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Topic: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme (Read 188712 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #850

I have actually handled this issue properly...

The error can occur if foobar 32-bit is out of memory because of 4 GB ram limitation for the 32-bit.
This can happen if users have an extremely large music collection indexed plus using Library's album art grid, 4K mode.
Also in general (especially when using the 4K mode), the setting in top Menu > Options > Details > Disc art > #Rotation images
should not be 120 (3 degrees) or 180 (2 degrees).

When the red screen error is displayed, you could try right click > Panel Properties... and click on the Clear button and OK.

I do not know from which time you have downloaded the DEV version, but it is updated very frequently,
i.e when I push commits on Github. If it is from months ago, you can try to re-download the current DEV version state:


About your second question:
Do you mean the country name in the Details ' metadata grid in the release country field where the country flag is also displayed?
I think MusicBrainz uses abbreviation for country names and its tagging component that fetches data from its music catalog database.
Not sure if it is useful to change it, I am very busy with other more important things atm. I could take a look
when I have more free time for such things...


Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #851
Hey there!

First of all, thank you for that awesome theme! I'm loving it and was able to costumize it to my liking except for one thing:
I want to change the row in the playlistview that shows Genre, Codec, ReplayGain, Total Tracks and Total Time. I found the setting for some changes, but the only one I want to change seems to stay there no matter what I try. I'm only able to switch to different values AFTER the genre value. Is there a possibility to alter the showing of the genre to something else like Composer?

Thanks in advance!

Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #852
Hi guys. when i'm in library view i see all my albums,  i then search for vivaldi to play the only album i have of him. anyway i press the album but it will only play one track (track13 for some odd reason). what have I done wrong? I want it to list the whole album.

I've made a very short screen-recording to illustrate my problem. thx in advance.
gif illustration

Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #853
Hey there!

First of all, thank you for that awesome theme! I'm loving it and was able to costumize it to my liking except for one thing:
I want to change the row in the playlistview that shows Genre, Codec, ReplayGain, Total Tracks and Total Time. I found the setting for some changes, but the only one I want to change seems to stay there no matter what I try. I'm only able to switch to different values AFTER the genre value. Is there a possibility to alter the showing of the genre to something else like Composer?

Thanks in advance!

Hi @Killstephandead,

you can not fully customize the playlist header info, only partially, because the listed items are coded, managed and handled
by the Playlist itself. Only the playlist rows formatting can be fully customized:
Code: [Select]
Top Menu > Options > Album header > Customize header info
Top Menu > Options > Track row > Customize track row

Or right click in the Playlist > Playlist options menu.

If you prefer, you can also open your georgia-reborn-config.jsonc file:
and go to section "settings" ( line ~813 ) and change it in:
Code: [Select]
"playlistCustomHeaderInfo": "", // You can use your own custom pattern for the playlist header info
"playlistCustomTitle": "", // You can use your own custom title pattern for the playlist row
"playlistCustomTitleNoHeader": "", // You can use your own custom title pattern for the playlist row - when playlist header is not being displayed


Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #854
Hi guys. when i'm in library view i see all my albums,  i then search for vivaldi to play the only album i have of him. anyway i press the album but it will only play one track (track13 for some odd reason). what have I done wrong? I want it to list the whole album.

I've made a very short screen-recording to illustrate my problem. thx in advance.
gif illustration

Hi @FartMasterExtreme,

it seems you are showing %artist% results from compilations, this is normal and expected foobar behavior.
When using the search, it will only add the results and not the entire album, which makes sense if you think about it.

What you want to do is change the Library view to %album%.
In the Library at the top right corner, click on the hamburger menu ··· > Views > View by Album
or top Menu > Options > Library > View order > Album.

When you changed the Library view to album, you can search for the artist name which will print the album title.
Clear the Library search and search now for the album title. This will show the entire album in the result,
double click on the album and it will add all songs to the Playlist.


Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #855
I use fb2k V2.2 and the theme Georgia-ReBORN (latest version)
My question is:
None of the queries are working
- $mod(%play_count%,3) EQUAL 0
- %play_count% GREATER 0
- ...
Any idea why they don't work, Spider Monkey Panel?

Same post in skip track-forum...

Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #856
I use fb2k V2.2 and the theme Georgia-ReBORN (latest version)
My question is:
None of the queries are working
- $mod(%play_count%,3) EQUAL 0
- %play_count% GREATER 0
- ...
Any idea why they don't work, Spider Monkey Panel?

Same post in skip track-forum...

Hi @bkh,

it is working just fine.

Right-click in the playlist for context menu > Playlist tools > Create new auto playlist > Custom auto playlist.
In the query pattern paste %play_count% GREATER 0
Now it will list all songs that already have been played.
You can also use the other auto playlist presets that you can find in Playlist tools > Create new auto playlist.



Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #857
Hi. Is it possible to display album information such as artwork (in playlist view or in details) not only when the album is playing? Only when selected. When I just want to browse albums, it happens as in the screenshot:

Thank you in advance for your help!