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Topic: $directory(path,n) (Read 1131 times) previous topic - next topic
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Extracts directory name from the file path; goes up by n levels.

Is there a way to go down n levels from the topmost path, opposite to this?

Re: $directory(path,n)

Reply #1
This is probably the cleanest way -

Code: [Select]

^ Replace N with 1 for top most folder, 2 for next, etc.

From this reddit thread (where I posted a couple other ways), which was from the very end of this HA thread in 2010.

Note that if you have more than one monitored folder in Preferences > Media Library where they start on a different folder level from each other, the resulting folders will be mixed up together (in library viewers) ...

Re: $directory(path,n)

Reply #2
This is really interesting
It has been a great help to this curious little boy.
I guess I will have to try more things to get to the results I want
But it has been a great help, thank you