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General Audio / Re: ReplayGain metadata formatting
Last post by magicgoose -
being able to read broken RG metadata is of questionable usefulness, it is derived from audio itself so you could just drop and regenerate it.
unneeded software complexity also has a cost.
General Audio / Re: ReplayGain metadata formatting
Last post by bennetng -
@Case , I asked this because I am planning to write a software (for myself) to parse RG metadata, therefore I want to find some software actually write odd looking RG metadata so that I can have some sample files to debug my software.

Because foobar2000 writes RG metadata pretty decently, so it is not a very good candidate for debugging my software.
Listening Tests / Re: Problem with schnofler's ABC/HR Tool
Last post by Case -
Non-ascii characters that are still part of your ANSI codepage are no problem, neither are spaces (this isn't *nix). Real unicode characters in the path to the .jar file will prevent double click opening of the ABC/HR tool. But in that scenario the Java VM will give an error like "Error: Unable to access jarfile <path-to-jar-with-unicode-characters-replaced-with-question-marks>".
If you open a command prompt in the abchr.jar directory and launch it manually from there, it will work without trouble. You can even have unicode characters in the audio file names and they will be perfectly preserved in the config file in UTF-8 encoding.
General - (fb2k) / Re: Editting metadata
Last post by Case -
I don't understand what fading or graying out you talk about. In case you are not familiar with filesystem permissions, take a look here:

Edit: Do you know what file causes the error message, or are you entirely at the beginning of the troubleshooting?
Edit 2: Knowing the file causing the issue is essential. As an example I just found old thread where DTS input component incorrectly returned this error message when the actual error should have been that tagging isn't supported. We could be chasing entirely wrong thing without knowing more of the problem.
General Audio / Re: How to remove certain "noise" from an audio
Last post by Case -
The background noise that sounds like low quality vinyl is audible throughout the track with different amplitude. I don't think removing it is simple, especially as there is no part where there is only noise so one could capture some noise print.

I tested that service. The returned file has the noise partially removed in places, but in other parts the noise is still entirely present. Personally the noise is the heart of that track, without it it's not as good.

UVR5 seems to be a vocal remover. I don't see how vocal removal could help here.
General Audio / Re: ReplayGain metadata formatting
Last post by Case -
I think your hex-editing is what was the problem. You can't just alter a string length with hex-editor unless you also fix the accompanying binary fields where lengths are stored.
I manually edited ReplayGain tags with MP3Tag and reloaded the information in foobar2000 after each edit to see what is supported and what is not. No mutilation caused the RG to go missing. Even nonsense like this is fully supported:
General Music Discussion / Re: Modern tracks in mono?
Last post by Axon -
Necro, but I believe it is apropos: Margerine Eclipse by Stereolab arguably qualifies.
Margerine Eclipse was mixed with full stereo separation – or as Stereolab termed it, in "dual mono". For every song, the band made two recordings – each with a different arrangement – then created a final mix by synchronising both recordings together, with one on the left channel and the other on the right channel.
As a result, either channel, if played back in isolation, is effectively a self-standing mix in its own right.
General Audio / ReplayGain metadata formatting
Last post by bennetng -
According to the wiki:

A robust player should be prepared to parse the following variations in either replay gain or peak level metadata:

    Positive gains with leading '+'
    More or fewer significant digits than specified in any field
    Leading zeros or spaces in integer fields
    Missing or malformed 'dB' suffix (e.g. no space between numeric digits and suffix, alternate capitalization)

    Alternate capitalization of keys
Which software do the things in bold when writing files? A quick check using a hex editor seems to show that foobar2000 only does the non-bold items.
Listening Tests / Re: Problem with schnofler's ABC/HR Tool
Last post by Kamedo2 -
Have you tried placing your test configuration file in a different place? For example, directly on C:\, or in your non-C:\ storage. Folder names and file names containing non-ASCII or special characters including a space tend to cause trouble on a legacy software, so renaming and moving file might be worth trying.