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Topic: New VST adapter for foobar2000 (Read 47513 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: New VST adapter for foobar2000

Reply #150
Exactly the same situation @misio
I'm using iZotope Insight2.

Re: New VST adapter for foobar2000

Reply #151
foobar2000 is an audio player, not a DAW. It's highly unlikely that the internal architecture optimized for fast and efficient audio playback will be broken and changed to make VST plugins able to update their UIs in realtime. The VST support was added for audio effect supports, not for eye candy.

Re: New VST adapter for foobar2000

Reply #152
foobar2000 is an audio player, not a DAW. It's highly unlikely that the internal architecture optimized for fast and efficient audio playback will be broken and changed to make VST plugins able to update their UIs in realtime. The VST support was added for audio effect supports, not for eye candy.
Yeah (I think anyone should understand that foobar2000 is not a DAW even though you can use DSPs within converter), but there is "Visualize with VST" that allows you to visualize audio with VST audio analysis plugins with minimal latency (but obviously it would not change audio output at all), which I use with AnSpec analog-style spectrum analyzer VST

Re: New VST adapter for foobar2000

Reply #153
Does this VST dsp work with more than stereo?
Should work. Do you know any specific VSTs that fail?

I tested  two upmix VSTs and while the gui of the VSTs shows that they work only the left and right channel is in the output.


Same here. No signal from rear, center and LFE channels of (at least one) 5.1 upmix VST with no error reported. Upmix VST was working fine with old VST component. (Foobar 1.6.16 and VST component 0.11.7). Thanks for your work BTW.


I gave it a try again but the problem is still the same.  With stereo input there is only stereo output.

Re: New VST adapter for foobar2000

Reply #156
thank you so much for this component, it's great.
I used to run a software crossover using the RS-MET vst in foobar for my speakers.
Unfortunately, the Channel Mixer component is not available in 64 bit, which was ideal to swap and combine channels.
It seems that the code is not available for a recompile. Could a in/out channel matrix be easily implemented into the VST adapter? Or as a separate foobar component? I have no idea how much work it would be, but it would make DSP in foobar much more flexible/

Re: New VST adapter for foobar2000

Reply #157
thank you for this component, permitting use UAD VST3 plugins. The only problem is, if i use a vst3,  the lag it introduce to start the playing.

Re: New VST adapter for foobar2000

Reply #158
so when i click play (or with remote) it take 5 to 10 seconds before sound start...

Re: New VST adapter for foobar2000

Reply #159
there is "Visualize with VST" that allows you to visualize audio with VST audio analysis plugins with minimal latency (but obviously it would not change audio output at all), which I use with AnSpec analog-style spectrum analyzer VST
I tried that with Youlean's Loudness meter, was considering to get the pro version, but...

I tried the RC 2.5.6, 64bit, one through the DSP and another instance at the same time through the method you mentioned.

I am no longer considering to go for the pro version, because the results were conflicting to say the least... there was soooo much difference in reported values between the two methods that I don't know which one showed 'correct' numbers... even the graphs looked totally different....

And there definitely was latency through the visualization method.... at least a couple of seconds after the DSP method showed output

Re: New VST adapter for foobar2000

Reply #160
Got another issue(?).

Thing is I'm not sure if this is an issue or just misinterpretation on my part.

Does this override apply to what comes out of the VST, or what the VST gets to see?

If the first than it's my misunderstanding, if the latter than it's not working...

The thing is, in the old VST 2.4 Adapter (foo_vst) it allows you to specify the number of channels it should expect, or to set it to Auto...
I tried copying the config file that creates to the same folder as the VST with this component, but... no luck...

in foo_vst this VST shows a channel limiter below the caption together with an option to show the presets pane.
If I click the selected number of channels (only options are Auto,1 or 2) it shows me this popup.
I think this is generated by foo_vst, but I'm not sure...

Re: New VST adapter for foobar2000

Reply #161
In "Override output channels" if you do choose "5.1" instead of stereo, what happens?

Re: New VST adapter for foobar2000

Reply #162
In "Override output channels" if you do choose "5.1" instead of stereo, what happens?
I get the same error popup as shown behind the VST Effect Configuration dialog as in my previous post. 

