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Topic: HALAC (High Availability Lossless Audio Compression) (Read 40956 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: HALAC (High Availability Lossless Audio Compression)

Reply #100
Very initial HALAC input component for foobar2000:

Couple of warnings:
The input library is very basic and only supports loading files by file path, and the path is given in ANSI codepage so characters needing unicode won't work.

As the library forces decoding the entire file to memory large files will need a lot of RAM. But the library won't be able to handle very big files as it addresses size with 32-bit integer.

The library doesn't seem to have any error checking. Feeding it a path that doesn't exist makes the host program (foobar2000) crash. Trying to load corrupted/invalid HALAC file makes the host program crash.

Edit: and based on the DLL name I believe AVX is required. And since there is only 64-bit DLL available this version of the component only works on 64-bit foobar2000.

Re: HALAC (High Availability Lossless Audio Compression)

Reply #102
The comment of everyone who comments is valuable to me. @mudlord , @Kraeved
As of now, HALAC is still in the development phase. The newest of other lossless codec except HALAC is close to 20 years of age. As I find time now, I try to establish the compression ratio/speed balance. I can see that there is a gap here.
When my improvements are over, it can be a codec that everyone can use. However, there is a lot of structural changes at the moment. And this is not very suitable for general use. However, 0.2.7 can now be encoded, decoded and listened to, albeit experimentally.

Thank you so much for foobar2000, Case. I have no desire to develop a new player. I just wanted to show that HALAC files can be listened to. So I prepared a very simple DLL.
  • I usually work as ANSI. Yes, Unicode support can also be added. I will have to make some change for this.
  • Decoded data in terms of convenience are returned as a single WAV. However, I can do this in the form of frames (up to 1 MB). However, in this case, the relevant Players should also use the data in pieces. I did not want to deal with it in the Player I have developed for now.
  • Since the maximum size of the WAV files was u32 bit, I didn't need more. This can be increased, no problem.
  • I need to add error controls, especially version control. It is true that I have ignored this stage a little.
  • I added the SSE2 version of DLL to Github. However, I have never needed 32 bit until now. If necessary, I can also compile 32 bit. But considering the whole structure, of course, there will be things I need to change. Therefore, the subject of 32 bit is less priority for me for now.

Re: HALAC (High Availability Lossless Audio Compression)

Reply #103
Best option for API would be not to rely on filenames at all. Most libraries allow setting callback functions - you just give pointer to simple functions for reading and seeking and other features API might need. Another option would be to use memory pointers for data exchange.

Not relying on filenames would for example mean that foobar component would automatically get support for playing HALACs over internet and from archives. And features like full file buffering or prebuffering parts of future tracks would work.

And partial decoding is of course very important for realtime playback. Decoding entire track in advance not only requires way too much memory, but it can also means a long delay for track changes potentially breaking gapless playback.

For playback use it would also make sense to have some way to report the audio data specs to the player and just give the audio data to it. My component now includes parser for WAV, RF64, BW64 and W64 formats just in case such things pop out of HALAC so that it can play them. It's not nice to outsource these things for the player.

Oh yeah, and you should specify what calling convention the functions use. Now they seem to depend on compiler defauls.

Re: HALAC (High Availability Lossless Audio Compression)

Reply #104
I added the SSE2 version of DLL to Github.

@Case, please, update your Foobar2000 component accordingly.
• Join our efforts to make Helix MP3 encoder great again
• Opus complexity & qAAC dependence on Apple is an aberration from Vorbis & Musepack breakthroughs
• Let's pray that D. Bryant improve WavPack hybrid, C. Helmrich update FSLAC, M. van Beurden teach FLAC to handle non-audio data

Re: HALAC (High Availability Lossless Audio Compression)

Reply #105
The foobar component now includes both SSE2 and AVX libraries and it will use the one supported by the CPU.

Re: HALAC (High Availability Lossless Audio Compression)

Reply #106
Foobar2000 2.1.4 with Case's component (442 550 bytes) crashed upon adding HALAC file to the playlist.

Source PCM WAV 44.1 kHz 16 bit stereo was compressed using HALAC 0.2.6 SSE2.

Code: [Select]
$ halac_encode_v.0.2.6_mt_sse2.exe sacrifice01.wav sacrifice.halac

$ halac_decode_v.0.2.6_mt_sse2.exe sacrifice.halac sacrifice02.wav

$ xxhsum.exe *.wav
0ebdb0d5ad93a94e  sacrifice01.wav
0ebdb0d5ad93a94e  sacrifice02.wav
• Join our efforts to make Helix MP3 encoder great again
• Opus complexity & qAAC dependence on Apple is an aberration from Vorbis & Musepack breakthroughs
• Let's pray that D. Bryant improve WavPack hybrid, C. Helmrich update FSLAC, M. van Beurden teach FLAC to handle non-audio data

Re: HALAC (High Availability Lossless Audio Compression)

Reply #107
That is what I warned about. The error handling leaves a lot to be desired and causes the host program to crash too. The demo HALAC Player crashes similarly. And the 0.2.7 decoder exe fails to decode the file too, creates a zero byte wav file.

