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Topic: NEW ESLyric v0.5 - an alternative lyric show component (Read 70909 times) previous topic - next topic
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NEW ESLyric v0.5 - an alternative lyric show component

ESLyric v0.5 was written from scratch, and not compatible with the old version(0.3.x).

1. DUI&CUI panel support
2. Scriptable lyric sources(powered by quickjs)
3. Desktop lyric show
4. COM control interface exposed
5. Search processor & filters
6. Display filters
7. Custom panel element layout
8. Enhanced LRC format support, and custom parser support.

Download Links:



Scripts(sources&parsers etc.):

English version was translated by DeepL
any improvements are welcome

Sample lyric source:

default layout

custom layout


Re: NEW ESLyric v0.5 - an alternative lyric show component

Reply #1
Thank you for the update; all of the previous version's features appear to be functional. Perhaps more lyric source options would be beneficial.

Re: NEW ESLyric v0.5 - an alternative lyric show component

Reply #2

Thank you so much for the update. ESLyric is one the best foobar2000 plugins. I have been using v0.3.6 for a long time. I will test your new version and report back.

Re: NEW ESLyric v0.5 - an alternative lyric show component

Reply #3
Please do not abandon the development! How tired of one-time participation ((( I'm on this player from the very beginning to the end of my life. Where is your constancy? Thanks for the new version - everything is fine, add the bandcamp script, metalarchives, shazam

you can also use scripts, maybe this will help you

Re: NEW ESLyric v0.5 - an alternative lyric show component

Reply #4
@ohyeah:  am using version;  it appears that the source script AZLyics is no longer returning lyrics from that site, can you check if it needs an edit?  Otherwise, working fine on Foobar v2 beta 4 x64, thank you!

Re: NEW ESLyric v0.5 - an alternative lyric show component

Reply #5
@ohyeah:  am using version;  it appears that the source script AZLyics is no longer returning lyrics from that site, can you check if it needs an edit?  Otherwise, working fine on Foobar v2 beta 4 x64, thank you!

test fine here. you can check out the console output to find azlyrics urls and open in the browser to see if exists.


Re: NEW ESLyric v0.5 - an alternative lyric show component

Reply #6
Thanks ohyeah for checking!  I found that the AZLyrics website had been blocking my IP due to "unusual activity" and had to provide a captcha verification to clear it.  Since then I've moved azlyrics to being the last provider to be checked, and selected the choice in preferences to "Skip remaining sources if found lyrics when search automatically" and "Choose the best matched lyrics currently."  Hopefully that will make auto-searching hit azlyrics only if no other site has the lyrics.

I recommend adding as another provider.  They have often provided hits on more obscure stuff when used with another lyrics app, and don't seem to change much at all in search method.  Thanks again for porting ESLyric to 64-bit so we can enjoy it with the new Foobar!

Re: NEW ESLyric v0.5 - an alternative lyric show component

Reply #7
When using this plugin, often the lyrics scroll to the end and remain there. When I attempt to pull them down they snap back. How do I fix this? Also, the .lrc mostly starts in the middle, not in sync. Can this read embedded .lrc? What is the green line in the middle of the file when I pull it down, is it some kind of sync line? If so, how do I use it? If this is not the proper place to ask, please move it to where it can be answered properly.

Re: NEW ESLyric v0.5 - an alternative lyric show component

Reply #8
When using this plugin, often the lyrics scroll to the end and remain there. When I attempt to pull them down they snap back. How do I fix this? Also, the .lrc mostly starts in the middle, not in sync. Can this read embedded .lrc? What is the green line in the middle of the file when I pull it down, is it some kind of sync line? If so, how do I use it? If this is not the proper place to ask, please move it to where it can be answered properly.
The plugin supports reading lyrics embedded in the file, which is enabled in the Preferences - Lyric Option - Lyrics Sources, and you can set the tag name by double-clicking the Tags lyrics source.

The lyrics start position is incorrect, please check if your .lrc file timestamp is correct.

Directly use the left mouse button to drag to the lyrics interface, the effect is to adjust the song playback progress; Holding down Ctrl+mouse scroll wheel is to fine-tune the lyrics timestamp; Holding down Ctrl+dragging is to adjust the lyrics timestamp.

Re: NEW ESLyric v0.5 - an alternative lyric show component

Reply #9
When using this plugin, often the lyrics scroll to the end and remain there. When I attempt to pull them down they snap back. How do I fix this? Also, the .lrc mostly starts in the middle, not in sync. Can this read embedded .lrc? What is the green line in the middle of the file when I pull it down, is it some kind of sync line? If so, how do I use it? If this is not the proper place to ask, please move it to where it can be answered properly.
The plugin supports reading lyrics embedded in the file, which is enabled in the Preferences - Lyric Option - Lyrics Sources, and you can set the tag name by double-clicking the Tags lyrics source.

The lyrics start position is incorrect, please check if your .lrc file timestamp is correct.

