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Topic: Discussion of "Default UI Gallery" (Read 412590 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #650
This is a question for Falstaff OR anybody knowing the answer. I'm curious about this layout :,58574.msg910170.html#msg910170

I'm curious because I see three similar panels/components/scripts, each one with a similar "Filter" at the top.

Those are their JScript Panels, available on the DeviantArt page.

Re: Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #651
Amazing ! Thanks Coreda for the link.
Unfortunately I don't see any folder support for JS Smooth Playlist Manager ?

Re: Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #652
Amazing ! Thanks Coreda for the link.
Unfortunately I don't see any folder support for JS Smooth Playlist Manager ?

Can't recall which features it has off-hand, it's fairly basic. What do you mean by playlist folders btw?

Re: Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #653
Folders containing playlists ? A way to group playlists.

Re: Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #654
I was just really satisfied with the program and decided to share my theme  :)

Screenshot of 1080p wide display, the theme file (orangin.fth) is included.
You can simply load it as is, doesn't use any other dependency (only the tray icon is linked to different foobar2000 program files ico).

Screenshot is from v1.3.14 but works with v1.3.16 as well.


Re: Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #659
It's a second Biography Panel switch by Album Cover without infos...

Re: Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #661
Hi - what are the spectrum and VU meters that you are using here?,58574.msg953285.html#msg953285
Oh, those? Peakmeter Spectrum Visualisation. I think it's on the list of unstable components, but for me it works just fine. Normally there are both peakmeter and spectrum in one window, but you can configure it to be only one of them.

Re: Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #664
I've got a solvable problem I hope, I just don't known enough to figure it out myself. I've been using foobar mainly for format conversions and tagging. I now want to use it as a media player. My problem is the album list, last week I added my media server to the library after an hr or so I had a list of 4800 albums this is way too many items to scroll through, I'd like to just see a list of artists then be able to expand to a list of albums under each artist. From screen shots I've seen in earlier posts I know this configuration is possible. Any help would be appreciated. 

Re: Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #665
Open Preferences -> Media Library -> Album List and create a display pattern. You can use "by artist/album" as a starting point, copy and expand it depending on the tagging standards you follow. To put artist and album on separate levels, insert a vertical bar character "|" between them.

Code: [Select]
[%album artist%|]['['%date%']' ]%album%|[[%discnumber%.]%tracknumber%. ][%track artist% - ]%title%

Re: Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #666
Open Preferences -> Media Library -> Album List and create a display pattern. You can use "by artist/album" as a starting point, copy and expand it depending on the tagging standards you follow. To put artist and album on separate levels, insert a vertical bar character "|" between them.

Code: [Select]
[%album artist%|]['['%date%']' ]%album%|[[%discnumber%.]%tracknumber%. ][%track artist% - ]%title%
Thank you for the info I didn't know about the function of the vertical bar and I take it that the bar has to be between "%" and the"]"
Is there a list of operators and all of their functions? I've looked throughout the wiki but can't find anything.
I modified the script you shared slightly, I just want the artist on top and I don't want the date next in the hierarchy.
I loaded it and it's very close to perfect. Only problem is it shows all my tagging shortcoming.

[%artist%|][%album%|][[%discnumber%.]%tracknumber%. ][%track artist% - ]%title%

Thanks Again

Re: Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #667
...didn't know about the function of the vertical bar and I take it that the bar has to be between "%" and the"]"
Is there a list of operators and all of their functions?...
That vertical bar is called a pipe. A supplement to the Query Syntax page is Titleformat Album List
Neither an audiophile, nor album snob. Why do ratings threads always have a poster saying 'I don't believe in rating music'?
Record Label Icons: 600x600 pngs appropriate for any color background:

Re: Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #668
A vertical bar can be anywhere you want. If it is inside square brackets, then it will not be output if the fields on that level were missing.

Re: Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #669
Repeat the 11k&11k scale in the Spectrum.

