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Opus / Re: Can anyone reliably ABX OPUS at 160kbps?
Last post by lovecraft -

So in my case, 96kbps is more than transparent. Absolutely. Opus is really something. Or i lost most of my hearing

3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: foo_youtube
Last post by DVS -4
CUETools / Re: How To Rip SACDs to DSD files?
Last post by Porcus -my bad, yeah it's the 2004 remasterOK, then actually: if you don't have the hardware to rip it - one of those PS3s or Blu-Ray players - then it might be a better idea to get it in PCM.
DSD isn't really well suited for consumers, it spits lots of ultrasonic noise down your playback chain. Hardware SACD players filter that away in their analog stage. This ripping procedure does not. (Converting to say, 48 kHz PCM will filter it away. But then, going by way of DSD is an unnecessary step.)
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: Columns UI
Last post by musicmusic -If you are experiencing a crash, submit the crash report and confirm the time it was submitted (or post the crash log and dump here). If you have some steps to reproduce the problem, make a screen recording (for example, using ShareX) and post it.
FLAC / Re: FLAC 1.5.0 Pre-Releases
Last post by john33 -
FLAC / Re: FLAC 1.5.0 Pre-Releases
Last post by ktf -8
FLAC / Re: FLAC 1.5.0 Pre-Releases
Last post by john33 -Code: [Select]
project(FLAC VERSION 1.5.0-rc1"From what I can gather, cmake won't permit anything other integers and '.'s in the VERSION tag. I deleted the '-rc1' text and then edited the config.h generated and added that to the PACKAGE_VERSION. It then compiled with the correct version string.
FLAC / Re: FLAC 1.5.0 Pre-Releases
Last post by ktf -10