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Topic: is there a way to disable buffer underrun in exact audio copy? (Read 1670 times) previous topic - next topic
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is there a way to disable buffer underrun in exact audio copy?


I have burned some cds with eac but i would like to test some burnings with the slower speed and disable buffer underrun

is there a way to disable buffer underrun  in exact audio copy?

and it's a good idea to install or no install CDRDAO ?

Re: is there a way to disable buffer underrun in exact audio copy?

Reply #1
and it's a good idea to install or no install CDRDAO ?
It shouldn't matter. If installed, you can enable/disable 'Use CDRDAO for writing in the CD Layout Editor' on the EAC Options > Write tab.


Re: is there a way to disable buffer underrun in exact audio copy?

Reply #2
is there a way to disable buffer underrun  in exact audio copy?
You could try the
switch when starting EAC.
Code: [Select]
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Exact Audio Copy\EAC.exe" -noshowbuffer
I found 2 descriptions for the switch
* Show no Buffer Information on burning
* Not request the buffer fullness on writing

I'm working on a wiki page of startup switches for EAC. I'll probably use the 1st description on the page.
Late edit: Initial page created: