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Topic: How To write Artist and Song Title to the source FLAC file (Read 1119 times) previous topic - next topic
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How To write Artist and Song Title to the source FLAC file some cases I have an artist with the album songs listed as the "artist - album1.flac", "artist - album2.flac" etc.  in the actual source file folder of a PC.
Is there a way that Foobar can rewrite the file name of the source FLAC as in this example: 
the original file shows:  "Ross - Ross [1].flac" this is for track 1 by an artist called Ross. 
However the song is "Alright By Me" by Ross which is track 1 as it appears in Foobar 2.2.
Many portable players can't read the metadata from Foobar thus rewriting the file name would be helpful vs. looking at every song as track 1, track 2 etc.
Thanks for any assistance..

Re: How To write Artist and Song Title to the source FLAC file

Reply #1
You can easily rename the files with the built-in File Operations feature. Select the tracks, right click, and open 'File Operations' -> 'Rename to...'.
If you want track number, artist and title in the name, you can try for example this naming pattern:
[%tracknumber%. ][%artist% - ]%title%

Re: How To write Artist and Song Title to the source FLAC file

Reply #2
Remarkable . That worked wonderfully.  Thanks for the quick help Case.