Re: Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #670
Hey folks,
This is referring to my post in the Gallery topic...

(1) I like the Album view concept - some more details would be appreciated on how you organize that? 

(2) How are you avoiding lines between the panels?
Hi @mjm716

(2) Second question first, the background color (in Preferences... Colors And Fonts) is the same as the window color, RGB 240. So the splitters are camouflaged. It helps there is transparency and the fake blur coming through.

(1) A bit of title formatting. ;)  I guess I'll just paste it with a few brief notes and leave you to sort it out as you please...

Aside from the standard fields, my files are tagged with FEATURED, ENSEMBLE, RELEASETYPE, ARTISTGROUP, and DISCSUBTITLE. (At least these are the relevant ones). Of course RELEASETYPE is the key one for most of the headings ("Singles", etc), however I leave the tag empty on most albums which then is coded as "Studio Albums". ENSEMBLE tag you can ignore I think, it should fall back to ALBUM ARTIST in most cases ($if3), I mostly use it as album wide sort tag for bands. And ARTISTGROUP is the link for bands ("Soundgarden") to show up under the solo artist ("Chris Cornell"), in this case the band albums are tagged with ARTISTGROUP=Chris Cornell, for example.

Facets correlates this into one artist entry thanks to the multiple patterns feature. Without this, or using another library viewer, you could still get RELEASETYPE groupings I guess, but could not include the extra fields / headings for completion. So...

Facets - Artist column:
Code: [Select]
$if($not($stricmp(%genre%,Podcast)),%<artist>%)|[$if($not($stricmp(%genre%,Podcast)),%<featured>%)]|[%<artistgroup>%]|$if($strstr($meta(album artist),Various Artists),Various Artists  <<>>)

^ Excludes podcasts, and adds a group for VA albums.

Then EsPlaylist (in default 'Follow Active Playlist' mode) shows the results. Make a new "Album (by Release Type)" group with 2 grouping levels - level 1 for the heading of Artist / Release Type, and level 2 for the Album cover and info. Be sure to tick the box next to level 2 to make it the default.


(Level 1 - Artist) Grouping:
Code: [Select]
$if(%artistgroup%,%artistgroup%)$if3(%ensemble%,%album artist%)$if($strstr(%releasetype%,Single),Single)$if($strstr(%releasetype%,Live),Live)$if($strstr(%releasetype%,Compilation),Compilation)$if($strstr(%genre%,Music Video),Video)

(Level 1 - Artist) Title:
Code: [Select]
     $puts(en,$if3( $meta_sep(ensemble,    ),$if($or($strcmp(%ensemble%,%album artist%),$strstr(%artist%, & )), , )$meta_sep(artist,    ),  $meta_sep(album artist,    ),'[Unknown Artist]')$if($or($and(%ensemble%,$not($strstr(%releasetype%,Single)),$not($strstr(%releasetype%,Compilation)),$not($strstr(%releasetype%,Live)),$not($strstr(%genre%,Music Video))),$and($not(%track artist%),$not($strstr(%releasetype%,Single)),$not($strstr(%releasetype%,Compilation)),$not($strstr(%releasetype%,Live)),$not($strstr(%genre%,Music Video)))), $es_highlight(6)Albums$es_highlight())$if(%track artist%,$if(%ensemble%,, $es_highlight(6)Appears On$es_highlight()))$if($strstr(%releasetype%,Single), $es_highlight(6)Singles$es_highlight())$if($strstr(%releasetype%,Compilation), $es_highlight(6)Compilations$es_highlight())$if($strstr(%releasetype%,Live), $es_highlight(6)Concerts$es_highlight())$if($strcmp(%genre%,Music Video), $es_highlight(6)Videos$es_highlight()))$if($and(%artistgroup%,$strcmp($num(%tracknumber%,1),1)),$if($strstr(%album artist%,$meta(artistgroup,0)), $get(en),$get(en)  $es_highlight(6)' / ' $es_highlight(5) $meta(artistgroup,0)[    $meta(artistgroup,1)] $es_highlight(6)Groups$es_highlight()),$if($strcmp(%album artist%,%artistgroup%),$get(en) ,$if($and(%artistgroup%,$not(%featured%),$not($strcmp($num(%tracknumber%,1),1))),$get(en) )))$if($and(%featured%,$not($strcmp($num(%tracknumber%,1),1))),$if(%artistsort%, $get(en) , $if($strstr(%featured%, & ), , )$meta_sep(featured,    ) $es_highlight(6)Features On$es_highlight() $if($strstr(%releasetype%,Single),$es_highlight(6)Singles$es_highlight() )),$if($and(%featured%,$not(%artistgroup%),$strcmp($num(%tracknumber%,1),1)),$get(en)) )$if($not(%artistgroup%),$if($not(%featured%),$get(en) ))

