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3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: foo_coverflow_mod playlist friendly
Last post by izmarkie -

When using 64bit, the following is required.

Tablacus Script Control (tsc64.dll) v1.2.5.4

setup.exe > Install
I have Tablacus installed, but I also don't see Coverflow. The component is installed and preferences show the Coverflow item under display, but I can't see how to activate it. What am I missing?
General - (fb2k) / Re: click on a song, create new playlist
Last post by LauraQ -
Thanks but don't work
I have always enabled the voice "Always send new... " but it only works once, then, if I click another song, the first one is deleted. It should be an incremental thing but I don't know how
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: JScript Panel
Last post by Just_Addict -
Dynamic sized thumbs really can't happen with the current design. When you look at a "grid", it's a single image stitched together from multiple images. The only sane thing to do right now is pick a thumb size and then resize the panel to fit and lock it.
Ah, no wonder I couldn't make heads or tales from the diff with the SMP version.

Got another one, I noticed when going into the Panel Properties for JSPlaylist, some keystrokes bleed through to FB2K when editing fields. Spacebar causes playback pausing/resuming, and Del (thank heavens) prompts if I really want to delete the selected/playing track (can't see which so must assume while playing it's the current track).

And I don't know what consequence this has, but I recently converted the few MP3's I still got in my collection (lost the bulk due to hd failure) to solely use ID3v2.4, which seems to have switched the DATE field to store recording date and puts the actual release date into another ID3 field (viewable as %release date%). So, if you configure FB2K to only use ID3v2.4 for MP3, or whatever format this gets used in, it'll affect a lot of your scripts where DATE is used for sorting. 
General - (fb2k) / Re: In search for a plugin, but don't know if such feature is exist.
Last post by regor -
That doesn't exist at all and it would require a lot of work to recreate it, even if possible (and it is). The alternative is to generate such playlist on demand.

You can create pools using other playlists as source though. Not with the original random pools component, but check my JS version ( Playlist Tools) on my sig. Other special sources may also be used (LIBRARY, SEARCHBY, GROUP).


You would obviously have to create multiple pairs of 'source,num of tracks' if you want to create a playlist with more than one track. And change the queries for every desired artist. You have multiple examples on the menus (which can be edited) and also on files at presets folder.

I would not add 50 artists this way though, but you can easily add 5 tracks for 5 artists this way and then another 25 random tracks from library.


Code: [Select]
My source,5;My source,5;_LIBRARY_0,20
Code: [Select]
My source,ARTIST IS gone gone beyond;My source,ARTIST IS David Bowie;_LIBRARY_0,%RATING% GREATER 3

Also note the query may use dynamic evaluation too, i.e. using the selection as reference. So instead of ARTIST IS David Bowie, you can use ARTIST IS #ARTIST#. And whenever you run the pool, the #ARTIST# part is replaced with the current artist selected. Note it only works with a single track, don't expect it to expand to multiple tracks. This may be used for a 'Top tracks by Artist' pool, where you can generate playlist for any artist on the fly.

Don't expect any more guide from me though.

EDIT: I'm currently fixing an omission on my side, currently script only allows a single call to a playlist as source (due to not having the numeration like the other sources), not multiple ones like my example. Will be fixed today.