If this was a final piece of decoder library with no hope of getting improvements, I could isolate it in a different process. But I hope things will improve so that such drastic measurements aren't necessary. The isolation layer adds more complexity and also introduces performance penalty.

Re: HALAC (High Availability Lossless Audio Compression)

Reply #108
@Kraeved; I have already mentioned that Player only works with Halac 0.2.7. Also, I did not specify this with an error message. For the next version, I will add this measure to both Decoder and DLL. OK.

Thank you very much for your great suggestions, Case. Such comments are really necessary.
Best option for API would be not to rely on filenames at all.
DLL/SO will not deal with file operations. OK.

And partial decoding is of course very important for realtime playback.
DLL/SE should only take memory address, frame number and data length. OK.

My component now includes parser for WAV, RF64, BW64 and W64 formats just in case such things pop out of HALAC so that it can play them.
DLL/SO should give us the necessary information such as header(channel count, bit rate...) and metadata. OK.

Oh yeah, and you should specify what calling convention the functions use.
This should be more important especially for Windows. OK.

I will add them in the next version. If I need to repeat, these are the usual problems in the software process and the solution can be produced quickly. However, I need to focus on what I need to focus on (speed, ratio, prediction, entropy ...).

Re: HALAC (High Availability Lossless Audio Compression)

Reply #109
When my improvements are over, it can be a codec that everyone can use.

Yep. I tried explaining to Kraevad that sometimes up until that point, a project is not for everyone *or anyone* at all, and that its purely a prototype. Like I have some personal projects which still have things cooking or I don't feel are up to any sort of standard that I feel comfortable to be public, so things like widespread vectorization/threading or even GPU support are not there yet, so I stick to SSE4/AVX2/NEON/GL4.6 until that time comes, because I am more focused on getting things working *at all* rather than any semblance of widespread appeal.

Re: HALAC (High Availability Lossless Audio Compression)

Reply #110
Since there is still no updated decoder DLL I sandboxed the process and added support for 32-bit foobar2000 while at it. Since the DLLs are only 64-bit the 32-bit component won't be able to decode anything unless the OS is also 64-bit.
And I listed the component on my component page:


Re: HALAC (High Availability Lossless Audio Compression)

Reply #111
Since there is still no updated decoder DLL I sandboxed the process and added support for 32-bit foobar2000 while at it. Since the DLLs are only 64-bit the 32-bit component won't be able to decode anything unless the OS is also 64-bit.
And I listed the component on my component page:
Thank you very much for your interest in the topic and for what you have done. You are great.
I have uploaded the 32-bit compiled versions of the Encoder and Decoder from version 0.2.7 to Github as SSE2 and AVX. The 32-bit version may experience slightly loss of speed during the Encode stage.

I'm trying to prepare the things I get notes for the 0.2.8 DLL version (Windows/Linux). And since the DLL will be independent of the file and the file path, Player will now have multiple language support.


Re: HALAC (High Availability Lossless Audio Compression)

Reply #112
Could you release a new version with a "-high" argument which gets a bit higher compression ratio than default but 25-50% slower compression and decompression speed?

Re: HALAC (High Availability Lossless Audio Compression)

Reply #113
Could you release a new version with a "-high" argument which gets a bit higher compression ratio than default but 25-50% slower compression and decompression speed?
The graph above shows the change of compression ratio since the first version of HALAC. HALAC is a speed-oriented study and the last thing I want to compromise on speed is. The lossless compression rate of audio data is really limited in most cases.

SQUEEZE CHART is an archive that also contains different types of music used in audio compression tests. It gives an idea in a general sense. Since the first version, there has been an improvement of about 1% in the compression ratio at the same speeds (encode has been slightly faster). At extremely high speeds, this is really not bad. Depending on the current situation, it is a little difficult to predict how much further progress can be made.

HIGH mode has been requested from different people before. I will focus on the compression ratio in later versions. Because I've already mentioned that there is a little more space in this regard.

I started to get interested in the compression ratio with version 0.2.6. However, I had to enter the Player and DLL topic in accordance with the incoming requests. Now, as soon as I have time, I am trying to complete the new dynamic library I have developed for HALAC in a flexible and error-free way. Changes are also made to the file structure and working style in accordance with incoming requests.

Re: HALAC (High Availability Lossless Audio Compression)

Reply #114
There are situations where encoding speed is more important than decoding speed, and vice versa so out of curiosity: Does your methodology allow you to spend more encoding effort to decrease decoding load, without the trade-off being as skewed as "more brute-forcing"?

Re: HALAC (High Availability Lossless Audio Compression)

Reply #115
HALAC's Encode speed is slightly better than the decode speed (I mentioned the little improvement of V.0.2.7 at the encode speed of my previous description). In fact, this situation is normal in HALAC. Because since the Encode speed is extremely fast, the decode speed seems to be behind. But not like that.

The encode process takes big data and compresses it to make it small. The decode process, on the other hand, takes compressed data and produces a larger data output. This is a disadvantage. The other problem is dependency. There is usually a dependency on the previous data in the decode process. One code cannot be passed to another without being decoded. In other words, some operations cannot be parallelized. Therefore, a bottleneck may occur at this stage.