^ Some unicode characters for icons. (I used to use a different icon for ENSEMBLE, but now the same)
^ Basically a lot of (non- nested) $if functions where only one returns true for each album. I did this ages ago and I'm sure it could be cleaned up now that I know better, but honestly, it takes time. I forget what the ARTISTSORT was needed for, and the other issue is with TRACKNUMBER=1, where EsPlaylist likes to group things under whatever tags the first track has. If the first track has a FEATURED artist tag, EsPlaylist groups the entire album under that instead of the primary artist. So have to ignore it in some cases. (Might not always work perfect)

(Level 1 - Artist) Artwork: set to Artist.

(Level 2 - Album) Grouping:
Code: [Select]

(Level 2 - Album) Title:
Code: [Select]
[$if($strstr(%discsubtitle%,Live),%discsubtitle%,%album%)]$if($and($not(%album%),$strcmp(%genre%,Music Video)),Music Videos)$if(%favorite%,  )$ifgreater(%_Days in library%,28,,  ✱)

^ If disc 2 (etc) of a set is a "Live" recording (always mentioned in DISCSUBTITLE), I split it from the "Studio Album" and group it under "Concerts".

(Level 2 - Album) Side Info:
Code: [Select]
%album artist%$crlf()
$es_highlight(-1)[$year(%date%)]$if($and(%date%,%releasedate%),' / ')[$year(%releasedate%)]$crlf()
$es_highlight(-2)'('%es_subgroup_count% track$ifgreater(%es_subgroup_count%,1,s,)[$ifgreater(%es_subgroup_count%,1,$if($strstr(%discsubtitle%,Live),, / %totaldiscs% discs),)]')'$crlf()
$es_highlight(-2)'('$if(%length%,$iflonger(%es_subgroup_length%,5,$add($mul($left(%es_subgroup_length%,1),60),$substr(%es_subgroup_length%,3,4)) minutes,$iflonger(%es_subgroup_length%,4,$left(%es_subgroup_length%,2) minutes,$ifequal($left(%es_subgroup_length%,1),0,$right(%es_subgroup_length%,2) seconds,$left(%es_subgroup_length%,1) minute$ifgreater($left(%es_subgroup_length%,1),1,s,)))),~ mintues)')'

^ I use RELEASEDATE field for a reissue / remaster date, while DATE is the original.
^ The album LENGTH is displayed in minutes (i.e. "75 minutes") - if I recall this code only works for durations under 10 hours, which is fine for most albums. I have another one which converts to "days, hours, minutes" for podcasts.

(Level 2 - Album) Artwork: set to Cover Front.