Directly use the left mouse button to drag to the lyrics interface, the effect is to adjust the song playback progress; Holding down Ctrl+mouse scroll wheel is to fine-tune the lyrics timestamp; Holding down Ctrl+dragging is to adjust the lyrics timestamp.
always.beta: THANK YOU that works great, and I was unable to find that answer. I should have mentioned I am using the plugin with various internet radio stations. They used to mostly sync with Lyric Show Panel 3. Knowing that, do you have any other advice?

Re: NEW ESLyric v0.5 - an alternative lyric show component

Reply #10
When using this plugin, often the lyrics scroll to the end and remain there. When I attempt to pull them down they snap back. How do I fix this? Also, the .lrc mostly starts in the middle, not in sync. Can this read embedded .lrc? What is the green line in the middle of the file when I pull it down, is it some kind of sync line? If so, how do I use it? If this is not the proper place to ask, please move it to where it can be answered properly.
The plugin supports reading lyrics embedded in the file, which is enabled in the Preferences - Lyric Option - Lyrics Sources, and you can set the tag name by double-clicking the Tags lyrics source.

The lyrics start position is incorrect, please check if your .lrc file timestamp is correct.

Directly use the left mouse button to drag to the lyrics interface, the effect is to adjust the song playback progress; Holding down Ctrl+mouse scroll wheel is to fine-tune the lyrics timestamp; Holding down Ctrl+dragging is to adjust the lyrics timestamp.
always.beta: THANK YOU that works great, and I was unable to find that answer. I should have mentioned I am using the plugin with various internet radio stations. They used to mostly sync with Lyric Show Panel 3. Knowing that, do you have any other advice?

plz provide a sample stream source so I can use to reproduce.

Re: NEW ESLyric v0.5 - an alternative lyric show component

Reply #11
plz provide a sample stream source so I can use to reproduce.

I think that by saying "They used to mostly sync with Lyric Show Panel 3", he means that LSP3 would pull stream metadata lyrics from more lyrics sources than ESLyric currently does.

@johnra:  in ESLyric Prefs/Lyric Sources hit the "Get More.." link in the upper right corner and it will check online for any additional added sources/updates and apply them.

Re: NEW ESLyric v0.5 - an alternative lyric show component

Reply #12
plz provide a sample stream source so I can use to reproduce.

I think that by saying "They used to mostly sync with Lyric Show Panel 3", he means that LSP3 would pull stream metadata lyrics from more lyrics sources than ESLyric currently does.

@johnra:  in ESLyric Prefs/Lyric Sources hit the "Get More.." link in the upper right corner and it will check online for any additional added sources/updates and apply them.

ESLyric(x86) can use lyrics3 sources also.
Advanced-> set 'experimental.pref.source.lyrics3' to '1'.
Install lyrics3 sources plugins as usual.(skip if installed)
Restart foobar2000.
After that, you should see sources from lyrics3 plugins in the ESLyric source list.
!!!ATTENTION!!! this is a experimental feature. Enable some lyrics3 sources in ESLyric may crash your foobar2000. Use at your own risk.

Re: NEW ESLyric v0.5 - an alternative lyric show component

Reply #13
When using this plugin, often the lyrics scroll to the end and remain there. When I attempt to pull them down they snap back. How do I fix this? Also, the .lrc mostly starts in the middle, not in sync. Can this read embedded .lrc? What is the green line in the middle of the file when I pull it down, is it some kind of sync line? If so, how do I use it? If this is not the proper place to ask, please move it to where it can be answered properly.
The plugin supports reading lyrics embedded in the file, which is enabled in the Preferences - Lyric Option - Lyrics Sources, and you can set the tag name by double-clicking the Tags lyrics source.

The lyrics start position is incorrect, please check if your .lrc file timestamp is correct.

Directly use the left mouse button to drag to the lyrics interface, the effect is to adjust the song playback progress; Holding down Ctrl+mouse scroll wheel is to fine-tune the lyrics timestamp; Holding down Ctrl+dragging is to adjust the lyrics timestamp.
always.beta: THANK YOU that works great, and I was unable to find that answer. I should have mentioned I am using the plugin with various internet radio stations. They used to mostly sync with Lyric Show Panel 3. Knowing that, do you have any other advice?

plz provide a sample stream source so I can use to reproduce.
When using this plugin, often the lyrics scroll to the end and remain there. When I attempt to pull them down they snap back. How do I fix this? Also, the .lrc mostly starts in the middle, not in sync. Can this read embedded .lrc? What is the green line in the middle of the file when I pull it down, is it some kind of sync line? If so, how do I use it? If this is not the proper place to ask, please move it to where it can be answered properly.
The plugin supports reading lyrics embedded in the file, which is enabled in the Preferences - Lyric Option - Lyrics Sources, and you can set the tag name by double-clicking the Tags lyrics source.

The lyrics start position is incorrect, please check if your .lrc file timestamp is correct.

