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Topic: Riping in FLAC and quamity (Read 4003 times) previous topic - next topic
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Riping in FLAC and quamity

Hello the forum.
I'm sorry if the topic already exist, but I'm French and I'm not sure to find what I'm looking for...

I'd like to rip all my cd to flac to have them on my computer but I wonder about the influence of my computeur cd reader on the final quality...
Will I have a perfect result my standard cd reader (for your information LG GH22LS30, wich is a basic one) or have I to buy a specific one?

And just a little other question is there a topic explaining which software to use and a tutoriel?
I think to use basic software but I don't know if it's a good idea...

Thank you for answers.

Riping in FLAC and quamity

Reply #1
FLAC is lossless, so quality won't degrade there.

The important thing is reading (ripping) the CD.

The CD reader never guarantees a perfect result because audio CDs do not have perfect error correction or detection. Most popular software (e.g. iTunes) does not guarantee error-free ripping. With tens or hundreds of CDs you'll probably find some that are imperfect.

It is important to use a CD ripper that can check your rip is accurate. Anything with a SECURE mode will do, but for speed, AccurateRip support can verify that you ripped the same data as at least one other person. CueToolsDataBase (CTDB) does the same but additionally can correct small errors in your rip.

If you have Windows, for ease of use I suggest you download CUETools and use CueRipper and choose lossless, FLAC and either track mode (one FLAC per audio track) or image mode (one FLAC of the whole CD). Track mode is most likely what you'd expect and will work with most players.
Dynamic – the artist formerly known as DickD

Riping in FLAC and quamity

Reply #2
I'd also suggest reading the wiki as it'll answer a lot of your questions.


Riping in FLAC and quamity

Reply #3
ok! Thank you very much both for your answers. It's very nice.
I gonna have a look at the wiki to learn a lot of other things...