripprefix(artist) only display artists that have a prefix to be stripped and ignores the rest?

Facets (foo_facets)

Reply #465
I have a question about Facets. I'm currently using facets but one little thing about the way it works bothers me. I'm using three separate facets: Artists, Albums, Tracks. And if I have "All Artists" and "All Albums" selected in the first two facets the "Tracks" facets shows my entire song library. What I don't like is that by selecting a song from this view and pushing the next track button or random track button does not actually change to another song in my library. So my question is if this functionality is possible to achieve with facets alone.

Facets (foo_facets)

Reply #466
I have a question about Facets. I'm currently using facets but one little thing about the way it works bothers me. I'm using three separate facets: Artists, Albums, Tracks. And if I have "All Artists" and "All Albums" selected in the first two facets the "Tracks" facets shows my entire song library. What I don't like is that by selecting a song from this view and pushing the next track button or random track button does not actually change to another song in my library. So my question is if this functionality is possible to achieve with facets alone.

next and other play-actions work only in Playlists... the Tracks-View of Facets is not a playlist! you have first to select some (or all) tracks from the tracks-Pane and add it to a playlist, then you can do what you want (next, randon, shuffle etc...)

Facets (foo_facets)

Reply #467
Hi. I'm wondering wether it is possible to combine results from two or more tag fields in one Facet pane?

Let's say I wanted a pane named Credits that contained each name from fields PERFORMER and VOCALS (and perhaps PRODUCER). A solution must be able to handle multivalue fields - for instance, %<performer>% and %<vocals>%.

Thanks for your input!


Facets (foo_facets)

Reply #468
Is there any answer regarding this? It's really annoying.
Why does $meta_branch_remap_stripprefix(artist) only display artists that have a prefix to be stripped and ignores the rest?

Facets (foo_facets)

Reply #469
Let's say I wanted a pane named Credits that contained each name from fields PERFORMER and VOCALS (and perhaps PRODUCER). A solution must be able to handle multivalue fields - for instance, %<performer>% and %<vocals>%.

Code: [Select]

You might want to read the Facets wiki.

Facets (foo_facets)

Reply #470
Let's say I wanted a pane named Credits that contained each name from fields PERFORMER and VOCALS (and perhaps PRODUCER). A solution must be able to handle multivalue fields - for instance, %<performer>% and %<vocals>%.

Code: [Select]

You might want to read the Facets wiki.

Oh. It's right there. I apologize... Thanks for your help, anyway.

Facets (foo_facets)

Reply #471
No need to apologize. I linked to the wiki in case you have any other questions regarding Facets that the wiki might be able to answer for you.

Facets (foo_facets)

Reply #472
I'm trying to create a facets layout, but I'm struggling to do what I want.

I want to have two horizontal panes, with the second one spilt in half, vertically. But I can't find a way to do this. Is it even possible? Changing orientation, changes all the panes, and I've tried pasting a pane into a different Facets UI, but the pane isn't linked to the first UI. Any help is appreciated.

Facets (foo_facets)

Reply #473
Is there any answer regarding this? It's really annoying.
Why does $meta_branch_remap_stripprefix(artist) only display artists that have a prefix to be stripped and ignores the rest?

One solution to this takes advantage of the ability to populate Facets' columns with more than one metadata tag. In your scenario, you can use title formatting such as:
Code: [Select]

This will return all artist values regardless if there is a prefix to be stripped, which means it isn't limited as the Facets workaround is.

As you likely know, foobar currently lacks the ability to swap/strip prefixes on a multi-valued tag except for the first value (using $stripprefix(%...%) [with $stripprefix(%<...>%) broken except for single-value tags ]); however, you may not know that you can swap/strip prefixes if you apply title formatting to each value individually as shown in the code above. The disadvantage of using this is that foobar cannot remap to other fields if the artist tag isn't present (in which case you might need to augment the code with performer and composer [and album artist if you're inclined]). Unfortunately, Facets is the only component (I know of) that allows you to work around foobar's limitation in this manner.