Re: New VST adapter for foobar2000

Reply #163
Ok, so I reverted back to the old foo_dsp_vst3 adapter, at least I don't have to deal with this error and the limitation of only being able to run one VST with an interface at a time in the new adapter. "Visualize with VST ..." doesn't always work with the few I got, (EasySSP and TT Dynamic Range Meter) and I only use these to test if tracks reported as (joint-)stereo are truly stereo and not just mono.

Also the benefit of being able to run 64bit VST's in 32bit FB2K is wasted on me as only EasySSP has a 64bit version and that it uses more colors and shows output in more than one color (presumably for the different channels) is no true benefit, I'm more interrested in the Gonio display part anyways. Tried Youlean's Loudmess meter but don't see the added benefit of going for the payed version. It also has issues like not resetting between tracks, plus the Loudness Peakmeter plugin gives me the same indications (even if I have to disable any DSP to get values that aren't skewed by a running DSP).

Re: New VST adapter for foobar2000

Reply #164
@Peter if you're monitoring:

thanks so much for the VST2/3 adapter for foo2k.  I'm a musician/producer, and it's great to have various monitoring and metering plugs running that replicate how I monitor in my DAW.  and being able to use all the different flavours (32/64bit, VST2/3) is truly excellent.

A couple of ideas that would really help - I'm a programmer myself (Windows MS C++) and happy to add these myself if the source is available? :

- I have a massive list of plugins, both VST2, 3 and 32bit/64bit.  the current plugin list isn't sorted alphabetically overall but instead into various buckets, so it's really hard to find a specific plugin from the very long list and can take forever.

A global alphabetic sort option makes more sense to me, that way you can find what you want quickly, and can then choose which version (VST2/3, 32/64bit) you want to use.

- as I use monitoring plugins and meters, it would be great if their interface windows could persist (including with their desktop positions) over f2k sessions - including for the Visualize with VST option.  right now I have to re-open them individually from View->DSP etc. every time.

let me know if I can help with these.
Author of -Wavpack4Wavelab- and -CheckWavpackFiles-

Re: New VST adapter for foobar2000

Reply #165
.. also this may be a bug (v2.1.5 x86).  SPL HawkEye (metering plug) thinks it's running at 44.1k even when the audio file (and ASIO interface) are running at 96k.  That means the metering is broken, and might be a global issue?

happens with View->DSP or Visualize as VST, restarts or start/stop doesn't help.
Author of -Wavpack4Wavelab- and -CheckWavpackFiles-

Re: New VST adapter for foobar2000

Reply #166
When I use George Yohng's VST Adapter  with the 32-bit version of Foobar (and I use it with Art-Teknika Console which is a 32-bit vst plugin acting as a vst host), if I change some settings in a vst plugin, the effect is heard after 1-5 seconds, depending on which vst plugins I am running. And the VST host (Art Teknika) stays on the screen all the time, while Foobar is playing. I can tweak parameters in vst plugins, I can monitor the sound level for true peaks, etc.

However, when I use Pavel's VST adapter (I used it with DDMF MetaPlugin acting as a vst host), it is so less convenient:
(1) It does not stay on the screen, you have to click a bunch of buttons to bring it out.
(2) Changing settings in a vst plugin does not change the sound at all. You have to close all the windows and even re-start the track to apply the made changes in the settings.
(3) Monitoring the sound level while Foobar is playing becomes a pain in the ass.
(4) I tried to convert in Foobar while applying some DSP. During the conversion I saw that the level as too high and caused clipping. I decreased the level using one of the vst plugins, re-ran the conversion, but the sound level in the converted files remained the same! Somehow the vst adapter does not reset itself according to the changes.

I wonder why the guy named George Yohng was able to make a convenient vst adapter so many years ago?
And why this new VST adapter is so much inferior compared to it?

Pavel, may be instead of continuing with your VST host adapter, you may try modifying George Yohng's VST adapter to turn it into a 64-bit version compatible with the 64-bit Foobar and with 64-bit vst2 and vst3 vst-plugins?

Please consider it!
Thank you.