Some codecs(especially image codecs) try to relieve the decode stage by performing more operations during the encode stage. In other words, they offer most things ready-made to the decoder. Because decode speed is more important for them. This approach also helps to increase the compression ratio, as more operations can be performed at the encode stage. In other words, more possibilities and situations can be evaluated. And some approaches, such as content modeling, can also be exhibited.

This kind of approach can also be exhibited for HALAC. In the "-high" mode, maybe we can see something like this. But I think this time it will be no different from other codecs. My goal is to make as few concessions to speed as possible.

Re: HALAC (High Availability Lossless Audio Compression)

Reply #116
Also: In the new version [0.2.8], add a lossy mode that uses quantization like FSLAC, Quite OK Audio (QOA), WavPack lossy and lossyWAV. Still make that as fast as possible.

Re: HALAC (High Availability Lossless Audio Compression)

Reply #117
Lossy compression(audio/image) is about ignoring some data that is outside of human perception. And for this it is clearly necessary to perform various tricks. So as long as people don't understand, it means there's no problem. It is not as rigid as lossless compression, and we can act more flexibly. However, they are generally not preferred in professional areas and are for everyday use.

The main problem here is that the interpretation of the output can be in many different ways and quite relative. So it is very difficult to come to a definite conclusion in terms of quality.

When we carefully examine the deformations on the image, we can see them with the naked eye. However, it is not easy to analyze changes in the original sound without high-quality audio equipment. At least it's not easy for me.

Since there are higher bit values (24/32) in the audio data, there may also be more noise that needs to be cleared. I can evaluate this issue in later versions. But for now, there are more priority issues. Therefore, a little more time is needed for the lossy option.

Re: HALAC (High Availability Lossless Audio Compression)

Reply #118
You could of course have a quick look at whether HALAC could be used in conjunction with LossyWAV. Then those who are interested in lossy (+ correction files) could play around with it and see if something interesting comes up near the speed/quality frontier. I surely agree with you (though it is your say and not mine) that creating a new lossy codec need not be next week's project.

BTW, @Nick.C the LossyWAV developer: Your profile page has the ancient LossyWAV 1.3.0 development thread as your homepage ... did anyone notice in the 1/8th of a century since it was locked?   :))

Re: HALAC (High Availability Lossless Audio Compression)

Reply #119
Thanks for the suggestion, Porcus.
In the future, I can review the studies and academic publications on lossy audio compression and do a different study that focuses on high speed again.

Re: HALAC (High Availability Lossless Audio Compression)

Reply #120
Note: lossyWAV and HALAC don't match. If they match, it would be "lossyHALAC", a new format. 8)

If you compress lossyWAV-encoded files with HALAC, it's stuck in a endless loop, creating a VERY BIG file (in tens/hundreds of MBs/GBs or even TBs until you stop running the program). :P

If you compress normal WAV files with HALAC, it's fine, like how other lossless compressors should do. :D

Re: HALAC (High Availability Lossless Audio Compression)

Reply #121
HALAC can only compress WAV files at the moment. I just heard about the LossyWAV format a few days ago. This is happening because of the shift in header information. No problem, it can be easily handled.

As far as I have seen and understood, LossyWAV does not do direct compression. I think he's preparing the data by making it lossy so that it can be compressed better. Because the data obtained at the end of the process are in the same dimensions. However, their content is different and can be compressed better afterwards. However, the processing speed was below 10 MB/s even in standard mode(i7 3770k). This period does not include the subsequent compression process load.

Re: HALAC (High Availability Lossless Audio Compression)

Reply #122 ;  IDK if HALAC could (easily) be adapted to 512 bytes per block.

My idea was more, if one wants to throw a bone to those who want a lossy version of HALAC - then making for it to work with LossyWAV would enable those users to work out settings at their preferred bit rates and see how it compares to other compressors.
Since the compression part is lossless (the lossiness is in the LossyWAV pre-processor), there would be no considerations about audio quality between compressors - speed and size would still be comparable in an apples to apples way.

Re: HALAC (High Availability Lossless Audio Compression)

Reply #123 ;  IDK if HALAC could (easily) be adapted to 512 bytes per block.

My idea was more, if one wants to throw a bone to those who want a lossy version of HALAC - then making for it to work with LossyWAV would enable those users to work out settings at their preferred bit rates and see how it compares to other compressors.
Since the compression part is lossless (the lossiness is in the LossyWAV pre-processor), there would be no considerations about audio quality between compressors - speed and size would still be comparable in an apples to apples way.
I got an output with LossyWAV with the default settings. The new data obtained seems to be quite suitable for compression. So it has made the 16-bit data almost 8-bit. However, when I listened to the lossy music, I didn't see much difference.
Of course, in this case, the lossless HALAC is not suitable for these data. However, a good harmony can be achieved with a small change.

Re: HALAC (High Availability Lossless Audio Compression)

Reply #124
Post the new version [0.2.8 maybe] of the encoder and decoder with lossyWAV support (lossyHALAC output format).