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Topic: Flac stream playback issues ( (Read 717 times) previous topic - next topic
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Flac stream playback issues (

Hi and thanks for this support forum everyone!
I've been using fb2k as my default audio player for more than a decade now and have really enjoyed it.
Recently my favourite internet radio channel ( switched from aac to flac steaming and since then I've been having problems with it.
The stream seems to be glitching and cutting out for a shot time quite a lot.
I've been using asio for output since my DAC is quite capable but tried to output into Windows mixer also, this didn't change anything and glitching still occurs.
However, this stream played with VLC or Firefox works correctly without any skipping.

Fb2k console reports following: "Corrupted FLAC stream. Garbage at the end of file (ID3 tag?)", this kinda points me to the stream having problems but I'm wondering
would it still be a player issue, maybe something wrong with my settings, since I've played this flac stream successfully with other players.

My go to stream there is "disco fetish", direct flac stream address is following: .
I've also noticed the lack of current artist and track info on flac stream. Used to work well with aac and their current (lower bitrate) mp3 stream also carries this information.

My fb2k installation is the newest one, currently 2.1.4 x64 version.
I've uploaded a short audio clip about the problem I'm having,

Thanks for any help :)


Re: Flac stream playback issues (

Reply #1
This is combination of two factors.
1) Stream indeed contains id3 tags that should not bу there
2) Recent fb2k versions use latest libFLAC, that treats id3 tags in FLAC stream as errors instead of simply ignoring it  (as old versions of libFLAC did)

Re: Flac stream playback issues (

Reply #2
Thanks for your reply.
I'll message the station about this issue, having high hopes they will resolve it :)
Meanwhile I'll use some other approach to listen the station.
Downgrading Fb2k to earlier version isn't really a tempting solution.