Directly use the left mouse button to drag to the lyrics interface, the effect is to adjust the song playback progress; Holding down Ctrl+mouse scroll wheel is to fine-tune the lyrics timestamp; Holding down Ctrl+dragging is to adjust the lyrics timestamp.
always.beta: THANK YOU that works great, and I was unable to find that answer. I should have mentioned I am using the plugin with various internet radio stations. They used to mostly sync with Lyric Show Panel 3. Knowing that, do you have any other advice?

plz provide a sample stream source so I can use to reproduce.
Here are 2:

Re: NEW ESLyric v0.5 - an alternative lyric show component

Reply #14
Here are 2:
@johnra:  whether ESLyric can find lyrics for the songs these streams send depends on if the lyric web sites ESLyric searches actually contain those lyrics;  the streaming stations themselves are not sending lyrics, only the song title and artist name.

To maximize the websites ESLyric can search for the song lyrics, try what ohyeah recommended in his last post, if you are using the x86 32-bit version of Foobar/ESLyric.  If you are using the x64 64-bit version, you can't try the same setting, because Lyric Show Panel 3 can only be used on a 32-bit application.

Re: NEW ESLyric v0.5 - an alternative lyric show component

Reply #15
@ohyeah:  I use ESLyric with Foobar v2 beta 12 64-bit to find and display unsynced lyrics wthin a Foobar frame;  when it does so, it always begins the lyrics half-way down the display panel as shown below.  Is there a way to add a setting to begin the display closer to the top of the panel?  It would also be useful to have the option to search for ONLY unsynced lyrics for sites that contain both types (Musixmatch, Minilyrics).  Thanks for your attention and developing this plugin.

Re: NEW ESLyric v0.5 - an alternative lyric show component

Reply #17
Thanks for this. Love it.

Is it possible to automatically save the lyrics to the tag?

Re: NEW ESLyric v0.5 - an alternative lyric show component

Reply #18
Thanks for this. Love it.

Is it possible to automatically save the lyrics to the tag?
This feature is already there, you can check the settings item to get it

Re: NEW ESLyric v0.5 - an alternative lyric show component

Reply #19
Thanks for this. Love it.

Is it possible to automatically save the lyrics to the tag?
This feature is already there, you can check the settings item to get it
Oh that's excellent. Thank you. I hadn't seen that there was more than one page in the settings lol.

But ...

It doesn't seem to save the lyrics to the tag. It almost always just puts a .lrc file in the profile/lyrics folder. There was one exception: one track did get saved to the tag, strangely. No idea why that one and not the others?

Also, if I adjust the offset, the .lrc file doesn't seem to change, and if I play the track again, the "adjust offset" setting is back to zero again.

When you save a lyric to the tag and then adjust the offset, you can see that in the Properties dialog (as shown in the attached screenshot).

So I'd really like to make ESLyric save the lyrics to the tag, not create a file. And to make sure the "adjust offset" setting persists the next time the track is played.

Is that possible?

Re: NEW ESLyric v0.5 - an alternative lyric show component

Reply #20
Thanks for this. Love it.

Is it possible to automatically save the lyrics to the tag?
This feature is already there, you can check the settings item to get it
Oh that's excellent. Thank you. I hadn't seen that there was more than one page in the settings lol.

But ...

It doesn't seem to save the lyrics to the tag. It almost always just puts a .lrc file in the profile/lyrics folder. There was one exception: one track did get saved to the tag, strangely. No idea why that one and not the others?

Also, if I adjust the offset, the .lrc file doesn't seem to change, and if I play the track again, the "adjust offset" setting is back to zero again.

When you save a lyric to the tag and then adjust the offset, you can see that in the Properties dialog (as shown in the attached screenshot).

So I'd really like to make ESLyric save the lyrics to the tag, not create a file. And to make sure the "adjust offset" setting persists the next time the track is played.

Is that possible?
What is the format of your songs and what are the ESL settings? Can you take a screenshot of it?

Re: NEW ESLyric v0.5 - an alternative lyric show component

Reply #21
What is the format of your songs and what are the ESL settings? Can you take a screenshot of it?

Hey thanks for the quick reply.

All my tracks are mp3s with ID3v2.3 tags.

Screenshots attached.

Re: NEW ESLyric v0.5 - an alternative lyric show component

Reply #22
What is the format of your songs and what are the ESL settings? Can you take a screenshot of it?

Hey thanks for the quick reply.

All my tracks are mp3s with ID3v2.3 tags.

Screenshots attached.
Please click on the second screenshot, to the right of the location button, and click on the three dots to select the lyrics tag

Re: NEW ESLyric v0.5 - an alternative lyric show component

Reply #23
What is the format of your songs and what are the ESL settings? Can you take a screenshot of it?

Hey thanks for the quick reply.

All my tracks are mp3s with ID3v2.3 tags.

Screenshots attached.
Please click on the second screenshot, to the right of the location button, and click on the three dots to select the lyrics tag
You're a star! Thank you.