Finally enable 'Force-Sorted' for the entire grouping:
Code: [Select]
$puts(da,|%date%|%releasedate%|$stripprefix(%album%)|%discnumber%|%tracknumber%)$if($and($not(%es_group_header%),$not(%artistgroup%),$not($strstr(%releasetype%,Single)),$not($strstr(%releasetype%,Compilation)),$not($strstr(%releasetype%,Live)),$not($strstr(%genre%,Music Video))),$stripprefix($if3($meta(ensemble,0)aa,%track artist%aaa,$meta(album artist,0)  a,$meta(artist,0)  a))$get(da),$if($and($strstr(%releasetype%,Single),$not(%artistgroup%)),$stripprefix($if3($meta(ensemble,0)b,$meta(album artist,0)  bb,$meta(artist,0)  bb))$get(da),$if($and(%artistgroup%,$not($strstr(%releasetype%,Single)),$not($strstr(%releasetype%,Compilation))),$stripprefix($if3($meta(ensemble,0)c,$meta(album artist,0)  cc,$meta(artist,0)  cc))$get(da),$if($and($strstr(%releasetype%,Single),%artistgroup%),$stripprefix($if3($meta(ensemble,0)d,$meta(album artist,0)  dd,$meta(artist,0)  dd))$get(da),$if($strstr(%releasetype%,Compilation),$stripprefix($if3($meta(ensemble,0)ee,%track artist%eee,$meta(album artist,0)  e,$meta(artist,0)  e))$get(da),$if($strstr(%releasetype%,Live),$stripprefix($if3($meta(ensemble,0)f,$meta(album artist,0)  ff,$meta(artist,0)  ff))$get(da),$if($strstr(%genre%,Music Video),$stripprefix($if3($meta(ensemble,0)g,$meta(album artist,0)  gg,$meta(artist,0)  gg))$get(da),$stripprefix($meta(featured,0))  h$get(da))))))))

^ This time a lot of (nested) $if functions where again only one should return true for each album. The sorting is done by adding letters A-H after the artist name. The objective is to first sort by artist name, then put each type in order: Albums, Singles, Groups, Compilations, Appears On, Concerts, Videos. My problem here is I have not figured out how to sort FEATURED tag as well, without screwing up the rest (complete albums that might have featured artists need to stay complete). So that one annoyingly ends up being sorted by ARTIST name, which might put it before or after the selected artist.

A work in progress, as everything foobar related. :D

(Incidentally if trying to figure this stuff out, I recommend pasting it into Title Formatting Sandbox component. There you can click on functions to see the output, whether true/false, and where they begin and end - super useful)


Re: Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #671
(Too late to edit)
A screenshot to illustrate that last issue. Danger sorts before Jack, ideally would prefer Features On grouping to sort after, without also effecting Albums grouping that might have other featured artists... (a puzzle!)

Re: Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #672

Thanks - very helpful and gives me a few new ideas.  I've always used %album artist% to include band members and overlapping projects, but I like your direction.

Re: Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #673
I just discovered a new version of the program, and the fact of translation to x64.  :o
And I had only one problem (apart from the fact that the latest version of the plugin for APE is not suitable) - activating the saved edited version of the base shell from the previous version does not work.
The size of the window itself and the panels were not applied. Ok, it doesn't matter, I adjusted it by combining with the previous version of the player, BUT... the player window does not "lock" from changing its size (if you pull the corner / side), despite the fact that I set "lock" to three blue separators shown in the screenshot:
In all previous versions, this procedure ensured that the size of the entire player window did not change.
How to achieve this in version 2.0?
Thank you.

Re: Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #674
I just discovered a new version of the program, and the fact of translation to x64.  :o
And I had only one problem (apart from the fact that the latest version of the plugin for APE is not suitable) - activating the saved edited version of the base shell from the previous version does not work.
The size of the window itself and the panels were not applied. Ok, it doesn't matter, I adjusted it by combining with the previous version of the player, BUT... the player window does not "lock" from changing its size (if you pull the corner / side), despite the fact that I set "lock" to three blue separators shown in the screenshot:
[attach type=thumb]25646[/attach]
In all previous versions, this procedure ensured that the size of the entire player window did not change.
How to achieve this in version 2.0?
Thank you.

If you haven't found it out yourself so far, it is found in the Misc-Tab under "Display" → "Columns UI" → "Layout", see screenshot:
